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Mthodologie au plan / au commentaire de texte

Essay correction Still I Rise

[Note : Ce commentaire est incomplet car il ne contient que les lments tudis en premire lecture. La lecture plus pousse du pome permettra de complter cette analyse]


This poem was written by Maya Angelou in 1978. She was also a Black American activist who defended Blacks rights during segregation. In her poem, she protests against Whites persistent racism. First of all, we will focus on her motives for writing this poem. Then, we will deal with her / Blacks relationship with White racist people. Finally, we will concentrate on her attitude towards them as opposed to her ancestors.

Evitez les longues biographies inutiles. Votre plan doit suivre la logique du texte et non la linarit. Les titres doivent tre thmatiques (dissociez FOND et FORME)

(A) Why protesting? Angelous motives.)

First of all, we may suppose that Maya Angelou herself is speaking because she uses the first person narrative: me (1), I (4). Besides, allusions enable to identify the person as a Black woman: sexiness (25), black ocean (33). Even if she says I, she represents all Black people since she defends their cause. She decided to write this poem because of Whites never-ending racism towards Blacks. Indeed, she evokes her slave ancestors: Bringing the gift that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave (39-40) to underline the fact that Whites have been mistreating them for ages. Besides, she refers to this period as: historys shame (29) so as to show that slavery was unfair and inhuman.

Dbutez votre commentaire par le dbut : traitez dabord les informations gnrales / essentielles pour ensuite aller vers limplicite / les informations moins videntes

Utilisez des connecteurs logiques pour organiser votre propos. Citer le texte loral : ON line 29 / line 29

(B) Blacks vs Whites: Submission vs supremacy)

Nevertheless, the end of slavery and segregation havent changed the way Whites behave towards Blacks, according to her: they still seem to feel superior and despising: You may trod me in the very dirt (3). They do not respect them and treat them like animals. Moreover, she uses a ternary rhythm and gradation to prove how violent they can be: You may shoot me / cut me / kill me with your hatefulness (21-23): Whites are cruel and mean. La citation ne constitue pas un lment danalyse elle seule, elle sert appuyer / justifier cette analyse. Il faut systmatiquement indiquer la ligne lorsque lon cite le texte.

(C) Reversing the balance of power)

Yet, unlike her ancestors who had to be submissive and to obey Whites laws, Maya Angelou refuses to do the same and rebels. Indeed, the repetition of the phrase I rise evokes both pride and getting up again after mistreatment. The anaphora aims at emphasizing that in spite of their insults, violence and hatred, she will not accept their supremacy. In her poem, she reverses the balance of power: she is a free Black American citizen. Les figures de style doivent tre (1) identifies, (2) justifis laide du texte et (3) analyses (Pourquoi lauteur a choisi dutiliser cette figure de style? Que souhaite t-il exprimer ainsi ?)

This poem ends with a promise to Black people but also a message of hope for a better future: I am the dream and the hope of the slave (40). Contrary to their ancestors, Black people can be optimistic for their future.

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