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What is Docker?

It is a popular platform that enables developers to create, deploy, and manage applications in containers. It
simplifies the process of building, shipping, and running applications by leveraging containerization
technology, making it a popular choice in modern software development and deployment workflows.
Here are some key points about Docker:
1. Containerization: Docker uses containers to encapsulate applications and their dependencies,
allowing them to run consistently across different environments.
2. Isolation: Containers isolate applications from the underlying system, ensuring that they run
uniformly regardless of the environment they're deployed in.
3. Efficiency: Docker containers are lightweight and efficient, sharing the host OS's kernel and utilizing
fewer resources compared to traditional virtual machines.
4. Portability: Containers created with Docker can be easily moved and deployed across various
platforms, making them highly portable.
5. Docker Engine: It's the core component of Docker that manages containers, handling tasks like
building, running, and distributing containers across systems.
6. Dockerfile: A text file that contains instructions to build a Docker image. It defines the configuration
and dependencies required for an application to run inside a container.
7. Docker Hub: A cloud-based repository where Docker users can find, store, and share Docker images,
including official images and user-created ones.
8. Microservices: Docker facilitates the development and deployment of microservices, allowing
developers to break down applications into smaller, manageable components.
9. Orchestration: Docker provides tools like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes to manage and orchestrate
multiple containers in a clustered environment, enabling scalability and resilience.
10. DevOps Integration: Docker is widely used in DevOps practices due to its ability to streamline the
development, deployment, and collaboration processes within teams.

Images and Containers

Containers are the runtime instances of Docker images, and images serve as the immutable blueprints for
creating containers, containing all the necessary components and instructions for the application to run.
1. Isolated Environments: Containers are lightweight, portable, and isolated runtime environments that
encapsulate an application and its dependencies.
2. Resource Efficiency: They share the host system's kernel, making them more efficient than traditional
virtual machines.
3. Consistency: Provide consistent behavior across different environments by bundling everything
needed to run the application.
4. Isolation: Keep applications separate from the underlying infrastructure, ensuring they run uniformly
irrespective of the environment.
5. Run-time Instances: Created from Docker images and can be started, stopped, moved, and deleted
quickly and easily.
1. Blueprints: Docker images are read-only templates containing instructions for creating a container.
2. Layered Structure: Comprised of multiple layers representing instructions to build the image,
enabling efficiency and reuse of layers.
3. Versioned: Images are versioned, allowing developers to track changes and revert to previous
versions if needed.
4. Portable: Can be shared and used across different environments or systems, ensuring consistency in
5. Built from Dockerfile: Created using a Dockerfile that specifies the configuration and dependencies
required for an application.
Container lifecycle
The container lifecycle involves creating, starting, running, pausing, stopping, starting again, and finally
removing the container. These actions enable developers to manage and control the behavior of
applications within Docker containers.
1. Create: A container is created based on a Docker image using the docker create or docker run
command. At this stage, the container is in a created state and has its own file system, network, and
isolated environment.
2. Start: The container is started using the docker start command. The application within the container
begins executing, and it transitions to a running state.
3. Run: During this phase, the container is actively executing the application or process it was designed
for. It handles incoming requests or performs specific tasks according to its configuration.
4. Pause: The container's processes are paused without stopping the container itself, using the docker
pause command. While paused, the container's resources are temporarily halted, but it remains in the
same state.
5. Unpause: The paused container is resumed to its previous state using the docker unpause command.
Processes within the container continue running from where they were paused.
6. Stop: The container is stopped using the docker stop command. The application processes are
gracefully terminated, and the container transitions to a stopped state.
7. Start Again: A stopped container can be started again using the docker start command, returning it to
a running state.
8. Remove: The container is removed from the system using the docker rm command. This deletes the
container, its file system, and associated resources.
The container lifecycle involves creating, starting, running, pausing, stopping, starting again, and finally
removing the container. These actions enable developers to manage and control the behavior of
applications within Docker containers.

Sharing Base Images

1. Docker Hub: Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry where Docker users can find, store, and share
Docker images, including base images.
2. Public Repositories: Users can upload their Docker images, including base images, to Docker Hub as
public repositories for others to access and use.
3. Community Images: Docker Hub hosts a vast collection of official and community-contributed base
images that can be freely accessed and used by other developers.
4. Sharing Images: Developers can share Docker images with others by pushing them to Docker Hub or
another Docker registry, allowing others to pull and use these images.

Copying Base Images:

1. Dockerfile: Docker uses Dockerfiles to define the steps to build an image. Developers can specify a
base image in a Dockerfile using the FROM instruction.
2. Layered File System: Docker images are built using a layered file system, where each instruction in
the Dockerfile creates a new layer.
3. Base Image Copying: When defining a new image in a Dockerfile, the FROM instruction copies the
specified base image's layers to create the foundation for the new image.
4. Layer Reuse: Docker's layer caching mechanism optimizes builds by reusing previously built layers,
enhancing the speed of image creation.

Dockerfiles working with containers

Dockerfiles are used to define the blueprint for creating Docker images, and these images, in turn, are used
to instantiate containers, allowing applications to run consistently across different environments.
1. Creating Dockerfile: Developers create a text file named Dockerfile, which contains a series of
instructions to build a Docker image.
2. Defining Base Image: The Dockerfile typically starts with a FROM instruction, specifying the base image
from which the new image will be built. For example, FROM ubuntu:latest specifies the Ubuntu base
3. Adding Dependencies: Instructions such as RUN, COPY, and ADD are used in the Dockerfile to add
dependencies, install packages, copy files, or execute commands within the image.
4. Setting Environment Variables: Developers can use ENV instruction to set environment variables
inside the image.
5. Exposing Ports: Using EXPOSE instruction, specific ports can be exposed within the image, allowing
communication with the outside world when the container is running.
6. Defining Entry Point or Command: CMD or ENTRYPOINT instruction specifies the default command
that should be executed when a container is launched from the image.
7. Building the Image: The Dockerfile is used with the docker build command to build the Docker image.
Docker reads the instructions and creates an image following those steps.
8. Running Containers: Once the image is built, developers can create and run containers using the built
image with the docker run command.
9. Container Execution: When a container is started from an image, it executes the default command or
entry point specified in the Dockerfile. The container runs in an isolated environment with its own
filesystem, networking, and resources.
10. Reusability and Version Control: Dockerfiles offer reusability, allowing consistent and repeatable
builds. They can be version-controlled and shared, enabling collaboration among teams and facilitating
continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

Publishing Docker images on Docker Hub

It involves the following steps:
1. Create Docker Image: Develop or build the Docker image locally using a Dockerfile or by pulling an
existing image from a repository.
2. Tag the Image: Use the docker tag command to tag the image with the appropriate repository name
and version/tag.
3. Log in to Docker Hub: Use the docker login command in the terminal and provide your Docker Hub
username and password when prompted.
4. Push the Image to Docker Hub: Execute the docker push command to upload the tagged image to
Docker Hub.
5. Check Docker Hub Repository: Visit Docker Hub's website or use the Docker Hub CLI to verify that the
image has been successfully uploaded to the specified repository under your Docker Hub account.
6. Making the Image Public (Optional): If you want the image to be publicly accessible, ensure the
repository's visibility settings are set to public on Docker Hub. By default, repositories are private.

Docker Ecosystem:
The Docker ecosystem comprises various tools and services that support Docker's containerization
technology. It includes Docker Engine, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Docker Hub, Docker CLI, Docker
Registry, Docker Machine, Docker Desktop, third-party integrations, and foundational components like
Containerd and Runc.

Docker Compose:
It is a tool used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows users to describe a
set of interconnected services, their configurations, networks, and volumes using a YAML file, making it
easier to manage complex application architectures.

Docker Swarm:
It is Docker's native clustering and orchestration tool used to create and manage a cluster of Docker hosts.
It enables the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications across multiple nodes
or machines.
Managing Containers:
It involves tasks like creating, starting, stopping, pausing, and removing containers using Docker commands
or Docker APIs. It includes monitoring container health, resource allocation, and interacting with
containers for configuration changes or updates.

Running Containers:
It involves executing applications or processes within isolated environments created by Docker. Docker
runs containers based on Docker images, providing an isolated runtime environment with its own
filesystem, network, and resources.

Docker Networking and Its Types:

Docker networking enables communication between containers, services, and external networks. Types of
Docker networking include:
• Bridge network: Default network enabling communication between containers on the same host.
• Host network: Containers share the host's network stack, eliminating network isolation.
• Overlay network: Facilitates communication between containers across multiple hosts in a Docker
• MACVLAN and other advanced network types: Enable more complex networking configurations.

Docker Container Networking:

It refers to the networking capabilities provided by Docker to connect containers within various network
types. It allows containers to communicate with each other, other containers on the same host, external
networks, and services while maintaining isolation and security.

Why DevOps on Cloud:

DevOps practices on the cloud offer scalability, flexibility, and automation. Cloud platforms provide
resources on-demand, allowing for faster provisioning, automated deployments, continuous
integration/delivery, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced collaboration among development, operations, and
other teams.

Cloud Computing Introduction:

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services (like servers, storage, databases, networking,
software, analytics, and more) over the internet. It provides on-demand access to resources, allowing users
to avoid upfront infrastructure costs and scale resources as needed.

Introduction to AWS Services:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud service provider offering a vast range of services, including
compute (e.g., EC2), storage (e.g., S3), databases (e.g., RDS, DynamoDB), networking (e.g., VPC), content
delivery (e.g., CloudFront), machine learning (e.g., SageMaker), developer tools (e.g., CodeDeploy,
CodePipeline), and more. These services cater to various business needs and enable building and deploying
applications, databases, and other solutions in the cloud.

DevOps using AWS:

DevOps practices using AWS involve leveraging AWS services to implement DevOps principles such as
automation, continuous integration, continuous deployment, monitoring, and collaboration. AWS offers
tools like AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Lambda, AWS
Elastic Beanstalk, etc., which aid in setting up CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure as code, automation,
monitoring, and managing development and operations workflows in a cloud environment.

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