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This chart is taken from the text of al-Aajuroomiyyah which explains in

detail how the Badal works. This is from the chart form of al-
Aajuroomiyyah that I have designed and will be making available soon

‫ في اللغة العوض واصطلحا هو التابع المقصود بالحكم بل‬: ‫البدل‬
‫واسطة وهو أربعة أقسام‬.

“Al-Badal (the Substitute): means linguistically

“substitution” and in Arabic grammar terminology it
is the intended follower that has no medium, it
consists of four sections1.” (Taken from ad-Durrah an-
Nahawiyyah by brother ad-Daylamee one of the students of Shaykh
Muhammad al-Imaam.)

This is the statement of the People of Koofah but the People of Basrah mentioned the Badal as having six
sections, see Qatar-an-Nadaa under the chapter of the Badal by Ibn Hishaam al-Ansaaree (rahimahullah).

Notes from Arabic for English Speaking Students by
Muhammad Abdur-Rauf lesson 34 pages 375 – 378
and re-arranged for easier study:

The Substitute is the second word in a pair of words, which

clarifies, specifies or corrects the first word; and it follows
the grammatical case of the first word.

There are four kinds of Substitute; namely, The Full

Substitute, the Partial Substitute, the Related/Containing
Substitute, and the Corrective Substitute.

1. The Full Substitute2: ُ ‫مط ََاب ِق‬ ُ ََ ‫الب َد‬

we often give the
َُ ‫ل َال‬
title of class of a person before mentioning his name.
We say; Miss, Mrs., Dr., Sir, Marshall, President or Mayor
so and So. The name which follows the title is its
Substitute and follows its case. (Read the following

ُُ َْ ‫الد َُّك َْت َُو ُر َ فََر ي ْدٌ َل ََط َِي‬

‫ف‬ َِ
‫م َ ع َل َِي ًَّا‬ ُ َُ ‫أ‬
َ ‫ما‬ ََ ‫َاَل‬ ‫ب‬ ّ ‫ح‬
ٌ‫م َط ََا ه ََِرة‬ ُ ََ ‫سي ِّد َة َُ َمَْري‬َِّّ ‫ال‬
Notice that Fareed, ‘Alee and Maryam are all considered the
Badal (the Full Substitute) because they substitute Doctor,
Imam and Sayeedah and follow its case, Fareed is marfoo
like Doctor, ‘Alee is mansoob like Imam and Maryam is
marfooah like Sayeedah.

ِّ َُ ‫ن َالك‬
2. The Partial Substitute: ‫ل‬ َ َ‫ض َ ِم‬ ُ ََ ‫ الب َد‬the first
ِ َْ‫ل َالب َع‬
is a total and the second is a part of it and is annexed
to its personal pronoun. This strange style is regarded
It is also known as ‫ئ‬ ََّ ‫َال‬
ِ َْ ‫شي‬ ‫ن‬ ََّ ‫ل َال‬
َ َ‫شي َْئ َ ِم‬ ُ ََ ‫ب َد‬

as an eloquent one, as it strikes the listener more
effectively. (Read the following sentences):

‫ه‬ ُ َِ‫من ْز‬

ُ َُ ‫ل َ ب ََاب‬ َ ََ ‫إن ْك‬
ََ ‫س َر َال‬
‫ص َفَهََا‬ ْ َِ ‫ة َ ن‬َ َ ‫مك‬ َ َ‫ل َال‬
َ َّ‫س‬ َ ََ ‫أك‬
‫شَ َرا ِعَ هََا‬ ِ َِ‫في َْن َة‬ َِ ‫س‬ ََّ َ‫ت َإل ََى َال‬ ُ ‫ن ََظ ََْر‬
Notice the word door, half and masts are all considered the
Badal (the Partial Substitute) because they substitute the
words for house, fish and boat and follow its case, Door is
marfoo like house, half is mansoob like Fish and mast is
majroor like the boat. These types of sentences can easily be
arranged to reflect the action:

‫من ْزَِل‬ََ ‫ب َ ال‬ُ ‫س َر َ ب ََا‬َ ََ ‫إن ْك‬

َ َ ‫مك‬
‫ة‬ َ ‫فَ َال‬
َ َّ‫س‬ َ ‫ص‬ ْ َِ ‫ل َ ن‬َ ََ ‫أك‬
ِ‫في َْن َة‬
َِ ‫س‬ََّ َ‫شَ َرا ِع َال‬ِ َ ‫ت َإل ََى‬ ُ ‫ن ََظ ََْر‬
3. The Related/Containing Substitute: ‫ل‬
َِ ‫ما‬
َ َِ ‫شت‬ ُ ََ ‫ ب َد‬the
َْ ‫ل َاَل‬
second word does not mean the same as the first and is
not a part of it; but it denotes something related to it.
The second word is also annexed to a personal pronoun,
the antecedent of which is the first noun. Arabic
grammarians call this the “Containing Substitute” as it
contains the personal pronoun of the first word; but we
prefer to call it the Related Substitute Otherwise, the
Partial Substitute also contains the Pronoun of the first
word. This type like the preceding one is a peculiar
Arabic, but eloquent, style:

ُ ‫ش‬ ُ َْ ‫جي‬
ََ َ ‫ك‬ُ َِ ‫مل‬َ ‫ص َر َال‬َ ََ ‫إن َْت‬
ُ ََ ‫حد ِي َْث‬
‫ه‬ ََ َ ‫ب‬ َ َْ ‫ت َال َخَط َِي‬ُ َْ‫س ِمَع‬ ََ
ِ‫جا ع ََت ِه‬
َ ‫ش‬ ِ ََ ‫ن َالب ََط‬
ََ َ ‫ل‬ َ َ‫ت َ ِم‬ ِ ََ ‫ع‬
ُ َْ ‫جب‬
Notice the word for army, speech and courage are all
considered the Badal (the Relative Substitute) because while
they are not a part of the king, the speaker or the hero they
are related to it and follow its case, army is marfoo like the
king, speech is mansoob like the speaker and courage is
majroor like the hero.

4. The Corrective Substitute: ‫ن‬

ِ ‫سي ََا‬ ِ ََ ‫ل َال غ َل‬
ْ َِ ّ ‫ط َأَوَْ الن‬ ُ ََ ‫ ب َد‬the
second word is completely unrelated to the first one,
but the speaker makes a verbal mistake and
immediately corrects it by giving the right word.
Therefore, Arab grammarians call this category
“Substitute of the Wrong, or Forgetting” but we prefer
to translate it as the Corrective Substitute, since it
corrects an error:

ُُ‫مد‬ِ ‫حا‬ ََ َُ ‫مد‬ َ َ‫ض َر َأ ْح‬ َ َ‫َح‬

َ ‫ف‬َ َْ ‫حي‬ َ ‫ب َ ال‬
ِ َّ‫ص‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬ ‫َالك‬ ‫ت‬ ْ ‫قََرأ‬
َ ََ َِ ُ َ
‫ب‬ ْ ‫أك َل َْت َ قََرأ‬
َ ‫ت َالك َِت ََا‬ ُ َ ُ
َ ََّ ‫ل َ الن‬
‫جا ِح‬ ِ ‫ش‬ ََ َ‫ن َالَ َف‬ َ َ‫ت َ ِم‬ ُ ‫سرَِْر‬َُ
Notice the name Haamid, newspaper, I read and success are
all considered the Badal (the Corrective Substitute) because
they correct Ahmad, the book, I ate and failure and follow its
case, Haamid is marfoo like Ahmad, newspaper is mansoob
like the book, I read is marfoo like I ate and success is
majroor like failure.

Reading Exercise: The following notes in Arabic

explain the Badal in brief. Read and see how much
you can understand.

‫تاب ٌع يكو ُن هو القصو ُد بالكمِ أيّ بضمونِ الملةِ‪ ،‬يُمهّدُ لهُ باسمٍ آخرَ قبلَه يُسمّى الُبدلُ‬
‫منهُ‪ ،‬ويتبعُهُ بركةِ العرابِ‪.‬مثالٌ‪ :‬انتص َر القائدُ خالدٌ بنُ الوليدِ ف اليموكِ‪ ،‬خالدُ‪ :‬بدلٌ‬
‫ع وعلمةُ رفعِ ِه الضّ ّمةُ الظّاهرةُ‪ ،‬وهو القصودُ بالنتصارِ‪ ،‬أمّا القائ ُد فهو اس ٌم مهّدَ لالدٍ‪،‬‬
‫مرفو ٌ‬
‫س هو القصو ُد بالكمِ لذلكَ يكنُ حذفُهُ دونَ أنْ يتغيّ َر العن‬ ‫‪.‬وهو الُبد ُل منه‪ ،‬ولي َ‬
‫ع البدلِ‪ -1:‬البــد ُل الطاب ُق ( بدلُ ك ّل من‬
‫أنوا ُ‬
‫‪.‬كلّ)‪:‬فيه يُطابقُ البدلُ البدلَ منه ف العن‪ ،‬فخالدٌ ف الثالِ السّاب ِق يُطابقُ (القائدَ) ف العن‬
‫ض من كلّ‪:‬يكونُ البدلُ جزءا من البد ِل منه‪ ،‬ويتوي على ضميٍ يعودُ إل ‪2-‬‬
‫بدلُ بع ٍ‬
‫البد ِل منه ويطابقُه‪ ،‬مثالٌ‪ :‬حف ْظتُ القصيدةَ نصفَها‪ ،‬نصفَها‪ :‬بد ٌل منصوبٌ بالفتحةِ الظّاهرةِ‪،‬‬
‫ت بالدرسةِ مرور‬‫ن على الفتحِ ف ملّ جرّ بالضافةِ‪ ،‬مثالٌ آخرَ‪ :‬مررْ ُ‬‫والاءُ ضم ٌي متّصلٌ مب ّ‬
‫‪.‬وعلمة جرّه الكسرةُ الظّاهرةُ‪ ،‬والاءُ ضم ٌي متّصلٌ مبنّ على الفتحِ ف ملّ جرّ بالضافةِ‬
‫بدلُ اشتمالٍ‪ :‬يكونُ البد ُل منهُ مشتم ً‬
‫ل على البدلِ دونَ أنْ يكونَ البدلُ جزءا ‪3-‬‬
‫منه‪،‬مثالٌ‪ :‬أعجبَن أحدُ خلقُه‪ ،‬خلقُه‪ :‬بد ُل اشتمالٍ مرفوعٌ بالضّ ّمةِ الظّاهرةِ‪ ،‬والاءُ ضميٌ‬
‫متّصلٌ مبنّ على الضّمّ ف ملّ جرّ بالضافةِ‪.‬فأحدُ يشـتملُ على البدلِ خلقُـه‪ ،‬دونَ أن‬
‫‪).‬يكـونَ هذا جزءا من أحدَ‪.‬مثالٌ آخرُ‪ ( :‬يسألُونَكَ عن الشّه ِر الرامِ قتالٍ فيه‬

‫‪Courtesy of Aboo Imraan al-Mekseekee‬‬


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