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This document is aimed to test if the SRB server is setup properly.

The following tests

will be performed:
login to default zone host, upload a file, download a file;
login to remote zone host, upload a file, download a file;

First, create a srb user: testuser into your zone:

i. Users -> Add New Users,
ii. Fill name with testuser, and password with testuser
iii. Fill its domain, ex: IISAS
iv. Use public as its user type
Note: please DO use testuser as the testing account. It will be helpful for advanced
SRB testing

Second, add a GSI Authentication Scheme for testuser with unigridtest’s certificate
v. Users -> Modify User (or Group) Info
vi. Select domain IISAS and username testuser. Then click Add Authentication
vii. Select GSI_AUTH and fill Distinguished Name field below with its
unigridtest’s certificate
viii. Click Execute

Encrypt1 test:
After adding testuser, we setup our testing environment for Encrypt1 test:
i. Add S-commands into your PATH: export
PATH=$PATH:$SRB_ROOT/utilities/bin, where SRB_ROOT is your SRB
directory, ex: SRB_ROOT=/home/srb1/srb_inst/SRB3_4_1_MSDT
ii. Edit ~/.srb/.MdasEnv as follows:
mdasCollectionName '/Taipei_UNIGRID/home/testuser.IISAS'
mdasCollectionHome '/Taipei_UNIGRID/home/testuser.IISAS'
mdasDomainName 'IISAS'
srbUser 'testuser'
srbHost 'iisgrid01.iis.sinica.edu.tw'
mcatZone 'Taipei_UNIGRID'
defaultResource '01_iisgrid01_IISAS'

iii. Enter testuser’s password into ~/.srb/.MdasAuth:


Perform the following Scommands:

Sput testfile uploadfile
Sget uploadfile downloadfile

See if there is any error message.

Then, modify srbHost in ~/.srb/.MdasEnv to remote zone host, ex: grid2.ndhu.edu.tw
and perform the above commands again

GSI_AUTH test:
i. Edit ~/.srb/.MdasEnv. Modify the AUTH_SCHEME to GSI_DELEGATE
and add SERVER_DN as srbHost’s DN:
mdasCollectionName '/Taipei_UNIGRID/home/testuser.IISAS'
mdasCollectionHome '/Taipei_UNIGRID/home/testuser.IISAS'
mdasDomainName 'IISAS'
srbUser 'testuser'
srbHost 'iisgrid01.iis.sinica.edu.tw'
mcatZone 'Taipei_UNIGRID'
defaultResource '01_iisgrid01_IISAS'
SERVER_DN '/O=NTHU/OU=Unigrid/OU=simpleCA-

Perform the following Scommands:

Sput testfile uploadfile
Sget uploadfile downloadfile

See if there is any error message.

Then, modify srbHost in ~/.srb/.MdasEnv to a remote zone host, ex:
grid2.ndhu.edu.tw and SERVER_DN to srbHost’s host certificate.
Perform the above commands again

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