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Funciones de MySQL

Note: Muchas funciones de MySQL aceptan link_identifier como ltimo parmetro. Si no se proviene, se utilizar la ltima conexin abierta. Si esta no existe, se intentar establecer conexin con el parmetro predeterminado definido en php.ini. Si no hay xito, las funciones devuelven FALSE

Table of Contents

mysql_affected_rows Obtiene el nmero de filas afectadas en la anterior operacin de MySQL mysql_client_encoding Devuelve el nombre de la coleccin de caracteres mysql_close Cierra la conexin de MySQL mysql_connect Abre una conexin al servidor MySQL mysql_create_db Crea una base de datos MySQL mysql_data_seek Mueve el apuntador interno del resultado mysql_db_name Obtiene los datos del resultado mysql_db_query Enva una consulta MySQL mysql_drop_db Omite (elimina) una base de datos MySQL mysql_errno Devuelve un mensaje de error con un valor numrico de la operacin anterior con MySQL mysql_error Devuelve el texto con error del mensaje de la anterior operacin MySQL mysql_escape_string Escapa una cadena para ser usada en mysql_query mysql_fetch_array Recupera una fila de resultado como un array asociativo, un array numrico o como ambos mysql_fetch_assoc Recupera una fila de resultado como un array asociativo mysql_fetch_field Obtiene la informacin de una columna desde un resultado y la devuelve como un objeto mysql_fetch_lengths Obtiene la longitud de cada salida en un resultado mysql_fetch_object Recupera una fila de resultado como un array objeto mysql_fetch_row Recupera una fila de resultado como un array numrico mysql_field_flags Obtiene los flags asociados con el campo especificado en un resultado mysql_field_len Devuelve la longitud del campo especificado mysql_field_name Obtiene el nombre del campo especificado en un resultado mysql_field_seek Establece el apuntador del resultado en un nmero de campo especficado mysql_field_table Obtiene el nombre de la tabla en la que est el campo especificado mysql_field_type Obtiene el tipo del campo especificado en un resultado mysql_free_result Libera la memoria del resultado mysql_get_client_info Obtener informacin del cliente MySQL mysql_get_host_info Obtener informacin de la mquina anfitriona MySQL

mysql_get_proto_info Obtener informacin del protocolo MySQL mysql_get_server_info Obtener informacin del servidor MySQL mysql_info Obtiene informacin sobre la consulta ms reciente mysql_insert_id Obtiene la ID generada en la ltima consulta mysql_list_dbs Lista de las bases de datos disponibles en un servidor MySQL mysql_list_fields Lista los campos del resultado de MySQL mysql_list_processes Lista los procesos MySQL mysql_list_tables Lista las tablas de una base de datos MySQL mysql_num_fields Obtiene el nmero de campos en un resultado mysql_num_rows Obtener el nmero de filas de un resultset mysql_pconnect Abre una conexin persistente a un servidor MySQL mysql_ping Efectuar un chequeo de respuesta (ping) sobre una conexin de servidor o reconectarse si no hay conexin mysql_query Enviar una consulta MySQL mysql_real_escape_string Escapa caracteres especiales en una cadena para ser usado en una sentencia SQL mysql_result Obtener datos de resultado mysql_select_db Seleccionar una base de datos MySQL mysql_set_charset Establece el conjunto de caracteres del cliente mysql_stat Obtiene el status actual del sistema mysql_tablename Obtiene el nombre de la tabla de un campo mysql_thread_id Devuelve el ID del hilo actual mysql_unbuffered_query Enva una consulta SQL a MySQL, sin recuperar ni colocar en bfer las filas de resultado


Ejemplo general de la extensin MySQL

Last updated: Fri, 27 May 2011 Funciones de MySQL Vladimir Kosmala 27-Oct-2010 09:57
add a note User Contributed Notes Here a mysql helper containing the main functions of the mysql extension. It's easy to understand for a beginner and quite useful because queries are secure. It understands what you want, just write your sql query. I called it mysql_magic. <?php // Examples $nb_affected = mysql_magic('delete from users'); $nb = mysql_magic('select count(*) from users'); $one_row = mysql_magic('select * from users limit 1'); $all_rows = mysql_magic('select * from users where name = ?', 'John'); $id = mysql_magic('insert into users(name,rank) values(?,?)', 'Vincent', 3); ?> <?php // Usage: mysql_magic($query [, $arg...]); function mysql_magic() { global $dblink, $sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass, $sqlbase;

$narg = func_num_args(); $args = func_get_args(); if (!$dblink) { $dblink = mysql_connect( $sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass ); mysql_select_db( $sqlbase, $dblink ); } $req_sql = array_shift($args); $req_args = $args; $req_query = mysql_bind($req_sql, $req_args); $req_result = mysql_query($req_query); if (!$req_result) { trigger_error(mysql_error()); return false; } if (startsWith($req_sql, 'delete') || startsWith($req_sql, 'update')) { return mysql_affected_rows(); // -1 || N } else if (startsWith($req_sql, 'insert')) { return mysql_insert_id(); // ID || 0 || FALSE } else if (endsWith($req_sql, 'limit 1')) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($req_result); // [] || FALSE } else if (startsWith($req_sql, 'select count(*)')) { $line = mysql_fetch_row($req_result); return $line[0]; // N } else { return mysql_fetch_all($req_result); // [][] } } function mysql_bind($sql, $values=array()) { foreach ($values as &$value) $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); $sql = vsprintf( str_replace('?', "'%s'", $sql), $values); return $sql; } function mysql_fetch_all($result) { $resultArray = array(); while(($resultArray[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) || array_pop($resultArray)); return $resultArray; }

function startsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=false) { if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);} return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0); } function endsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=false) { if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);} return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) strlen($needle)),$needle)===0); } ?> Don't forget to set $sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass and $sqlbase. With help of : mysql_bind : http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escapestring.php#96391 mysql_fetch_all : http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-fetchassoc.php#90030 trigger_error may be enhanced with this tip : http://php.net/manual/en/function.trigger-error.php#98910

Chris Parsons 29-May-2009 10:36

Here is a function for preventing a MySQL query timeout. Add a temporary table to the database: CREATE TABLE `temp_table` ( `ID` DOUBLE , `temp` BLOB ); Call this function in every iteration of any long loops in your code (it will only be run at a maximum once every 15 seconds, regardless of how often the function is called): <?php //insert and delete something from the temp_table table to prevent a timeout function preventMySQLTimeout() { static $timeoutCounter = 0; if(time() - $timeoutCounter > 15) { //perform 3 types of operations to keep the connection from timing out! :-) mysql_query("SELECT * FROM temp_table"); //SELECT mysql_query("DELETE FROM temp_table"); //DELETE mysql_query("INSERT INTO temp_table (temp) VALUES ('" . rand(1,200000) . "')"); //INSERT $timeoutCounter = time(); echo "\n<br>preventMySQLTimeout() ATTEMPT\n<br>"; }

} ?> MySQL has multiple timeout counters, one for inserts, and one for deletes, and I could not find a way to extend them in PHP. Please note that this is a different issue entirely than the 'connect' timeout. Every 15 seconds, this function will insert, select, and delete a row from the temporary table, thus preventing a query timeout. Good Luck!

joachimb at gmail dot com 16-May-2008 04:28

Lazy Man's Logging: <?php /// Creates a table called $table as (id, when, message) if none such exists, and inserts a row with $message in it. /// If no connection details are given, it uses the current database connection. Same goes for $database and $when. /// /// @returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. /// /// @example mysql_put_contents("orders", "I CAN HAZ CHEEZBURGER?", "mysite", NULL, "", "mysite_user", "secret") or die(mysql_error()); /// @example mysql_put_contents("guestbook", "Longcat says: I'm loooooooooooong") or die("Errorz!"); function mysql_put_contents($table, $message, $database = NULL, $when = NULL, $host = NULL, $user = NULL, $pass = NULL) { if($host) mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if($database) mysql_select_db($database); $qry = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `when` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), `message` TEXT NOT NULL );"; $result = mysql_query($qry); if($result === FALSE) return FALSE; $qry = "INSERT INTO `$table` VALUES(NULL, ".($when ? $when : 'NULL').", '".mysql_real_escape_string($message)."');"; $result = mysql_query($qry); if($result === FALSE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } ?>

dhirendrak at yahoo dot com 05-Feb-2008 01:03

<?php # Created by dhirendra can be reached at dhirendrak at yahoo dot com # This script is created to check the data difference between two tables # when the structure of both tables are same. # Limitation :

# 1) Structure of both tables should be same. # 2) Name of both table should be different but if same than obviously # second table should be if different database. # 3) If use two database than both database permission should be same # as i am using aliases to get the information. # # USES:: # 1) This may be useful when you did some changes in your existing # script and you expect the certain output. So with the help of this # function you may compare the impact due to your changes in script. # # $host=""; # host name or ip address $user=""; # database user name $pass=""; # database password $database=""; # dateabase name with which you want to connect # get connection with mysql $dblink = @mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); # select and open database mysql_select_db($database,$dblink); $db1="< your db1 >"; // first database // second database if database are same for both tables than use the same as db1 $db2="< your db2 >"; $table1="< your table1 >"; // first table // second table if database is same for both tables than table name # must be different but fields name are same and order of the fields are same. $table2="< your table2 >"; // function starts here function table_data_difference($first,$second) { global $dblink; $sql1 = "SHOW FIELDS FROM $first"; $result = mysql_query($sql1,$dblink) or die("Having error in execution 1 ==".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $from_fields[]=$row->Field; } $sql="select * from $first"; $res=mysql_query($sql,$dblink) or die("Having error in execution 2==".mysql_error()); $j=1; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $num=count($from_fields); $sql_next="select $second.* from $second where"; for($i=0;$i < $num;$i++)

{ $sql_next=$sql_next." ".$second.".".$from_fields[$i]."='".$row[$from_fields[$i]]."' and "; } $sql_next=substr($sql_next,0,strlen($sql_next)-5); $res_next=mysql_query($sql_next,$dblink) or die("Having error in execution 3==".mysql_error()); $num1=mysql_num_rows($res_next); if($num1==0) { for($i=0;$i < count($from_fields);$i++) { $val=$val."<br>".$from_fields[$i]."=".$row[$from_fields[$i]]; } // Display the record which are not matched. echo "<br>\n".$j.".".$val; echo "<br>----------------------------------------------------"; $j++; } } } $first=$db1.'.'.$table1; $second=$db2.'.'.$table2; table_data_difference($first,$second); ?>

matiyahoo-publico at yhoo dot com dot ar 17-Nov-2007 10:26

David: In this line: $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username REGEXP '$username[0-9*]'"; PHP may read $username[, *including* the open square bracket, and may think you are trying to get into an array. You should use this instead: $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username REGEXP '${username}[0-9*]'"; Or maybe this: $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username REGEXP '$username" . "[0-9*]'";

david at kiwi dot com 09-Nov-2007 10:13

I am wanting to increment usernames which are to be alphabetic characters A-Z or a-z and if someone uses "abc" it will automatically be given "abc1" and the next applicant to apply for that same username will automatically be given "abc2", the next "abc3" and so on. If I enter the following into MySQL;

SELECT username FROM users WHERE username REGEXP 'abc[0-9*]'; the result is abc1 abc2 abc3 I have been given the following script from another forum but it does not work; <?php $username = 'abc'; $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username LIKE '$username%'"; $res = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $n = str_replace($username, '', $row['username']); if ($old_n+1!=$n) { $new_user = $username . ($old_n+1); break; } } ?> In addition to the script not working the "LIKE" function would not be suitable because if a username was applied as "blue" it would pick up usernames "blue1" and "bluebird1" therefore it appears as if "REGEXP '$username[0-9*]' is the only or correct option. I have tried the REGEXP option in association with the balance of the code but it appears as if PHP will not interact with the "[" and "]" in the following; $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username REGEXP '$username[0-9*]'";

SID TRIVEDI 07-Nov-2007 06:33

<?php /* MySQL (Community) Server Installation on 32-bit Windows XP running Apache On Windows, the recommended way to run MySQL is to install it as a Windows service, whereby MySQL starts and stops automatically when Windows starts and stops. A MySQL server installed as a service can also be controlled from the command line commands, or with the graphical Services utility like phpMyAdmin. PHP ---> MySQL CONNECTORS (php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll as extensions) MySQL provides the mysql and mysqli extensions for the Windows operating system on http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/php/ for MySQL version 4.1.16 and higher, MySQL 5.0.18, and MySQL 5.1. As with enabling any PHP extension in php.ini (such as php_mysql.dll), the PHP directive extension_dir should be set to the directory where the PHP extensions are located. MySQL is no longer enabled by default, so the php_mysql.dll DLL must be enabled inside of php.ini. Also, PHP needs access to the MySQL client library. A file named libmysql.dll is included in the Windows PHP distribution and in order for PHP to talk to MySQL this file needs

to be available to the Windows systems PATH. Following PHP Script is useful to test PHP connection with MySQL. */ //$connect = mysql_connect("Your Host Name", "MySQL root directory", 'MySQL password, if any'); //$connect = mysql_connect("Host Name or Address -", "root", 'password'); $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", 'password'); if ($connect){ echo "Congratulations!\n<br>"; echo "Successfully connected to MySQL database server.\n<br>"; }else{ $error = mysql_error(); echo "Could not connect to the database. Error = $error.\n<br>"; exit(); } // Closing connection $close = mysql_close($connect); if ($close){ echo "\n<br>"; echo "Now closing the connection...\n<br>"; echo "MySQL connection closed successfully as well.\n<br>"; }else{ echo "There's a problem in closing MySQL connection.\n<br>"; } exit(); ?>

rad14701 at yahoo dot com 14-Oct-2007 02:01

@Amanda 12-Oct-2007 09:58 I almost had to ask myself if this was a real question... If the MySQL server rejects the connection attempt then, yes, MySQL would be able to send back an error to PHP... And if PHP can't access the target MySQL server at all then it is also smart enough to issue the appropriate error all by itself...

arnold_dba 13-Oct-2007 08:36

Also, to secure MySQL data and to be able to comply with PCI standards, you should encrypt the data. There are many ways to do it. For hackers, you can use dm-crypt (www.saout.de/misc/dm-crypt) tool. It is basically used to encrypt the whole partition. If you want a sophisticated solution go with Security-GENERAL for MySQL from packet general (www.packetgeneral.com) On windows, you can use disk encryption feature provided by windows itself or tool like trucrypt (www.truecrypt.org)

DuiMDog 02-Sep-2007 05:19

On 11-Apr-2007 admin at mihalism dot com posted an 'easy to use MySqlclass'. In my opinion there is a bug in the get_affected_rows-function. It refers to query-id, but it should refer to connect-id instead. The corrected function should be: function get_affected_rows($connect_id = ""){ if($connect_id == NULL){ $return = mysql_affected_rows($this->connect_id); }else{ $return = mysql_affected_rows($connect_id); } if(!$return){

$this->error(); }else{ return $return; } }

atk2 at hotmail dot com 14-Jun-2007 10:56

After finally getting IIS, PHP, and MySQL on a new Windows XP machine, I decided to write the steps I took so you can see how it was done: http://www.atksolutions.com/articles/install_php_mysql_iis.html Hope this helps.

tomasz dot rup at gmail dot com 16-Apr-2007 06:14

Correct algorithm to generate MySQL password hash is: <?php function mysql_password($passStr) { $nr=0x50305735; $nr2=0x12345671; $add=7; $charArr = preg_split("//", $passStr); foreach ($charArr as $char) { if (($char == '') || ($char == ' ') || ($char == '\t')) continue; $charVal = ord($char); $nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $charVal) + ($nr << 8); $nr &= 0x7fffffff; $nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr; $nr2 &= 0x7fffffff; $add += $charVal; } return sprintf("%08x%08x", $nr, $nr2); } ?>

Nobody Special 14-Apr-2007 01:20

This PHP5-only class is used so that $db isn't passed. Kudos to arjen at queek dot nl for example. <?php class SQL { private $db; public function __construct($host="localhost",$user="root",$pass="",$db="") { $this->db = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if(!$this->db) die(@mysql_error()); if($db != "") $dbs = @mysql_select_db($db); if(!$dbs) die(@mysql_error()); } public function __destruct() { @mysql_close($db); } public function __call($function, $arguments) { array_push($arguments, $this->db); $return = call_user_func_array("mysql_".$function, $arguments); if(!$return) die(@mysql_error()); } } $db = new SQL(); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM this_table WHERE my_variable='1'");

$fetch = $db->fetch_array($query); print_r($fetch); ?>

mega-squall at caramail dot com 13-Apr-2007 04:35

For Windows users, please note: If apache is installed as a service, and you change PATH variable so it can reach libmysql.dll, you will need to reboot your machine in order to have changes applied.

admin at mihalism dot com 11-Apr-2007 09:48

Heres a easy to use MySQL class for any website <?php class mysql_db{ //+======================================================+ function sql_connect($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword, $database){ $this->connect_id = mysql_connect($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword); if($this->connect_id){ if (mysql_select_db($database)){ return $this->connect_id; }else{ return $this->error(); } }else{ return $this->error(); } } //+======================================================+ function error(){ if(mysql_error() != ''){ echo '<b>MySQL Error</b>: '.mysql_error().'<br/>'; } } //+======================================================+ function query($query){ if ($query != NULL){ $this->query_result = mysql_query($query, $this>connect_id); if(!$this->query_result){ return $this->error(); }else{ return $this->query_result; } }else{ return '<b>MySQL Error</b>: Empty Query!'; } } //+======================================================+ function get_num_rows($query_id = ""){ if($query_id == NULL){ $return = mysql_num_rows($this->query_result); }else{ $return = mysql_num_rows($query_id); } if(!$return){ $this->error(); }else{ return $return; }

} //+======================================================+ function fetch_row($query_id = ""){ if($query_id == NULL){ $return = mysql_fetch_array($this->query_result); }else{ $return = mysql_fetch_array($query_id); } if(!$return){ $this->error(); }else{ return $return; } } //+======================================================+ function get_affected_rows($query_id = ""){ if($query_id == NULL){ $return = mysql_affected_rows($this->query_result); }else{ $return = mysql_affected_rows($query_id); } if(!$return){ $this->error(); }else{ return $return; } } //+======================================================+ function sql_close(){ if($this->connect_id){ return mysql_close($this->connect_id); } } //+======================================================+ } /* Example */ $DB = new mysql_db(); $DB->sql_connect('sql_host', 'sql_user', 'sql_password', 'sql_database_name'); $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `members`"); $DB->sql_close(); ?>

26-Jan-2007 03:14
Note, that the sql.safe_mode configuration setting does effect all mysql_* functions. This has nothing to to with the php safe mode, check the [SQL] section in php.ini. I found out, that if you set sql.safe_mode = On, mysql_connect will ignore provided username and passwort and makes use of the script owner instead (checked on debian).

ravenal at uniphix dot com 27-Nov-2006 04:37

I was working with a friend of mine and he happened wanted to sort data based on the column names, well this function will basically sort the Field Names in ABC order and then from there on it'll add the data based on the field names assigned to... You can use this to create easily forms and exclude what you don't want to be as entered data or sort it based on what order you want...

<?php /* * By Benjamin Willard (c) 2006 * * Sorts a Field by the Column Name (in ABC Order) * * @param string : Table Name of where to Display the Values * @param integer : Database Link * (Optional) @param array : This will sort whatever you wish to be displayed on the top of the list * (Optional) @param array : This will exclude what you do not want displayed * * return @param array : Returns an Array of the Column Data * [Usage] * mysql_sort_field_column( string tablename, int database_link [, array sortfirst, array exclude] ) * [Example] * $array = mysql_sort_field_column( "test", $c, array( "id", "name" ), array( "password" ) ); * * [Output] * Array * ( * [0] => id * [Field] => id * [1] => int(11) * [Type] => int(11) * [2] => * [Null] => * [3] => PRI * [Key] => PRI * [4] => * [Default] => * [5] => auto_increment * [Extra] => auto_increment * ) * [id] => 1; * */ function mysql_sort_field_column( $tablename, $link, $sortfirst = '', $exclude = '' ) { $show=mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename", $link); $array=array(); while( $fetch = mysql_fetch_array($show ) ) { $array[$fetch['Field']] = $fetch; } ksort($array); if( $sortfirst ) { if( is_array($sortfirst) ) { $newarray = array(); foreach( $sortfirst AS $i2 => $v )

$newarray[$v] = $array[$v]; foreach( $array AS $index => $val2 ) { if( in_array($index, $sortfirst ) ) continue; $newarray[$index] = $val2; } $array = $newarray; } } if( $exclude ) { if( is_array($exclude) ) { $out = array(); foreach( $array AS $index2 => $val2 ) { if( in_array( $index2, $exclude ) ) continue; $out[$index2] = $val2; } $array = $out; } } return $array; } ?>

mdhafen at x.washk12.org 19-Oct-2006 01:00

In response to martijn at elicit dot nl Actually it is possible as a query, even with an auto_increment key field. Like so... INSERT INTO tablename ( list, of, ALL, similar, columns ) ( SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE somefield = 'somevalue' ) That should work.

martijn at elicit dot nl 29-Aug-2006 02:52

Keeping history records usually requires you to duplicate rows. With standard MySQL syntax you can create a query like this: INSERT INTO tablename SELECT

* FROM tablename WHERE somefield = 'somevalue' The problem is that this won't work if you are using an auto_numbering key id field. There is no way to do this with standard MySQL syntax and I haven't been able to find a standard php function as well. So here's the function I wrote for that very purpose: <?php // function to create a duplicate record in a table with 1 auto_increment id. function mysql_duplicate_record($table, $id_field, $id) { // load original record into array $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $id_field . ' = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1;'; $r = mysql_query( $query ) or die('Error, query failed. ' . mysql_error()); $ar = mysql_fetch_array( $r, MYSQL_ASSOC ); // insert new record and get new auto_increment id mysql_query ('LOCK TABLES ' . $table . ' WRITE;') or die('Error, query failed. ' . mysql_error()); mysql_query ('INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' ( `' . $id_field . '` ) VALUES ( NULL );') or die('Error, query failed. ' . mysql_error()); $id = mysql_insert_id(); mysql_query ('UNLOCK TABLES;') or die('Error, query failed. ' . mysql_error()); // update new record with values from previous record $query = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET '; while ($value = current($ar)) { if (key($ar) != $id_field) { $query .= '`'.key($ar).'` = "'.$value.'", '; } next($ar); } $query = substr($query,0,strlen($query)-2).' '; $query .= 'WHERE ' . $id_field . ' = "' . $id . '" LIMIT 1;'; mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed. ' . mysql_error()); // return the new id return $id; } ?>

davesteinb at yahoo dot com 13-Aug-2006 05:32

I made this function to reduce DB calls. You can store Mysql results in a session var and sort the results on any column. Might work nice in an AJAX app. <? function mysql_sort($results, $sort_field, $dir="ASC") {

$temp_array = array(); $i=0; foreach ($results as $res) { $temp_array[$i] = $res[$sort_field]; $i++; } if ($dir=="ASC") { asort($temp_array); } else { arsort($temp_array); } $new_results = array(); $i=0; foreach($temp_array as $k => $v) { $new_results[$i] = $results[$k]; $i++; } ksort($new_results); return $new_results; } //use if (count($_SESSION["res"])==0) { $_SESSION["res"] = [GET DATABASE RESULTS HOWEVER YOU MAY] } $_SESSION["res"] = mysql_sort($_SESSION["res"], $_REQUEST["sort"], $_REQUEST["dir"]); ?> <table> <tr> <td><a href="page.php?sort=f_name&dir=<? echo ($_REQUEST["dir"]=="ASC") ? "DESC":"ASC"; ?>">First</a></td> <td><a href="page.php?sort=l_name&dir=<? echo ($_REQUEST["dir"]=="ASC") ? "DESC":"ASC"; ?>">Last</a></td> </tr> <? foreach ($_SESSION["res"] as $r) {?> <tr> <td><?=$r["f_name"]?></td> <td><?=$r["l_name"]?></td> </tr> <? } ?> </table>

richard at NOSPAM dot dimax dot com 19-Jul-2006 06:58

In response to Conrad Decker's post below: If your tables contain foreign key constraints you will not be able to properly restore from a datafile created by mysqldump. mysqldump dumps table data in alphabetical order, not in the logical order required by the foreign key constraints.

vbolshov at rbc dot ru 10-Jul-2006 01:27

I have recently ran into a problem with configuring php extensions related to mysql (namely, mysql and pdo_mysql). Later I've discovered that it wasn't a PHP problem but that of MySQL - libmysqlclient doesn't ship with binary downloads. I've built MySQL from sources and both extensions then compiled successfully.

Conrad Decker 23-May-2006 03:56

In regards to the previous post...you should actually be able to pipe a mysql dump directly back into mysql. From the command line something like mysql -u username -p databasename < mysqldumpfilename should rebuild the database. There are some additional options one can use, and I believe mysqldump from different versions of mysql may not be completely compatible.

sb at stephenbrooks dot org 01-May-2006 03:43

I'm in the process of changing web hosts and my previous host provided a "dump" of the database in the form of a sequence of SQL requests that (I assume) have to be executed in order to rebuild the database on another system. It was generated using "MySQL dump 9.11". Queries are finished by a semicolon and linefeed, while comment-lines begin with a double hyphen. The script below opens a connection to an SQL server and loads a dump file $file of this format into the database $dest_db. function load_db_dump($file,$sqlserver,$user,$pass,$dest_db) { $sql=mysql_connect($sqlserver,$user,$pass); mysql_select_db($dest_db); $a=file($file); foreach ($a as $n => $l) if (substr($l,0,2)=='--') unset($a[$n]); $a=explode(";\n",implode("\n",$a)); unset($a[count($a)-1]); foreach ($a as $q) if ($q) if (!mysql_query($q)) {echo "Fail on '$q'"; mysql_close($sql); return 0;} mysql_close($sql); return 1; } This may not be watertight if the ";\n" sequence appears inside queries, but I hope it helps others who are in posession of such dumps.

caladorn at ugcs dot caltech dot edu 19-Apr-2006 02:33

After configuring php.ini as outlined above (set the extension_dir variable and uncomment the appropriate mysql library) I kept receiving the following error on every Apache restart: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library './ext\\php_mysql.dll' After trawling the web, most suggestions seemed to center on copying the libmysql.dll from the php install directory to c:\windows\system32. While this can work, it can also complicate future upgrades, since you'll always have to copy the new libmysql.dll to insure proper operation. Instead, if you run a search for "libmysql.dll", you'll likely find several versions in various directories. After removing the older (smaller) versions from the other directories in my PATH, (c:\windows, c:\windows\system32) - and making sure the php install directory was in the PATH, apache/php was able to successfully locate the correct DLL and start without errors. Hopefully someone will find this helpful. ;)

Nathan Brizzee 03-Apr-2006 12:42

Hi, For all those who may still be struggling to get PHP to work with Windows and IIS, I finally found something that works. If you are getting the error message that function mysql_connect could not be found and you're sure you enabled php_mysql in php.ini this is what finally solved my problem. The post from mmw_canada at yahoo dot com on 10-Jul-2005 06:15 pointed me in the right direction. Thanks mmw_canada! 1.) If you are connected to your Windows box via Remote Desktop, there is a switch to Remote Desktop that will connect you to the console session. This is important because when IIS starts up, it's error messages go to the console. If you are sitting at the physical machine, you can ignore this step. Here is the command mstsc -v:10.192.186.xxx /F -console

For a more complete list of supported commands, type this at a dos command window: mstsc /? 2.) Add a registry entry that tells PHP where to find its php.ini file. Copy the following text and paste it in a text file. Rename the text file to something like phpini.reg and double-click it to add it to your registry. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\PHP] "IniFilePath"="C:\\\\PHP" 2.) Add c:\\php; (or wherever you unzipped PHP to) to your environment variable "Path". Here is the important part that caused me hours and hours of grief. When adding c:\\php; to the PATH environment variable, make SURE you add it BEFORE the path to CVSNT or MYSQL. PHP, CVSNT, and MYSQL all have a file called libmysql.dll. Search order is important for PHP to find its file libmysql.dll first. PHP must come first in the search path. Otherwise you will get an error from the DLL on the console screen when IIS starts up saying it can't find the specified function call. To see the order of your environment variables, open up a dos window and type "set" and press enter. Look at what Path is equal to. c:\\php; better come before cvsnt and mysql or it will never work properly. Hope this helps!

brjann at gmail dot com 01-Apr-2006 03:11

After tearing my eyes out in frustration, I've finally found a way to enable extensions that always works for me. It's pretty straightforward. 1. Download the latest zip-version of PHP. 2. Delete (or backup) the contents of your PHP folder (usually c:\php). (remember to save any ext's not included in the zip) 3. Copy everything in the zip-file into your PHP folder 4. Be sure that extension_dir is set to "./ext" in php.ini 5. Enable whichever extensions you want to use in php.ini

I guess that deleting everything is quite unnecessary, the important thing is that the php.exe and extensions in the same zip are of compatible versions. I've never found any need to change the PATH environment variable. Hope it helps!

yp 15-Mar-2006 04:08
when using Fedora Core linux Mysql rpm installation. Configure as following to load the mysql header files. ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/ Remember to do make clean to remove old configurations before compile

php comments of fuzzyworm co., uk 17-Feb-2006 05:13

If you want to get PHP working nicely with MySQL, even with Apache, under Windows based systems, try XAMPP, from Apache Friends. It saves messing about with config files, which is the only major problem with trying to get the three to work together under windows. http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html

sabin at sabin dot com dot np 14-Feb-2006 06:29

php_mysql.dll and libmysql.dll for windows systems can be downloaded from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/php/ It can be useful to those who are using the PHP Windows installer, which does not have any external extensions included.

elliotthird at tiscali dot co dot uk 03-Feb-2006 11:20

Oops! Don't use that one, use this: <?php class database { function database($server, $username, $password, $database) { $this->connection = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password); if (!$this->connection || !mysql_select_db($database, $this>connection)) { return false; } else { return true; } } function query($sql, $type = MYSQL_BOTH) { $query = mysql_query($sql, $this->connection); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) { $return[] = $row; } return $return; } } /* Change this to reflect your database setup */ $database = new database('localhost', 'root', '', 'forum'); if (!$database) { exit('Could not connect to the database!'); } ?>

jeremy hepler 20-Dec-2005 02:12

For those of you on an OS that has older mysql libs and want to properly authenticate to the modern mysql versions, without the OLD_PASSWORD hack; compile php with where you have installed the latest mysql binary package: ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql

if you have mysql installed on seperate server, just drop it into the target directory on what ever machine you are compiling it on. Be sure to "make clean" before building or it may look in the previous place. Use the output of mysql_get_client_info(); to test before and after.

Joe Greklek 15-Dec-2005 03:15

I've seen alot of newbies getting frustrated over the extenstions not being installed initially, so heres a quick tut for Windows. It's ok to use the php5 installer. Just be sure to also grab the .zip or "manual" version of php5. Install it like any other app. It's pretty straight forward. Don't forget to set the securities mentioned in the last message box at the end of the install. Next, If you installed php to c:\php then you will need to add this to your PATH environment variable. This is a very important step. Now open up the .zip manual version of php5 and extract the ext folder, and "libmysql.dll" to "c:\php\". You *MUST* set your security permissions on libmysql.dll and the ext folder to READ/READ&EXECUTE for IUSR_"MACHINE_NAME". like my machine is called master<acct = IUSR_MASTER>. If you don't do this you will recieve an ******.dll - Access Denied. type message. Next edit your php.ini file usually located in c:\windows\. Find the line for extension_dir variable and make it say extension_dir = "c:\php\ext\" Then scroll down a little bit and find the lines that say ;extension=php_mbstring.dll ;extension=php_bz2.dll ;extension=php_curl.dll ;extension=php_dba.dll ;extension=php_dbase.dll ;extension=php_exif.dll ;extension=php_fdf.dll ;extension=php_filepro.dll ;extension=php_gd2.dll ;extension=php_gettext.dll ;extension=php_ifx.dll just remove the semicolin for each extension you would like loaded. Such as extention=php_mysql.dll and so on. Now just reboot and all should be well. Query away. you basically only need to reboot to update the PATH environment variable. Hope this helps at least 1 person.:)

phil at pelanne dot com 03-Nov-2005 09:46

If you are experiencing extremely slow connections to MySQL from PHP from a Windows 2003 Server it may well not be PHP or IIS - try loading mysql in in 'skip-name-resolve'-Mode. It may mean the difference between a 10 second load time and a split second load time.

Jonathon Hibbard 21-Sep-2005 12:47

This is a small function I wrote to handle queries on a table. It can query a table, order and sort, and supports inner joins. This function also returns the result as a single row or all rows. Enjoy : <?php /** * Selects Fields from a database/table. * Also supports INNER JOINS, GROUP BY, ORDER BY. * * @Author : Jonathon Hibbard * * @param string $db_name //Name of Database * @param string $table //Name of Table * @param array $fields //Field Names we want to select * @param array $inner //Fields to be INNER JOINED * @param array $where //WHERE fields. * @param string $group_by //Field to group by. * @param string $order_by //Field to order by * @param string $asc //Asc or Desc order * @param string $return_array //Defines $rst as an array or single row * @return $rst //Returns the result * * @example : (1) getFields('mytool','master', * 'array('master.master_id','master.fname_id')); * (2) getFields('mytool','master', * 'array('master.master_id','master.fname_id', * 'fname.fname'), array(0=>array('mytool', * 'fname','master','fname_id',)), * 'master.default_value <> "", false); * (3) getFields('mytool','master','master.master_id',NULL, * 'master.fname_id = "3",NULL,NULL,NULL,false); */ function getFields($db_name=NULL,$table=NULL,$fields=NULL,$inner=NULL, $where=NULL,$group_by=NULL,$order_by=NULL,$asc=NULL, $return_array=true) { $C_NAME = __CLASS__."::".__FUNCTION__; $sql = "SELECT "; is_array($fields) ? $sql .= implode(',',$fields) : $sql .= $fields; $sql .= " FROM ".$db_name.".".$table; if(!empty($inner)) { $total_inners = count($inner); for($i=0; $i<$total_inners; $i++) $sql .= " INNER JOIN ".$inner[$i][0].".".$inner[$i][1]." ON ".$inner[$i][1].".".$inner[$i][2]." = ".$inner[$i][3].".".$inner[$i][2]; } if(!empty($where)) { is_array($where) ? $sql .= " WHERE ".implode(' AND ',$where) : die("Fatal Error : Variable must be an array.

Variable type is : ".gettype($where)); } !empty($group_by) ? $sql .= " GROUP BY ".$group_by : ''; !empty($order_by) ? $sql .= " ORDER BY ".$order_by : ''; !empty($asc) ? $sql .= " ".$asc : ''; $sql .= " # Query resides in ".__FILE__."->".$C_NAME." on line ".__LINE__; if($return_array === true) { $rst = mysql_query($sql) or die("An Error Has Occurred! \n MySQL Error Reports : ".mysql_error()." \n The Error Occured in ".__FILE__." -> ".$C_NAME); $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst)) { $rowRst[] = $row[$fields[$i]]; $i++; } } else { $rst = mysql_query($sql) or die("An Error Has Occurred! \n MySQL Error Reports : ".mysql_error()." \n The Error Occured in ".__FILE__." -> ".$C_NAME); $rowRst = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst); } return $rowRst; } ?>

nick smith 19-Sep-2005 02:07

i'm fairly new to this but have just managed to set up (on windows xp) apache 2.0.54 with php 5.0.4 and mySQL 4.1.13, also phpMyAdmin 2.6.4 having had exactly the problems reported by so many others. i wasnt actually aware of mySQL not being loaded in php until i tried to use phpmyadmin and it told me to check my php/mysql configuration. basically i just did everything that is mentioned by others (setting extension_dir to c:\php\ext ( not c:\php\ext\ ), uncommenting extension=php_mysql.dll from php.ini and putting c:\php into my PATH) but i was still getting the infuriating message when trying to start apache that php_mysql.dll could not be found. i restarted my machine and it worked! It seems i had to restart windows after editing my PATH. i didnt bother restarting until it was the last resort because on xp i have NEVER had to do this before changes to System Variables always took effect immediately. I could understand this on, say, windows 98 where you put the addition to your PATH into your autoexec.bat but why i had to do this with xp is a mystery. Anyway, give it a go, it might save you tearing out prescious hair! N.

avis_del at yahoo dot com 01-Sep-2005 03:14

I aggree with j at jonathany.com PHP 5.04 to MySQL, php_mysql.dll will not found on windows installer (.msi) just extract from .zip file (can download). It works. 1. cgi.force_redirect = 0 2. extension_dir = "c:\php\ext"

3. extension=php_mysql.dll untill on phpinfo.php show MySQL Support enabled Active Persistent Links 0 Active Links 0 Client API version 4.1.12

claude(at)claude(dot)nl 25-Aug-2005 09:23

A note on resources When a resource (e.g. a link identifier) runs out of scope, it is deleted and the associated computer resources (e.g. the tcp link to the database) will be terminated as well. So far so good! However, in the following code the tcp mysql link persists until the end of execution: <?php $conn = mysql_connect('hostname', 'username','password'); $conn = null; sleep (30); ?> This is because the internally the link-identifier is being saved, so that subsequent mysql functions will work. There seems to be no way to delete this internal reference. If you were, however, to open 2 connections, the oldest one will be deleted automatically (so the connection to hostname will terminate at the $conn=null statement, the connection to hostname2 will exist till the end of the script). <?php $conn = mysql_connect('hostname', 'username','password'); $conn2 = mysql_connect('hostname2', 'username','password'); $conn = null; $conn2 = null; sleep (30); ?>

arjen at mysql dot com 04-Aug-2005 03:26

John Coggeshall wrote a PHP5 ext/mysqli compatibility script for applications that still use the old ext/mysql functions. This prevents the hassle of trying to have both the mysql and mysqli extensions loaded in PHP5, which can be tricky. The script is at: http://www.coggeshall.org/oss/mysql2i/

allan666 at NOSPAM dot gmail dot com 20-Jul-2005 05:37

[Editor's Note: In MySQL v5.0+, you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables to retrieve information on tables, views, databases and so on. --zak@php.net] Here is a small function to parse a mysql creation table DDL. The function takes a string with the SQL code to create a table and returns the table name, table fields, table key fields and fields type, all in arrays (except by the name, obviously). The function requires that the primary key be named "id" and the foreign keys named "id...". All foreign key types are suposed to be int (or its variations, bigint, etc...). All those restrictions are easily modified to others needs. Here is a example of a DDL code. CREATE TABLE `telefones` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`id_tipo_telefone` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `numero` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '', `id_pessoa` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id_tipo_telefone` (`id_tipo_telefone`), KEY `id_pessoa` (`id_pessoa`), CONSTRAINT `0_775` FOREIGN KEY (`id_tipo_telefone`) REFERENCES `tipos_telefone` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `0_776` FOREIGN KEY (`id_pessoa`) REFERENCES `pessoas` (`id`) ) TYPE=InnoDB that returns $tbname = "telefones" $fields = array("numero"); $kfields = array("id_tipo_telefone","id_pessoa"); $tipos = array("varchar"); Hope it helps... <?php function parseQuery($Q, &$tbname, &$fields, &$kfields, &$tipos) { /** rules to a corect parse: * * 1 - primary key must be named "id" * 2 - foreign key must be named "id..." eg.: id_field * 3 - lowercase is recomended */ $Q = str_replace(array(chr(10),chr(13))," ",$Q); $Q = str_replace(array("'","`")," ",$Q); preg_match("/([^(]*)\((.*)\)(.*)/",$Q,$A); $part1 = $A[1]; $part2 = $A[2]; $part3 = $A[3]; preg_match("/(.*) ([a-zA-Z_]+)/",$part1,$A); $tbname = strtolower($A[2]); $temp = split(",",$part2); foreach ($temp as $t) { preg_match("/ *([a-zA-Z_]+) +([a-zA-Z_]+)(.*)/",$t,$A); $pcampo = strtolower($A[1]); $ptipo = strtolower($A[2]); if (!preg_match("/$pcampo/","primary key constraint id unique foreign") ) { if ( ($pcampo[0] == "i") && ($pcampo[1] == "d") ) $kfields[] = $pcampo; else { $fields[] = $pcampo; $tipos[] = $ptipo; } } } } ?>

mmw_canada at yahoo dot com 10-Jul-2005 08:15

I Quote: "Note: If when starting the web server an error similar to the following occurs: "Unable to load dynamic library './php_mysql.dll'", this is because php_mysql.dll and/or libmysql.dll cannot be found by the system." Actully, the file may have been found, it is just the wrong version. The "libmysql.dll" is packaged and sent with a number of applications and it can end up in different place on your computer. The file may even be completely different, so just replacing it may cause problems with the other applications. I searched for the this file and found that I had a number of different versions on my machine at once. PHP was trying to use the WRONG ONE. Maybe the name should be changed in later versions so that it doesn't encourage people to commit suicide or pull their hair out.

bahatest at ifrance dot com 07-Jul-2005 12:38

/* * before mysql 4.1, timestamp have a defined size, but after 4.1, timestamp is equal to... datetime * so, conversion is automatic when you import your dump in new mysql version, but your script cannot echo dates like before. * this function took one date on DATETIME format, a size of old timestamp format and return the date in old timestamp format before 4.1 * Note : if $date is in TIMESTAMP format, the function return it unaltered. So we can patch our php code before migrate to 4.1 * @param $date a date in DATETIME format, or TIMESTAMP format after mysql 4.1 * @param $size a size of old TIMESTAMP format (14,12,10,8,6,4 or 2) * @return the date in old TIMESTAMP format */ function mysql_convert_timestamp_to_previous_usage($date, $size) { $tab=split('[- :]', $date); if (sizeof($tab) != 6) return $date; if (($size!= 8) && ($size!= 14)) { $tab[0]=substr($tab[0], -2); } for ($i = 12; $i>$size; $i-=2) { unset($tab[sizeof($tab)-1]); } if ($size== 8) unset($tab[sizeof($tab)-1]); return implode("", $tab); }

jimmy dot a dot gunawan at gmail dot com 03-Jul-2005 02:18

I almost desperately connect my apache 2.0.54 winversion to PHP 5.0.4 and MYSQL 4.1.12 under windows, since there are lack of any accurate information to setup them properly. If you got any error message said: "Call to undefined function mysql_connect()", here is the right tips. Apache installed in c:\apache\apachegroup PHP installed in c:\php Mysql installed in c:\mysql 1. Find and add c:\apache\apachegroup\conf\httpd.conf

with: ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe" 2. Go to php directory c:\php then rename php.ini-dist to php.ini (or make a new php.ini based on old php.ini file), make sure we set the right extension: extension_dir = "c:\php\ext" extension=php_mysql.dll If you setup an php script that call function php_info(); and you can find table: MySQL Support enabled Active Persistent Links 0 Active Links 0 Client API version 4.1.7 that mean the mysql.dll properly attached to suppport the php, happy SQL-ing

Microsoul V3 04-Jun-2005 05:47

I use IIS 6, PHP 5.04, Windows Server 2003 and MySQL 4.1.11. and here is what I was able to figure out. To get MySQL and PHP to talk to each other, in the php.cfg, dont forget to turn on the tag cgi.force_redirect = 0, and make sure you set it at 0 (it is default at 1. just delete the semi-colon from in front of it to activate it in the code) Then the phpinfo will say its reading the cfg from your PHP install directory instead of your WINDOWS root. Then your phpinfo will show the MySQL entry that some people may be having a hard time with. No registry settings or copying of anything is needed. Also follow the rest of the excellent help from the user comments. Here's what I did, to make it simple: I made a folder in the folder tree just above program files (explore your computer) and named it PHP. I extracted the .zip php version into it (not the auto install version). I edited the php.ini-recommended, renamed it to just php, added my sql username, database name, etc.( you really gotta look closely at the cfg file and make sure you dont overlook something). Turned on the extension=php_mysql.dll (just delete the semi-colon thats in front of it). Added the php folder to the PATH (instructions on how to do this are pretty simple, and documented above). I also made the ext folder available to the PATH, but Im not sure if it's really necessary. The user comments are what really helped me, so I thought I would return the favor, and try to expand on this topic a little bit.

noel at nettensity dot com 29-May-2005 01:20

More On Windows 2003 Server / IIS 6.0: It might (probably) be necessary to add both the path to PHP and the path to the extensions dir to your environmental variables. To do this: 1) Right-Click on 'My Computer' 2) Select 'Properties' 3) Click the 'Advanced' tab 4) At the bottom of this dialog box, click the 'Environmental Variables' button 5) In the frame titled 'System Variables', scroll-down until you find 'Path' 6)Add your path to PHP and your path to the extensions folder i.e. c:\php;c:\php\ext. Make sure all the paths are seperated by semicolons, and make sure not to erase any of the other paths already in

there. I meant to include this in my note below, apologies for any confusion.

noel at nettensity dot com 29-May-2005 12:04

Enabling MySQL with Windows Server 2003/IIS 6.0: Find your php.ini file first, check phpinfo() to see where php is currently looking for php.ini. (i.e. Using the Windows installer for PHP 5.0.4, the php.ini file was placed in the C:\Windows dir.) I recommend, however, that you don't use the installer - go with full manual install. Set the following in php.ini: display_errors = on error_reporting = E_ALL This will make sure that you'll see any errors that arise during configuration. MAKE SURE TO CORRECT THESE WHEN YOU ARE DONE PLAYING WITH PHP.INI! Do not leave these settings like this on a production machine. In php.ini set the following: extension_dir = "pathtoextensions (ususally [yourpathtophp]\ext)" extension=php_mysql.dll (make sure this is un-commented if its already in your php.ini) In IIS, open Web Service Extensions, click "Add a new Web service extension..." Type-in PHP for the extension name Under required files: Add [yourpathtophp]\php5isapi.dll Add [yourpathtophp]\php5ts.dll Click 'Apply' then click 'OK' Create web sites like you normally would, but make sure they have executable permissions, not just script access. Under the "Home Directory" tab, click 'Configuration'. Scroll down the list at the top and see if you can find PHP. If you do, make sure the path to the executable for PHP is correct. If you don't find PHP in the list, click 'Add...', then browse to the correct executable, [yourpathtophp]\php5isapi.dll, and click OK. In the extension field, enter 'PHP'. Verbs should already be set to 'All verbs', leave it like that. Create a test page with this code: <? echo(phpinfo()); ?> call it test.php, and place this file into the web site you just created. Browse to the page, with firefox preferably ;), and make sure that you have a MySql section with some MySql info in there. If not, then your paths are possibly screwed up, or you're still not editing the correct php.ini (again, look at the location that phpinfo() shows you, and just edit it there if you have to, then move it afterwards and re-config). Hope this helps!

disappear dot nz at gmail dot com 21-May-2005 11:39

Hi, this is a small OOP script to provide an easy connction to the mysql db and to get associative / logical / both arrays. <?php

class mysql_array { public function __construct ( $s_host , $s_user , $s_pass , $s_db ) { $this -> r_conn = mysql_connect ( $s_host , $s_user , $s_pass ) or die ( mysql_error ( ) ) ; mysql_select_db ( $s_db ) ; } private function array_make ( $s_sql , $i_type ) { $r_rs = mysql_query ( $s_sql , $this -> r_conn ) or die ( mysql_error ( ) ) ; while ( $a_col = mysql_fetch_array ( $r_rs , $i_type ) ) { $a_rs [ ] = $a_col ; } mysql_free_result ( $r_rs ) ; return ( $a_rs ) ; } public function array_logic ( $s_sql ) { $a_rs = $this -> array_make ( $s_sql , MYSQL_NUM ) ; return ( $a_rs ) ; } public function array_assoc ( $s_sql ) { $a_rs = $this -> array_make ( $s_sql , MYSQL_ASSOC ) ; return ( $a_rs ) ; } public function array_both ( $s_sql ) { $a_rs = $this -> array_make ( $s_sql , MYSQL_BOTH ) ; return ( $a_rs ) ; } } $o_mysql = new mysql_array ( 'localhost' , 'user' , 'pass' , 'db' ) ; $s_sql = "SHOW TABLES" ; $a_rs = $o_mysql -> array_assoc ( $s_sql ) ; echo '<pre>' ; print_r ( $a_rs ) ; ?>

medic at setiherbipolis dot de 15-May-2005 10:42

Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client means that you're using an old version of MySQL Client ( possibly not mysqli) Authentication protocol for MySQL has changed with version 4.1.

To get a hint at which mysql-client version you're using try phpinfo();

06-Mar-2005 01:01
If you are installing PHP5 on Windows 2003 server (AKA Win 2k3) and need MySQL to work using the either the php_mysql.dll or php_mysqli.dll or both of them at the same time, and MySQl isn't showing up in phpinfo, then your php.ini is probably not loading. In the direction in the PHP 5 zip file, they will tell you to add your PHP install directory to your windows path. This should tell php where to load its php.ini from but it doesn't. If you want to get this to work, you don't have to copy any DLL's anywhere like everyone suggests. All you have to do is add the folling regsitry key to windows: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PHP] "IniFilePath"="C:\\PHP" simply copy the above 2 lines of code into a text file and save the file as php_ini_path.reg After you save the file it will look like a registry file. double click on it. Simply

It will make it so PHP will look for your php.ini in C:\PHP. I would assume you can edit this if you install php into a different location, but I haven't tried that. After running the reg and make sure all the up and running. Make make it work in IIS. file, make sure your php.ini is in your PHP dir appropriate things are set. This should get you sure you also follow all the steps on how to This is just an addition to the direction.

Protik Mukherjee 03-Mar-2005 11:34

Fedora mysql problems!! In Fedora 3 the php mysql module does not come with the default installation. To install it use $>yum install php_mysql If u dont do this you will get errors with mysql functions like mysql_connect() Hope this helps!

tumaine no at spam verizon net 23-Dec-2004 10:21

I had a hard time with upgrading to php version 5.2.0 in Windows XP Pro since mySQL queries all of a sudden stopped working and led to blank pages on my site. I spent a good half day searching google trying to figure out this problem, and didn't quite know how compiling PHP would help me. It is not necessary. Set up PHP manually with the ZIP folder download. This is a good link to read and wish I found it earlier: http://www.zend.com/manual/install.windows.extensions.php If you are getting an error popup about not being able to load some mysql.dll when starting apache, you need to change this in your php.ini file: extension_dir = "./" to something like "c:\php\ext" Also what I was doing wrong was that I forgot to uncomment the following line in my php.ini file: extension=php_mysql.dll

Restart apache, and everything should work. Thought that I could save someone time and frustration when upgrading, since versions 5+ do not include mySQL support by default as earlier versions apparently do.

jon at mysql dot com 11-Dec-2004 04:32

Re Pat's note: You can add the --old-passwords option in the [mysqld] section of your MySQL my.cnf or my.ini configuration file. This option will force the MySQL server to use the old-style password hashing for all connections. This is not really recommended, as it's less secure, but will allow you to use existing accounts without resetting the passwords. Of course, as already mentioned, you can use the MySQL OLD_PASSWORD() function instead to handle this issue on an account-by-account basis. The optimal solution when migrating to MySQL 4.1+ from a previous version is to upgrade to PHP 5 (if you're not using it already) and rewrite any code accessing MySQL using the mysqli extension, which is more secure and provides a much better API. For more information, see the MySQL Manual: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Application_password_use.html

lkujala at uniserve dot com 18-Nov-2004 03:43

PROBLEM: Error Message: the specified module could not be found. When trying to load a php_mysql.dll / php_mysqli.dll / php_mssql.dll extension on a Windows platform. CAUSE: The standard windows installer package is rather incomplete; it does not include any of the DLL's needed for the optional extensions. In order to use any extension you need to install the FULL zip distribution (unless you like fooling around with dll hell), not just the php_*.dll extensions. You might as well include ALL of the DLL's since the dependencies as documented are wrong (i.e. you need more than libmysql.dll for the php_mysql.dll to load). I did find the standard windows installer useful for the inital setup though.

nleippe at integr8ted dot com 12-Oct-2004 05:22

trace_mode breaks SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. This is because it emits an EXPLAIN <query> before sending the <query> by itself, thus the subsequent SELECT FOUND_ROWS() is no longer the next consecutive query, and the result is zero. This was true for me for at least MySQL 4.0.21 and 4.1.5gamma. (PHP 4.3.9)

Melvin Nava: e-4(at)venezolano.web.ve 13-Sep-2004 02:02

To count page hits, just put next code in a text file and include it in every one of your pages. It will log even different querystrings as different pages. (a MySQL database and table is needed first) This can be a pretty good example of what you can do with PHP and MySQL. I made this script to log and show all hits in: http://www.venezolano.web.ve/ <?php /************************ This needs a MySQL table you can create with this:

CREATE TABLE `stats_pagecounter` ( `id` int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment, `page_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `page_hits` int(25) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; ************************** COUNTING STARTS *************************/ function page_count($page) { $c_link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password') or die('counter CONNECT error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('database_name'); $c_query = "SELECT * FROM stats_pagecounter WHERE (page_name = '$page')"; $c_result = mysql_query($c_query, $c_link) or die('counter SELECT error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($c_result)) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($c_result,MYSQL_ASSOC); $pcounter = $row['page_hits']+1; $c_update = "UPDATE stats_pagecounter SET page_hits = '$pcounter' WHERE page_name = '$page'"; $c_hit = mysql_query($c_update, $c_link) or die('counter UPDATE error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error()); } else { $c_insert = "INSERT INTO stats_pagecounter VALUES ( '0', '$page', '1')"; $c_page = mysql_query($c_insert, $c_link) or die('counter INSERT error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error()); $pcounter = 1; } mysql_free_result($c_result); mysql_close($c_link); return $pcounter; } $phpself_url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?'. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $page_hits = page_count($phpself_url); /************************ COUNTING ENDS *************************/ /************************ Put next line in a page to show his page hits (If you want to) ************************/ echo $page_hits; ?>

aidan at php dot net 15-Aug-2004 07:59

If you want to replicate the output of `mysql --html`, printing your results in a HTML table, see this function: http://aidanlister.com/repos/v/function.mysql_draw_table.php

irn-bru at gmx dot de 27-May-2004 07:27

Note, that the sql.safe_mode configuration setting does effect all mysql_* functions. This has nothing to to with the php safe mode, check the [SQL] section in php.ini. I found out, that if you set sql.safe_mode = On, mysql_connect will ignore provided username and passwort and makes use of the script owner instead (checked on debian). Brian

Pat 22-Jan-2004 05:02

[Editor Note: The password hashing was updated in MySQL 4.1, you must use the MySQLi extension with MySQL 4.1+ (or use the following method to allow pre 4.1 clients to connect).] MySQL 5.0 has a new password system, and PHP cannot connect to it because it cannot send a correct password. You must use the MySQL command OLD_PASSWORD() when adding a user to the database, or PHP cannot connect as of the library that comes with PHP 5.0Beta3

gyohng at netscape dot net 20-Jun-2003 12:16

The following page contains a complete easy to read tutorial of MySQL programming with PHP. http://www.yohng.com/phpm/

soren at byu dot edu 14-Mar-2003 03:23

Let's say that you want to generate a MySQL password hash from a plain text password. Normally, you would just submit the MySQL query "SELECT PASSWORD('password')", but if for some reason you can't access to MySQL database directly, then you can use the following function (translated right out of the MySQL source code): <?php function mysql_password($passStr) { $nr=0x50305735; $nr2=0x12345671; $add=7; $charArr = preg_split("//", $passStr); foreach ($charArr as $char) { if (($char == '') || ($char == ' ') || ($char == '\t')) continue; $charVal = ord($char); $nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $charVal) + ($nr << 8); $nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr; $add += $charVal; } return sprintf("%08x%08x", ($nr & 0x7fffffff), ($nr2 & 0x7fffffff)); } ?> example: <? print mysql_password("hello"); ?> outputs:

70de51425df9d787 Which is the same result you get if you do "SELECT PASSWORD('hello')" directly in MySQL. Hopefully you'll never be in a situation where you have to use this, but if you need it (like I did), it's here.

past at sbox dot tugraz dot at 21-Feb-2003 04:17

As MySQL docs say, RAND() is not very usefull for generation of randomized result orders. But this worked for me on Linux, however: Somewhere before: mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); "SELECT *, " RAND(".mt_rand(0,86622340).")*10000%100 AS randomvalue ORDER BY randomvalue" The upper value for mt_rand() has to be Quite Big to see any effect on MySQL's RAND(). The exact number shouldn't be significant. Note the multiplication and modulo; MySQL seems to count steadily upwards when generating random numbers, so we take some numbers from between.

mijnpc at xs4all dot nl 20-Nov-2002 04:33

If you have a Windows machine running a webserver with PHP you don't need to install MySQL server to locally test scripts, if you are granted to establish a Secure Telnet connection (port 22) to the remote webserver. To do this you need a Secure Telnet client, which supports portforwarding. Before you establish a connection, define the port-forward. Forward local port 3306 to [name or ip of remote server]:3306 Make sure that local ports accept connections from other hosts Save this session Connect to remote server with username and password Minimize the shell and that's it... You can use the same username (and password) as if you were working on the remote server ! E.g. : $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("no way jose"); You may get a shell-timeout after xx minutes depending on your remote server, just reconnect or press enter in the shell once in a while... An example of a superb freeware Secure Telnet client is Putty : Putty : http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ This 'discovery' really has saved me a lot of time because I don't have to upload the scripts to the remote server time and time again, pressing [save] is enough, heh (-:

jeyoung at priscimon dot com 25-Apr-2002 11:23

[Ed. Note: This may be due to the fact that subsequent calls to mysql_connect with the same parameters return the same resource id for the connection, so in reality it is using the same connection. In order to force a new link, you must specify the new_link parameter in mysql_connect.] MySQL transactions MySQL supports transactions on tables that are of type InnoDB. I have

noticed a behaviour which is puzzling me when using transactions. If I establish two connections within the same PHP page, start a transaction in the first connection and execute an INSERT query in the second one, and rollback the transaction in the first connection, the INSERT query in the second connection is also rolled-back. I am assuming that a MySQL transaction is not bound by the connection within which it is set up, but rather by the PHP process that sets it up. This is a very useful "mis-feature" (bug?) because it allows you to create something like this: class Transaction { var $dbh; function Transaction($host, $username, $password) { $this->dbh = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password); } function _Transaction() { mysql_disconnect($this->dbh); } function begin() { mysql_query("BEGIN", $this->dbh); } function rollback() { mysql_query("ROLLBACK", $this->dbh); } function commit() { mysql_query("COMMIT", $this->dbh); } } which you could use to wrap around transactional statements like this: $tx =& new Transaction("localhost", "username", "password"); $tx->begin(); $dbh = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password"); $result = mysql_query("INSERT ..."); if (!$result) { $tx->rollback(); } else { $tx->commit(); } mysql_disconnect($dbh); unset($tx); The benefit of such a Transaction class is that it is generic and can wrap around any of your MySQL statements.

nospam at nospam dot nos 19-Nov-2001 11:17

ever wanted to know the date a table was last updated? use this: $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("show table status from databasename like 'tablename'")); echo $info["Update_time"];

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