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Prenatal Genetic Testing Argument Summary Sheet

Resolution: Be it resolved that prenatal genetic screening be mandatory.

Argument Example/Evidence Prenatal genetic testing gives the parents a choice to terminate pregnancy. Prenatal genetic testing better prepares the parents to take care of their child. Prenatal genetic testing can help the doctor treat Sometimes, the unborn babys problems are the unborn earlier. something that can be rectified even before the baby is born, i.e., in the womb itself. In such cases, knowing that the baby has some genetic defect can an advantage. If it is not possible, the doctors may get time to be prepared to conduct a surgery as soon as the baby is born. (e.g., cleft lip, spina bifida, etc.) Prenatal genetic testing can establish paternity The DNA gathered from this test can be compared before the child is born. to the DNA of possible fathers to determine who is legally responsible for the child. (e.g., applications: rape incident, custody, child support arrangements, etc.)

Argument Genetic testing is expensive and often not covered by insurance. Chronic Villus Sampling and Amniocentesis increase the risk of miscarriage and can potentially harm the fetus. Example/Evidence Most insurance companies do not cover prenatal genetic testing. Amniocentesis: $1500-$2000, CVS: $1700-$2500 (2009-2010) Amniocentesis: possibility of puncturing the placenta with the needle, or infection due to the introduction of bacteria into the amniotic fluid, cramping, bleeding and leakage of amniotic fluid. Amniocentesis related miscarriage is from 1 in 250 to 1 in 300. CVS: possibility of infection of the uterus, cramping, spotting, leakage and miscarriage. CVSrelated miscarriage is between 1/100 to 1/200 Psychological pressure imposed on parents when they are anxious to find the testing result. Termination of pregnancy causes emotional trauma or guilt due to undesirable testing result. If parents are allowed the choice to end the mothers pregnancy once they found their child has genetic diseases, then whats next? The freedom of choice for IQ, eye colour, etc?

Negative emotional impact on both parents.

The choice given to the parents. (Ethical Issue)

Prenatal Genetic Testing Argument Summary Sheet

Resolution: Be it resolved that prenatal genetic screening be mandatory.

References Amazing Pregnancy. (2011, June 06). Prenatal test - amniocentesis - how much does it cost?. Retrieved from http://www.amazingpregnancy.com/pregnancy-articles/98.html. DNA Testing Paternaty. (2011, June 06). Pros and cons of prenatal dna paternity testing (prebirth dna). Retrieved from http://www.dna-testing-paternity.com/paternity_testing/prosand-cons-of-prenatal-dna-paternity-testing-pre-birth-dna. India Parenting. (2011, June 06). Prenatal testing pros and cons. Retrieved from http://www.indiaparenting.com/genetic-testing/432_4060/prenatal-testing-pros-andcons.html. Termination of Pregnancy. (2011, June 06). Understanding the pros and cons of prenatal genetic testing. Retrieved from http://terminationofpregnancy.familyhealthtipsonline.com/ 2011/05/12/understanding-the-pros-and-cons-of-prenatal-genetic-testing/.

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