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Conditional sentences

The conditional sentences are sometimes confusing for learners of English. Watch out: 1) Which type of the conditional sentences is used? 2) Where is the if-clause (e.g. at the beginning or at the end of the conditional sentence)? There are three types of the if-clauses. type condition I condition possible to fulfill II condition in theory possible to fulfill III condition not possible to fulfill (too late)

type I II III if clause main clause Simple Present will-future (or Modal + infinitive) Simple Past would + infinitive * Past Perfect would + have + past participle *

Examples (if-clause at the beginning)

type I II III if clause If I study, If I studied, If I had studied, main clause I will pass the exam. I would pass the exam. I would have passed the exam.

Examples (if-clause at the end)

type I II III main clause if-clause I will pass the exam if I study. I would pass the exam if I studied. I would have passed the exam if I had studied.

Examples (affirmative and negative sentences)

type I long forms + If I study, I will pass the exam. Examples short/contracted forms If I study, I'll pass the exam.

+ II + III -

If I study, I will not fail the exam. If I do not study, I will fail the exam. If I studied, I would pass the exam. If I studied, I would not fail the exam. If I did not study, I would fail the exam. If I had studied, I would have passed the exam. If I had studied, I would not have failed the exam. If I had not studied, I would have failed the exam.

If I study, I won't fail the exam. If I don't study, I'll fail the exam. If I studied, I'd pass the exam. If I studied, I wouldn't fail the exam. If I didn't study, I'd fail the exam. If I'd studied, I'd have passed the exam. If I'd studied, I wouldn't have failed the exam. If I hadn't studied, I'd have failed the exam.

* We can substitute could or might for would (should, may or must are sometimes possible, too). I would pass the exam. I could pass the exam. I might pass the exam. I may pass the exam. I should pass the exam. I must pass the exam. Thanks to Kai. Put in the verbs in brackets and form a Conditional sentence. Mind the negations in some sentences. Example: If we had taken the train, we ___________________ (not/to arrive) on time. Answer: If we had taken the train, we would not have arrived on time. 1) If they (to listen) carefully, they might hear the woodpecker. (to fall) asleep. (to be) taller.

2) If I had laid down on the sofa, I 3) Susan could have worked as a model if she 4) The soil 5) If you 6) We

(not/to dry out) if you water the plants regularly. (to give) the young boy this stick, he'd hurt himself. (not/to take) the wrong tram if Ronaldo had asked the policewoman. (not/to find) it. (to use) their (to visit) him more often.

7) If the cat hides in the tree, the dog 8) The students would have solved the problem if they textbooks. 9) If he washed his feet more often, his girlfriend

10) Max (to read) the newspaper if he went by train. ANSWER 1) If they listened carefully, they might hear the woodpecker. 2) If I had laid down on the sofa, I would have fallen asleep. 3) Susan could have worked as a model if she had been taller. 4) The soil will not dry out if you water the plants regularly. 5) If you gave the young boy this stick, he'd hurt himself. 6) We would not have taken the wrong tram if Ronaldo had asked the policewoman. 7) If the cat hides in the tree, the dog will not find it. 8) The students would have solved the problem if they had used their textbooks. 9) If he washed his feet more often, his girlfriend would visit him more often. 10) Max would read the newspaper if he went by train.

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