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OCTOBER 29-30, 2011

Sat., Oct. 29 5:00p Sun., Oct. 30 8:30a 11:00a Weekday +Erb Family (Carol Kimball) Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time +Mic Martina (Mary DiCesare) +Mike & Berner Boerger (Family) Sunday, Oct. 30 8:30a 9:30a 11:00a 11:00a 11:00a SPAGHETTI DINNER (NOON-6:00P)-PLC Mass - Church Religious Ed (K-5th) Mass - Church CGS (During Mass)-Atrium CLOW

Mon., Oct. 31 Weekday 8:00a +Paul Benedetto (Ione Benedetto) Tues. Nov.1 8:00a 7:00p Wed., Nov. 2 8:00a All Saints +Carmine & Giovanna Mosca (Vincenzo & Rita DiSante) +Jerry Mowery (George & Jean Blubaugh)
Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls)

Monday, Oct. 31 8:00a Mass - Church Tuesday, Nov. 1 - Feast of All Saints - Holy Day of Obligation 8:00a Mass - Church 9:30a Bible Study-PLC 4:00p CGS-Atrium 7:00P Mass - Church Wednesday, Nov. 2 8:00a Mass - Church 9:30a Bereavement Support Group 7:00p Bible Study-PLC Thursday, Nov. 3 8:00a Mass - Church 7:30p Choir Rehearsal-Church 7:30p R.C.I.A.-PLC (lower level) Friday, Nov. 4 8:00a 8:30a 11:00a 8:00p Mass - Church Centering Prayer-Church Charismatic Prayer Mtg.-Church First Friday Adoration-Church

+All Souls Remembered

Thurs., Nov. 3 St. Martin de Porres 8:00a +Barbara (Bunny) Deegan (Joe & Mimi Sugar) Fri., Nov. 4 8:00a Sat., Nov. 5 8:00a 5:00p Sun., Nov. 6 8:30a 11:00a St. Charles Borromeo Spec.Int. Godwin & Olivia Apaliyah (Joseph Family) Weekday +Lucia Ciotola (Tony & Jackie Polletta) +Ralph Erb (Carol Kimball) Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time +Daniel Scaperoth (Hank Scaperoth) +Mary Della Grotenrath (Mary Jo Grotenrath)

Gifts for God

103 Envelopes Recd; 728 issued 26 Loose Checks Oct. 22-23 Loose Cash $3,501.00 575.00 552.00

Thank you to all who support the work of God


Saturday, Nov. 5 8:00a First Saturday Mass-Church 4:00p Confessions - Church 5:00p Mass - Church Sunday, Nov. 6 8:30a 9:30a 11:00a 11:00a 11:00a 6:00p Coffee & Donuts Following Masses Mass - Church Religious Ed (K-5th)-PLC Mass - Church CGS (During Mass)-Atrium CLOW ImPact (6th-8th)-PLC

FEAST OF ALL SAINTS - Tuesday, November 1 is the

Feast of All Saints and a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be Masses at 8:00a & 7:00p

FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION: Friday, November 4 is the

First Friday of the month. There will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 8:00p with the recitation of the rosary. Adoration will continue throughout the night and will close with Mass on Saturday at 8:00a.

R.C.I.A. Classes are held on Thursdays at 7:30p in the

Parish Life Center (lower level). Anyone with even a mild interest in the Catholic Faith is welcome to call Karin DeLaurentis @ 614-306-6013 or Father Romano for more information.

CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING will be Friday, November 4 at 11:00a in the Church. For more information, contact Joanne Bellisari @ 276-9700.


e are a group of people bound by our belief in Jesus Christ. Through our baptism, we are called to share in His work. Therefore we pledge ourselves through the ideal of shared ministry to build a community where all are welcomed, loved, needed, and appreciated; to celebrate the gift of life together in word and sacrament; and to promote justice, peace and equality for all people. - Our Lady of Victory Mission Statement

5:00p Saturday, November 5
Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Ushers: Dorie Kirwin, Linda Mazzitti, Jacqueline Milsom, Paul Milsom, Mary Waterfield Sr. Dorothy Doyle, Giorgio Rizzoni Andrew Balenger, Dominick Milano, Rosaley Milano Renee Williams, Joe Tose, Vincent Tose, Ed Pirik

items for the White Elephant sale. No clothing or bedding please! PLEASE DELIVER YOUR ITEMS THE DAY BEFORE THE BAZAAR TO THE PLC or call Pat Feamster 4593683 or 657-2375 after November 7 for pick-up.

8:30a Sunday, November 6

Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Ushers: Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound: Frank Bettendorf, Dick Miller, Steve Stroh, Mary Pat Tarpy George Blubaugh, Michael Phillian Ali Lachey, Emily Lachey Doug Campbell, Jeff Panuto, Randy Harlor Joe Giuliani, George Cumrine, Mary Blubaugh, Lily Bell, Laura Bolster

OLV BLOOD DRIVE will be held on Monday, November 7th from 1:00p-7:00p. The need is constant, please give the gift of life. To donate, call Jeanne Bogen@451-3883.

CHOIR CONCERT ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 AT 3:00 P.M.: Are you interested in singing with
the choir for this concert? Come to our next rehearsal on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the church or call Carol Ann 614-348-8822. MASS TO HONOR ALL VETERANS: Victory Council Knights of Columbus will honor all veterans at the 5:00p Mass on Saturday, November 12. Following the Mass there will be a reception in the Parish Life Center. All our welcome.

11:00a Sunday, November 6

Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Ushers: Collection Counters: Marcia Bohley, John Frericks, Ann Gabriel, Krista Joseph, Rosemary Myers, Gisela Vitt Jim Shannon, Dottie Spires Harrison Jackson, Lauren Jones, Alexandra Joseph Joe Conie, Roy LeMaster, Don May, Richard Broderick Cookie Rezabek, Bill McNary

PRAYER TREE: The Respect

Life Committee is asking for the names of OLV parishioner family members who are actively serving in the military for a possible prayer tree; also, please provide the names of veterans as well. Please contact Maureen Studer at 771-4843 or e-mail maureen.studer@ gmail.com.

Mary Clark, Marie Sirij, Dorothy Lang, Eloise Miller, Mary Jane Hannah, Elizabeth Rusnak, Irene Clay, Patricia Baumann, Doris Scanlon, Patricia Sheehan, Eric Ray, Reid Hudson, Jada Brady, William Reed Orban, Jake Koch, Trina Latorre, Sr. Sharen Baldy, SCN, Casey Browning, Jack Miller, Fr. Lawrence Reichert, William Hoke, Beanie Gentile, Marge Ciccone, Eloise McAllister, Tom Paoletti, Andrew Sheets, Cindy Hartsook. Please remember in your prayers others who are not on this list. (Please notify the parish office of any changes.)


OCTOBER 29-30, 2011

Before the Gospel* Deacon: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to N. People: Glory to you, Lord. Nicene Creed We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Before the Gospel* Deacon: The Lord be with you. People: And with your Spirit. Deacon: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to N. People: Glory to you, O Lord. Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.



What will we be saying differently at Mass? The Profession of Faith

Among the early Christians, a profession of faith was part of the rite of Baptism. The catechumen would renounce evil, enter the water, then profess belief by answering a series of questions associated with the Trinity. Later, as the catechumenal process developed, those awaiting baptism would be given a longer credal formula which they would memorize, then recite it for the bishop. These questions and recitation are still a vital part of our initiation rites. The Nicene Creed, which we most commonly used at Mass, was developed at the Council of Nicea (325) and the Council of Constantinople (381). Historians first see its use at Mass in the sixth century. In various liturgical families, it was recited before the Eucharistic Prayer, before the Lords Prayer or following the homily. In modern times, the Creed is recited or sung on Sundays, solemni-ties or other festive occasions. The purpose of the Profession of Faith or Creed is that the whole gathered people may respond to the word of God proclaimed in the readings and that they may call to mind and confess the great mysteries of the faith (GIRM 67). In the Roman Missal, third edition, which we will begin to use in Advent 2011, the English translation of the Nicene Creed is going to change slightly. Currently, we begin with We believe , but soon we will begin with I believe. This is the literal translation of the Latin credo. But even when we profess our faith communally, we can only speak for our individual faith. Youll also notice that I believe replaces we believe three more times in the new translation. While we currently say the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, soon we will say the Only Begotten Son of God born of the Father before all ages. Only Begotten Son matches the words of the Gloria. In addition, born of the Father before all ages is a literal translation of natus est Bishop Boyea notes, We believe that Jesus was not merely born in Bethlehem, but that he is eternally begotten by the Father. The Son is always being born of the Father and the Father is always begetting the Son (Faith, October 2009). Consubstantial with the Father will take some getting used to, but it is a good word for us to learn. It is a direct use of consubstantialis and is a stronger phrase than one in being with the Father. Everything has being and we all have that being in God. But the Father and Son, together with the Spirit are of the same substance, that is, they are only one God (ibid). While the current translation uses he was born of the Virgin Mary, the new translation will use was incarnate of the Virgin Mary (incarnatus est ex Maria Virginae). To become incarnate means to take flesh, that is Jesus, became a human being, not at his birth in a stable, but in the womb of the Virgin. Youll notice a few more slight changes in the new translation. Most were chosen to adhere more literally to the original Latin. Suffered death replaces suffered and died since there are not two verbs in the original. Adored replaces worshipped since it appears in the original and since it was consistently used throughout the new Missal. I confess means to express belief in, not merely to acknowledge our guilt. As you recite the new translation, do so slowly. Reflect on each word and each line, because This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rites of Baptism and Confirmation).
Rita A. Thiron, Director of the Office of Worship for the Diocese of Lansing. For more information and additional articles, visit www.faithmag.com and click on Theology101.


OCTOBER 29-30, 2011



Confirmation students (and parents): Please consider spending 2 hours cleaning Run the Race on one of the dates listed below to fulfill your community service hours. Contact the person next to the cleaning date if you can help. Thank you!
November 12 from 9a-11a Please contact Paul Milsom at paul.milsom@oracle.com if you can help. December 10 from 9a-11a Please contact Kati Russell at crussel1@columbus.rr.com if you can help. January 14 from 9a-11a Please contact Debbie Daoud at debbiedaoud1@hotmail.com or 370-1990 if you can help. February 11 from 9a-11a Please contact Debbie Daoud at debbiedaoud1@hotmail.com or 370-1990 if you can help. March 10 from 9a-11a Please contact Debbie Daoud at debbiedaoud1@hotmail.com or 370-1990 if you can help. Our Lady of Victory Parish continues to support Rachel Muha and Run the Race. Kids ages 3-18 are welcomed at the center which is located just 3.6 miles away from OLV. At the center, kids receive a meal and snacks. They participate in fun activities such as sports and crafts. They hear God's word and share prayer time together. They feel the consistent love that Rachel, her staff and other volunteers give to them daily. The center is a stable environment that they can count on each day. Pantry items that are ALWAYS needed: Granola Bars, Fruit Bars, Fruit-Cups, Cans of Protein: Tuna, Chicken meals. Please place these items in the boxes in the lower level of the Parish Life Center where Sunday school takes place.

GRIEVING THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS A bereavement support group will be held in the home of parishioner, Betsy May. Weekly sessions will give you the opportunity to share with other grieving people who can understand and support you through your journey. Wednesdays: November 2, 9, 16 9:30a-11:00a. For information, contact Sr. Dorothy Doyle @ 614276-9700.

WELCOME to Daniela Marie Bennett, Brynn Marie Campbell & Mitchell Monroe Palmer
who were recently baptized at OLV and through the Sacrament of Baptism became members of Gods family.

CONGRATULATIONS to Zachary Allen & Leslie Johnson and Daniel Kelly & Bethany Crawford
who were united in the Sacrament of Matrimony this weekend at Our Lady of Victory.

COFFEE & DONUTS will follow the 8:30

& 11:00a masses Sunday, November 6 in the Parish Life Center. This is a great opportunity to meet and welcome new parishioners.


parishioners and family members of the Religious Ed. ImPACT program are invited to come hear Rachel Muha give her powerful testimony on forgiveness and how it can change people's lives. Rachel will speak to the middle school students on Sunday, November 6th from 6:006:30pm in the PLC. Don't miss this opportunity!


OLV Youth Community NEWS L.I.F.E. - Living In Faith Everyday

????? Contact Holly Jo Monnier @ 419.303.8831/614.465.3658 (Cell #) or youth@ourladyofvictory.cc

Seeking adults to make a difference!!!


SEARCH: OLV Youth Community

UPCOMING EVENTS: OCTOBER 30 Holiness Revolution Youth Conference Parish Spaghetti Dinner NOVEMBER 13 L.I.F.E. Night Take It to the Streets We will be visiting the OSU Star House A dropin-center for Columbus homeless teens. Depart OLV at 6:00PM, return at 8:00PM For Grades 8th-12th 15 How Youth Ministry Can Impact Your Parish! (OLV PLC 7:30-8:30PM) Teens, Parents and Parishioners welcomed! 23 Take It to the Streets Random Acts of Kindness Service Project 24 Thanksgiving Day Mass 9AM 27 L.I.F.E. Night To Save A Life Movie Night Extravaganza 6PM-8PM For Grades 8th-12th How Youth Ministry Can Impact Your Parish! When: Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 NOTE CHANGE IN DATE!!! Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM Where: OLV PLC How can we impact the lives of teens and engage them in Parish Life? Join us for this conversation to share ideas and work together in leading our teens closer to Christ! Teens, parents and parishioners are welcomed AND strongly encouraged to attend!
Weekly Blaze You ask yourself, how much does God love me? When we look at the Cross, we understand the greatness of His love. When we look at the crib, we understand the tenderness of His love for you and for me, for your family and every family. ~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

If you are interested in helping with hospitality at our Teen L.I.F.E. Nights, donating snacks, desserts, beverages or assisting with our gatherings in other ways please contact Holly. Thank you!

ImPACT shirts only $10! You can buy one at the ImPACT Nights or stop at the Religious Ed. Office during the week to purchase one..or two..or three!!! Checks can be made payable to Our Lady of Victory Church.

@ our Jr. High Hayride and Bonfire! Oh, what a night!!!


OCTOBER 29-30, 2011

Father Romano will lead a Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Italy October 31 - November 10. Father will remember you as he says Mass at the Tomb of St. Anthony in Padua; at the tomb of St. Francis in Assisi and around the tombs of the early martyrs in one of the ancient Catacombs in Rome (the Catacomb of St. Sebastian on the Appian Way). If in need of a priest, please call Msgr. Missimi at 308-0325 or Msgr. Borrelli at 481-4459.


Tickets for the 2011 CCSV Gala, Tuesday, November 8, at St. Charles High School are still available. Proceeds raised from this event, 100% of which will be used for the 2012-13 school year tuition assistance, will help make Catholic education a reality for families in the 23county Diocese of Columbus. Call Kitty Quinn at 614221-5829 to learn more.

ST. GABRIEL CATHOLIC RADIO is pleased to present

Putting on the New Man: The New Evangelization hosted by Father James Wehner, Rector of the Pontfical College Josephinum. Putting on the New Man is a fastpaced half-hour program that will help men grow in virtue and become new men in Christ. The show airs every Saturday morning at 10am on 1580AM. Archived shows available on stgabrielradio.com.


THE ST. ANDREW SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD PARENT SPEAKER SERIES PRESENTS: RAISING RESILIENT CHILDREN, Tuesday, November 15 from 7:008:00p at St. Andrew Church, Monsignor Nugent Parish Hall, 4081 Reed Road; Speaker will be Loren M. McKeon, Consultant and Program Developer for McKeon Education Group, Inc. Anyone who reads a newspaper or watches the news is keenly aware of the unrest in todays world. Young people need support and guidance from parents and caregivers in the best of times not to mention when unrest occurs. Techniques for parents to help their children become resourceful and capable will be discussed. Participants will learn the necessary steps to raise resilient human beings who can tackle lifes ups and downs. We invite all members of the parish and surrounding communities to join us.

In the Catholic tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue. The Catholic Bishops of Ohio encourage voters to study the issues carefully and give prayerful consideration to their voting choices. There are three statewide issues on the November ballot. We encourage voters to look beyond campaign rhetoric and partisan politics and reflect upon how each of these issues will impact the common good of our society. We urge Catholics to vote, and to continue advocating for just laws and policies after they vote. The Catholic Conference of Ohio offers information and resources to help individuals take an active part in public life. A reflection guide on the three ballot issues is available at the Catholic Conference of Ohio website (www.ohiocathconf.org).

BISHOP READY HIGH SCHOOL will present Twelve

Angry Jurors, formerly known as Twelve Angry Men, at the high schools Little Theatre on Thursday, November 17, Friday, November 18, and Sunday, November 20 at 7 P.M. and on Saturday, November 19 in a matinee performance at 2 P.M. The play was originally presented as a televised play in 1954 and as a film, starring Henry Fonda, in 1957. The newest version accommodates a gender-neutral cast, a plus for a co-educational high school. The cast includes five seniors, four juniors, two sophomores, and two freshmen, with seven young men and seven young women in the cast composed of 12 jurors, a guard, and a foreman. Cost of admission is $10 for adults, $9 for those 65 and older, and $8 for students. For additional information, please call Bishop Ready at 614-276-5263.



OUR LADY OF VICTORY PARISH LIFE CENTER 1559 Roxbury Road in Marble Cliff

Sunday, October 30 12 noon 6 p.m.

Spaghetti/Meatball, salad, bread, dessert, beverage


OCTOBER 29-30, 2011

Our Lady of Victory Annual Holiday Bazaar and Craft Show

Saturday, November 12th 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Our Lady of Victory Parish Life Center
1559 Roxbury Road, Marble Cliff

Get an early start on your holiday shopping!

Great Gifts available (even for yourself!) from over 35 local artisans and crafters Italian Kitchen featuring savory Italian meatballs, spaghetti sauce, biscotti and pizzelles to take home & serve Bake Sale with all of your seasonal favorites White Elephant Sale (Donations of gently used items are needed) Cash Raffle Victory Cafe serving tasty soups and sandwiches all day
For more information, contact Mary Waterfield at 486-5680.

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