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Abstract In progress

Introduction Knowing your buyers market is very important in brining new products to new places. Businesses are constantly looking for new places to expand into and in doing so research needs to be done. This survey was done to help learn about the many different marketing opportunities in the Bakersfield area. While California as a whole is very similar when it comes to topics like political status, Bakersfield tends to be unique. The survey was done to collect data on what types of markets are in Bakersfield and how companies can best market to the people of Bakersfield. Knowing that California tends to lean towards a democrat stance when it comes to politics and having lived in Bakersfield my entire life I am going to make the assumption that the majority of the people surveyed are going to be republican, given the conservative nature of Bakersfield. Understanding where the people of Bakersfield stand politically will help me understand how to market and sell new products to the people of Bakersfield. Materials and Methods To collect specific information from people in the Bakersfield area a sample size of 50 surveys were taken from a population of 2600. The survey was made up of a series of questions: gender, age, height, weight, hours worked per week, education, income, eye color, hair color, water consumption, stance on death penalty, political party, vote registration status, hiv infection, heath care bill stance, handedness, whether Obama should be re-elected, ethnicity, proposition 8, ring size, and shoe size. These various questions were presented to individuals as a survey and compiled into a population of 2600 people. Using tcstats I then generated a sample size of 50 from the population. All the questions on the data were answered to the best of the surveyors ability.


The information above is the summary statistic for the height, weight, ring, and shoe size. The average height is 66 inches or 5'5, with an average weight of 158 pounds. The average ring size is 7 and the average shoe size is 8. Given the measurements that are present there is a direct relationship among them. With the sample group be made up of both males and females the height and weight along with ring size and shoe size are all connected. The height and weight of a person affects the shoe and ring size of a person.

The box plot whisker plot above represents the difference in gross income based upon gender. The average income for the sample group is between 30,000 and 35,000 dollars a year. On average men make more than women, which has a large affect on why the data is skewed right.

From the data taken 15 people answered Republican, 17 answered Democrat, 7 answered Independent, and 11 answered other. Political party affiliation and President Obamas reelection have a direct connection. In the data taken people were asked if they were Republican, Democrat, Independent, or other. Given that President Obama and his party are Democrats the assumption would be that the people who answered democrat as their party affiliation would say yes to his re-election and people who answered Republican would say no. The other variables involved are the people answering Independent or other because their party affiliation has no direct discrepancy with President Obamas party. Furthermore, the only logical and obvious relationship between President Obama and his re-election status is connected to those who either answered Democrat or Republican.

Political party affiliation and the health care bill have a direct connection as well. Given the previous data on numbers for each party, party affiliation with democrats on average answer yes while republicans answer no. The political parties of Independent and other are mixed between yes, no, and undecided. Once again there is a direct connection between political party affiliation and peoples stance on the death penalty. Republicans on average say yes to the death penalty, while democrats on average say no.

From the data results you can make the assumption that handedness and stance on death penalty have a direct connection. The variables in the connection are that the majority of people are right handed and answered yes, but political party affiliation has a stronger connection to a persons stance on the death penalty over a persons handedness.

A persons handedness and water consumed have no direct connection according to the data collected. Just like handedness and stance on death penalty have variables there are many major variables with the connection of handedness and water consumption. A major variable is a persons activity level which is not collected in the data, along with a persons work environment and nutritional choices. Does the gender of a person have a connection to the changing of political party? Is there a connection between a persons gender and their stance on proposition 8?

Discussion In progress

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