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Fukushima Radiation Poisoning A Likely Cause of Plant Sickness in diation 2011

S. Seymour Hedke 1. 11. 2011

It all began in April. I went out to pick flowers in my German garden and saw the flowers and trees had gone brown, as if someone had poured a large amount of weed killer on them. Then I noticed that the people were getting sick too. They were rushed to hospital with a strange of mix of symptoms, difficulty breath breathing, heart palpitations, inner bleeding. Most returned, a couple died. Of those that returned, I know one was diagnosed as having a thyroid problem and got oid radiation therapy! She then got sicker and has been sick all summer. Two were diagnosed with ! Two sudden onset diabetes, two were given iron pills for anaemia. A number who I have spoken to since then have complained of bouts of dizziness and exhaustion this year and of 12 people who I have so far asked in a questionnaire, 11 have said that the health and the health of those around them is , their i worse in 2011 than in past years . There have been an unusually large number of deaths in the village this year so far and it seems many have a relative sick with cancer, some are muttering about Chernobyl as the reason, but hardly elative anyone mentions Fukushima. Five people in the village have died of cancer since this April A woman ive April. whose husband died of it two months back, thought it was strange and wondered if there was dered something in our drinking water. She herself is not feeling well and has lost weight but she is putting . weight, that down to the grief of losing her husband husband. Of course no one is asking the plants what is ailing them and even killing them this year So I am year. going to speak up for them. neighbors garden last summer s summer.at least this is Here are the large white daisies that I admired in a ne how they should have been! ow

But on the right you see how they looked in the

ummer summer of 2011!

Possibly there is also some affect from Chemtrails, which have been very strong this year, especially since Fukushima. Are the planes trying to wash the radiation out of the air? Apparently Plutonium was discovered on European soil after Chemtrail spraying this April April Left Chemtrails above our street this bove summer People say the plants are sick or dying because it was too dry. But it wasnt so dry at all here. The Chemtrails widened quickly, shining with trails metallic upside down rainbows rainbows,

and soon unnatural looking cloud cover would develop nearly every day and there were strange short showers of fine rain.

It was particularly after strong rainfall, and in the very places where the rain fell and collected collected, (around the gutters and where it ran down and off the trees), that the grass and flowers turned brown and died leaving the earth bare, which is not died, usual.

trees, Brown and dead grass around the base of trees houses and other objects was typical of 2011 but not of past years

In normal years thicker grass grows below the shade of the large trees where now the earth is bare, if the

death of the grass were caused by heat and dryness from the Sun then it should be better beneath the shade of the trees. Apart from that I have pictures of brown leaved sick trees with their roots in the river suggesting that this sickness can have nothing to do with ir river dryness. Whatever was causing it, (and I am for Fukushima as the main culprit because of the time of and begin and the main symptoms), the dirt falling out of the heavens this year certainly created some , alling interesting cloud formations and dramatic sunsets.

It was quite unusual to see people o cutting off large sections of their sick fruit trees this summer when trees are usually cut if at all in the winter months. By the time the fruit arrived whole ed branches were hanging weakly, and there was no need to cut the branches they and even whole trees were falling over on their own. But how quickly people forget what happens and how strange it is or is, they have some philosophical platitude, so as not to get worked up and have to think rked any further

However, an interesting comment was made by the n village forester. The last time he saw anything like . this he said was around 1986. I pointed out that in 1986 was Chernobyl. Looking up Chernobyl I found that huge areas of forest were killed off by Chernobyl, because of the red brown colour of the dying forest it was called the Red Forest. ii. Red Forest.

In the Spring I wrote my first article about all this and in the Summer I made my first ummer video and posted pictures about the deciduous trees going brown but people brown, kept saying it was caused by some disease like Elm disease, or moths, or something else and seemed to think I was worried about something that was affected only the trees in my own garden and yet as I pointed out it was affecting not just one species or type of plant but many

different kinds and was occurring in many areas. Pictures from the Summer.

Since then I have been over to London and on the way I have seen whole orchards of young fruit trees with no leaves and other dramatic images.

The conifers absorbed the radiation from Chernobyl faster and died more quickly than the hardwoods. The same can be observed here in 2011. This tree died in a matter of two weeks in May. Many coniferous hedges have also gone brown and been replaced by new hedge that has also gone brown I wonder that no one in the Internet is mentioning all this.

Still of course its Autumn ;) now so its normal when trees go brown. But anyway here are a few pictures of some of the conifers and evergreens this Autumn in mid Germany.

The Yew trees like the holly tend more often to go yellow than brown, and their branches hang out to the side often instead of growing up towards the heavens as is usual. Still, its yellowy colour with red fruits is quite pretty. But I have been told by someone who has studied the effects of radiation for many years that it is most likely Plutonium poisoning, because Plutonium is taken up by the plant thinking it is iron so it becomes anaemic, and I have seen many yellow and anaemic plants this year of many different varieties. Right now typical hanging branches on the yew. I do have pictures of about fifteen different yew trees around the village that have gone a lighter shade of pale, but a necrotic brown often follows the yellow phase:

w for something more ugly: Can you guess what the plant is below?

Its rhubarb.

Lets add a few attractive looking veggies (below). A number of people discarded their whole crop this year. Perhaps they were the lucky ones What on Earth are we going to eat? I have collected some rice and pulses I can sprout, I have them since before Fukushima, and one can add fresh fruits from the southern hemisphere, but I personally hardly trust the veggies - even out of the greenhouse I set up quickly this spring!

One of the things I dislike seeing most is the shriveled brown leaves of the many peony plants. This picture is taken a while back, before the deeper brown shriveled look really set in.

The browning above has little to do with Autumn as I have pictures of brown leafed peonies from June onward. What about these chestnuts?

The whole tree was covered in shriveled black nuts.and now not just nuts but whole branches are dropping off.

As I looked around and saw this sickness and dying, my daughter would sometimes try to cheer me by pointing to one tree that seemed to be healthy the walnut tree in our garden. Walnut is a healthyprotector from many ills, its also a Bach Flower Remedy of protection its healthiness made me feel safe. Unfortunately I wouldnt use it in any healing remedy t Autumn, this when for weeks its leaves have melted into a dirty deadly looking form and colour, instead of turning a golden brown. O course the cold Of plays a role but many trees this

Autumn have unnatural looking responses - they often have a black look about them - after weeks hangin there hanging the walnut leaves are only now beginning to fall, and it will be a relief not to see them anymore. I wonder how many of the trees that completely lost their leaves this year, many alder trees, will revive in 2012, and ny to what new disasters. What has happened to the plant world since Fukushima exploded and what it implies for us all, is the thing that has hurt most of all this year. So I had to take time to make this revue of what may be the beginning of a world passing and an age ending.



The questionnaire allowed the possibility of answering better, worse or no change in comparing health of this year to previous years. ii http://www.nuclearflower.com/zone/zone08.html

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