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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 General Information Preview Install Instructions What's

New (Changelog) Usage Command List Command Examples Properties File Support

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. General Information-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created By: simo_415 Version: 1.6 Mincraft Version: Beta 1.1.2 Thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=100267 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Preview-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4qNc6FNLow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Install Instructions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Go to the minecraft bin directory and backup minecraft.jar 2. Using 7zip or equally capable ZIP viewer open minecraft.jar 3. Delete the META-INF folder 4. Copy ALL the class files contained within the mod to minecraft.jar, replacing the existing files. 5. Enjoy the mod. Note: If you have problems installing this mod, refer to help on the thread. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. What's New-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V1.6-----------------------------------------------------------------------This version adds a "cuboid" type command to the mod: To use cuboid you first need to specify the corners of the region that you want to use cuboid with. To do this use: /cuboid set1 /cuboid set2 Once both positions are set these commands become accesible: /cuboid fill <BLOCKID> - This fills the selected region with the BLOCKID /cuboid remove - This removes the selected region (same as /cuboid fill 0)

/cuboid box <BLOCKID> - This creates a box around the selected region with the specified BLOCKID. /cuboid copy - This copies the selected region to memory /cuboid paste - This "pastes" the copied region to the map - to the immediate north east of the player. /cuboid save [FILENAME] - This saves the copied region to file. These files are located at ".minecraft/mods/sppcommands/saves". The files are uncompressed and in later versions of this mod probably won't be compatible. /cuboid load <FILENAME> - This loads the specified file to memory. The files should be in the same format that "/cuboid save" saves them as. /cuboid get - This will return the two points which set1 and set2 are at. /cuboid reset - This will reset the two points set1 and set2. See the examples for sample usage. --Other than /cuboid this version also comes with a number of new commands which should come in handy: /falldamage - Turns fall damage on/off /instantmine - Turns instant mining on/off /jump - Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put you in the block you move to. /return - Moves the player to the last position before teleport /setjump [JUMP reset] - Sets the height that you jump. Note: Turns fall damage o ff if the jump is configured to move than 1. /setspeed [SPEED reset] - Sets the speed that the player moves Use /help <COMMANDNAME> to find out information about each command. For example - /help falldamage There is now a spc.settings file saved by the mod to the level save - this contains information which the mod uses and is configurable. This allows your settings to be saved, such as playerspeed and instantmine. This also release has a fix for the "/time day" command affecting redstone. ---V1.5-----------------------------------------------------------------------This version adds a number of new commands which are outlined below: /ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your position /descend - Moves you to the next platform below your position /repair [all] - Repairs the currently selected item to full health /duplicate [all] - Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack /destroy [all] - Destroys the current item /itemstack <ITEMID> [QUANTITY] - Gives the player the specified quantity of maxi mum item stacks of the item. /defuse [all] - Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit, drops 1 tnt in its pl ace /killall [all] - Added [all] functionality which will remove all NPCs nearby /killnpc [all] - Same as killall (killall to be removed in a later release). Use /help <COMMANDNAME> to find out information about each command. For example - /help ascend Made readme clearer

---V1.4-----------------------------------------------------------------------Single Player Commands mod now compatible with BETA 1.1.X Added the ability to spawn custom mobs. This new feature changes the way /spawn works, and changes all the NPC codes. Use /spawn list to find monster names and associa ted codes. Please note that monster names ARE case sensitive. You can now change the command names through a properties file, refer to the hel p below for more information about this. Fixed the bugs which were introduced in the last release ---V1.3-----------------------------------------------------------------------Single Player Commands mod now compatible with BETA 1.0.X /health inf == /health infinite /health now provides a message when used Fixed bug where if you die you lose your waypoints ---V1.2-----------------------------------------------------------------------New Commands difficulty killall music Use /help <COMMANDNAME> to find out information about each command. For example - /help music Added some extra functionality to /spawn Moved the majority of the mod's functionality into a new class, PlayerHelper. Th is will help with compatability of other mods. Fixed /time day and /time night to work like they should Added more content to the readme ---V1.1-----------------------------------------------------------------------New commands clear heal health help listwaypoints spawn time Use /help <COMMANDNAME> to find out information about each command. For example - /help time Removed changes to cy.class so only TWO classes needed for mod to function corre ctly. Fixed player skin bug. Seperated waypoint save from level.dat into a seperate file named waypoints.dat

Cleaned up code and made more robust More detailed readme ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Usage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. After applying mod open minecraft. Start a saved world or new world (as per usual). Type 't' (by default) to bring up the chat console. Type in the command and hit enter; a list of commands can be found below.

View the preview video for more information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Commands----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ascend - Moves you to the next platform above your position clear - Clears the console descend - Moves you to the next platform below your position destroy [all] - Destroys the current item defuse [all] - Defuses any TNT nearby which has been hit, drops 1 tnt in its pla ce diff <VALUE> - Same as /difficulty difficulty <VALUE> - Sets the difficulty of the game, valid range is 0-3. dupe [all] - Same as /duplicate duplicate [all] - Duplicates and drops the currently selected item stack *falldamage - Turns fall damage on/off give <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Same as /item goto <NAME> - Goto a waypoint h [COMMAND] - Same as /help heal <HEALTH> - Heals a player the specified number of points health <MIN MAX INFINITE> - Sets the health of a player to pre-defined figures help [COMMAND] - Gives general help when COMMAND isn't specified, gives specific help when COMMAND is specified. home Teleport to spawn point i <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Same as /item *instantmine - Turns instant mining on/off item <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] Gives player item, if quantity isn t specified maximum amount of that item itemstack <ITEMCODE> [QUANTITY] - Gives the player the specified quantity of max imum item stacks of the item. kill Kills the current player *jump - Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put you in the block you move to. killnpc [all] - Kills all nearby living creatures except for yourself. l - Same as /listwaypoints listwaypoints - Lists all waypoints music [VOLUME] - Requests a music track to be played (max 2 per day, won't alway s work), if volume is specified, sets the volume p - Same as /pos pos Gives current player position *return - Moves the player to the last position before teleport rem <NAME> - Removes the specified waypoint repair [all] - Repairs the currently selected item to full health s <NAME> - Same as /set set <NAME> - Mark a waypoint on the world *setjump [JUMP reset] - Sets the height that you jump. Note: Turns fall damage o ff if the jump is configured to move than 1.

setspawn [<X> <Y> <Z>] Set the current position as the spawn point, if X Y Z are specified sets that position as spawn point *setspeed [SPEED reset] - Sets the speed that the player moves spawn <LIST CREATURENAME CREATURECODE RANDOM> - Spawns the specified creature a few blocks away from your current position t <X> <Y> <Z> - Same as /tele tele <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleport to X Y Z coordinates. time [set get day night [minute hour day [TIME]]] - Set and get the time within minecraft. * = New Command ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Examples----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ascend - Moves you to the platform above (if there is one) /clear - Clears the console. /cuboid set1 - Sets position 1. /cuboid set2 - Sets position 2. /cuboid fill 1 - Fills the region between position 1 and position 2 with BLOCKID 1 (stone) /cuboid box 3 - Creates a box in the region of position 1 and position 2 which i s made of BLOCKID 3 (dirt) /cuboid remove - Removes the region between position 1 and position 2. /cuboid get - Gets position 1 and position 2 and prints them to screen /cuboid reset - Resets position 1 and position 2 /cuboid copy - Copies the BLOCKS between position 1 and position 2, these are pu t into memory. /cuboid paste - Pastes the blocks which were copied into memory, into minecraft to the north-east of the player. /cuboid save - Saves the copied region to file /cuboid save file1 - Saves the copied region to file - "file1" /cuboid load file1 - Loads the file "file1" into memory which can now be "pasted " /defuse - Defuses primed TNT in close radius of you /defuse all - Defuses all primed TNT in the map. /descend - Moves you to the platform below (if there is one) /destroy - Destroys the current item /destroy all - Destroys everything in your inventory /difficulty 0 - Sets the difficulty to peaceful /difficulty 3 - Sets the difficulty to hard /duplicate - Duplicates and drops the current item /duplicate all - Duplicates and drops your entire inventory /falldamage - Turns fall damage off. /falldamage again will turn it on. /goto example - Teleports the player to the waypoint named "example" /heal 10 - Heals a player 10 health /heal -10 - Removes 10 health from the player /health min - Sets the players health to half a heart health /health max - Sets the players health to ten full hearts /health infinite - Sets the players health to 65565 (maximum ammount of health a llowed). /help goto - Provides an ingame help message about the goto command /help spawn - Provides an ingame help message about the spawn command /help - Provides a generic help message. /instantmine - Turns instant mine on. /instantmine again will turn it off. /item 1 - Gives the player 64 stone /item 278 - Gives the player 1 diamond pickaxe /item 278 64 - Gives the player 64 diamond pickaxe's /itemstack 1 64 - Gives the player 64 stacks of 64 stone

/itemstack 278 10 - Gives the player 10 diamond pickaxes /jump - Will teleport the player to the block where the mouse is pointing. /kill - Kills the current player /killall - Kills all nearby living creatures. /killall all - Kills every living creature that is currently on the map. /listwaypoints - Lists all waypoints that have been set on the given map /music - Requests a music track to be played. Note that only one or two tracks c an be player per day. /music 10 - Sets the volume of music to 10. /pos - Gives the players position in X Y Z coordinates /rem example - Removes the waypoint named "example" /repair - Repairs the current item /repair all - Repairs every item in your inventory /return - Teleports the player to the position they were before they teleported. /set example - Sets a waypoint at the current position named "example" /setjump 5 - Sets the player jump to 5. /setjump reset - Resets the player jump to default. /setspawn - Sets the current position as the spawn point /setspawn 0 66 0 - Sets the spawn point at (0,66,0) /setspeed 5 - Sets the player speed to 5. /setspeed reset - Resets the player speed to default. /spawn list - Prints a list of monsters and monster codes to screen /spawn Zombie - Spawns a zombie nearby /spawn 92 - Spawns the creature with id = 92, a cow in this case. /spawn random - Spawns a random creature /spawn r r - Spawns two random creatures ontop of one another /spawn 92 Creeper 56 - Spawns creature 92 ontop of a creeper ontop of creature 5 6 (ghast > creeper > cow) /tele 0 66 0 - Teleports the player to the coordinates (0,66,0) /time - Gives the player the current time /time day - Sets the time to the morning, ie: hour = 0, same as /time set hour 0 /time night - Sets the time to night, ie: hour = 13, same as /time set hour 13 /time get hour - Gets the current hour /time get minute - Gets the current minute /time set day 1 - Sets the current day as 1 /time set hour 10 - Sets the current hour as 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Properties File---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To change command names from what they are to alternate versions you need to add this file to your .minecraft directory. .minecraft/mods/sppcommands/sppcommands.properties Within this properties file should be key value pairs seperated by an equals "=" sign. Where the key is the command name and the value is the new value. For example to change /goto to /warp goto = warp Example sppcommands.properties file #START OF FILE give = goto = warp

item = pos = p = spawn = q #END OF FILE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Support-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are having any trouble with this mod please post on this forum thread, I check it regularly: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=100267 That way when I help you with your problem, people with the same problem can als o find the solution. Bugs Reports/Bug Fixes/Feature requests/Problems should all be posted on that fo rum thread. I love hearing feedback, so any feedback so greatly appreciated, if you like the mod please tell me!

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