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Dearest all, please review the last two weeks lessons before starting. I Learning Outcomes:
have found out that we are loading our members with a lot of head Understanding, Attitude
knowledge but are they applying and acting on those lessons of
previous weeks?? There is no point to go on if we have not evaluated
At the end of this lesson, you
our members’ application of previous lessons. will be able to:
1. Understand the
For example, ask them if they have practiced singing in tongues in their framework in which God
worship etc….after last week lesson. calls people.
2. Know 3 principles in
By the way, you are to feedback to me the following from the previous testing prophecies.
two lessons: 3. Desire to encounter God’s
calling for your life.
1) Feedback to me if there are any members who are hesitant
to move to Grace II so we can try to cater to them.
2) Give me names of people who is wanting to sign up in the
ushering, projectionist and YA Ecomm ministry. Remember,
every cell group must have a representative in the Ecomm.
3) Hassle them for the friendship evangelism forms. (This is
past overdue).
4) Follow up on those members who have brought friends to
church or are doing follow-up or discipling.

This is quite a straightforward lesson to help members understand the
framework in which God calls and commissions people to ministry.

Depending on your knowledge of your members, this can be a powerful

lesson to affirm their calling or inspire them to use their talents to serve
the church and in the process encounter God’s calling for their lives.

FOCUS (5 Mins)
Start the lesson by asking the question in the introduction.

Suggested Answer:
“pre-requisites”: divine calling, desire to be of use by God, brokenness,
sensitivity to the Spirit, faithful, willingness, godly etc. I am sure you
can think of others.

Run through the introduction with them and give them the background
behind Acts 13:1-4.

II. The Context For The Encounter (5 mins)

Suggested Answers:
1) The call happened in the context of the local church where God’s
people were connected and committed to meet and worship

2) “ecclesias” means the “called out ones”; usually one that is called
out from some place or set apart (consecrated) for a specific

3) Invite 2 or 3 persons to share on how the church, ministry or cell

has been a blessing to them.

III. Encountering God’s Call (10 mins)

Suggested Answers:
1) This is purely speculations. The Bible did not say. Can be
Leader’s Notes
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supernatural dreams or visions or even audible voice from heaven.

However, our gut feel is that the Holy Spirit spoke through the
prophets in the church and affirmed by the recipients. 25 Then Barnabas went to
Tarsus to look for Saul, 26
and when he found him, he
2) Peace in heart and agreement in the Spirit. In fact, if you know the
brought him to Antioch. So for
background, the call had already come to Paul in Acts 9:15-16; a whole year Barnabas and
26:15-18. Barnabas affirmed God’s call in Paul’s life by looking for Saul met with the church and
Paul to help him in ministry in Acts 11:25. taught great numbers of
people. The disciples were
3) Paul and Barnabas must have been faithful and reliable people called Christians first at
serving the church. The church helps confirmed what God is Antioch.
already doing in their lives. Acts 11:25-26

15 But the Lord said to

4) You can take some time to encourage one another in the cell. For Ananias, "Go! This man is my
example, pass a “ball” to someone and encourage that person in chosen instrument to carry
his area of ministry. That person likewise is to throw the “ball” to my name before the Gentiles
someone and encourage that person. and their kings and before the
people of Israel. 16 I will
5) Ask pointed questions and encourage your members to start show him how much he must
serving in a particular ministry if they have not done so. suffer for my name."
Acts 9:15-16
(Assign if necessary…. A very important step in assimilating people
into the ministry is to let them some meaningful responsibility.
Don’t be afraid to ask them for responsibility!)

IV. Confirmation by the Prophetic Word (10 mins)

Suggested Answers:
1) Yes, I agree with the statement.

2) a) conviction from the word of God;

1CO 14:29
b) dreams; Two or three
c) visions; prophets should speak, and
d) understanding - knowing something; the others should weigh
e) wisdom – knowing how to do something, carefully what is said.
f) ability and faith that is given for the task.
2CO 13:1
This will be my
3) a) it must agree with the Word of God, third visit to you. "Every
b) you have peace from the Holy Spirit, matter must be established
by the testimony of two or
c) it needs to be confirmed by two or three witnesses.
three witnesses."

See (See 1Cor.14:29 and 2Cor.13:1)

V. Commission Of the Holy Spirit (5 mins)

Suggested Answers:
1) They were likely anxious, uncertain or even afraid of what is ahead
of them. No planned itinerary for them.

2) They were surrendered to God. And they have inner peace and faith
that this is the venture that God has called them into. There was
also a prophetic word to confirm.

3) To encounter God, we must be willing to respond and act upon what

God has spoken. This requires time to obey to prepare ourselves.
The Apostle Paul had first been faithful to prepare himself by
serving God in the local church.

IV. Conclusion (5 mins)

Go through the conclusion on the member’s notes.

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