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Immortality and Mortality, the Divine Paradox

Accessed: 12/23/04

March, 1991

June 8, 1997

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of the human aura.

Entropy, mortality, known to the world without question, is but a half truth.... The knowledge of Immortality, lost through the ages of a distant and long forgotten past....Could this knowledge be a permanent relief --a salvation of physical death and disease? "Bodies are corruptible, but not all bodies are dissolvable." Divine Pymander. "Death is swallowed up in victory." "Oh Death where is thy sting?" "Oh grave, where is thy victory? (I Corinthians 15:54,55)

Hermes, regarding Immortality

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77. Why , O Men of the Offspring of the Earth, why have you delivered yourself over unto death, having power to partake of immortality? Repent and change your minds, you that have together [the collective human race consciousness] walked in Error, and have been darkened in ignorance. 78. Depart from that dark light, be partakers of immortality, and leave and forsake corruption [negative mentalism followed by entropy]. 79. And some of them that heard me, mocking and scorning, went away, and delivered themselves up to the way of DEATH. 80. But others casting themselves down before my feet, besought me, that they might be taught; but I causing them to rise up, became a guide of mankind, teaching them the reasons how, and by what means they may be saved. And I sowed in them the words of Wisdom, and nourished them with the AMBROSIAN WATER of IMMORTALITY [The Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding of The SPIRIT of LIFE --peripheral fountain of Eternal Youth].
Excerpts from: Divine Pymander (1604). Page 41 and 42. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus (possibly the ancient Enoch of old). Straight is the way, and narrow the gate (of Knowledge) for only a "few" will find it.

This web site will always be in a constant state of change as Spiritual Knowledge is constantly expanding and expressed in more precise lingual terms of an abstract realm of SPIRIT. Allegories and symbolism have been intentionally avoided whenever possible because the languages of the world have evolved to the point that it is now possible to more precisely describe the abstract realities that were at one time expressed in obscure terms of allegories and symbolism. This may have contributed to the bewildering religious belief systems of the world today and the constant violence and threat of war. However, this is rapidly changing as humans become increasingly aware of the Truth regarding the reality we live in and thus changing the energy and fate of our beautiful planet Earth....
The animated Bronze Sculpture of "Immortality" above, is a creation of John Robinson

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Immortality is a permanent sustenance of Conscious Life in that it requires the permanent possession of a physical body --the body and its seven senses is the instrument of conscious Life. The seven senses of which five are bodily senses and a sixth sense which is "mental" and immortal in nature. It cannot be destroyed by anything. The seventh sense being the highest sense of the higher "I" consciousness

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is eternal and is not affected by the cycles of Life, death, and rebirth and enables an individual to penetrate beyond the world of form and force while being in its incarnated or bodily state. The loss of a body or dis-embodiment eliminates conscious Life and its interaction with the Great Physical Plane causing a rapid change in the individual,s perception of physical reality. Interestingly, the disembodied individual will find that he or she is not "dead," and becomes aware that the material world of form and force is non-existent to them and they realize that they can no longer communicate with their bodily loved ones. They will find that they are surrounded by waveforms of Energy and Light and eventually are overcome by a cosmic sleepiness that cause them to slumber into a deep undisturbed "Soul sleep." The surrounding Energy and Light brings them warmth and comfort as they are held firmly in the MIND of The INFINITE SPIRIT like a babe in its Mother's arms that is protected from all harm and danger. Eventually, they will awaken again to "Conscious Life" with a clean slate of the brain/Mind connection and learning the principles of the Physical Plane once again, each time advancing upward and onward on the scale of Life as they cycle between their bodily and unbodily state. Some make giant leaps while others take "little baby footsteps." Still, others make a quantum leap forward and upward and toward the Central Hub of all Life, escaping the beginningless cycles of their bodily and un-bodily state and forever galvanizing Conscious Life for themselves and accumulating Knowledge and Wisdom without the constant interruption and cessation of Conscious Life (disembodiment) in the Universe. They will not leave by the backdoor in Life. Instead of cycling between their bodily and un-bodily state, they will learn to materialize and dematerialize their bodies at will and thus maintaining Conscious Life even in their un-manifested state of Being. How is this possible? Because first, the Universe is not as material or physical as it appears to the human eye and because of the underlying causations and effects not apparent to the physical human senses. Humans are not just a physical body but a Spirit Soul that manifests a physical body from an invisible Mind substance composed of energy waveforms of Life and Light. Because of this Truth are there higher LAWS of SPIRIT that can be utilized by the Human Soul to materialize and dematerialize the body at will and causing a shortcut through Space and Time when traveling. This is not the same as a human who becomes dis-embodied because of "ignorance." Still, the ignorance of a disembodied human remains with them even in their disembodied state and moving about in ignorance and they will return to a physical world that has advanced in time and technology so that they can learn once again with a clean slate of Conscious Life. But, always will they maintain what little significant Knowledge they have gained regarding the essence of Physical and non-Physical Life and constantly advancing toward SPIRIT. How can something physical be converted or exchanged into something that is non-physical? To find the answer, one must understand how the Universe is manifested and composed and by what means and as to what cause this order is maintained. This very high degree of order are the eternal Principles of a something that expresses intelligence and communicates with the human race but

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who itself is void and without form. Yet, it is responsible for the manifestation of form and force by which we see our physical or material world. The fact that all of our physical reality is composed of atomic particles who themselves have emerged and appeared from a field of energy that is not readily visible to the human eye, indicates that our "material world" is not really all that physical. The conversion or exchange of atomic particles in our bodies is possible when a Knowledge and Understanding of this principle is accomplished and a mental focus and effort is exerted in that direction of reality. If you have a degree of understanding in Quantum Physics, you can see for yourself that their theories will support this reality. As has been mentioned many times before on this web site regarding the physicist Albert Einstein who said, "Matter and energy is exchangeable, not distinct." He also said that most people will not understand the meaning of this statement. When a humans dwell in physical reality with a body and allow their Minds to wander in ignorance, that person becomes subject to the cycles of Life, death, and rebirth. It takes a dynamic effort of Mind to make the change. Because most people are unable to release their attachment from their preconceived belief system, they will, like the rest of the world continue in the beginningless cycles of Life, death, and rebirth. Only when a person learns to become detached from the "beliefs" of the collective race consciousness will Immortality become a reality when its Truth enters a person's field of conscious awareness. In this aspect of awareness will a person understand for themselves what they must do in order to sustain the permanent possession of a physical body. The thought at first, may be very strange and may cause strange feelings with overtones of fear and doubt but eventually becomes replaced with the joy, Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom of SPIRIT. Particularly, when you know that you won't be put in a hole in the ground with dirt on top of you. But then, on the other hand, when this happens, you won't have to worry about anything. Why would we even want to think about being Immortal? When a person cycles between physical and non-physical LIFE, the interruption of the cycles retards the progress of Spiritual development. Most people believe that they will go to a "heaven" (or hell) and depends on how good or bad a person they have been. This belief has no foundation in reality. This belief was invented by the ignorant minds of religious leaders, particularly in the last two thousand years who have misinterpret, twisted, and distorted the Truth by imposing their beliefs in many of the religious documents such as the bible as only one example. The widely accepted "King James" version of the bible may have been influenced by the secret writings of Shakespeare who lived in the same time period as King James. They knew each other. The person who has Spiritual awareness can see Shakespearean influence in the writings of the Book of Psalms for example. Shakespeare may have secretly encoded his own name by separating the word "shake" and "spear" in many passages of the book of Psalms. He may have done this in order to take credit for himself. The bible has become an object of worship, which is a great error and an obstacle to Spiritual development. It should be read with Spiritual awareness; it is

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written, "The letter kills, but the Spirit makes it alive." The utilization of the Intuitive Mind is very important if a person is not to be influenced by other people who may have a limiting awareness of Life. Learn to understand the formless SPIRIT of LIFE which is neither here nor there but is everywhere. SPIRIT is the reason why the Universe is "Mental" in nature and is the cause of many strange and unexplained anomalies such as psychic phenomenon and Immortality. SPIRIT is the formless void of energy and light that is not a "blind" energy, but one of absolute intelligence. It is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. In other words, nothing, absolutely nothing, can escape its INFINITE PRESENCE in the Universe. This is the "unknown" GOD that people go to church for on a Sunday morning worship but who have no concept of its enormity. Can you see the enormity of THE ALL? Knowing this, how can a person live in fear? If a human does not know these things, all they have is a superstitious belief system which entraps them in fear and ignorance. If you, the reader can understand these things, you have taken the first step into the realm of Immortality. As mentioned before, Immortality is a result or consequence of Spiritual development because it gives a person the Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom of the composition of the Universe and the Principles that rule and govern its existence. When a person obtains this Wisdom, they will learn for themselves how to mentally manipulate particles in accordance with the Principles of Universal Cosmic Law. The result is vibrant Life in the body followed by proper health and sustenance of a body. Few scientific experiments have been done regarding the effects of Mind upon material things that supports the theory that there is a something between particles and Mind that cannot be clearly defined or explained in scientific terms. This is still much of a gray area for science even though they have observed in a small degree, the evidence of what the Mind is capable of doing. The phenomenon of instant healing and looking into the future are all aspects of the Mind. All are ruled and governed by firmly established Universal Principles Immortality is accomplished by a "proper Mind," or "mental correctness" based upon the "understanding" of the Seven Hermetic Principles of Universal Cosmic Law that enables the human Mind to manipulate the atomic particles of their own bodies and the surrounding environment. When a person can do these things, he or she has accomplished the mastery of Life of which a few individuals are already living in this aspect of Mental reality. They are the angelic beings who from time to time manifest themselves physically to certain receptive individuals and are almost always accompanied by an esoteric permeating sea of Light because of their proximity and relationship in SPIRIT. SPIRIT, the field of energy from which atomic particles emerge is pure energy and light. They consciously dwell on this Plane of Mind which cause them to become transfigured with energy and light. They do not use "wings" as it is believed. They have no use for wings because the can manipulate gravity without developing wings which would otherwise limit them like an airplane, having to rely on air for lift. Winged angels are an invention of the established organized religions. Accomplished Angelic beings dwell far above the Plane of Entropy and Decay that is so familiar to the decaying human race who

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continue to cycle between their bodily and unbodily state.... Universal Cosmic Law is the same Cosmic Law that manifests the Universe and sustains its existence. This Great LAW is the governing "MENTAL" instrument of SPIRIT that rules the suns, worlds, planets, and galaxies that we observe with our eyes. The weather patterns are ruled by this LAW as is mortality and Immortality, hence, the name "Universal Comic Law. When we learn to understand how this LAW operates, we will learn to utilize this same LAW that manifests the Universe in the manipulation and accomplishment of Immortality through the "Proper Mind." Can you, the reader, understand this? Mental manipulation of atomic particles is no different than the manipulation of numbers we do in equations which must follow the rules of addition and subtraction, or division and multiplication in order to arrive at the proper answer. When the human Mind fails to understand and adhere to Universal Cosmic Law, it will operate in error or "sin" as the Christians say. A person becomes subject to entropy, decay and eventual demise from the Physical Plane. Immortality can not be in their field of awareness but only in their beliefs at best. When the human Mind walks in error, it therefore "sins" and "The wages of sin is death." In this aspect of Mind (beliefs) are humans subject to the beginningless cyclic process of Life, death, and rebirth. The Christian church has an entirely different perception of this statement because of their superstitious belief system of a "heaven" and "hell." They do not know that the GOD they worship does not judge a person into heaven or hell because it is "NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS." It does not care about the social standing or accomplishment (caste) of a man or woman. The heaven or hell that people experience is entirely created by their own minds and depends on the choices they make in physical Life. When the choice violates Universal Cosmic Law, they will experience the resistance of Life's flow of energy and they become tired of fighting their way through Life. Universal Cosmic Law rules and governs the process of evolution in that it will always drive humans upward and onward on the scale of Life --nothing is allowed to stand still. When a person does not understand this, they are unable to realize its directional flow and at times may go against its flow which can cause pain and sorrow. The ignorant individuals can only accept their own fate without realizing that there are mental tools available to him or her if they will only focus upon the subject and "ask" by communicating with THE ALL, or SPIRIT. THE ALL is always eager to help a person understand its LAW if humans will only allow its assistance. It will NOT force itself on any person because it cannot violate its own Principles. Never put a human face upon SPIRIT because it is formless and everywhere present at the same time. This is the nature and reality of INFINITE LIVING DIVINE MIND. It will always remain unknowable and incomprehensible to the human mind by reason of its Infinite Stature. Therefore will we humans always progress upward on the scale of Life either through the cyclic process or by being an Immortal witness of change throughout space and time without ever dropping out of the Great Physical Plane. Immortality in the current race consciousness is inconceivable and therefore not possible because it has no concept how to conduct Life properly. The accomplishment of Physical Immortality is based upon the merits of your own wills, efforts, and desires. It is not accomplished

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by watching other people age, grow old, and eventual disembodiment. No person will be left behind for no person can escape SPIRIT. Many will travail through much pain, suffering and disembodiment, but none will be left behind because it is not possible as nothing is allowed to stand still in the Universe. As evidence, observe the constant movement of galaxies, suns, and worlds which hurdle through space and time with enormous velocity; atomic particles which vibrate with incredible rapidity, as is known in Quantum Physics, and constantly exchanging between an invisible reality of waveforms of energy and light and the particle state of which our bodies and surrounding physical reality is composed. This is the evidence that our material world is not as physical as we think that it is. It is because of this that a foundation of Immortality can be established through Spiritual advancement of the human Mind. Where the Mind goes, the physical body will follow. Imagine for a moment the power of this statement...., the responsibility that we have in the "proper" utilization of our minds and the consequences that follow. The human Mind must follow universal mental principles as do numbers follow the principles of addition and subtraction in order to be utilized properly. Improper usage of addition and subtraction will lead to errors and so it is with the human mind. Mental correctness, or "proper Mind" through the knowledge and understanding of Universal Principles is the key to Immortality --NOT MERE BELIEFS. The CAUSE back of and behind all these things is the mental activity of THE ALL. The "invisible" reality composed of Energy and Light from where the atomic particles make their appearance in our physical reality is the Creative Principle of THE ALL or the God that people go to church for on a Sunday morning worship. It cannot be escaped. The general public remains oblivious and unaware of this TRUTH and therefore do they remain problematic in their daily living. It can be a difficult and painful experience for some who pay no attention.... a long and weary walk to freedom. To those who can grasp this knowledge, it is a welcoming salvation from disease, death, and the grave. The idea of Immortality may scare most people, while others may find this "belief" comical and amusing. After all, what do we do with unlimited time? We have a enough of a difficult time just trying to keep up with living our three score and ten mortal years (70). We dont even know what to do with ourselves after we reach old age except to enjoy the last few years of our lives before we kick the bucket. Living forever? What do we do with our time even if Immortality was to be possible? Thats crazy. Everybody gets old and dies eventually?! All you have to do is look around you, the evidence is overwhelming. You see old and young people everywhere and even the young ones are going to grow old and die eventually. Death is inevitable.... Decay and death is an undeniable Truth in the reality of the Universe but it is only based on a half truth, one side of the coin, only one side in the "Polarity" of reality. Immortality, is the other half of the truth, the other side of the coin, the other side of the Polarity of reality. The general public is not aware of the Principles of Immortality and can therefore not even sustain a belief in such a thing without
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resorting to the ridicule and mockery because of ignorance. They live in a reality of a one sided Truth. In due time the human mind will evolve into the awareness of Immortality and it will become a common knowledge. In that time, will there be no need for governments, soldiers, policemen, courts, and jails, because of the proper utilization of the Human Mind. Each human will know their "proper" position in the order of the Universe and a true Unity of Mind is accomplished. Governments, soldiers, policemen, and jails are needed because of the erring human mind which can become bestial, malicious, and devouring, and very animalistic in nature. These need governments and laws as guideposts lest they devour each other to extinction. Animals are solely governed and guided by nature, but the Human Mind is guided by its own sense of reasoning and can therefore move into the lower Mental Planes of reality which can be very dark. This area of reality is the "Satanic" side of human nature. There is evidence of these things all over the world, in local, national, and international newspapers, and TV. Be informed, "observe" and "understand" the events that you see. Reality itself is based on a paradox of opposites in everything that exists. It is not in competition with each other but simply based on the firmly established Principle of Polarity in the scale of Life. Atomic particles have their likes and dislikes for each other such as adhesion and repulsion, but all have a purpose in the manifestation of physical reality. It is a manifestation of the Principle of Polarity; a manifestation of the Omnipresent GOD --THE ALL in All. In other words, one is not against the other, but are two aspects of the same reality of LIFE. Mortality is at one end of the scale while Immortality is at the opposite end of paradoxical reality. In between are the many bewildering contradictory, competing, and warring beliefs of the world that are constantly in a conflicting mental and verbal war. Because of this will TRUTH always remain hidden by misinformation and malicious conduct of special interests, religious or otherwise. It is the noisy polluted human mind that creates the competition of beliefs without "looking" at the causations back of and underneath all of manifested reality. The evolutionary process of the Universe will eventually lift man out of the muck and mire he or she created for themselves but not after much travail and suffering through the lessons of trial and error will man eventually prevail in Immortality. The exception to this process is the person who has "chosen" to advance themselves through the various planes of Being and rising above the mortal muck and mire of struggling humanity. Scientific evidence of these things are for the moment non-existent. Science itself is bogged by their method of analysis regarding the Universe. Scientific evidence of Immortality is out of the question. However, there are daring scientists who do not follow the beaten path of other scientists and dare to boldly step out into the Unknown. They are the ones who will excel in their endeavors and are rewarded with great Knowledge. The Immoralist may question the social implications that Immortality may impose; what to do with the social security system or other similar systems? It cant even support mortals too much longer, how is it going to support Immortals? What about the reproductive habits of humans? If people dont die anymore what will it do to the population of this planet when there is not enough living space and food?

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Will the governments of the world co-conspire with each other to reduce the the world population? Given the Knowledge of Human Nature and its good and evil tendencies in general, such a concern is not an impossibility. However, when the Mind opens to the principles of Immortality, the reproductive habits will change and you wont have to rely on any imperfect systems for your sustenance. In the transition from mortality to Immortality, profound "mental" and bodily changes will occur. Reproductive organs will no longer be needed and may become dissolved in time (?) --a scary and revolting thought for most people. The person who chooses Immortality through the Arcane Wisdom will rely on his Knowledge rather than his or her believes and emotions to make decisions in Life. They have in effect transcended to the higher Planes of Being. Emotions are like the waves of the ocean, they constantly cycle between the crests and troughs. In human terms it experienced as pleasure and pain, extremely wide mood swings in the problematic undeveloped human Mind. Instead of enjoying sexual ecstasy on the physical Plane, they will experience a Celestial ecstasy on the Mental and Spiritual Plane of Being --a higher form of enjoyment based on Arcane Knowledge which far transcends the short-lived sexual habits and pleasures which humans so tenaciously clutch themselves. Sexual problems arise when humans do not recognize the change that occurs in the course of time. They are told that they must not allow their sexual habits to change and they suffer a shortfall in their expectations of sexual performance as evolution's tendencies is to drive them upward and onward. Human sexuality is only a passing phase of a Spiritual experience that will eventually fall away because its primary purpose is to create Life. When a relationship is only measured in terms of sexual performance, the relationship could become disappointing and increasingly difficult to negotiate because of the evolutionary changes in man and woman and the lack of Spiritual advancement and growth. If this change is not recognized, they will struggle with their sexuality because "sex" is a societal expectation in the success of "holy matrimony." This aspect of living is evidenced by many of the "rich and famous" who occupy much of the public's eye. Much more can be said about this subject, but we shall focus on the subject at hand. People suffer and die for the lack of knowledge and awareness of the Arcane Truths, commonly known as Spiritual Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, etc. People literally perish for the lack of proper knowledge. There is a vast difference between intellectual knowledge and the Arcane wisdom. Arcane means the deepest secret Truths and Forces of Life and Being. That which is hidden in secrecy from the view of an unsuspecting and mentally asleep civilization, submerged in a hypnotic dream state of materialism, the belief that the only reality is what we can perceive with our five senses, the surrounding world we see. It is not possible to sustain this state of mind any longer because the Universe is revealing secrets that will cause a cosmic overthrow of all present social, political, financial, and religious institutions to make room for a new era that will enable humanity to come in closer contact with the source of all Life. Nothing will escape the coming changes. Every tree that is not planted in Truth will become uprooted. Everything may seem stable and well

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founded at the moment, but all that will soon change when it becomes immersed in a state of inversion. Deceptive practices of Life will no longer be acceptable or even sustainable and anything that is immersed in deception becomes dissolved. Businesses, financial institutions, governments, countries, relationships, the rich, the poor will not escape this change. We have already seen the evidence of this with the fall of nations, financial, and political institutions. This is only the beginning.... There are unseen forces at work that will cause a change in the Mentalism of this planet. A change that will eventually abolish war, crime and violence. Once this is accomplished, interplanetary travel will become a reality and a way of life, much like the automobile and the airplane we use in our daily lives, we don't give it any further thought. The first two paragraphs above shows the typical attitude and concerns of a mortal mind which is of course understandable as the scales of reality at the moment do tip in favor of mortality because of the current conceptual belief system of this planet. Immortality is not a new knowledge but was known to the ancient neophytes, hierophants, adepts and masters of Life (not the self superimposed types) of ancient Egypt and elsewhere. A great many writings on the subject of Immortality have been written long, long, ago that has been lost through the ages much of it through deliberate acts of concealment by religious leaders who either dont believe the subject or failed to grasp its Truth. The principle of Immortality is an Arcane Truth that is hidden from view of the race consciousness because of their own ignorance. It is hidden, not because the human race is forbidden to access this Knowledge, but because it is not within the grasp of their current narrow bandwidth of awareness what they believe to be the ultimate reality. The awareness of reality will never be perceived in the absolute sense, but in the relative sense. Because of this will the Human Mind always expand and advance toward the higher Planes of Being and constantly acquiring a greater awareness of realities that were at one time believed not to exist. Man has made technological advances from the horse and buggy days to today's modern day jet travel that will eventually become antiquated when better, faster, and safer ways are discovered. And the human race will always continue to advance upward and onward on the scale of Life and their Spiritual advancement will enable their Mind to discover things that are currently not within the grasp of their perception of reality awareness. Immortality as is mortality is ruled by firmly established Laws of the Universe, i.e. I. The Principle of Mentalism, or MIND which is not suspected by the average person or ordinary scientist. Much of this truth escapes scientific treatment because it is "mental" in nature and can only be perceived by the intuitive Mind. The Truth about Immortality belongs to the unknown higher Mental Laws, while mortality belongs to the better known natural laws of physics that occupy the lower planes of manifestation where the principle of entropy is firmly established. Every living human is familiar with the process of entropy. This may appear as a contradiction but in reality Immortality and mortality is a paradox, more precisely a Divine Paradox that is only apparent to the observer who has developed a very keen sense of
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Spiritual awareness. As mentioned before, Immortality and mortality are two aspects of the same reality, much as the North and South Pole of the Earth as each occupies a firmly established position at opposite ends of the scale of Polarity. Do each contradict the other? Absolutely not! They are two aspects of the same reality that enables gravitational fields to maintain the integrity of our planet and enables LIFE. Immortality and mortality is subject to the same Principle of Polarity on the Plane of Mind. When an established collective mindset is only capable of viewing a half Truth such as mortality, only entropy is observed by the human Mind and the beginningless cycles of Life, death, and rebirth is invoked by the collective mindset. This current state of being is the mental energy of our planet. All is not lost.... The secret to change from mortality to Immortality is not by clinging to the current "state of Being," but in the sate of "becoming." How we perceive our reality is the belief of our state of "becoming." This is a very powerful aspect of Mind. When we continuously cling to the belief that we must grow old and die, this "becoming" is the power of entropy. One can well imagine what happens when you have an entire civilization firmly established in the belief of old age, death, and dying without doubt. The entire civilization is in a constant state of BECOMING --that which they gaze upon. If this cannot be changed in an entire civilization, there is nothing to prevent an individual change in the thinking habits and processes of our own individual Minds. There will be no royal road or red carpet treatment in the "becoming Immortal" aspect. It means hard work and perseverance. Making the change means a constant vigil of watching our minds in how we think. It means a process of discarding habits of our individual established mindset and replacing it with a new vision of LIFE, a "renewal of the Mind." This is a new direction cultivated by desire, effort, perseverance, that will bring change to your own individual energy. Statements have been made by individuals who announced that they do not wish to live forever. When their individual concept of immortality is carefully observed, one can understand why they believe the way that they do. Immortality without Spiritual growth and development would be impossible as Immortality cannot be sustained in the current collective state of mind of our civilization. People simply wouldn't know what to do with themselves in unlimited time. They attempt to apply their current concept and understanding of Life to Immortality, and this idea will scare them. This is the reason why Spiritual development and growth are mandatory in the accomplishment of Immortality. The current mental perception of reality must expand and include the greater reality beyond that of the five biological senses. "Know yourself well, and learn the things that are, and all that is." The narrow mental bandwidth of the current perception of reality of the race would not allow them to see the "sense" or "logic" of Immortality. Immortality would be a scary idea in the current living conditions of this civilization. In this manner of living is Immortality not a practical solution for an unaware human race. The race must evolve either through evolution, or personal desire and effort, causing a quantum leap in the individual's evolution toward Immortality. Without Spiritual
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growth and awareness, Immortality would not be possible. The human Mind must constantly expand and grow and become increasingly aware of the larger reality beyond its own narrow bandwidth of material awareness. Reading five thousand page novels as was suggested by a prominent news magazine is not going to prevent boredom. The human Mind must expand and become aware of the greater reality in order to make Immortality a meaningful existence beyond the frills and thrills of materialistic views. The person who continues to grow and evolve Spiritually, he or she will understand and see the reason and logic of Immortality and how it is accomplished through the Knowledge they have gained. Spiritual Knowledge and growth will cause a person to rise above the mental plane of the human race which is held captive by entropy and mortality. To them Immortality would be a ridiculous idea. Given their limited awareness of Life, how else can they be expected to react? A person must rise above the mental plane of materialism in order to perceive and understand Immortality. As this individual continues to rise to the planes above, entropy and mortality goes into a diminishing state until a complete quickening of the body takes place. This person will have a different and expanded view of Life and is not limited by the mortal minds of his or her friends and neighbors. This person has the experience of being poised, firm, and in control of their mental faculties with a definitive sense of direction in Life. They know exactly what to do and where they are going. They will always be in control of the Plane they dwell upon and all the planes below them. However, they will always remain subservient to the planes above them and be as humble students and learning from the Arcane Wisdom as they continue to ascend and learn to master the planes they arrive upon. All this is accomplished within the understanding and awareness of the Mental Universe while the human race struggles and gropes with the meaning of Life. The race too will eventually rise on the planes above them as they travail in pain and slowly evolving toward the higher planes of Life and Being, cycling through the process of Life, death, and rebirth because they know of no other way. Immortality defies scientific treatment because it can not be analyzed by crunching numbers. Therefore is it not perceived by the analytical scientific mind. It can only be observed and perceived by the Intuitive Mind, making analytical scientific verification impossible. The Universe is MIND in nature and change can only be accomplished on the Mental Plane in order to manifest a permanent and lasting effect on the Physical Plane. Both, entropy/mortality, and Immortality are subject to this Principle, but the CHOICE is strictly an individual desire. Mortality and entropy are natural cycles in the Universe that cause all physical objects to undergo constant change including our bodies. Metals will rust, bodies grow old, become decrepit and die. Natural objects such as mountains are

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constantly shaped and reshaped by the wind, rain, and the earth's shifting crust. Most humans are only witnessing the "effects" without giving any further thought to the dynamic forces that cause change. Back of, and behind all these events, are causations that have their beginning and ending in SPIRIT. It is this SPIRIT or the INFINITE MIND of "THE ALL" that manifests all of physical matter by the lowering vibrations of its SPIRIT. In Truth, the entire Physical Plane is SPIRIT in nature. Its effort and will is the LAW by which all atomic and sub-atomic particles behave in space and time and is an inconclusive subject of scientific study. Spirit and matter is like Water and ice, Water is liquid, and superfluous, while ice, seemingly solid, is like our physical body and the surrounding environment. The molecular property of ice is exactly as that of water, the difference is only in the degree of temperature and rate of vibration, so it is in SPIRIT. The ancient Hermetic Axiom defines this aspect very clearly, "As Above, so Below, as below, so Above." It means that our physical world is not as physical as we think it is. Moreover, water and ice can be freely exchanged in that ice can be melted into water, and water can be frozen into ice. Our bodies that we perceive as being a "solid" object (ice) can be mentally transmuted into an ethereal body (water) and back again at will. Armed with Arcane Knowledge, the person will discover that it is no longer necessary to go through the beginningless cycles of Life, death, and rebirth, or the gates of death. This can only be accomplished through an individual mental will and effort and there is no mechanical means, or magic bullets, or pills that can be taken through the mouth. Only through the transformation of the conditioned personal and religious belief system can transmutation slowly and gently take affect. It will never cause a person to go into a spiritual shock because it takes a "knowingness" to perpetuate the causation of Immortality--you are that causation that can make it happen, or not happen. The belief that cryogenic suspension will preserve the body, is only a partial truth. It will be found that when the frozen body is revived after a long period of lapsed time, that it is only capable of sustaining life for an extremely short period of time in the absence of Consciousness. It is unable to sustain Life on its own. The believe that the frozen body can be preserved and eventually fully revived comes from the idea that humans are nothing more than robotic like automatons or biological accidents of nature-- a great error and fatal mistake! However, it is a valuable lesson to learn. The idea of Immortality may seem ridiculous and idiotic to a civilization that has been brainwashed into conditioned thinking by religious, commercial, and political ambitions. These systems are being slowly and gently dissolved because evolution is taking humanity into the Arcane Knowledge. The day will come when Immortality will be a common Knowledge.

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The Universe is "Mental" in nature and our minds are capable of manipulating the "water and ice" reality and is a Mental art that requires Knowledge and Wisdom of the Arcane Truths to be properly utilized. How do we do this? By asking the inescapable ALL, or GOD for the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding regarding the Arcane Truths of SPIRIT. This is an issue, or rather, an aspect of reality that can not be ignored or left out of the equation in the accomplishment of Immortality. Can you visualize what this will do to the "Mentalism" of a death and violence oriented civilization when more people become mentally renewed by PROPER KNOWLEDGE? It would change the Mental Energy of this entire planet and everything will become peaceful and prosperous beyond belief. True unification will become a reality. Change will no longer be accomplished through war and violence, but through a peaceful internal dissolving of religious, personal, and political belief systems which will quietly collapse from within as their infrastructure becomes reshaped without the loss of human life. Humans will eventually adopt these Spiritual Principles and abandon the senselessness of war and violence of their predecessors --a wasteful ambition. They will realize that all have contributed to the unseen violent energy of the world by their own violent behavior, no matter how small or how large the contribution. It will be realized that greater things can be accomplished faster and better than the old primitive barbaric ideas of war and violence that is unsustainable. This is the WILL of the inescapable SPIRIT that is evolving all of us in that direction. Immortality is not the main issue in Spiritual development but is a result of that Spiritual development by making a quantum leap in evolution through the acquisition of proper KNOWLEDGE. Humans perish for the lack of PROPER KNOWLEDGE as they become entrapped in the beginningless cycles of Life, death, and rebirth, and incarnation and re-incarnation becomes the rule of their fate. They simply accept their fate without question and become subject to the Principle of Rhythm (The Cycles). According to recent scientific studies, humans who spent time meditating, praying, and learning about spirituality are less prone to disease, accidents, are happier, and have a longer life span than their ignorant counterparts who live life in the fast lane and often become suddenly deprived of Life without warning. Universal Cosmic Law is a Mental Law of THE ALL whose creative Mental activity generates particles and life forms, and manifests the Great Physical Plane. If we do not use this mental Law to our advantage, then do we become its subject. Either use it, or become used by it. This requires a renewal of the Mind or a change from the habitual thinking process that we are so familiar with. No other human can do this for you because each human bears his or her own responsibility in the thinking process. There are no religious leaders anywhere on this planet that can do this for you even though some of them would like to think and believe that they can. Every human is

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responsible for their own causation and effect in the order of the Universe. The belief that a person can accomplish this for another person comes from not understanding or knowing God --a mental failure to recognize the enormity of its presence.


Humans, animals, vegetation, metals, all eventually will end in mortality. Mortality, not as in death, because death is none existent, but as a constant state of change and renewal in all life forms and events. Events are momentary windows of conscious and subconscious observation in space and time that is recorded history and become part of our memory. Time itself is eternal and is the catalyst of the evolutionary process of constant change in all of Life and matter. Today, the now, will become the yesterday or history of tomorrow, and tomorrow is the destiny of the upward and onward evolutionary process; the Divineward journey of all Life toward the realm of pure SPIRIT, the essential substance of all things seen and unseen. Mortality and entropy is governed by the fifth principle of Universal Cosmic Law-RHYTHM as all physical objects animate or inanimate become subject to entropy and the resulting mortality of bodies and rusting metals which eventually become dissolved into their basic elemental constituents. When we examine our belief system regarding mortality, which is the primary cause of old age and death, we will find that we have allowed ourselves into unconscious conditioned thinking, that we must grow old and die as the evidence of entropy is overwhelming and without question. However, this is only a half of a Truth regarding the Divine Paradox of Immortality and mortality. We stubbornly fix our Mind in this belief and by so doing, we have applied and fulfilled the Universal Principle of POLARITY. We have effectively fixed and focused our Minds on physical death and dying becomes a reality that is perpetuated by the "inherited tendencies" from generation to generation throughout the ages. Every human whose mind is submerged in this belief, becomes subject to the Principle of RHYTHM and fulfills the beginningless cycles of Life, death, and rebirth. The Universe operates on firmly established LAWS, not on personal or religious beliefs. The true original understanding regarding the cause of death and dying has been lost through the ages and humans have had to rely on sexual reproduction to continue their species. The current paradigm of most human thought is firmly fixed on the Plane of Animal Mind that would require the evolutionary process of Life to raise the current thinking unless personal efforts are accomplished to rise above the animal plane. If we can convert that same belief and passion for death, and accomplish a paradigm shift, or a shift in the Mental Polarity of our beliefs toward Immortality,

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we again have applied and fulfilled the same Universal Principle of POLARITY and the Subconscious Mind will make Immortality a reality. This requires focus and an inescapable fundamental change in the conditioned process of human thought. Every person is the playwright of their own dance in Life.... RHYTHM rules the rise and fall of mortal governments and nations, the creation and destruction of suns, worlds and galaxies, the life, death, and rebirth of all living things, the changes of the seasons, all are subject to the immutable Principle of RHYTHM, which, like the constant swing of a pendulum, causes a perpetual change and renewal in all things in the various Planes of Energy, Mineral, Plant, Animal, and the Plane of Human Mind. RHYTHM maintains the balance and equilibrium in all of Nature and compensates for any imbalances by swinging in the opposite direction to counter balance an error, an abuse, of the elements by human activity. This process can, at times, cause problems for human Life on the earth plane as has been observed in the strange weather patterns, and other strange unexplained phenomena. The Principle of RHYTHM is not being malicious toward humans, but must maintain balance to preserve all of Life in Nature. It is no respecter of persons, creed, skin color, religions, personal belief systems, or governments. Its causation is unconditional and humans must learn to work with, not against RHYTHM. The primordial causation of RHYTHM is none other, then the inescapable INFINITE MIND of THE ALL. Humans live in an environment that is subject to constant change-- nothing ever lasts, nothing stays or endures. In the mortal concept of Life, everything that is experienced such as intimate relationships and friendships are only momentary windows of experiences in space and time that appear and then disappear into history as every person is cycled through entropy and the resulting mortality of the body, terminating all physical ambitions, accomplishments, and the material possessions of every living individual....

THE PRINCIPLE OF IMMORTALITY The principle of entropy and the resulting Mortality is clearly evident in all living things including material objects and is known to every human in all levels of society without question. The collective mindset of humanity can be thought of as the current state of being and is subject to the constant evolutionary process of space, time, and change. All a person has to do to maintain the current state of being is--NOTHING! Just keep living life as is traditionally accomplished until the date of expiration, while preparing for that fate. Every human on this Earth Plane has resigned to the belief

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of death without even pausing for a moment which is understandable when there is no access to knowledge to teach them otherwise. This is the belief that humanity has maintained and the human genome reflects that attitude by encoding the genes with mortality. Scientific research shares this view regarding mortality, however, they are not looking beyond the physical manifestations of mortality. All science is observing is a "manifestation," or the "effects" of the Mental Plane where all personal and religious beliefs reside, they failed to look at the causations. The human genome will reflect a given belief that was created by the collective mindset on the Mental Plane, where all our unique individual minds exist as non-material substances. The aspect of causation is not observable with the eyes, but only with the understanding of the seventh sense-- The Mind and the Consciousness awareness which is the sixth (non-material) of seven senses of observation. There is no atomic or subatomic structure to observe with the eyes, only the waveform aspect which is SPIRIT in nature. When the Mind is properly utilized for observation, a person has applied the Principle of Correspondence which enables the human consciousness to penetrate the most secret of secrets. Scientific oriented Minds often utilize the Principle of CORRESPONDENCE without being aware and enables the scientist to penetrate the secrets of Nature. It is limited only to their imagination. The Mind being Universal and non-local, while Consciousness is unique individuality that makes me --me, and you --you. This is the unique individual conscious awareness that enables us to perceive our physical realm. All, owe their existence to the non-local field of Universal Intelligence. The ancient Hermetic Axiom reflects this reality: "All, is in THE ALL, and THE ALL, is in All." The human body enables "Consciousness" because it is in truth an aspect of Mind. Humans who become disembodied, as in physical death, will also experience a loss of consciousness and their experience with Conscious Life becomes disabled. It is no longer possible to communicate physically with loved ones, friends, and relatives as they grief for the deceased loved one. The human body is an extremely important aspect of being in that it enables the Human Experience on the Great Physical Plane. Only in consciousness can a person experience the familiar physical reality that embodied humans experience. If the body becomes dissolved as in "death," along with that experience is a loss of consciousness and interaction with the Physical Plane becomes impossible. However, it is only a temporary loss of consciousness as the individual Soul is compelled by its own desire to return to the Physical Plane. This is the individual cause of re-incarnation and Universal Cosmic Law perpetuates the necessary elements of Mind and Life to make this a reality. Consciousness is possible even if the human body is mentally held in its waveform (non-material) aspect because it is Spirit in nature. The loss of the body (consciousness) is caused by a lack of Knowledge and awareness. Without Arcane
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Knowledge, great thinking and great awareness is impossible. The next paragraph explains the importance of the human body which makes "Consciousness" possible. The following are a Manifestation of the Seven Senses (Consciousness) of the complete Human Soul which includes the physical body which :

I. Sense of Sight.
The given ability of the body to observe the surrounding material world, or manifested Physical Plane with the eyes. Under, and back of all Physical manifestation of the material world we know, are nothing more than waveforms of energy and information that are converted into electrical impulses within the optical nerves and travel through nerve cells toward the brain. That information is deciphered and interpreted into an understanding of our material world by the brain, the central processing organ of every individual. If the body dies, the indwelling Soul is instantly cut off from Physical Plane. The Soul has lost its medium (the body) to interact with the Physical Plane because every human, regardless of skin color, is Spirit in nature.

II. Sense of Hearing.

Vibrations of air molecules caused by a given sound wave that travels through the air and eventually striking the eardrum which, again, converts it into electrical impulses that travel to the brain. The Human body deciphers this information into an intelligible sound of the Physical Plane for the enjoyment and pleasure of the Human Soul.

III. Sense of Smell.

The enjoyment of enabling the fragrance of a beautiful rose, the fresh air, the smell of delicious food as it scents the atomic particles released by various objects. At the opposite end of the scale are the unpleasant fragrances such as that of a Skunk which sends the human body or that of animal scurrying for egress from the offending source.

IV. Sense of Taste.

The pleasure of taste buds that all Souls enjoy on the Great Physical Plane. The five senses for the enjoyment and pleasure of the manifested body.

V. Sense of Touch.
The feel of material objects in Space and Time through electrical impulses to the brain that decipher the Physical Plane in the form of pains or pleasures in the unique individual conscious awareness. The ability to touch another human, to feel, to share, is a reality that the Soul will always search for on all manifested Planes of Causation.

VI. Consciousness
The manifestation of unique conscious individual beings who are Spirit in nature--the Plane of Human Mind, including the manifestation of Life and Being on the lower Planes of diminishing consciousness; the Plane of Animal mind, the Plane of Vegetable Mind, the Plane of Mineral Mind, Mind of Atomic particles, and Mind of Sub-atomic particles. This sense is mostly dormant in humans and is not fully utilized. It is very limited in animals, and even less apparent in plant Life, but becomes awakened and alive in Spiritually developed humans. Most humans operate on the subconscious level of Mind, like a rudderless ship that is tossed to and fro by the waves of the
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powerful ocean of SPIRIT because only a few will exercise a strong will and desire.

The non-local Infinite Primordial Causation of all Life--THE ALL. Mostly, unknown to humanity. Cloaked in religious mystery, allegory, and symbolism. Its existence is accepted only on the premise of faith and the belief that its Spirit dwells on a piece of real estate or a skyward place of existence somewhere in the Universe, called "heaven."

Each sense has a unique purpose within our bodies, and is like a fine and delicate instrument. Because we are Spirit in nature, each sense reports to us the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of our external material world from which we derive our information and experiences in physical life. Each sense has a unique response to the external phenomena of the Physical Plane. For example, it is not possible to see with the ears, or hear with the eyes. In order to "see" with the eyes, the unique construction of the eyeball is utilized in order to sense the vibrations of light waves giving us vision of various material objects. Sound waves would have no effect on the eyeball, neither can it interpret the pressure of sound waves. Similarly, can the ears not see, because it does not respond to the vibrations of light waves, but through the vibrations of sound traveling through the air. If a blind person cannot see the surrounding material world, except through the experience of the remaining senses, imagine what the experience would be in total disembodiement. Our Soul would be completely and instantly cut off from the Physical Plane and further interaction with the material world becomes impossible. If each of the five senses are systematically eliminated, the Soul of that person would experience a proportionate reduction of sensory perception of his or her material world. We can use our imagination to eliminate each sense and realize how important sensory perception is to us. If the Soul becomes disembodied, its immediate experience is the loss its only interface and ability to interact with the phenomenon of the physical world. The Soul's physical sensory perception becomes mostly if not totally eliminated from the physical realm and is only aware of its own existence as Mind and Consciousness. This would be a very strange phenomenon for the person who experiences disembodiment because he or she has only relied on the sensory input of the body during physical life that is no longer available to the individual Soul. This aspect of Being cannot be eliminated because it is non-material in nature and the person continues to exist as Mind and Consciousness. This non-material region of "unconsciousness" is a larger reality by far than the narrow bandwidth of awareness regarding the physical realm that is not within the scope of perception and thought of most people. Most people fail to realize that above, as well as below, of their narrow mental bandwidth of perception lies an Infinite realm of SPIRIT with an infinite perception of possibilities. Disembodied humans find that they have been eliminated from this narrow mental bandwidth of existence and find
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their Being to exist only in the realm of SPIRIT. Can you, the reader, see that death is non-existent? That this event is profound Soul change? That NOTHING is ever lost? That death is only a perception of the human Mind because of its failure to realize and recognize the greater surrounding reality above as well as below the narrow bandwidth of current human thought? The second Hermetic Principle of Universal Cosmic Law, The Principle of Correspondence, firmly establishes this great Truth and is echoed by the ancient Hermetic axiom, "As it is Above, so it is Below, as it is Below, so it is Above." This Truth conveys that all of humanity, and their surrounding environment have their existence solely within the Infinite SPIRIT of THE ALL, or GOD. Contrary to popular belief, in the Spirit state of being, is the Soul experiencing a semi state of consciousness because of the loss of the five senses and suffers a lack of being whole because the Mental Pane and Physical Plane creates a reality of completeness and "wholeness." Both Planes exist within the realm of SPIRIT. We cannot compartmentalize these realms in our little boxes of belief systems. The Great; Spiritual, Mental and Physical Planes are the TRINITY, the "unity," the"wholeness," and "completeness" that cannot, and should not be separated. The ignorance of humanity reflects this reality by continuously cycling between the bodied and disembodied state of being. When disembodied, the Soul has an affinity for a material body in order to experience the Physical aspect of SPIRIT. When it fails to sustain the body, it becomes trapped in the beginningless cycles of incarnation and reincarnation by reason of its own beliefs. This is not the case with a person who has attained the mental art of Immortality. The disembodied Soul can only experience its own Consciousness and its relation to Being. In this disembodied state, only two senses remain, individual "consciousness," the sixth sense, and "Mind," the seventh sense, both are non-material in substance and are not subject to entropy and resulting mortality. The issue of Immortality and mortality does not apply to these two senses because they are "Eternal," and indestructible. The body is far more important than most people are willing to realize. We should always give our bodies the best of care and not abuse it. The seven senses completes the human Soul which includes the inseparable body. The body can be thought of as a manifestation of the Soul and is essential to the completeness of the Soul. It is not!-- A corn husk, or peanut shell, that is discarded when we're done using it. That is a diminutive concept, and an "inherited tendency" of personal and religious invention. Discard the body, and the means of communications with the physical loved ones and interaction with the material world becomes almost impossible. When the individual Soul allows the body to become subject to entropy through a firm belief in death and the resulting mortality of that body, the Soul will always be compelled to return in order to manifest itself on the Physical Plane once again. It can only experience the material world in its completeness through the five senses of

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the body. If it becomes deprived of that body, the Soul is unable to properly function on the Physical Plane. It has a need for being complete and returns to its incarnated state, or re-incarnation, by necessity. The Fundamental Principle of Immortality A person can polarize him or herself upon a desirable position on the ascending scale of Life, a higher Plane of Thought, and thus allowing the swinging pendulum of the cyclic Law of RHYTHM, to pass beneath the solidly polarized Mind which is established upon the higher plane of Consciousness. In biblical terms it is referred to as standing upon a "rock solid foundation." The Principle of RHYTHM is immutable and unstoppable and we can only neutralize its backward swing by the art of Mental Polarization. In doing so, we have applied the Great Principle of Polarity to our advantage and thus we have attained a high degree of mental firmness, poise, and Self Mastery, while the rest of the world is uncontrollably swung back and forth like a pendulum, unable to dominate their fate and moods because of ignorance. They are subject to the cycles of RHYTHM in nature. It can be compared to a person's knowledge of knowing how to swim that can make a difference in staying alive, or drowning, while being swept away by the torrential rains and tides of the cycles. Self mastery is not accomplished through a belief, but through solid Knowledge of the Arcane Wisdom and Understanding. "I believe," is transmuted into "I know." When the LAW that enables Immortality is understood, cellular renewal of the body becomes increasingly rapid so that it overcomes the slow cellular decadence of entropy and the youthfulness of the body is maintained --not through the cover-up of cosmetics and surgery which is a futile attempt to maintain youth. Entropy, mortality cannot be eliminated but it can be overcome within us through an understanding of how the Universe is composed, and how it operates, to what cause, and to what end. It is very much an important part of our existence and how it affects all of us. The belief that we must wait for scientific verification is a typical fallacy of the western attitude because science has its own set of problems. Scientific verification of Immortality would be difficult as science is still groping with the closed mindset of what is impossible because of the mortal limitation of their analytical approach. Moreover, not all scientists are created equal. There are ordinary scientists, and scientists with brilliant gifted minds. Then, there is the problem of scientific etiquette which confines a scientist in what they can or can not propose and is subject to scrutiny by their peers for approval or else be declared a scientific heretic with the possibility of being subjected to colleague bashing. It is no different, in principle, than a rigidly controlled religious organization. This issue pretty much eliminates the possibility of scientific verification of Immortality. Humans have come to the belief, that the Physical Plane as being totally separate from the Mental and Spiritual Plane --a great error. The human is an exact holographic copy of the combined divisions of the three major Planes of CORRESPONDENCE which gives each unique human the image of the primordial Causation of all
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Life--THE ALL, or GOD. The question of Immortality or mortality is not an issue for the Soul because it is eternal in nature as is its FATHER who is the causation of Life and the Universe. The Soul is perfectly capable of standing in the center of the Sun of our solar system and it will never be destroyed by the thirty million degree heat. One might ask, why? Because, the individual Soul is a pure and indestructible waveform of Intelligent energy. It is united with the enormous energy of the sun unlike the body which would become vaporized by the nuclear activity of the sun. The Soul is non-material in nature and is therefore not subject to entropy or any other form of change including destruction. The individual Soul is capable of maintaining its physical aspect, the body, and can materialize or dematerialize (ice or water) the body at will. It has a perfect understanding of the known physical laws and the higher transcending Spiritual LAWS. If it desires to stand in the center of the solar sun, it knows that when it dematerializes the body, the known physical laws of nuclear activity would have no effect on the properties of the body in the absence of mass because it has utilized a higher law against a lower. There are no physical atoms present to cause a change in form by the nuclear activity of the sun. It has overruled the lower law of physical limitation by the self mastery of consciousness. These type of individuals, or Souls, are the Masters of Life and Being and are NOT mere servants of GOD, but live in perfect and absolute harmony with THE ALL. They have acquired this through the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding of the Universal Cosmic LAW of which the Universe is composed. Knowing, and Understanding the manifestations and operations of The Great LAW, they acquired the Wisdom of its proper use and have become co-creators with THE ALL. Jesus, without a doubt, has attained this state of Being. Unfortunately, his attempt to help the world understand the Way, the Truth, and the Life , has been met with religious idol worshipping of his person. The value of his teachings are not in the idolization of his person, but in the idealization of his teachings, which is SPIRIT. He has always made reference to, "OUR FATHER" and forbade his disciples, who were prone to idol worshipping, from worshipping him. I believe that their (the disciples) writings of Jesus, reflects this tendency of idolatry worship. The modern day Christian church reflects this tendency, but if a paradigm shift can be accomplished, it will cause a quantum leap in the growth and unity of the church. The divisions caused by religious dogma in the Christian religion would become dissolved and absolute unity and harmony would be accomplished. The paradigm shift from the current state of being in Christianity, to that of becoming one in SPIRIT, transmuting "faith" and "belief," to that of KNOWING by the "renewal of the Mind." By allowing this reality, the church will give the people the necessary tools to develop their own Spiritual selfhood in order to "fulfill" the LAW, same as Jesus,

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by idealizing his teachings. The rigid superficial dogmatic teachings of idolization must be discarded and the church must learn to trust SPIRIT to guide the way if they are to escape dissolution. The nature of SPIRIT is such, that it will unconditionally dissolve anything that does not vibrate at the same level as ABSOLUTE TRUTH, whether it be relationships, personal beliefs, religions, financial institutions, and governments. All are subject to dissolution when the TRUTH is not adhered to. SPIRIT will NOT allow deception, lying, cheating, and stealing. To do so, will bring a swift demise of the offending source as it becomes cycled through constant change and may not be a pleasant experience for that source. The history of personal and world events will attest to this. You will kindly remember that Immortality is not only a choice, but a result caused by acquiring Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding regarding The LAWS of SPIRIT. Believing in Immortality is only a first step. The LAW must be fulfilled by "living it," in order to rise above entropy. The true meaning of "believe" is-- to be, and to live the Knowledge, to be-live. This will bring the Great Attitude, or GRATITUDE of accomplishment. The Soul will always be grateful to THE ALL for its Knowledge and will give The SPIRIT thanks without ever ceasing, throughout its eternal state of Being. Our civilization today, is beginning to see the boundary of the mortal limitations of being. Science and Technology will have to go beyond the physical limitations of reality, but then, it enters the realm of pure SPIRIT which will cause a major change in the mental conceptualization of reality and possibly the end of the wonderful technologies of all things that we enjoy today. However, new possibilities beyond belief will develop, rendering all of today's modern technology to the antiquity of time. Computers have been doing for us what we have been capable of doing with our own minds all along when we come to the realization of our own implicate reality and search no more in the explicate reality of being. Human thoughts constantly emerge and submerge with such great rapidity out of an invisible realm that we need computers or other devices to freeze and save a momentary idea, a mental concept in space and time that will rapidly submerge again only to be replaced by a new idea, or mental concept that is better than the previous one. And thus, the Will of evolution carries the human Mind along the ascending scale of Life and Being to a destination of an indeterminable beginning; The primordial Causation of all Life and Being--THE INFINITE ALL.... Those who have taken the time and effort to develop their own spiritual selfhood and awareness will easily see the Grand Design of the Divine Paradox and will undeniably realize that there is a very great Divine Intelligence back of all this. The knowledge of this Arcane Truth will enable them to navigate their way out of the forces of mortality by using the higher Law against the lower laws and thus defying all known physical laws of entropy by rising on the scale of Life. By doing so, a person goes from being "mentally dead," to a state of becoming mentally "alive" by

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rising above the known principles of "Mortal limitations," through the renewal of the Mind. A well-known event happened with regard to Immortality two thousand years ago and has escaped the awareness and understanding of most people and that is, "The Resurrection" of Jesus. Jesus was well versed in the higher Laws of this Mental phenomenon or else he would have died an ordinary death same as all other humans. He made the statement, "No man taketh my life, except I lay it down." He already possessed the knowledge of Immortality and thus it is impossible for anything to take his life unless he willingly permits it to happen. Even then, death could not hold this man captive. What do all these things tell us? It means that death is in reality non-existent. To those who believe that, "dead is dead," are people who have no hope, vision, or awareness of the reality they live in. These are the "living dead" that are written in the scriptures. These types of people are virtually "Mentally dead." The only way to come out of this state of mind is to learn to develop your own spiritual selfhood. There is an enormous wealth of knowledge within all of us and no person is exempt from this no matter what the belief system, skin color, or creed, because the Infinite ALL is unconditional and is no respecter of persons. The only caution that should be exercised, is, that you must think for yourself. You must make it your own personal experience, like the digestion of food that no other person can accomplish for your benefit. The proof of a Truth lies in the personal experience of SPIRIT within each individual. This is very important if you are not to be misled by the deceptive practices of other humans. Common sense is insufficient, when it comes to the realm of Spirit, you must learn to develop your own sense of "Awareness." The following is an excerpt from the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, written by Charles Fillmore regarding "Death, and dying."

DEATH AND DYING; THE "SECOND DEATH." Dying is the name that we give to that state of negation in man's consciousness wherein he no longer can retain the possession of his body. Death is always the result of a failure to recognize GOD as the source of Wisdom and Life. When the soul falls short in this respect, it sins and there is a physical dissolution that is but the outer symbol of mental negation or Spiritual inertia. This death or dissolution of the body is the "second death," over the meaning of which church people have so long contended. The first death is where the consciousness has lost sight of Spiritual Wisdom and sunk into the belief that GOD is absent from man and the Universe. This belief is the being "dead through your trespasses and sins." There can be no other explanation of the first and second death. Metaphysically we know that the body is the outer form of the thoughts, and it therefore could not die or disintegrate unless a similar process had first taken place on the Mental Plane.

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If you allow yourself to go to sleep Spiritually--that is, if you live in the senses and fail to recognize your Spiritual selfhood and your relation to Being--you are already virtually dying or dead. The fact that you seem to live and to exercise a limited consciousness on the animal plane is no evidence that you are alive, because the senses fail you ere long; they will dissolve, and you will then experience the "second death". Charles Fillmore

There are three great groups of Life manifestation which are the Spiritual Plane from where all Life and Consciousness proceed, the Mental Plane, to which all of us are connected with each other and include the animals of the lower sub-plane below us. Below the animal sub-plane is the plane of vegetation. Below the vegetable plane is the Plane of matter or atomic particles that are of the lowest degree of consciousness of which all "material " things are composed. All these are sub-planes of the Great Physical Plane. All Planes and sub-planes of manifestation slowly shade into each other without any fast and abrupt distinctions so that no separation can be made between the Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Planes. All humans exist on all three planes at the same time but most human minds are focused on the animal plane which is a lower sub-plane of the Great Physical Plane. In between the various planes and sub-planes are the elemental planes where the caretakers of nature reside. These are entities that are invisible to the common mind but whose works are with the greater forces of Nature in the care of vegetation, and animal life. On very rare occasions, humans encounter these entities some who may be humanoid in appearance. There is no cause for alarm for such an encounter because they will not harm humans. The only harm that is caused, is the fear a person will experience because of the lack of knowledge and understanding about this phenomenon. Most humans spend most, if not all of their time on the animal plane of thought which is extremely limited and mortal. For this reason humans become subject to the natural laws of entropy. It is in this region of Mind that "death" is initiated by V. Rhythm (The Cycles) which rules the cycles, and all the cycles within the cycles (visual charts) on the Physical Plane known as Nature, and are observed in the life, death, and rebirth of humans, animals, and all living things we see around us. Globally, it is observed in the rise and fall of governments and nations, religions, and countries, a constant creation and destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies as the beginningless Creative cycles continue without interruption or cessation, as the Infinite Mind of God wills. A constant change and renewal of all things.... In the Divine Paradox of life, Immortality and mortality exist at opposite ends of the poles and are ruled by IV. The Principle of Polarity. Between these two poles, exist a myriad of religions and belief systems in various shades and colors that are as varied as the color spectrum of white light, nevertheless, each has been established
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on the scale of life and become subject to the workings and operations of the Great Law. Can we say that light and dark, hot and cold, love and hate, north and south, male and female, Immortality and mortality, are contradictions? Absolutely not! These are dual aspects of the same same reality that exist at the two extreme opposite ends of the poles. Each of us makes a choice as to where and how we establish ourselves on the scale with the results drawn accordingly. Each position of thought and belief is relative on the scale and is subject to change as Life evolves upward and onward along the scale toward Spirit where all of Life began. Immortality becomes an inescapable reality as all of Life journeys through the dimensions of time. The Earth herself is undergoing changes as she journeys through the various dimensions and will bring change in human consciousness as her energy changes with time. Soon, war and violence will only be a distant memory, and death and disease will become abolished forever. It will virtually be a new heaven and Earth. Like a giant whirlpool that swirls from the outside to the inside sucking everything into its center, so does the Universe swirls from an indefinite ending to an indeterminable beginning, drawing all of manifested Life back into itself again from where it all began, for it always ends where it began. All this in a time frame so stupendous, that it escapes the flight of any human imagination. No specific locality can be placed as a "beginning" or "ending" of this phenomenon in the space/time continuum because it is beyond space and time. No mathematical value can be devised to determine its size because it has no boundaries or edges in space to add to, or subtract from itself. I believe that our earth, and our solar system, is moving toward the center of the Galaxy which mimics the swirl of the Universe because our galaxy is holographically connected to the Universe. The Universe is a constant manifested Universe that cycles through constant change and renewal and is much older than the human mind is capable of perceiving. I believe that science someday will establish this fact of which I have been privileged to witness in Spirit. Infinite Consciousness within its contemplative and creative aspect of Being causes matter to be flung toward the outer extremities of the giant whirlpool and is an outpouring of Spirit (manifestation). As the cycle of manifestation is completed, Consciousness draws all of manifested creation back into itself again and causes all of manifested life to evolve into higher life forms as it approaches the realm of Spirit, the indefinite beginning. The process of evolution is not realized by most major religions of the world and not very well understood by the average person. It remains to be a controversial subject in most religious minds because the Creator is not very well understood. It can be clearly seen that the Creator and manifested Life is inseparable of which nothing can escape its Infinite Mind. There is nothing in existence that does not have the image of God within itself, like the phenomenon of the holographic image, that includes atomic and sub-atomic particles.

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Along with all this, there is a great responsibility on every thought and action that we create because the Principle of Rhythm, the law of compensation and equilibrium, returns to us exactly that which we have measured out. It maybe a belief, a love, a hate, or a cunning malicious act towards others or ourselves, nevertheless the law will always hold us true to what we have established on the Mental Plane. It is very unforgiving in this respect. The swing of the pendulum always moves forward and back again and will always remind us of its presence. Rhythm is the heartbeat of the Universe, the heartbeat of time, and is immutable. All that moves in the Universe denotes Life and Living. Life is not limited to an amino acid molecule.... Why are animals not immortal? The difference between animals and man, is that animals are led by nature, while humans are led by the power of their own reasoning. Animals do exactly what nature intended for them while humans possess the sense of reasoning and are therefore capable of deviating from the Truth. Animals have only a voice, but only humans have a voice and speech. Animals are not aware that our earth revolves around the sun, but humans do. Our minds vibrate at a much higher rate of vibration than animals. Since animals are led by nature, they become subject to the process of entropy because they do not possess the knowledge or awareness of Immortality and mortality. They are unable to differentiate between the two paradoxical realities. When humans fail to mentally awaken to the reality of Life, and they continue to dwell on the animal plane, they cannot differentiate between the two realities either and therefore, like the animals, become subject to entropy. If animals were able to develop an awareness same as humans and distinguish between the poles of the Divine Paradox, they too would have the opportunity to accomplish Immortality. Universal Law does not distinguish between vegetable, animal, and man when it comes to the process of entropy. In the process of entropy metals will rust and bodies will succumb to old age and death. Eventually everything becomes dissolved into the basic elements of nature. When a separation of the unified Life force occurs, the body becomes discarded because consciousness can no longer maintain possession of the body which it used as the vehicle of expression on the Physical plane. In most cases, the person who possessed the body, becomes instantly cut off from communicating and interacting with the Physical Plane because its vehicle of expression is lost. It is no longer in the incarnated state of existence. This brings up the subject of incarnation and re-incarnation. Re-incarnation as controversial as it maybe, is a fact of Life and is a component of the cycles within the Universe. There is great religious controversy with regard to this subject because of the clash in belief systems. Like the principles of mathematics, re-incarnation is not dependent upon, or subject to any belief system. Re-incarnation is a complex process of creation and manifestation that occurs by necessity because humans mimic the Creator in the manifestation of the body. Humans are holographically connected to the Infinite. It can be said that God
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manifests the Universe and is therefore an inseparable aspect of itself. It can be said that the manifested Universe is the body of God. The only difference is, that the Infinite does not "lose" the manifested Universe as in "death," while humans fail to maintain the manifestation of their own body. When a person fails in this respect to maintain possession of the body, the Universe will recycle or reincarnate this person until it learns to maintain possession of the body to be "whole." The Soul will always be compelled to seek its "wholeness," over, and over, again. It goes repeatedly through the birthing process again because it does not know of any other way to obtain a body. It will often have no immediate remembrance of any past manifested lives because it has accumulated most of its knowledge only with the brain. When the brain rots in the grave along with the body, so will all the carnal, trivial knowledge, that was accumulated at the brain level. The only thing that remains is the real unchangeable person, the essential man or woman who are created in the image of God. It is stripped of all its worldly knowledge and possessions and has no remembrance of the past trivia. The only thing that will remain very dear to the heart of the departed person are such things as loved ones, and close friends, whom he or she still loves. It won't remember, bank accounts, addresses, shopping malls, businesses, or any specific locality. All these are trivial events that are subject to change in the course of time. The experience of death is not the same experience as the people who have had "near death experiences." In a near death experience or NDE, there is still an umbilical cord to the Physical Plane and the experience is somewhat ethereal. When the umbilical cord becomes severed, a profound change occurs in the realm of being in that the familiar environment becomes less visible and only a limited awareness of the Physical Plane is exercised by the departing person. However, at no time is there any cause for alarm or fear because you can rest assured that you are firmly held in the Mind of God. We all have gone through this many times before and most will continue to experience this until you learn to maintain possession of your body which is essential to the "wholeness" of your being and is not as physical as you think it is. A person without a body can be thought of as a half human, that is, a spirit without a body, or a disembodied state of being. All of us in truth are a Mind or Spirit that manifests a body. In the natural course of creation, the incompleteness of the "half human" has an affinity or desire to be "Whole" again and to interact and experience once again with the Great Physical Plane. To be able to feel the air, to breathe, smell, hear, speak, taste and "see," the manifested Universe again is a wonderful experience that is deeply engrained in the human soul and all too often, taken for granted. To be able to "touch" another human is a wonderful experience that will never be forgotten. It once again can interact with the manifested Universe and "learn" once again that which it was unable to complete in previous life times. If this were not to be true, than the whole idea of reincarnation would not make any sense and would be without purpose.

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The body is the physical form of consciousness and is therefore not separate from Mind. The old paradigm about the mind is that it resides in the brain, which is false. The fact is that Mind is the entire mental being, from head to toe and beyond. The body is far more than just a temporary corn husk or peanut shell that we toss in the trash when we are finished using it. This is a gross misconception about human existence. This is exactly what the religions of the world have taught humanity and has prevented people from even a glimpse of the knowledge about Immortality. The concept of reincarnation of the human soul into that of an animal's body is another fallacy of religious fabrication. If it were possible for the human soul to enter into that of an animal, the body of an animal would disintegrate instantly because it is unable to harness or contain the great fiery energy of the human soul. The law of evolution is such that all of Life evolves onward and upward along the scale of Life and Being. Only in the de-evolving of the human soul toward the animal plane, which is extremely remote and rare, can a human enter an animal's body. Not without a long drawn out process of the de-evolving process that can be extremely painful and its rebound would be a very long road to recovery. What human would choose this path? Everything in the Universe happens according to firmly established laws either seen or unseen, not by the fantastic imaginings and belief systems of religious minds. That is nothing more than an "inherited tendency" of past belief systems and has no place or substance in the manifested reality. When the soul of a person, in the absence of the body, stands in the absolute presence of The Infinite, it will find that it does not have the freedom of movement that it experienced on the Physical Plane. Spirit is an absolute realm that is perfect and pure in every aspect of being. Upward progress for that soul would almost be impossible in the realm of Absolute Spirit. It has a need to return to the realm of space and time in order to evolve. Evolution is an aspect of space and time. The space/time continuum is a manifestation of God and is therefore an inseparable aspect of itself. Of time, space, and motion, the space/time continuum: Time is a measurement that denotes movement of all terrestrial and celestial bodies. Motion is an aspect of evolution. Evolution is the Divineward journey of all Creation. The knowledgeable soul would not have lost its body to begin with and thus maintains its wholeness in the realm of the manifested Universe. It has in effect accomplished Immortality as its learning process is now without interruption or decline and continues to expand its Mind into the Infinite MIND of God. A profound change in the body occurs because of a change in the mental alchemy. A "Renewal of the Mind" is accomplished that begins the process of mental transmutation. CHAKRAS

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are seven openings or gateways of the Life Force of God in our bodies which are connected to the seven master glands or endocrine system of the body. The Chakras are mental in nature and are not readily visible from a physical standpoint. As a person awakens and becomes spiritually evolved, the Chakras dilate so that a greater amount of the Life Force is allowed to permeate the physical body. In the undeveloped human consciousness these openings are barely the size of pinholes and only enough of the Life Force flows through these openings to temporarily sustain the life of the body. When death of the body occurs, the Chakras slowly dim until it goes out like a light bulb. The body no longer displays the vigorous Life it once expressed. It reaches a state of rigor mortis which is a stiffening of the muscles and the process of decay dissolves the body back into the basic elements of Nature. This is the reason why disease is so prevalent in our society because of the restricted flow of the Life energy. Good nutrition will help, but the mental makeup of the individual can overrule its benefits. When the Chakras are allowed to open, it will have a profound effect on the well being of the body. When the Chakras are allowed to continue to dilate as the person continues to grow and evolve, it excites the atoms of the body to the point where the atoms will give off quanta or light and is experienced as the transfiguration of the body. In essence, the atoms of the body are releasing photons which are constituents of light because of its high rate of vibration. As the body continues to increases its rate of vibration, it will rise above and beyond the spectrum of light and becomes invisible to the naked eye. The Chakras are now at maximum dilation and the exchange between matter and energy continues indefinitely and overrules entropy and eliminates mortality. The body is now in a pure state of energy that is no longer limited or subject to the cumbersome mass of mortal limitation. It is free to go anywhere, do anything, learn anything and to help others accomplish the same because it maintained possession of the particle body and is "whole." It is capable of moving through any object and materialize at will. It is no longer subject to the process of entropy and therefore no longer "Re-incarnates" because it is an Immortal human that has been liberated from the beginningless cycles of Life, death, and rebirth. Albert Einstein, many years ago made a statement with regard to the above mentioned phenomenon. He said, "Matter and energy is exchangeable, not distinct." Most scientists in his day did not fully understand what he was saying. It is not only an esoteric knowledge, but one of scientific fact as well. Although, not all of science will always agree.... Are there immortal people in existence today? You bet! You wont read or hear about them in any of your favorite magazines, newspapers, or TV shows. The world is simply not aware of them. How can reporters report on anything that they are not aware of, or that they dont believe in? The question is, "What can you accept and

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believe in?" You wont find these Masters in New Yorks Time Square, or Wall Street, or in the heart of Los Angeles. Evolved Immortals are capable of moving and traveling in the absence of mass through all these places and no average person would ever be aware of their presence. They are highly evolved Spiritual Beings who help play the game of life on the chessboard instead of being its pawns. They work with the forces of nature to assist and protect our planet without us being aware. There are no scientific instruments that can record their presence because they move in a realm that is too subtle to be detected by any current technology. They are the Masters of Life, and all the realms and associated phenomena on and below their plane of consciousness are subject to them, yet, they learn from and serve the higher planes above them. They will always evolve into states of being that cannot be comprehended by the current mortal minds. How is all this possible? Because we live in a Universe that is "mental" in nature and solely exists within the MIND of GOD or "The ALL" as is known to the ancient Hermeticists. They called it "The ALL" because all of manifested Creation cannot escape its presence. It is hermetically sealed. It is not understood or comprehended by a civilization that is submerged in materialism and who believe in a God that is absent from themselves and the Universe. A deity that resides on an imagined peace of real estate somewhere in the Universe. Can this deity be called infinite or omnipresent? Fantastic imaginings? It is for the moment, but its possibilities are now vastly becoming a reality in the consciousness of this civilization. Just like the flight of a giant airplane such as the Boeing 747 would have been a "fantastic imagining" on that historic day the Wright brothers performed the first flight in the history of the world, so it is with Immortality. All this happened in a relative short period of time. Immortality in the future will be an unavoidable reality that will change the reproductive cycles of humans and change the societal infrastructure of this civilization. As always there will be those who resist change and who will perish off the face of the Earth, only to return another day, to do it again. The Universe is eternal, whole, and operates with maximum efficiency. It is whole and complete in that nothing can be added to or subtracted from because it has no edges in space to add or subtract from. If you can see the picture that I am attempting to draw with words and you can see it with your own mind, you have an understanding of the Divine Paradox of reality. It has been an extremely challenging undertaking for me to write this page and I have spend many hours in an attempt to make it understandable. I have gone over, and over this article and I will continue to improve it as time goes by. I have asked our "Eternal Father," to discourse this in humility without whose Wisdom this Knowledge would not have been possible. I have given it my best not to be offensive and I am still learning the "proper" use of my own Mind because I realize that without it, I cannot open the veil that has kept

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hidden from view the secret Arcane Truths of Life. I am slowly awakening out of my own inherited hypnotic state of mind and I can see the dawn of a new day coming as I continue to tear away the veil of all mortal limitations.... If you can grasp and understand this Knowledge, always give thanks to the OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT of THE ALL; The primordial causation of ALL LIFE AND BEING.

J. R. Seydel A Neophyte Bearing Witness of "THE ALL."

Prologue Axioms Dream Quantum Perspective Infinite Living Divine Mind

Trinity or Tri-Unity Universal Cosmic Law Chakras Evolution Divine Paradox

Immortality and Mortality The Spiral of Manifestation

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Divine Pymander (1601)
Master Work of The Ages
Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus Edited by Paschal Beverly Randolph (1871) Reprinted by Yogi Publication Society

The Kybalion
Hermetic Philosophy The Three Initiates Published by the Yogi Publications Society

Thrice-Greatest Hermes (Three volumes)

Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis by G. R. S. Mead The Theosophical Publishing Society (1906) Reprinted 1986 by Mekolumne Hill Publishing, California 95245

Life and Teaching of The Masters of The Far East (six volumes)
By Baird Spalding (1935) DeVorss & Co., Publishers 4900 Eagle Rock Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90041

The Chakras
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by C. W. Leadbeater Publishers: The Theosophical Publishing House (1927) Wheaton, Ill. U.S.A. Madras, India/London, England

Devatma Shakti
Divine Power by Swami Vishnu Tirtha (1948) Publisher: Swami Shivom Tirth Delhi, India

Yogi Ramacharaka
Science of Breath Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy Raja Yoga Gnani Yoga Philosophies and Religions of India Hatha Yoga Psychic Healing Mystic Christianity Life Beyond Death Bhagavad Gita The Spirit of the Upanishads Practical Water Cure The Yogi Publication Society

Ageless Body Timeless Mind

by Dr. Deepak Chopra, MD Harmony Books, New York

The Holographic Universe

by Michael Talbot Publishers: HarperPerennial

The contents of this article is a copyright of J. R. Seydel and Scarab Publishing. 1996 All rights reserved. No copying of any kind is permitted, except for a brief quotation, without written permission from the author. Page Design by Rogue Valley Internet Gateway 1997. All rights reserved.

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