Você está na página 1de 6

1) WrlLe few flrsL generaLlon wlreless sysLems

2) WrlLe few Second generaLlon wlreless sysLems

3) WrlLe shorL noLes on AMS
4) WrlLe shorL noLes on CSM
3) LlsL Lhe advanLages of dlglLal cellular sysLem sLandards
6) WhaL ls Wlreless Local Loop?
7) WrlLe shorL noLes on aglng SysLem
8) WrlLe shorL noLes on Cardless phone sysLem
9) WhaL ls lull uuplex sysLem?
10) WhaL ls meanL by Pandoff?
11) ueflne luu
12) ueflne 1uu
13) LlsL Lhe dlfferences beLween luu and 1uu
14) LlsL Lhe funcLlons of MSC
13) ueflne 8oamlng ln cellular sysLem
16) WhaL ls lorward Channel?
17) WhaL ls 8everse Channel?
18) LlsL Lhe funcLlons of 8ase sLaLlon
19) WrlLe shorL noLes on lS_93 or CuMA sLandard
20) WrlLe shorL noLes on uSuC
21) LlsL Lhe moblle radlo sLandards of uS
22) LlsL Lhe moblle radlo sLandards of Luropean CounLrles


1) Lxplaln Lhe LvoluLlon of cellular SysLem ln deLall
2) WrlLe shorL noLes on l) llrsL ll) Second lll) 1hlord CenaraLlon moblle 8adlo sLandards

3) WrlLe ln deLall abouL
a) aglng SysLem b) Cordless 1elephone sysLem c )WLL
4) WrlLe ln deLall abouL
a) AMs b) CSM c )lS_93(CuMA)
3) Lxplaln ln deLall abouL how a call lnlLlaLed by a moblle subscrlber Lo a anoLher moblle
subscrlber ls esLabllshed wlLh Lhe help of Llmlng dlagram
6) Lxplaln ln deLall abouL how a call lnlLlaLed by a landllne subscrlber Lo a moblle subscrlber ls
esLabllshed wlLh Lhe help of Llmlng dlagram

2) unl1 ll
A81 A

1 ueflne Cell
2 uraw a cell clusLer havlng a slze of seven
3 ueflne CoChannel
4 WrlLe few Lypes of channel asslgnmenL sLraLegles avallable
3 ueflne Pandoff
6 WhaL ls MAPC?
7 WhaL ls cell dragglng?
8 ulfferenLlaLe sofL and hard handoff
9 WrlLe Lypes of lnLerference
10 WhaL are Lhe lmpalrmenLs creaLed by lnLerference?
11 WhaL ls cochannel reuse raLlo?
12 WhaL are Lhe uses of power conLrol?
13 WhaL ls Lrunklng?
14 WhaL ls grade of servlce?
13 WrlLe Lrlang 8 formula
16 WrlLe Lrlang C lormula
17 WhaL ls cell spllLLlng?
18 WhaL ls Lhe Lrafflc lnLenslLy per use lf on average each user has Lwo calls per hour and
average duraLlon of call ls four mlnuLes?
19 WhaL ls dwell Llme?
20 ueflne call seL up Llme
21 ueflne 8locked call or losL call
22 ueflne Poldlng 1lme
23 ueflne 1rafflc lnLenslLy
24 LlsL Lhe Lypes of Lrunked sysLem
23 ueflne 8locked Calls Cleared 1runklng SysLem
26 ueflne 8locked Calls uelayed 1runklng SysLem
27 WrlLe Lhe equaLlon relaLlng holdlng Llme and Lrafflc lnLenslLy per user
28 WrlLe Lhe equaLlons for LoLal offered Lrafflc lnLenslLy and Lrafflc lnLenslLy per channel
relaLlng holdlng Llme and Lrafflc lnLenslLy per user
29 ueflne Lrlang

A81 8

1 WlLh neaL dlagram explaln frequency reuse concepL !usLlfy sysLem capaclLy lncreases by
frequency reuse wlLh necessary maLhemaLlcal equaLlons
2 WhaL ls Pandoff? Lxplaln handoff scenarlo wlLh neaL dlagram
3 ulscuss whaL are Lhe problems encounLered ln lmplemenLlng handoff sLraLegy and how Lhey
are resolved?
4 WhaL ls lnLerference? Lxplaln Lypes of lnLerference ln deLall
3 Lxplaln wlLh dlagram Lhe dependence beLween cell clusLer slze and lnLerference
6 Lxplaln Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of Lrunked sysLems used ln cellular sysLems/
7 WrlLe shorL noLe on (l) MulLlple Access (ll) Channel AsslgnmenL
8 lor a n7 sysLem wlLh a probablllLy of blocklng 1 and average call lengLh of Lwo mlnuLes
flnd Lhe Lrafflc capaclLy loss due Lo Lrunklng for 37 channels when golng from omnl dlrecLlonal
anLennas Lo 60 degree secLored anLenna (Assume LhaL 8CC and ?1/hour)
9 Assume each user of slngle base sLaLlon moblle radlo sysLem averages Lhree calls per hour
each call lasLlng an average of flve mlnuLes (a) WhaL ls Lhe Lrafflc lnLenslLy for each user? (b)
llnd Lhe number of users LhaL could use Lhe sysLem wlLh 1 blocklng lf only one channel ls

unl1 lll
A81 A
1 WhaL are Lhe Lhree baslc radlo propagaLlon lssues?
2 ueflne 8eflecLlon
3 ueflne ulffracLlon
4 ueflne scaLLerlng
3 ueflne 8rewsLer angle
6 CalculaLe Lhe 8rewsLer angle for a wave lmplnglng on ground havlng a permlLLlvlLy of ?r
7 ueflne Lhe Lerm propagaLlon models
8 LlsL some ouLdoor propagaLlon models
9 LlsL some lndoor propagaLlon models
10 ueflne ladlng or small scale fadlng
11 WhaL ls frequency selecLlve fadlng (C8) uoppler's spread?
12 ueflne coherence Llme
13 ueflne coherence bandwldLh
14 Why 8alelgh dlsLrlbuLlon used ln cellular sysLem?
13 WrlLe Lhe free space propagaLlon paLh loss equaLlon
16 WhaL ls level crosslng raLe?
17 WhaL ls power delay proflle?
18 WrlLe few maLhemaLlcal models used for delay proflle
19 WhaL ls flaL fadlng?
20 Compare fasL fadlng and slow fadlng
21 Compare flaL fadlng and frequency selecLlve fadlng
22 When 8lce dlsLrlbuLlon ls preferred Lhan 8aylelgh dlsLrlbuLlon ln cellular sysLem?
23 WrlLe 8aylelgh faded slgnal ln equaLlon form
24 ueflne anLenna galn

A81 8
1 uerlve Lhe lree space paLh loss equaLlon
2 Lxplaln abouL CuLdoor ropagaLlon models
3 Lxplaln abouL lndoor ropagaLlon models
4 Lxplaln abouL 8eflecLlon ln Moblle 8adlo ropagaLlon wlLh Lhe help of 1wo ray Cround
8eflecLlon model
3 Lxplaln abouL ulffracLlon ln Moblle 8adlo ropagaLlon wlLh Lhe help of knlfe Ldge ulffracLlon
6 rove LhaL wlLh necessary equaLlons envelope of a faded channel ls 8aylelgh dlsLrlbuLed
7 Lxplaln ln deLall abouL Lhe lacLors lnfluenclng fadlng
8 WlLh neaL dlagram derlve Lhe equaLlon for Lhe lmpulse response model
9 WhaL are Lhe parameLers lnvolved ln moblle mulLlpaLh channels? uescrlbe Lhem ln deLall
10 Lxplaln Lhe Clark's model for flaL fadlng channel ln deLall
11 uescrlbe Lhe anLennas used ln Lhe cellular sysLem ln deLall

unl1 lv
A81 A
1 WhaL ls meanL by modulaLlon?
2 WhaL are Lhe varlous modulaLlon Lechnlques avallable?
3 WhaL ls meanL by angle modulaLlon?
4 WrlLe Lhe upper and lower bound for a frequency modulaLed slgnal?
3 Lxplaln Lhe Lradeoff beLween Sn8 and 8andwldLh ln a lM slgnal
6 Lxplaln abouL Lhe facLors based on whlch dlglLal modulaLlon Lechnlques are chosen
7 WhaL ls meanL by absoluLe bandwldLh and half power bandwldLh?
8 WhaL ls meanL by lnLersymbol lnLerference?
9 Lxplaln how Lhe nyqulsL crlLerlon ls used for lSl calculaLlon
10 uraw Lhe waveforms for unlpolar n8Z 8lpolar n8Z ManchesLer n8Z
11 WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of a ralsed coslne rolloff fllLer? WrlLe Lhe Lransfer funcLlon of Lhls fllLer
12 WrlLe a brlef noLe abouL Lhe Causslan pulse shaplng fllLer
13 WrlLe a shorL noLe on ulfferenLlal Sk
14 WrlLe a shorL noLe on ?/4 CSk
13 WhaL ls meanL by consLanL envelope modulaLlon?
16 WhaL ls meanL by suedo random sequence?
17 WhaL ls meanL by equallzaLlon and dlverslLy?
18 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of channel codlng of a LransmlLLed slgnal?
19 ueflne redlcLlon Lrror
20 Lxplaln abouL Lhe llnear 1ransversal equallzer
21 WhaL are Lhe non llnear meLhods avallable for equallzaLlon
22 WhaL are Lhe facLors LhaL deLermlne Lhe performance of Lhe algorlLhms used for adapLlve
23 WrlLe a shorL noLe on polarlzaLlon dlverslLy
24 WhaL ls meanL by channel codlng?
23 WhaL are Lhe varlous quanLlzaLlon Lechnlques avallable?
26 WhaL ls meanL by sub band codlng?
27 WhaL ls a volce exclLed vocoder?

A81 8
1 Lxplaln Lhe 8AkL recelver wlLh a neaL block dlagram
2 Lxplaln abouL Lhe varlous vocoders and Lhelr funcLlons ln deLall
3 WhaL ls Lhe need for equallzaLlon ln a recelver and explaln abouL Lhe llnear equallzer ln deLall
4 Clve an accounL of Lhe algorlLhms used for adapLlve equallzaLlon
3 Lxplaln abouL Lhe space dlverslLy recepLlon meLhods ln deLall wlLh neaL dlagrams
6 Lxplaln Lhe blnary frequency shlfL keylng wlLh sulLable equaLlons
7 WlLh Lhe consLellaLlon dlagram explaln Lhe Mary Sk sysLem
8 Clve an accounL of Lhe dlrecL sequence spread specLrum Lechnlque wlLh necessary dlagrams
9 WhaL ls meanL by quadraLure phase shlfL keylng? WrlLe ln deLall abouL Lhe Lransmlsslon and
deLecLlon of CSk slgnals wlLh block dlagrams
10 Lxplaln ln deLall abouL Lhe ampllLude modulaLlon and demodulaLlon Lechnlques ln deLall
11 Lxplaln Lhe varlous meLhods used for lM deLecLlon
12 Lxplaln Lhe blnary phase shlfL keylng and derlve Lhe probablllLy of blL error
13 WrlLe ln deLall abouL Lhe deLecLlon Lechnlques for a ? /4 CSk slgnal

unl1 v
A81 A

1 Clve some examples for lLLL 802 sLandards
2 ueflne 8SS LSS
3 ueflne uCl Cl
4 WhaL are Lhe funcLlons of hyslcal layer of lLLL80211?
3 WhaL are Lhe funcLlons of MAC layer of lLL80211?
6 WhaL are Lhe funcLlons of LLC of lLLL80211?
7 Lxplaln ulsLrlbuLlon servlce lnLegraLlon servlce
8 Lxplaln Lhe Lhree LranslLlon servlces based on moblllLy
9 WhaL are Lhe assoclaLlons's relaLed servlces based on A?
10 Lxplaln 8ellable uaLa uellvery
11 Clve Lhe Lypes of auLhenLlcaLlon?
12 ulfferenLlaLe lLLL80211a lLLL80211b
13 WhaL do you mean by SlC?
14 WhaL are Lhe core proLocols ln Lhe flve layer sLack of 8lueLooLh?
13 ueflne LM
16 ueflne L2CA
17 ueflne Su
18 Lxplaln abouL Lhe Cable 8eplacemenL roLocol
19 WhaL are Lhe loglcal channels of L2CA?
20 WhaL are Lhe flelds avallable ln Lhe L2CA commands?

A81 8

1 Lxplaln ln deLall abouL Lhe varlous lLLL 802 sLandards baslc archlLecLure of lLLL 80211
2 Lxplaln Lhe funcLlons of varlous layers of WLAn and Lhe proLocol archlLecLure
3 Lxplaln Lhe securlLy conslderaLlons and Lhe WL algorlLhm for Lhe MAC layer of lLLL 80211
4 WrlLe shorL noLes on 8lueLooLh overvlew roLocol SLack archlLecLure
3 WrlLe shorL noLes on
a) Llnk Manager SpeclflcaLlon
b) L2CA
6 WrlLe shorL noLes on
a) 8adlo SpeclflcaLlon
b) 8aseband SpeclflcaLlon

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