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Lesson 7-4: I can swim.

Grade: 3

Date: 11/21-11/23

• Students will be able to use and understand the “I can” expression.
• Students will use these expressions in various activities.

• H worksheets
• Pictures of turtle and hare for race game

Activity 1: Intro and I can ball (12 minutes)

• Hello everyone! How are you today?
• What day is it today? How’s the weather?
• What words did we learn last class? (I can swim.)
• What else can you do?
• Now, we are going to play a game.
• What other things can you do? Other than swim? (jump, dance, fly, speak English,
• The first person catches the ball and says something they can do. Then they throw
the ball to the next person. That person should say one thing they can’t do.
• Keep going, alternating can and can’t, until everyone has had a chance.

Activity 2: Role-play and repeat (8 minutes)

• Turn your book to p.77. What animals do you see there?
• Let’s listen to the story.
• What did the tortoise say to the hare? As the hare sank into water, how he ask the
tortoise to help him? When the hare was out of the water, what did he say to the
tortoise? When the hare asked the tortoise if he was able to run, how did the
tortoise answer?
• Okay now let’s listen and repeat the sentences.

Activity 3: The Tortoise and the Hare Fable (10 minutes)

• The story we just listened to comes from a very old and famous story called ‘The
tortoise and the hare’
• Tortoise means turtle and Hare means Rabbit. Do you know what these animals are
in Korean?
• Are turtles fast? Are rabbits fast?
• I’d like to show you another story that is the original old story.
• http://us.penguingroup.com/static/packages/us/yreaders/aesop/index.html
• At the beginning of the story the rabbit made fun of the turtle because he was slow.
• Then the race started and the rabbit was very fast. But then what happened? (rabbit
fell asleep) Then what did the turtle do? (kept going in the race) Who won the
• At the end they said ‘slow and steady wins the race!’ what do you think that
means? Do you think it is always best to be the fastest?
• What letter does the word hare start with? What sound does that letter make?
• Now we’re going to practice writing the letter H. You can take this page home to
your house and colour it!
• http://www.first-school.ws/t/alpha_tracers_zb1/h4.htm

Activity 4: Race game (10 minutes)

• Now, I have one more game. There will be two teams
• One team is the hare and one is the tortoise.
• I will ask each team a question and each time you get it right your team moves
ahead. The first team to the finish lines wins the race.
• Questions:
1. What is another word for Hare?
2. What is another word of Tortoise?
3. Who won the race?
4. Why did the tortoise win the race?
5. What letter does the word Hare start with?
6. Write the letter H (big and small) on the board.
7. How sound does the letter H say?
8. What letter does Tortoise start with?

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