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Genesis 1: 27 28, 31
So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female, blessed them, and said, Have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under their control. I am putting you in charge of the fish, h birds, d ll h ild i l fi h the bi d and all the wild animals. God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pl r pleased. E i p d Evening passed and morning came th t d d r i that was the sixth day.


But What Does Being Green Have to Do With Plumbing?

Green Plumbing are practices and products that promote water and energy conservation. Going Green with Plumbing can have a huge impact on the reduction of the amount of toxins present in the building and its environs. environs Green Plumbing is environmentally responsible plumbing f both residential and commercial l bi for b h id i l d i l projects.

Water and The Basic Human Needs

Nourishment Cleaning & Hygiene Livelihood Use Li lih d U Protective Use Ornamental Use Ceremonial Use - for drinking and cooking - for bathing and laundry - for example: Farming, livestock - for fire fighting - for example: Landscaping - for example: Religious rites

What is the importance of Water?

Water its supply, usage and recovery, often defines civilization since the basic needs of humans are derived from it. it If the human body loses 4 liters of water, it will experience hallucinations. A loss of 8 to 10 liters may cause death. About 1.5 liters a day are lost through breathing, perspiration and feces. The additional amo nt lost in urine is the amo nt needed to amount rine amount keep the balance between input and output. A person cannot survive more than 5 to 6 days without water or p y 2 to 3 days in a hot environment

What is the Nature of Water?

WATER i is: H2O . Very little water is made and very little water has been lost. A liquid without color, taste, or odor. Water begins to freeze at 0 degrees centigrade and boils at 100 degrees centigrade. When liquid it is virtually incompressible incompressible. Most of the worlds water is in the sea; less than 1% is fresh water. Water makes up 70% of the earths surface and occurs as standing water ( t di t (oceans & lakes), rain, and vapor. l k ) i d Water makes up 60 to 70% of the human body or about 40 liters, distributed as follows: a. 25 liters inside the cells b. 12 liters in tissue fluid c. c 3 liters in blood plasma

What is the Earth s Water Resource? Earths

The surface on earth composed of: 30% Land Mass 70% Bodies of Water, which di ib d as 0% B di fW hi h distributed follows: Salt Water = 67% : Fresh water = 3%, where it is divided as: Frozen in the polar ice caps = 2% : Global Water Source = 1%

The Water Cycle


What is Water Quantity?

Water Quantity is the amount of water available to meet desired needs.
They are as follows:
Nourishment: N ih Drinking D i ki Laundry Kitchen/Dishwashing Toilet Flushing TOTAL: Livelihood Use: Protective Use: Ornamental Use: Office Factory Fire Suppression Wet S d i Standpipe Lawn Sprinkler 6 to 7.50 liters/person/day 7 50 li / /d 12 to 15 liters/person/day 24 to 30 liters/person/day 18 to 22.50 liters/person/day 48 to 60 liters/person/day 120 to 150 liters/person/day 57 liters/person/shift 57 to 132 liters/person/shift 1,802 liter/minute (minimum) 190 liter/minute @ 2kg/cm2 li / i 2k / 2 0.32 liter/second (5 gpm)

Cleaning and Hygiene: Bathing / Personal Hygiene

Othe s: Ca Others: Car wash, Gardening 12 to 15 liters/person/day Ga de g 5 te s/pe so /day

What is Water Quality?

Water Quality is the degree to which water is pure enough to fulfill the
requirements of various demands or uses.

Water Demand Nourishment Cleaning & Hygiene Protective Use Ornamental Use Ceremonial Use

Water Quality Requirements Pure, sterilized & protected from contamination i i Clean, wholesome & with provision for hot & cold soft water High pressure Free from silt Clean and wholesome


What are some of the practices in Green Plumbing? Pl bi ?

As the human population continues to grow, supplies of resources like fuel for energy and fresh water for drinking continue to dwindle. It is thus especially vital that we, as Master Plumbers, participate in the management of our resources as efficiently as possible.
1. 2. 3. 4. 4 5. 6. 7.

Green Plumbing practices may include: Water Conservation Rainwater Harvesting R i H i Graywater Recycling Drip Irrigation and Leak Monitoring Systems Energy Conservation Engineered Reed Bed System g y Waterless Toilet

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Instead of letting the rainwater in the roof runoff into gutters, downspouts and into the storm sewer, it is more friendly to p , y collect rainwater in barrels, tanks and cisterns. The following are the advantages of Rainwater Harvesting: Provide a free source of water for flushing the toilet and for landscaping. It is a potential source of free drinking water but has to undergo treatment to make it potable. Can take-off the burden on the city storm sewer as primary takecatchment to prevent or minimize flash floods. Can serve as conduit for direct water recharging and recovery of ground water. water


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Why Rain Harvesting?


We can only know the importance of water when the wells run d h h ll dry.












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