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Parish of St.Cuthbert, Benfieldside

Sunday Worship
8.00a.m. Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10.00a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship)
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer
+ Choral Evensong (BCP)
Taizé Vespers

Sunday School meets at 10.00a.m. in the Church Hall during term

Weekday Worship Please see the

Calendar &
Morning Prayer: 8.30a.m. Monday - Friday Pewsheet for
Evening Prayer: 5.00p.m. Tuesday alterations to this
Midweek Eucharist: 10.00a.m.Thursday pattern.

Parish Office
Arrangements for Baptisms, Marriages, etc. should
normally be made in the Vicar’s vestry in church on
Tuesdays at 5.30p.m. - please phone first if possible.
For Spiritual Advice & the Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Confession), please contact the Vicar.

Clergy & Readers

Vicar: The Revd Martin Jackson
St. Cuthbert’s Vicarage, Church Bank, Shotley Bridge
01207 503019
mobile phone: 0797 226 2412
e-mail: martin.jackson@durham.anglican.org
Readers: Mrs. Rosie Junemann 01207 583998
  Mr. Paul Heatherington 01207 506282

Parish web-site: www.communigate.co.uk/ne/saintcuthberts



Thurs. 2 10.00a.m. Eucharist
10.45a.m. Holy Communion – Shotley Park
Sunday 5 HARVEST FESTIVAL (Trinity 20)
8.00a.m. Eucharist
followed by a HARVEST LUNCH
Mon. 6 2.00p.m. Mothers’ Union Service & Meeting
Tues. 7 9.30a.m. Deanery Chapter - Burnopfield
1.45p.m. Benfieldside School Visit to St. Cuthbert’s
Thurs. 9 10.00a.m. Eucharist
10.45a.m. Holy Communion - Edmundbyers House
(Isaiah 25.1-9; Philippians 4.1-9; Matthew 22.1.14)
8.00a.m. Eucharist
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer
Tues. 14 12.30p.m. 2nd Tuesday Lunch Club - Church Hall
1.45p.m. Benfieldside School Visit to St. Cuthbert’s
7.30p.m. Sing Together - in church
Thurs. 16 10.00a.m. Eucharist
(Isaiah 45.1-7; 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10; Matthew 22.15-22)
8.00a.m. Eucharist
6.00p.m. Taizé Vespers
Tues. 21 7.30p.m. Ladies’ Fashion Show - Church Hall
With buffet - tickets £5 from Mary Mitchell
Thurs. 23 10.00a.m. Eucharist
British Summer Time ends
(Nehemiah 8.1-4a,8-12; Colossians 3.12-17; Matthew 24.30-35)
8.00a.m. Eucharist
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer
Mon. 27 2.00p.m. Holy Communion by Extension
- at 65 Woodlands Road
Thurs. 30 10.00a.m. Eucharist - cancelled this week

(Revelation 7.9-17; 1 John 3.1-3; Matthew 5.1-12)
8.00a.m. Eucharist
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer
(Commemoration of the Faithful Departed)
Tues. 4 8.00p.m. Hall Management Committee
Thurs. 6 10.00a.m. Eucharist
10.45a.m. Holy Communion - Shotley Park
Sat. 8 10a.m.-1.00p.m. Book & Toy Sale - Church Hall
(Amos 5.18-24; 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18; Matthew 25.1-13)
8.00a.m. Eucharist
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer

View from the Vicarage

Duplication and repetition

I realise that two pages of this month‟s magazine are simply copied
from the last - and there‟s a familiar refrain often from one year to the
next. Should we be more original?

Well… the copied pages are those which refer to Harvest Festival. The
refrain is in the needs which we identify at this time of year amongst the
world‟s poor, the homeless nearer to hand and the children who may
receive gifts that make all the difference in the shape of a shoe-box we
pack for them. There‟s the reminder too - year-on-year - of All Souls‟
Day, when we confront our grief and bring departed loved ones before

“The poor you will always

have with you,” said Jesus.
The needs of the poor and
suffering are always there.
But so also should be our
thanksgiving. As well as our
sorrows - and those of the
world - let us remember the
blessings we have received.
And be thankful.
Martin Jackson

Useful Church Contacts:

Churchwardens: Liz Parker, 178 Benfieldside Road 505156
Linda Short, 9 Sherwood Close   503750
PCC Lay Chair: Peter Thompson, Wheldon House, Ebchester 560454
PCC Treasurer: Irvine Macnair, 10 Kempton Close. 505828
PCC Secretary: Jill Barron, 141 Benfieldside Road 504352
Sunday School: Carol O’Malley, 13 Spring Close, Ebchester 561884
Church Hall: Linda Short, 9 Sherwood Close  503750

Mothers‟ Union News

Monday 6 October:
2.00pm Service in Church followed by a presentation by
David and Janet Arbon about their Ugandan Adventure,
helping to build a school. Sheila Barnes (504168)

Christian Aid News

Friday 24th October:
A date for your diaries – for One World Week –a performance by the SNUG
Theatre Group. Further details to follow. Sheila Barnes (504168)

100 Club - Winners

1st Prize £25.00 No. 90 Mandy Gray
2nd Prize £15.00 No. 67 Margaret Wilkinson
3rd Prize £10.00 No. 33 Eileen Westthorp
Further details on how to join the 100 Club
from our organiser, Jennifer Lambert, phone 01207 505018.

Reminder - the Webb Ivory Catalogue is out!

Please do take a catalogue (details on how to order
enclosed) and either 'pass it on' to anyone who is interested or
simply put it back in Church so others can take a look. Up to
25% of proceeds from orders placed will go to St. Cuthbert's.
A good cause indeed! Many thanks.
Elaine Bellerby

Congratulations - to Sammie & Alan Hewlett

as they celebrate 50 years of marriage on 11th October.
A truly Golden Couple! Our very best wishes…

Feeling the pinch?

In all the current financial turmoil, many
people are feeling hard up. If its not
enough that prices for food, fuel and
heating - and, in some cases, mortgages
- are rising rapidly, we‟re also having to
contend with the vagaries of the
international money markets which are
playing havoc with people‟s savings and
investments. People are worried. We‟re
promised a further rise in inflation.
Recession is knocking on the door. We
all fear poverty.

But what does poverty really mean in the UK today? Is it about starvation
and slums? The official line is that poverty is a relative concept. The UK
poverty line is set at 60% of the national median income. Since the current
median income is £377 per week, the poverty line is £226 per week. The
Labour government did take action to reduce poverty when it first came to
power but now the number of people officially in poverty in the UK is
increasing. About 1 in 5 of the population live in poverty. That‟s 13.2 million
people. Of these, two or three million are living in extreme poverty on
incomes of £150 per week or less. Most of these are pensioners, people
with disabilities, and children living in single parent families.

Poverty in the UK today is as much about loss of social participation as

about lack of material well-being. Children disadvantaged by poverty may
be unable to participate in social and leisure activities and may even be
denied school trips.

Joanne, 27, is a single mother of two children aged 2 and 4 years. She
receives Income Support of £60 per week and £90 in benefits for her
children. After she has paid her rent, gas and electric and other essential
bills, she has just £13 per week left. They struggle to eat well and have no
money for clothing or extras like Christmas and birthday celebrations.

Christine is a widow living on state pension plus pension credit, giving her
an income of £124 per week. However hard she tries to economise on
heating, food and clothing, she is barely coping with day-to-day life.

As the Church Times (12 September) reminds us:

“People on the lowest incomes are most vulnerable to economic forces.
They have neither the room to manoeuvre, nor the power to negotiate their
way out of trouble.”

More than fifty UK charities, including faith and community groups, have
recently got together to launch the „Get Fair‟ campaign to urge the
government to take action on poverty and the growing inequality gap
between Britain‟s rich and poor. They are inviting others to get involved.
They say that the government could invest £4 billion immediately to halve
child poverty by 2010. They also propose that the government should
improve existing benefits to take half a million pensioners out of poverty,
review benefits for job seekers and asylum seekers, do more to encourage
people into work, and improve access to social housing and essential

While we are „feeling the pinch‟, there‟s likely to be someone else worse off
than we are. As Christians we have a responsibility to care for the poor and
to alleviate poverty wherever we encounter it. You can, of course, support
the „Get Fair‟ by donating money to it or any of its member groups. Or you
can join the „Keep the Promise‟ rally which will take place in London on the
4 October 2008 or support Poverty and Homelessness Action Week, 1-8
February 2009. Or you can pray for those in need in these troubled times.

GET FAIR Together against poverty

Lord God, we live in disturbing days:
across the world,
prices rise,
debts increase,
banks collapse,
jobs are taken away,
and fragile security is under threat.
Loving God, meet us in our fear and hear our prayer;
be a tower of strength amidst the shifting sands
and a light in the darkness.
Help us to receive your gift of peace,
and fix our hearts where true joys are to be found,
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Church of England

Auschwitz - A visit to Remember

Parishioner, Liz Whiting continues a series of articles in which she reflects

upon her recent visit to Poland.

Every member of our coach party felt apprehensive about this part of the
tour. The film Schindler’s List had been shown earlier - and a BBC
documentary on the Holocaust - but nothing could really prepare us for the
real thing. No one really wanted to go but felt it had to be done in respect
for the millions who were systematically murdered.

The weather was scorching about 30 degrees Celsius when we reached

Camp 1. It did not look as bad as in the movies, which are normally black
and white. The two storey buildings are neat and made of red brick but they
had been originally built as barracks for the Polish Army. They were quickly
utilised by the SS. until Auschwitz 2 - Birkenau could be built by slave
labour. Once inside however it was a different story. Although the gate with
the words “Arbeit Macht Frei”, “Work gives you Freedom.” inscribed over it,
is a grim reminder of its cruel past.

Individual Barracks rooms had been divided into four sections each
showing harrowing displays of aspects of camp life. There were many
graphic pictures of transportation and the haunting faces of Jews on their
way to the Gas Chambers. One of the most poignant displays was of tons
of human hair rescued from a warehouse. There was also a roll of material
made of human hair. Huge piles of shoes, sorted into men‟s, women‟s and
children‟s, prosthesis and even glasses and kitchen utensils had also been
kept as a reminder. There was one case full of suitcases many neatly
marked and labelled, combs, soap, brushes, combs and even shoe polish.

All of these items had been removed from prisoners as soon as they
entered the camp for “processing”. All would be reissued to Germans as
everyday supplies. Gold teeth were also removed after death and sent with
other gold and jewellery to be melted down before being despatched
directly to help with funding the Nazi War Effort. Considering that the
Germans had blown up the main warehouses on their evacuation of the
site there was still an amazing amount of material left despite their efforts to
destroy it. This, for me, was one of the most moving parts of the tour.

We then went on to visit the prison where non-Jews were held. These
included political prisoners or so-called criminals. Trials, often by one SS
officer lasted about two minutes and the sentence was inevitably death.
The cells were dreadful and indescribable suffering must have taken place.
The punishment cells were little bigger than 2 telephone kiosks yet up to
four people were held here. No room to sit or lie down yet these men had
still to work eleven-hour shifts. Few survived for very long. Outside the
prison, between the two blocks was an enclosed yard which contained the
wall of death, where the condemned were shot naked and through the back
of the head. The adjoining hut was where experimentation took place.

The Commandant Rudolph Hoess had his house only yards from the
barbed wire fence surrounding the camp. The garden where his children
played was next to the gas chamber. The gallows, where he was later
hanged now stand on what was once his lawn. We went into the gas
chamber, which is now a memorial to the Jews who died there. Then we
passed the ovens where the bodies were disposed of. Auschwitz 1 was not
designed as an extermination camp, so this gas chamber was not big
enough. Only 800 people could be gassed here in two days. At Auschwitz 2
- Birkenau the figure was 8,000 people, who could be disposed of in the
same time span.

Liz Whiting

* * * * * *

Art at
St. Cuthbert’s
An Exhibition by Local Artists

Although proceeds of £331.19 may not be as much as in previous years, I

feel that the Exhibition was once more a success, despite the atrocious
weather on the Saturday. People came and viewed, had a snack, and
enjoyed the social occasion.
Liz and I are most grateful to everyone who contributed, those who
exhibited - without whom there would be no exhibition, and those who
stewarded, cooked, served and helped clear up on the Sunday evening.
But special thanks must go to the Bellerby family, all four of whom gave so
generously of their time and effort over the entire Friday, Saturday and
Lew Parker

Looking ahead to the season of Remembrance

More sessions for everyone who enjoys singing. Join us to learn

some new hymns and practise some old favourites

Tuesday 14th October 2008

7.30 – 8.30pm in St Cuthbert’s Church

Further details: Rosie Junemann, Martin Jackson or Bill Hudson


2nd Tuesday Lunch Club

… continues to provide food and friendship

12.30p.m. Tuesday 14th October

in the Church Hall

St Cuthbert’s Gardening Club

Harvest Festival: Sunday 5th October

Plant up indoor bulbs

for the Christmas Fair: 6th December

Notes & News

Progress report…
In October 1934 - 74 years ago - Derek Hume joined St. Cuthbert‟s Church
Choir as a boy chorister, his mother walking with him up and down Church
Bank twice a week, Mr. Reg Bulmer being the talented choir master.
Apart from his National Service “call-up” in the mid
1940s, when he served his country in the Royal
Navy, he has always remained a loyal member of
his local church and choir. On his marriage - 57
years ago - he eventually persuaded his wife to join
him at St. Cuthbert‟s, she being formerly a regular
worshipper at St. John‟s (the Snods) - we can be
thankful to have acquired her culinary skills which
have served visitors to Fayres and many other
functions through the years since!
Derek‟s long, loyal and dedicated service take some
matching. Here‟s to the 75 anniversary next year.
Meanwhile it‟s good to have Lynne Severs back in the choir, and to
welcome new member Jamie Whitfield.

The Derwentdale Court Eucharist… has had to move out of its usual
meeting place due to building work. Meanwhile, Margaret Vernon is kindly
hosting us at 65 Woodlands Road - this month on Monday 27 October:
Rosie Junemann officiates at Holy Communion by Extension.

to Hannah and David Cleugh, who have just
been able to announce that they will serve
their title as Curates in the Dorchester Team
Ministry in Oxford Diocese.
Hannah (formerly Rudge) grew up as a
member of St. Cuthbert‟s, before going off to
read Theology at Oxford - sadly she hasn‟t
managed to get away, continuing with a
D.Phil., and now working on a M.Th. (Master
of Theology) at Ripon College, Cuddesdon
with husband David. Our best wishes to them.

Fashion at St Cuthbert’s
7.30p.m. Tuesday 21st October
Ladies’ Fashion Show
- in St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall.

Tickets from Mary Mitchell £5 - proceeds to church funds


Lanchester Deanery
What is it?
Contemplative Prayer in the Christian tradition.

Each meeting involves people sharing and praying in

God‟s presence in stillness.

We begin with a short meditative reading or reflection,

then a piece of music leading us into 30 minutes of
silence which is followed by another piece of music.

There is then the opportunity to talk about the readings,

music and experiences over a cup of tea or coffee afterwards.

Venue: St.James Church Hall, Burnopfield

When: Last Wednesday of every month.
th th
Next Meetings: Wednesday 29 October & 26 November
Time: 2.00pm and 7.30pm (both sessions are the same)

For more information contact Revd. Heather Murray: 01207 588816


Sunday 5th October 2OO8

8.00a.m. Holy Communion (BCP)
with the offering of Harvest Gifts
We welcome gifts of produce and money for our Harvest Appeal as
offerings during the Sung Eucharist - a service for all the family. Afterwards
an informal parish lunch.
Your financial gifts will benefit the USPG Harvest Appeal (see below).
Produce will be passed on to the People’s Kitchen.
Contributions for Harvest flowers gratefully received in the basket in
church - or pass them to Sonia Thompson.

USPG‟s work with the poor has included:

Health care, through funding hospitals, HIV/AIDS awareness

programmes and training for medical personnel.
Education, through funding new schools and sending teachers to
wherever there is a need.
Church ministry: through funding theological training and pastoral
programmes. And inter-faith relations.
Cross-cultural training – because we believe that each part of the
church can learn from every other part.

Harvest Produce and the People’s Kitchen

The People‟s Kitchen works with homeless people on Tyneside to offer
them “Friendship and Food”. The gifts they receive at Harvest-time are
especially important, but there‟s a limit to the amount of fresh food they can
use! So they suggest the following items – though without any particular
order of importance…

 Money if possible (Cheques payable to “The People‟s Kitchen”)

 Instant coffee, tea bags and dried milk
 Sugar
 Plain & self-raising flour
 Gravy granules
 Evaporated milk, condensed milk, rice pudding
 Tins – mixed veg., peas, beans, carrots etc.
 Tins – fruit
 Powdered or instant custard
 Oats for the Sunday breakfast porridge
 Sauces (tomato sauce, brown sauce, salad cream etc.)
 Biscuits
 Breakfast cereals
 Soups (tins or packets)
 Tinned meat (stewing steak, mince, corned beef)
 Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants, soap, shampoo)

Items to avoid!
 There‟s currently a surplus of tinned tomatoes, pasta and rice
 Fresh green vegetables and other perishable items - it‟s not always
possible to use or freeze these quickly enough.
So pack up your produce, bring it to church on 5 October, and we‟ll make
sure it gets to the Kitchen.

In case you‟d like to send a donation direct,

here‟s the address:

The People’s Kitchen

56 Bath Lane

Get ready for Operation Christmas Child 2008!

Sending a message of hope to children around the world
“As a family we have made up Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes on
several occasions. We love to do this as we know it both blesses the
children who receive them and also gives our own children the chance to feel
part of something bigger that can help others. We think it is a brilliant
operation that we would always recommend others to be part of”. Tim Jupp,
keyboard player, Delirious

What is Operation Christmas Child?

This annual project enables caring individuals, families, schools, churches,
businesses, and other organisations to fill ordinary shoe boxes with small toys,
school supplies, sweets, and other gifts for needy children around the world.
Operation Christmas Child sends a message of hope to children in need
around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes. Operation Christmas Child is
the world's largest children's Christmas project. Since 1990 the project has
brought the joy of Christmas to more than 60 million boys and girls
throughout the world. Last year we sent 1.30 million shoe boxes from the UK
to children in hospitals, orphanages, Internally Displaced Persons camps,
homeless shelters and impoverished neighbourhoods. With your help we
want to reach even more children in the poorest parts of the world in 2008.

Your gift is powerful

Your shoe box will make a child feel special and valued, and let them know
that you care about them. Choosing gifts and then wrapping and filling a shoe
box is a fun and rewarding activity for all the family – especially when you
know these gifts are going to be used and treasured.
Note: As in previous years, Sonia Thompson will coordinate our parish
shoe box appeal. Look out for the leaflets giving details. We’ll be receiving
boxes on Sundays 2, 19 and 16 November. Boxes will need to be returned
to church by 16th November, which has now been designated as “Shoebox

The music of
Ralph Vaughan Williams
“The only „correct‟ music is that which is beautiful and noble.”

Ralph (pronounced „Rafe‟) Vaughan Williams was born in 1872 in the

Cotswold Village of Down Ampney. He was educated at Charterhouse
School and at Trinity College, Cambridge and then studied at the Royal
College of Music. He studied with a number of famous musicians of his
time – Stanford and Parry in London, Max Bruch in Berlin and Maurice
Ravel in Paris. During the 1914-18 war, he volunteered to serve in the Field
Ambulance Service in Flanders, where he was deeply affected by the carnage
and especially by the loss of close friends, such as the composer George
Butterworth. Exposure to the constant gunfire damaged his hearing and he
became deaf in later life.

At the turn of the century Vaughan Williams was among the first collectors
of folk songs and carols, travelling about the countryside to seek out singers
and notating the songs. His music is quintessentially English and often
incorporates some of those traditional melodies. His musical works include
nine symphonies, five operas, music for film, ballet and stage, song cycles,
choral and church music. No less than four of his works appear in the top
100 of the Classic FM Hall of Fame 2008: The Lark Ascending (no.1),
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis (no. 3), Five Variants of Dives and
Lazarus (no. 74), and the English Folksongs Suite (no. 76). His music is
notable for its power, nobility and expressiveness and represents, perhaps,
the essence of „Englishness‟.

In 1904, Vaughan Williams was invited to be Music Editor of the new

English Hymnal. As he undertook this task, he included a number of new
hymn tunes, which he himself composed, together with his arrangements of
several traditional English folk tunes. He later also edited the Oxford Book
of Carols. Amongst the hymn tunes he composed you will probably know
„Sine nomine‟ („For all the saints‟), „Salva festa dies‟ („Hail thee festival day‟)
and „Down Ampney‟ („Come down O love divine‟).
Vaughan Williams died in August 1958. This year we celebrate the 50th
anniversary of his death. And on his birthday – Sunday 12th October – we
are invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury to include at least one of his
hymns in our worship in honour of his memory. At St Cuthbert‟s we‟ll be
choosing as many as we can from the wide selection of hymns,
arrangements, anthems and choral music available. So come along and join
us to celebrate the International Day of Vaughan Williams, who is
undoubtedly one of the greatest British composers.
Rosie Junemann

All Saints & All Souls

A reminder of our fellowship with the whole company of heaven...

Sunday 2nd November ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY

8.00a.m. Holy Communion (BCP)
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer
Monday 3 November ALL SOULS’ DAY

Please let us know of departed loved ones to be remembered in our

prayers at the Requiem - a list will be placed in church from mid-

A prayer for change: in our world - and in ourselves

Lord, when we say „Give us today our daily bread‟, may we
remember our brothers and sisters who live below the bread-line
and pray, „Give them today their daily bread‟. Give us the wisdom
and courage to challenge the policies and structures which make the
poor even poorer, while we have more than enough. Grant us such
deep compassion that we will not rest while surplus food rots in one
part of the world, and families starve in another; for your love‟s sake.
Inspired by words of Sister Margaret Magdalen CSMV

From the Parish Registers

Holy Baptism
21 September Megan Louise O’Brien
6 Second Street, Pont Bungalows
21 September Oliver Jack Wilde
44 Links Drive, Shotley Bridge
21 September Amber May Maltby
4 St. Andrew’s Crescent, Blackhill
21 September Sarah Anne Clarke
12 Meadow Rise, Consett

May they continue to follow Christ

20 September Adrian Toutoungi & Elizabeth Ashby
Let their love for each other be a seal upon their hearts
and a crown upon their heads.

8 September Margaret Yager aged 88 years
Alston Terrace, Bridgehill
16 September John George Neil aged 92 years
Derwent Care Nursing Home
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace

Readings for Sunday Evening Worship

Please use these readings, whether or not you are able to join us at the 6p.m. service

Sunday 5th October Ps. 136 Proverbs 2.1-11 1 John 2.1-17

Sunday 12th October Ps. 139 Proverbs 3.1-18 1 John 3.1-15
Sunday 19th October Ps. 142 Proverbs 4.1-18 1 John 3.16 - 4.6
Sunday 26th October Ps. 119.89-104 Ecclesiastes 11,12 2 Timothy 2.1-7
Sunday 2nd November Ps. 148,150 Isaiah 65.17-25 Hebrews 11.32-12.2
Sunday 9th November Ps. 82 Judges 7.2-22 John 15.9-17

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