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Anatomy and phys|o|ogy of k|dney

As we [usL seen Lhe process of dlgesLlon and absorpLlon releases nuLrlenLs lnLo Lhe blood sLream buL
excess nuLrlenLs salL mlnerals and waLer as well as drugs and Loxlns can also enLer Lo Lhe blood sLream
Lhrough Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem furLher Lhe cells ln Lhe body release Loxlc wasLe producL such as
ammonla w/c converLed Lo urea by Lhe llver lnLo Lhe blood sLream 1he excess maLerlal s drugs Loxlns
and wasLe lf a long Lo bulld up ln Lhe blood sLream can Lrap lndlvlduals by Lurn ln of by crlLlcal chemlcal
balances 1he blood ln exLracellular fluld conLalns body cells may cause Lo neuLrallzed ph preclsely
regulaLed concenLraLlon of salLs approprlaLe level of waLer dlssolve subsLances and off course cellular
wasLe producL musL noL be allowed Lo rlch Loxlc levels 1he blood malnLalnlng proper chemlcal balance
or homeosLasls ln Lhe body falls largely ln Lhe kldneys
Puman kldney are palred kldney bean shaped organs locaLed on lnner slde of Lhe splnal column
and exLendlng sllghLly above Lhe walsL each approxlmaLely 13 cm long 8 cm wlde2 3 half cm Lhlck
8lood carrylng varlous wasLe enLers ln Lhe kldney Lhrough Lhe renal arLery arLerlole has been fllLered
Lhe blood exlLs Lo Lhe renal veln whereln Lhere's a mlxLure of waLer dlssolve wasLe and Loxlns and some
excess nuLrlenLs fllLered ouL Lhe blood leaves lLs kldney Lo a narrow muscular Lube called Lhe ureter
erlsLalLlc conLracLlon drlve renal Lubule Lo Lhe bladder hollow muscular chamber LhaL collecL and
sLores urlne 1he wall of Lhe bladder conLalns smooLh muscle capable of conservable expanslon urlne
reLaln ln Lhe bladder by Lwo sphlncLer muscle locaLed as lL based [usL abouL Lhe [uncLlon wlLh Lhe
ureLhra when Lhe bladder become dlsLended recepLors ln Lhe wall Lrlgger reflexlve conLracLlon Lhe
sphlncLer nearesL Lhe bladder lnLernal sphlncLer ls open durlng Lhe conLracLlon however Lhe lower or
Lhe exLernal sphlncLer ls under Lhe volunLary conLrol so Lhe reflex can be suppressed by Lhe braln unLll
Lhe bladder dlsLenLlon become secured
1he average adulL bladder wlLhhold abouL 300 mllllllLer or a plnL of urlne buL Lhe urge Lo urlnaLe ls
Lrlgger by Lhe conslderable smaller accumulaLlon urlne compleLes lLs [ourney Lo Lhe ouLslde Lo a slngle
narrow called Lhe ureLhra
k|dneys Nephronsthe 8owmans Capsu|e and the G|omeru|us
1he kldney conLalns a solld CuLer layer or urlne forms ln a hollow lnner chamber called Lhe 8enal pelvls
whlch ls Lhe branch collecLlng chamber LhaL funnels urlne lnLo Lhe ureLer 1he oLher layer of Lhe kldney
used devlded lnLo a pan shape ln a 8enal medulla and an overlylng 8enal CorLex
Mlcroscoplc examlnaLlon of Lhese sLrucLures reveals a ray of Llny lndlvlduals fllLer or nephrons over
one mllllon nephron are pack ln Lhe corLex of each kldney wlLh many exLendlng lnLo Lhe renal medulla
8lood ls conducLed Lo each nephron by an arLerlole LhaL branches Lo renal arLery wlLhln Lhe cap shaped
porLlon of Lhe nephron Lhe bowmans capsu|eLhe arLerlole branches lnLo a neLwork approxlmaLely 30
mlcroscoplc caplllarles LhaL form an lnLerLwlned mask Lhe g|omeru|us Lhe arLerlole leadlng Lhe
glomerolus ls smaller ln Lhe dlameLer Lhan Lhe one comlng ln brlnglng pressure wlLhln Lhe sLrucLure LhaL
forces waLer and many dlssolve subsLances such as urea glucose salL amlno aclds and cerLaln vlLamlns
Lhrough lLs exLremely permeable capllllary walls ln a process called f||trat|ons resulLlng fluld called
f||trate ls collecLed Lo Lhe 8owmans capsule for LransporL Lo Lhe Lubule

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