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Good afternoon my fellow friends and colleagues. Today I am here to present and
discuss on a topic that challenges to shake the very foundations of human existence.
The topic that is a source for enlightment and for an evil mind on the other and. Yes,
today I will assert on topic of “What makes us Good or Evil”.

The conflict between good and evil is an eternal one, taking place on both a world
scale between individuals and ideologies and as an inner battle between the good self
and the bad self. It is one of the most common themes in literature and indeed, it is
quite difficult to find books that do not tell of some sort of struggle between good and
evil. A good example for you is the ‘Star Wars’ series as it epitomizes both types of
conflicts, with characters such as Luke Skywalker struggling with his character traits
while the Rebel Alliance struggle with the Empire.

The deepest foundation on which morality is built is the phenomenon of empathy, the
understanding that what hurts me would feel the same way to you. And human ego
notwithstanding, it's a quality other species share. While it's impossible to directly
measure empathy in animals, in humans it's another matter. Here are some of the
dilemmas used to study human morality.

In traditional folk literature, the difference between good and evil are well defined and
unchangeable, and are indicative of the moral culture of the society represented in, or
by, the story. Regardless of which side triumphs, the moral of the story is intended to
reinforce community solidarity and values. In classical literature, fate plays a major
role in the tale and tragedies usually ended happily with good triumphing over evil
but for the tragic hero invented by Aristotle. The Aristotelian tragic hero had four
characteristics – goodness, superiority in some area such as politics or battle, a tragic
flaw and the realization of the flaw which then leads to his downfall.

Today, if we analyze, as we develop we step towards are own end. The hi-fi progress
of science in the field particle decelerators is a blessing to the humanity and also the
biggest future threat to the entire human race. To add it to your information, a particle
decelerator has been invented at CERN in Geneva, this machine is buried 10 stories
below the earth and it measures around 2 Kilometers. This machine is the outcome of
the never ending battle between science and religion. As in every religion, every holy
book it is written that this universe came into existence out of nothing. Now science
always needs a rational explanation for everything stated in the Holy Scriptures.
Particle decelerator is an invention to prove this. 2 particle beams are collided
together and as an end result you get a total system of anti-matter out of simply
nothing. As particle beams are not matter, and they are nothing to common human
mind. It is said that 2grams of the substance from this particle decelerator will be
used to light the entire New York City for 1 week, and 0.5 nano grams of this
substance is equal to a 10 kiloton nuclear bomb! My friends here you can see that
how goodness transforms itself into evil. I ask you; don’t you think that goodness
includes evil in itself? What do you think? (GIVE TIME TO THE AUDIENCE TO ANSWER)

Why is it easier to think of evil examples than good ones? Is it much easier to do
something big and bad than it is to do something big and good?

While we all have varying opinions on religion, god, heaven, hell, angels, and demons
we all believe in good and evil. There are examples of both is every recordable tidbit
of information cultures have communicated. Lore and traditions are shaped around
both and the struggle between them. I am here to say there is evil and good in this
world, and it lives in each one of us. We are born with the capacity to do both, how
well we handle both forces is an end result of our choices and understanding of these
choices. Is there such thing as a purely evil or good person? I would like you to ask
yourself. We all recognize these forces when we encounter or see them. We can
accurately separate them, most of them anyway and deduce there actions are the
results of people aligned more on one side then the other.

The battle between the two is as old as human race itself. Have you ever wondered
why this is? We have and after many years spent on this have never come to a
conclusion for this but; we are the creators and curators of both. In the natural world
there are no evil or good deeds, all deeds done by our brothers and sisters are either
truly self serving or preserving the bloodline. Animal parents will sacrifice themselves
protecting their young to give there genes a better chance of surviving. Pack animals
will act in ways to improve the bonds as they all know they only exist if the pack
succeeds. Animals playing are merely practicing skills they need to succeed in life.
Remember the life of our animal cousins are fully consumed on food, reproduction,
and safety… there is little need for anything else; as time wasted on other activities
will almost spell certain self destruction. It is we who give an animal’s actions the
connotation of good or evil. If an animal does something we believe if beneficial or
honorable we state it is good, if they kill not for food or shun a weaker member we
state that action is evil. An animal’s world is all about surviving to the next day, their
concept of the future is no where close to that of ours.

Seeing we are the ones who label actions as good or evil, and knowing we are capable
of both we need to know how to spot the varying shades of gray between the three
extremes we occupy. In the 1980’s witnessed a very disturbing trend that has
continued to this day. That of the flirting and believing that evil is cool and accepted,
even sought after in our pop culture. It started with the aspiring vampires, to the
Danzig fans, to the Goths, to the gangsters, to those shedding Satanism and
embracing doing cruel things for nothing more then just to do them.

Now I wear black most of the time, mainly because I like the color, and because it is
the best color to be wearing when trying to hide
For those who thing evil is just a mirror image of good, I hate to be the one to inform
you it isn’t. It is the opposite energy, but there is no love or kinship within the realm
of evil. Do you agree? Even the most hard core poser will show fear if looked in the
eye by one consumed by evil. An evil person will do evil deeds to all in their way;
they will only act kind if they need something you have. They are the epitome of
selfishness. History is filled with examples of evil people, most are mad, and very few
aspire to be associated with them. These people are craving the celebrity and
attention of the whole affair.

If you examine these people who conducted truly evil acts you see they did not do so
for fame, fortune, notoriety, or attention quite to the contrary they wanted to stay
concealed until they wanted to be captured. Evil is a state of mind, a philosophy
where the only thing known is hatred and the power to take and do as you please.
Evil is jealous of the power and hold that good has over us. It is envious of the light
and admiration good inspires in us. For that reason it will seduce with promises it
know it can’t keep, knowing the emptiness left will consume and cause us to try to fill
this void with its calling. Evil begets evil.

Good on the other hand is something we are not normally trying to achieve either.
Many will avoid doing good deeds. They come up with myriad excuses why they can
not participate. We all know there are homeless, less fortunate, beaten, starving, and
oppressed people in our community, maybe even only a few feet from where we live;
yet we do little to truly help them or better there situation. We willingly turn a blind
eye and continue on with our lives in shameful ignorance. Just as people will flirt with
evil, they will flirt with good. Instead of being labeled as posers these are given the
title of hypocrite. They flaunt there good deeds around like a badge of honor. They
set up foundations, organize rallies, donate money and sometimes money, and
demand we do the same, yet they live in a standard way out of touch with those they
claim to help. They own sports teams, artists, buildings, and political influence yet
they do little to inconvenience their own accustomed lifestyles. There actions reflect
guilt more then sincerity. If they were truly righteous would they not live like most of
us, work most of their spare time either working the cause or promoting awareness
and sinking a majority of their wealth into the charity? Just as with evil good have its
rational limits. We can aspire toward good and good deeds, but must realize we can
only get so far, just as those aspiring toward evil.

Those playing both sides against the middle for there own personal advancement is
the neutral ones. Neutrality means being able to chose one over the other to fit the
situation and environment. They balance the good and evil deeds to meet their own
agenda, never doing one or the other for any purpose beyond their own gain. They
can just as easily give homeless person money as they can kick them. There are very
few if any purely neutral people. We all in the very beginning of our understanding
are taught that we are to aspire to do good and not evil, this is universal across
cultures and societies. For this reason most of us lean towards the good spectrum
rather then the evil one. We do not trust anyone living a neutral existence, and can
not understand those gravitating toward evil. Even the evil posers will exhibit signs of
good, petting a puppy, playing with a baby, having a friend, and then helping them,
enjoying something other then committing an evil and destructive act.

Neutral people do not necessarily see any one method more or less favorable then
the other; to them the ends justify the means. This is what makes them so dangerous
and hard to be. In a culture and society of laws and rules there isn’t a situation where
this type of thinking is acceptable. It is too self serving to work on a scale involving

This is where the shades of gray we live in come into play. We hold the capacity to do
either at any given time given the proper circumstances. Yet we can identify and
weigh the options. We chose to do one over the other. A good person can do an evil
deed, and that does not negate the good they have done in the past, nor does it hint
toward their future plans. Despite our teachings we always come up with loop holes
and work arounds to these evil acts good people commit. Is this to ease the mind of
the offender? Maybe it is an acknowledgement of past deeds or a hopeful
presumption the person will not stray from the right path in the future? We accept
excuses of self-defense, a bad mood; protection of property or weaker persons, a
tragic personal experience, etc. for evil actions committed my otherwise good
people. More accurately these offenses are neutral actions, a balancing of our deeds
so to speak. We are taught two wrongs do not make a right, but we also know the
expressions of fight fire with fire, and eye for an eye, and turn the other check. Is it
possible to fight evil with evil or good with good? Not entirely. If we fall into this
situation all we are doing is substituting one form of evil or good with another. No
matter where on the spectrum the deed lies, evil is still evil even if it is of a lesser
degree. It is basically like temperature, the difference to water between -20 and 31
degrees isn’t all that much, they both are freezing.

We're a species that is capable of almost dumbfounding kindness. We nurse one

another, romance one another, and weep for one another. Ever since science taught
us how, we willingly tear the very organs from our bodies and give them to one
another. And at the same time, we slaughter one another. The past 15 years of human
history are the temporal equivalent of those subatomic particles that are created in
accelerators and vanish in a trillionth of a second, but in that fleeting instant, we've
visited untold horrors on ourselves—in Mogadishu, Rwanda, Chechnya, Darfur, Beslan,
Baghdad, Pakistan, London, Madrid, Lebanon, Israel, New York City, Abu Ghraib,
Oklahoma City, an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania—all of the crimes committed
by the highest, wisest, most principled species the planet has produced. That we're
also the lowest, cruelest, most blood-drenched species is our shame—and our
How do we avoid evil people? Simply observe them and the situation and then trust
our gut. It doesn’t take long to know if something feels right or not. Trust your gut;
do not trust those telling you to go against it. Those trying to talk you into a choice
you are having doubts on are trying to sway you to their side, no matter what that
may be. Evil people have an air of discomfort about them, we can’t quite put or
finger on it but we know something bad is going on. Looking into people’s eyes are
also a dead give away. The element of mischief always burns in the eyes of the evil
person. Evil people tend to be by them selves, though they will congregate, but there
will be an air of hostility between them. Evil people will always use a bait and switch
approach. Their game is deception, the more they can distract the better. They have
no issue with lying, to them lying is an evil deed, therefore a good deed in their mind.
The old adage of misery loving company also comes into play here, as it is good for
them to inflict perceived pain onto others to make them ‘see’ things from their

People striving for evil do not see going further down the path a bad idea. An evil
person is fully comfortable where they are and the position they are proposing. They
have an air of confidence that is strong. The best thing to do if placed into a situation
involving an uncomfortable choice is to remove yourself prior to making a bad
decision, or make the decision you can live with, with little to no regrets. Always
weigh your actions against the scale, and those you look up to and admire. What
would they do? It may sound lame, but it will settle any internal arguments you may
be having.

The deeper that science drills into the substrata of behavior, the harder it becomes to
preserve the vanity that we are unique among Earth's creatures. We're the only
species with language, we told ourselves—until gorillas and chimps mastered sign
language. We're the only one that uses tools then—but that's if you don't count otters
smashing mollusks with rocks or apes stripping leaves from twigs and using them to
fish for termites.

What does, or ought to, separate us then is our highly developed sense of morality, a
primal understanding of good and bad, of right and wrong, of what it means to suffer
not only our own pain—something anything with a rudimentary nervous system can
do—but also the pain of others. That quality is the distilled essence of what it means
to be human. Why it's an essence that so often spoils, no one can say.


1. Tomas de Torquemada - Born in Spain in 1420, his name is synonymous with the Christian
Inquisition's horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism. He was a fan of various forms of
torture including foot roasting, use of the garrote, and suffocation. He was made Grand
Inquisitor by Pope Sixtus IV. Popes and kings alike praised his tireless efforts. The number of
burnings at the stake during Torquemada's tenure has been estimated at about 2,000.
Torquemada's hatred of Jews influenced Ferdinand and Isabella to expel all Jews who had not
embraced Christianity.

THE GOOD SIDE FOR BAD: Christian popes promoted and appreciated Torquemada for
torturing Jews and considered this as a good and holy work.

2. Vlad Tepes - Vlad the Impaler was a prince known for executing his enemies by impalement.
He was a fan of various forms of torture including disemboweling and rectal and facial
impalement. Vlad the Impaler tortured thousands while he ate and drunk among the corpses.
He impaled every person in the city of Amlas -- 20,000 men, women and children. Vlad often
ordered people to be skinned, boiled, decapitated, blinded, strangled, hanged, burned,
roasted, hacked, nailed, buried alive, stabbed, etc. He also liked to cut off noses, ears, sexual
organs and limbs. But his favorite method was impalement on stakes, hence the surname
"Tepes" which means "The Impaler" in the Romanian language. It is this technique he used in
1457, 1459 and 1460 against Transylvanian merchants who had ignored his trade laws. He
also looked upon the poor, vagrants and beggars as thieves. Consequently, he invited all the
poor and sick of Wallachia to his princely court in Tirgoviste for a great feast. After the guests
ate and drank, Dracula ordered the hall boarded up and set on fire. No one survived.

THE GOOD SIDE FOR BAD: Vlad Tepes people loved him as he was finishing all his
enemies in a way that people liked a lot.

3. Adolph Hitler - The dictator of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, was born on April 20, 1889, at
Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary. He killed 35 million Jews and made a holocaust out of it.

THE GOOD SIDE FOR BAD: The Germans loved Adolph Hitler like GOD. They followed
what he said and died in his name. His people believed that whatever he did was for the
benefit of the Germans and it is the most dignified thing a leader could do.
4. Mao Tse-tung - who killed somewhere between 20 and 67 million (estimates vary) of his
countrymen, including the elderly and intellectuals. His picture still hangs throughout many
homes and businesses. Mao's own personality cult, encouraged so as to provide momentum
to the movement, assumed religious proportions. The resulting anarchy, terror, and paralysis
completely disrupted the urban economy. Industrial production for 1968 dipped 12 percent
below that of 1966. In short, the Revolution led to the destruction of much of China's cultural
heritage and the imprisonment of a huge number of Chinese intellectuals, amongst other
social chaos. This policy is usually regarded as a complete disaster.

THE GOOD SIDE FOR BAD: Mao's own personality cult, encouraged so as to provide
momentum to the movement, assumed religious proportions

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