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Program Flow
1. Add Agent (From Reference Menu)
2. Add a new User Account (System Administration Menu)
3. Add all the necessary Reference Tables (Agent, Supplier, Security Deposit Deductions, Unit of
Measurement, Supplier Category, Package Rate, etc.). These will be used in your daily
transactions. This will ensure standard entries for data integrity.
4. Enter daily transactions – Client Details. Daily transactions are made up of different windows
(which are saved in tables internally). Here is a chart of the necessary window and how they are


which contains details about the

SUPPLIER which contains

all the suppliers
contains all Security which contains records of
(Customized or included in
Deposit Deductions activities for each client

5. Enter all the necessary adjustments for agent commission.

6. Enter all the necessary adjustment for check preparation.

The Login Screen:

Enter your User Account (User name and password). For Testing purposes, please type “Admin” as user
name and “Admin” as password to enter as ADMIN user.

Occasionally, you may encounter this window:

This notifies the agent concern and the ADMIN about clients whose event date is within 2 weeks but are
not yet fully paid.


The main menu consists of the following submenu:

1. Transactions – this is the daily transaction windows
2. Report –the reports generation module
3. Reference – the reference libraries
4. System Administration – this is what the System Administrator accesses for securing data integrity
5. Form – contains all possible actions for each window. (This is seldom used as each window has
toolbar menu)
6. Window – as in most windows applications, this is for Window options (such as keeping track of
which window is open)
7. Quit – To exit the system

This menus will be used in the entire system to maintain standard user interface
1. Standard data entry menu:

from left to right:

ADD – inserts a new record (Shortcut key: F2)
EDIT – modifies an existing record (Shortcut key: F3)
DELETE – erases an existing record (Shortcut key: F4)
REFRESH (Lightning!) – refreshes the window (in a network environment) in case someone else is
accessing the same record.
EXIT – exits from current window

When ADD or EDIT is selected, the following menu appears:

from left to right:

SAVE – writes the new or modified record to disk (Shortcut key: F5)
CANCEL – cancels the operation (abandon unsaved data) (Shortcut key: F6)

2. Standard Report

from left to right:

PRINT PREVIEW – Previews the page before printing
ZOOM UP – increases zoom factor (bigger)
ZOOM DOWN – decreases zoom factor (smaller)
PRINT – Prints the currently displayed report
EXIT – exits from current windows

from left to right:

SEARCH – searches for a client
OPEN ANOTHER CLIENT WINDOW – opens another instance of client window. The number of
simultaneous open window depends on the available memory of your computer.
SUPPLIER WINDOW – opens the supplier window. You can enter here all the preferred supplier for the
promo package, as well as supplier (and price rate) for customized or additional package.
SECURITY DEPOSIT DEDUCTIONS – opens the deductions window. You can enter all the deductions
(additional amount incurred during the event).
CLIENT MONITORING – opens the client monitoring window. You can enter here all the activities for the
particular client
COMPUTE- opens the computation window. This computes the amount due for the particular client
VENUE SCHEDULE – opens the venue schedule window
BRIDAL ROOM SCHEDULE – opens the bridal room schedule window
EXIT – Exits from current window

Typical Data Entry Operations (TESTING GUIDE):

1. Login:
As Administrator, you can login as “Admin” (password:”Admin”). You may also want to test the system
using one of your agent to see the differences in operations and appearance of the system.

2. The Opening Screen. For this exercise, a reminder for a client whose event is 2 weeks away is
displayed. This will display if you are the agent of this client or if you are the ADMINISTRATOR
(login as ADMIN). You can print this as a reminder. You can also click on the blue client name (a
hyperlink) to display the details for that client (Edison, Timmy, Gil)

You can exit from this window when finished.

3. The Main Menu:

4. The Reference. This is where you establish the reference libraries. These are standard values
presented in the client transaction window (usually in drop down selection) for easier data entry.
This will also ensure data integrity.
Example: AGENT

Add an agent by clicking on the ADD toolbar .

Save when finished .

5. System Administration

In order for the new agent to enter the system, he/she must have a user account. Go to the System
Administration and choose User Account (Note: only user with Admin account – user level , can administer
the user account).
Add a new user:

Match the new user account to the new agent (Diaz, Ramoncito, Chan).

6. The Daily Transaction:

Start entering client record by choosing the Client Record Menu:

A search engine always starts to find a particular client:

You may enter one of the fields (or more fields for more specific search) and press retrieve. This will open
a window matching all possible clients:

Click on View/Edit button to proceed to the client’s record: You may also press cancel and ADD a new
There are five tabs in the client record. Click on the tab to go to particular information you need.


You can Click on the “Check Venue Schedule” button to open the Venue Schedule Window
Note: Enter Room Rates for Rooms included in the Package computation (before the event). If Room Rates
are not indicated here, you can later add them as Security Deposit under the Deductions Window. You can
click on the “Check Bridal Room Schedule” button to open the Bridal Room Schedule Window.

Amount Due, Payments will be computed automatically when saved.


You can change the Year and Month (or go directly to a specific date) to see the Calendar Schedule for the


You can change the Year and Month (or go directly to a specific date) to see the Calendar Schedule for the

When the record is saved, you can proceed to select the preferred supplier:

Enter the supplier category, the supplier and other details. Please note that the “Additional Cost” column
has a special meaning:
If Checked – this means that the it may be additional or customized supplier. The cost for the particular
record will be added to the package amount.
If Unchecked – this is included in the promo package and is entered here only to record the preferred
supplier for a particular promo. This is also needed to reflect OASIS commission computation


Click on the Deductions window

This will record all the deductions incurred during the event. The deductions here are subtracted from the
Security Deposit made and may result in a refund or additional cost (on the part of the client)


Click on the Client Monitoring Window

This will record all activities performed for the specific client

Click on the to open the Computation Window.

This will show the details of the computation for the bill:

Click on the Transaction Menu’s Agent Commission to open the Agent Commission Window:

Fill-out the Month, Year and Agent field and click on the “Get!” button to display the agent’s commission
computation. You may record additional information directly on the sheet (Released?, Check No., Check
Date) and press “Save Changes”


Fill-out the Month, Year and Supplier fields to display the supplier transactions. You can optionally
check/uncheck the “Pending Only” checkbox to display pending/all transactions. Select the record you
want for the CRF and press the CRF button:

You can directly enter the CRF No. and check the “Check Released” checkbox. Press “Save Changes”
button to permanently save the record.

7. Reports

Choose the report you want to view/print from the REPORT MENU.
Sample Report: Booking by Agent

Fill-out the Date Range and Agent Fields to display/view the required records.
Note: Client Names are hyperlink fields so you can click on it to view the client’s details
If you want to modify something from the client details, simply click on the “Client Management” button
on the TOOLBAR:

This will invoke the Client Management Screen:

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