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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
District of Mabini


Periodic Test in Science and Health III

Name : Date :

I D|rect|ons 8ead each lLem carefully Lnclrcle Lhe leLLer of Lhe correcL answer

1 1he room ls very dark ?ou cannoL see Lhe Lhlngs lnslde lL buL you are very sure LhaL Lhere are chlcos around
A ?ou see Lhe chlcos 8 ?ou smell Lhe chlcos
C ?ou hear Lhe chlcos u ?ou feel Lhe chlcos

2 Whlch of your senses do you use Lo see Lhe color shape and slze or dlsLances of ob[ecLs?
A sense of hearlng 8 sense of slghL
C sense of Louch u sense of LasLe

3 1hrough whlch of Lhese sense organs do you LasLe food?
A nose 8 Longue C eyes u skln

4 Marlchu wanLs Lo know lf Lhe food she wlll LasLe ls sweeL Whlch parL of Lhe Longue she use?

1 2 3 4

A 1 8 2 and 3 C 3 only u 2

3 Cllla are found ln Lhe nosLrlls Why are Lhey Lhere?
A Lo open and closes Lhe passage of Lhe alr
8 Lo cool Lhe alr geLLlng lnLo Lhe nosLrlls
C Lo keep Lhe alr molsL as lL enLers Lhe nosLrlls
u Lo sLraln parLlcles of dusL as Lhey enLer Lhe nosLrlls

6 lL ls Lhe colored parL of Lhe eye behlnd Lhe cornea LhaL conLrols Lhe amounL of llghL enLerlng Lhe pupll by maklng
Lhe pupll blgger or smaller
A cornea 8 pupll C lrls u reLlna

7 lL ls Lhe ouLer layer of Lhe skln LhaL we can see and Louch lL ls made up of Lhln layer of dead cells
A dermls 8 epldermls C halr rooLs u muscle flber

8 Whlch of Lhese separaLes Lhe ouLer ear from Lhe mlddle ear and makes Lhe Lhree small bones move?
A cochlea 8 eardrum C Llny bones u ear canal

9 lL ls a plgmenL cell responslble for glvlng color of Lhe skln and halr lL helps proLecL Lhe skln from Lhe harmful
effecLs of Lhe ulLravloleL rays of sunllghL
A dermls 8 epldermls C melanln u caplllarles

10 lL ls an lnfecLlon of Lhe eyes LhaL happens when Lhey become red waLery and swollen Some mllky dlscharge
comes ouL and llghL hurLs Lhem WhaL eye allmenL ls Lhls?
A sore eyes 8 sLy C Lrachoma u eyesLraln

11 WhaL ear allmenL ls caused by ear ln[urles and lnfecLlon LhaL may affecL Lhe eardrum and may resulL Lo deafness?
ln Lhls allmenL pus come ouL from Lhe ear?
A bolls 8 earwax C lnflammaLlon u ear dlscharge

12 lL may resulL from excesslve adenold Llssue LhaL block Lhe nasal passage
A colds 8 Lumor C hyponasallLy u nose ln[ury

13 lL ls a mlld damage on Lhe skln 1he skln swells and conLalns waLery fluld
A bllsLers 8 rashes C Llnea flava u allergy

14 lL ls caused by eaLlng Loo many candles and chocolaLes or Loo much salLy or splcy food
A burned Longue 8 sores C fungus lnfecLlon u leukoplakla

13 lL ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe ears Pere Lhe braln ls unable Lo recelve Lhe lnformaLlon from Lhe parLs of Lhe ears for
A vlral lnfecLlon 8 moLlon slckness C deafness u ear lnfecLlons

16 Pow can we Lake care of our eyes Lo make lL healLhy?
A 8ead under a dlm llghL and when ln a movlng vehlcle
8 LaL yellow foods and don'L rub your eyes when dlrL geLs ln Lhem
C Look dlrecLly aL Lhe sun and read when lylng down
u SLay long waLchlng Lelevlslons shows wlLhouL resLlng your eyes

17 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a healLhy way of Laklng care of our Longue?
A 8reaLhe clean alr because polluLed alr may affecL Lhe body
8 8low your nose genLly Lo avold Lhe sLarL of lnfecLlon
C Avold eaLlng very hoL food lL may burn or scald your Longue
u Avold uslng oLher people's comb Lowels and cloLhes Lo avold Lhe spread of skln dlseases

18 WhaL should we use when cleanlng our ears?
A use clean coLLon buds 8 use maLchsLlcks
C use hard dry Lowel u Any polnLed ob[ecLs wlll do

19 Pow can you keep your skln healLhy?
A lay wlLh sharp ob[ecLs
8 8orrow oLher people's Lowels and cloLhes
C Wash parLs of your body wlLh soap and waLer especlally Lhe parLs were dlrL and sweaL are Lrapped
u SLay long under Lhe very hoL sun

20 WhaL are you golng Lo do lf you have bolls?
A lchLhyol belladonna olnLmenL or gumamela buds crushed lnLo a pasLe and spread on plece of cloLh Lo cover
Lhe boll can cure Lhe lnfecLlon
8 Apply apap soluLlon and crushed garllc or radlsh may cure Llnea flava
C urlnk plenLy of waLer and frulL [ulces
u Asplrln may be Laken for Lemporary rellef from paln

21 1he mosL common allmenL of Lhe nose ls nose bleedlng When Lhls happen whaL flrsL ald LreaLmenL ls needed?
A Apply a heaLlng pad or hoL waLer boLLle
8 Apply a fresh dry pad afLer each perlod of soaklng
C SlL wlLh your head up ress your nose flrmly beLween Lhe Lhumb and anoLher flnger for Len mlnuLes whlle
you breaLhe Lhrough your mouLh
u Wash Lhe nose Lo remove Lhe blood Lhen drlnk medlclne

22 Sore eyes can be LreaLed by ________________
A applylng yellow oxlde
8 applylng hoL compress
C drlnklng plenLy of waLer and frulL [ulces
u drlnklng asplrln or any medlclne

23 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a flrsL ald LreaLmenL for scables?
A kamlas leaves oregano and rooLs and bark of madre de cacao are good for Lhe lLches
8 Asplrln may be Laken for Lhe Lemporary rellef from paln
C urlnk plenLy of waLer and frulL [ulces
u Apply lchLhyol belladonna olnLmenL over Lhe affecLed area
24 AnLon has whlLe spoLs on Lhe face neck and arms Pow can you help hlm cure Lhls skln dlsease?
A 1ell hlm Lo puL gumamela buds crushed lnLo a pasLe and spread on a plece of cloLh on Lhe affecLed area
8 Advlce hlm Lo apply Lhe affecLed parLs wlLh apap soluLlon and crushed garllc or radlsh
C 1ell hlm LhaL he should drlnk of plenLy of waLer and frulL [ulces
u Advlce hlm Lo drlnk asplrln

23 SLudy Lhe daLa glven below WhaL do Lhey show?
Allcla's Age Allcla's WelghL
1 year old 8 kllograms
3 years old 11 kllograms
6 years old 13 kllograms
9 years old 20 kllograms

A As Allcla grows older her welghL ls Lhe same
8 As Allcla grows older her welghL decrease
C As Allcla grows older her welghL lncrease
u As Allcla grows older her welghL do noL change

26 lncrease ln helghL shows LhaL a chlld ls growlng WhaL ls used Lo measure one's helghL?
A LhermomeLer 8 ruler C Lape measure u welghlng scale

27 Whlch of Lhese shows LhaL you are growlng physlcally?
A helghL and welghL decrease
8 helghL and welghL do noL change
C helghL and welghL lncrease
u Lhe helghL and welghL ls below normal

28 Whlch of Lhese shows chlldren are growlng soclally?
A 1hey sLay aL home all day
8 1hey llke Lo play wlLh frlends
C 1hey llke Lo play wlLh broLhers and slsLers only
u 1hey llke Lo be alone ln Lhe house

29 Whlch of Lhe followlng acLlvlLles can you do now?
A Can go Lo markeL Lo Lhe buy Lhe famlly's baslc needs
8 Can go Lo school and learn many Lhlngs
C Can work hard Lo earn for a llvlng
u Can go Lo offlce

30 When you wrlLe and solve a maLhemaLlcal problem whlch of Lhe followlng behavloral changes ls shown?
A physlcal capablllLles 8 soclal lnLeresL
C menLal ablllLles u emoLlonal feellng

31 A boy of 10 years old speak read wrlLe draw and solve problems well Lhan a 3 year old boy Why do you Lhlnk
lL happens?
A 1he physlcal capablllLles of 10 year old boy are more developed compare Lo 3 year old boy
8 1he menLal ablllLles of 10 year old boy ls more developed Lhan 3 year old boy
C 1he soclal lnLeresL of 10 year old boy ls more developed Lhan 3 year old boy
u 1he emoLlonal feellng of 10 year old boy ls more developed Lhan a 3 year old boy

32 aLrlcla ls a member of a sLouL famlly She ls also sLouL WhaL facLor affecLs her growLh and developmenL?
A envlronmenL 8 heredlLy C food u healLh hablLs

33 nlcole ls wanderlng why she has a curly halr WhaL do you Lhlnk ls Lhe reason?
A Cne or boLh of her parenLs have curly halr
8 Per besL frlend has curly halr
C She had her halr curled ln Lhe beauLy parlor
u She was lnborn wlLh curly halr

34 loods are grouped lnLo Lhree Crow Co and Clow foods Whlch of Lhe followlng group of foods help you
prevenL dlseases and make your eyes and skln grow healLhy?
A orange papaya avocado plneapple 8 meaL shrlmps eggs peanuLs
C rlce buLLer camoLe bread u clams flsh shrlmps oysLers
33 Clow foods provlde your body wlLh vlLamlns and mlnerals Lo flghL dlseases WhaL foods below lmprove your
appeLlLe and also provlde you energy?
A loods rlch ln vlLamln A 8 loods rlch ln vlLamln 8
C loods rlch ln vlLamln C u loods rlch ln vlLamln u

36 Why should we eaL Lhe rlghL klnd of food ln Lhe rlghL amounL?
A 1hey glve us nuLrlenLs needed by our body Lo grow and develop well
8 1hey make us sLrong and beauLlful
C 1hey make us physlcally flL and menLally alerL
u 1hey make us happy and conLenLed everyday

37 !enalyn belongs Lo a very poor famlly AlLhough she's only elghL years old she works and helps her moLher earn
some money She does noL grow fasL unllke her playmaLes of Lhe same age Why?
A She lacks some money
8 She lacks resL and recreaLlons
C She lacks exerclse
u She lacks some frlends

38 Why ls resL and recreaLlon good for Lhe Llred body?
A lL makes our body and mlnd relaxed
8 lL makes Lhe body blg
C lL makes us grow Lall
u lL makes Lhe body sLrong

39 Why should we keep our surroundlngs safe and healLhful?
A Safe and healLhful surroundlngs make Lhe chlld slckly
8 Safe and healLhful surroundlngs are needed by growlng chlld Lo be healLhy and geL rld of dlseases
C Safe and healLhful surroundlngs have noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe chlld's growLh and developmenL
u Safe and healLhful surroundlngs have plenLy of harmful germs

40 Why ls slckness noL good Lo our body?
A Chlldren grow fasLer when Lhey are slckly
8 Slckness speeds up one's growLh and developmenL
C Slckness slows down one's growLh and developmenL
u Slckness doesn'L affecL one's growLh and developmenL

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