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#wxsand: owen piette's falling sand game

#version 4, file subversion 2

#element element r g b gravity slip density conductivity visible
group basics empty quickerase wall fire water spout plant sand cera ??? oil salt
ember torch c4 dynamite firecracker
group battery battery acid acidsource wire
group lightbulbs rlightbulb glightbulb blightbulb
group replacebulbs replaceredbulb replacegreenbulb replacebluebulb
group chargeables waterchargeable saltchargeable sandchargeable oilchargeable
torchchargeable acidchargeable
element empty 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
#a solid element which reacts with nothing.
element wall 128 128 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000
hotcolor wall 255 0 0
#burns other elements. source of energy.
element fire 255 255 0 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.100000
self 0.050000 fire .85 empty .15 smoke
hotcolor fire 255 0 0
neighbor 0.9 fire water 1.0 empty steam
neighbor 0.75 fire oil 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 fire plant 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 fire infectedplant 1.0 fire fire
neighbor 0.005 fire cera 1.0 moltencera ember

element smoke 200 200 200 -1.0 1 0 1 0

self .05 smoke 1.0 empty
#dissolves other elements. turns to steam when heated.
element water 32 32 255 0.700000 1.000000 0.500000 0.400000
hotcolor water 200 200 255
self 0.001 water 1.0 steam
hotself 50 water
#grows in water. gets infected by oil
element plant 32 204 32 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
neighbor 0.2 plant water 1.0 plant plant
neighbor 0.2 plant oil 1.0 infectedplant infectedplant
element infectedplant 50 100 50 0 0 1 0
neighbor .5 infectedplant oil 1.0 infectedplant infectedplant
element sand 238 204 128 0.900000 0.500000 0.900000 0.000000
#source of water.
element spout 10 100 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
neighbor 0.75 spout empty 1.0 spout water
neighbor 0.5 spout sand 1.0 empty empty
#wax. melts.
element cera 238 221 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
#destroys almost everything.
element ??? 231 7 231 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
self 0.100000 ??? 1.0000 leftover???
neighbor 1.0 ??? empty 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? wall 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? fire 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? water 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? sand 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? spout 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? cera 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? oil 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? salt 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? ember 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? moltencera 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? steam 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? saltwater 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 1.0 ??? torch 1.0 ??? ???
neighbor 0.2 ??? leftover??? 1.0 leftover??? leftover???
element oil 128 64 64 0.700000 1.000000 0.200000 0.000000
#soluable in water.
element salt 255 255 255 0.900000 0.400000 0.900000 0.000000
#burns for a little while.
element ember 200 50 50 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000
self 0.002000 ember 1.0000 fire
neighbor 0.2 ember empty 1.0 ember fire
neighbor 0.9 ember water 1.0 empty steam
neighbor 0.75 ember oil 1.0 ember fire
neighbor 1.0 ember plant 1.0 ember fire
neighbor 0.005 ember cera 1.0 moltencera ember
#flowing cera. will harden eventually.
element moltencera 255 220 200 0.800000 1.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0
neighbor 0.01 moltencera wall 1.0 cera wall
neighbor 0.01 moltencera water 1.0 cera water
neighbor 0.01 moltencera sand 1.0 cera sand
neighbor 0.01 moltencera spout 1.0 cera spout
neighbor 0.01 moltencera cera 1.0 cera cera
neighbor 0.01 moltencera oil 1.0 cera oil
neighbor 0.01 moltencera salt 1.0 cera salt
neighbor 0.01 moltencera saltwater 1.0 cera saltwater
#will eventually condense.
element steam 85 85 255 -1.000000 1.000000 0.010000 0.000000
self 0.001000 steam 1.0000 water
#salt will slowly come out of solution.
element saltwater 0 0 150 0.700000 0.000000 0.500000
0.600000 0
self 0.00001 saltwater 0.5 water 0.5 salt
neighbor 0.004 water salt 1.0 saltwater saltwater
neighbor 0.001 saltwater saltwater 1.0 salt steam
neighbor 0.04 saltwater water 1.0 water saltwater
neighbor 0.9 saltwater fire 1.0 salt steam
hotneighbor 50 saltwater saltwater
#continuous fire.
element torch 100 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
neighbor 0.2 torch empty 1.0 torch fire
neighbor 0.2 torch water 1.0 torch steam
neighbor 0.2 torch saltwater 0.5 torch steam 0.5 torch salt
neighbor 0.2 torch oil 1.0 torch fire
neighbor 0.2 torch plant 1.0 torch fire
neighbor 0.2 torch cera 1.0 torch moltencera
#a helper element.
element leftover??? 200 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
0.000000 0
self 0.005000 leftover??? 1.0000 empty
element c4 250 242 156 0 0 1 0 1
neighbor 1 c4 fire 1 boom fire
element boom 255 200 0 0 0 1 0 0
explode boom fire 64

##################################################### battery!!!!

#fill with acid (never fill completely)

element battery 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
neighbor 1.0 battery empty 1.0 battery bshell
element battery2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
neighbor 1.0 battery2 battery 1.0 battery battery
element bshell 128 128 128 0 0 1 0 0
element shell 128 128 128 0 0 1 0 0
#battery fuel
element acid 245 100 245 .9 1 1 1 1
element acidsource 200 100 200 0 0 1 0 1
neighbor 1.0 acidsource battery 1.0 acidsource acid
neighbor 1.0 acidsource empty 1.0 acidsource acid
#you know what to do with this
element wire 0 0 255 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 wire acid 1.0 awire acid
neighbor 1.0 wire awire 1.0 awire awire
neighbor 1.0 wire awire2 1.0 awire awire

element awire 70 70 255 0 1 1 1 0

self .45 awire 1.0 wire
neighbor .4 awire acid 1.0 awire battery2
neighbor 1.0 awire battery 1.0 wire2 battery

element wire2 0 0 255 0 1 1 1 0

self .06 wire2 1.0 wire
neighbor 1.0 wire2 awire 1.0 wire2 wire2
neighbor 1.0 wire2 acid 1.0 awire2 battery2
neighbor 1.0 wire2 awire2 1.0 awire2 awire2

element awire2 70 70 255 0 1 1 1 0

self .45 awire2 1.0 wire2
neighbor 1.0 awire2 battery 1.0 wire3 battery
neighbor 1.0 awire2 wire3 1.0 wire3 wire3

element wire3 0 0 255 0 1 1 1 0

self .06 wire3 1.0 wire
neighbor 1.0 wire3 acid 1.0 awire3 battery2
neighbor 1.0 wire3 awire3 1.0 awire3 awire3

element awire3 70 70 255 0 1 1 1 0

self .45 awire3 1.0 wire3
neighbor 1.0 awire3 battery 1.0 wire battery
neighbor 1.0 awire3 wire 1.0 wire wire
neighbor 1.0 awire3 awire 1.0 awire3 awire3

#################################################### light!!!!!!!!!
#red light bulb(will eventually burnout so replace it)
element rlightbulb 50 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 rlightbulb empty 1.0 rlightbulb shell
neighbor 1.0 rlightbulb awire 1.0 rlitbulb awire
neighbor 1.0 rlightbulb wire 1.0 rlightbulb wire
neighbor 1.0 rlightbulb rlitbulb 1.0 rlitbulb rlitbulb

element rlitbulb 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

self .5 rlitbulb .01 rlightbulbout .99 rlightbulb
neighbor 1.0 rlitbulb empty 1.0 rlitbulb shell

element rlightbulbout 20 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 rlightbulbout empty 1.0 rlightbulbout shell
neighbor .01 rlightbulbout rlightbulb 1.0 rlightbulbout rlightbulbout
#to replace a red lightbulb
element replaceredbulb 100 100 100 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 replaceredbulb rlb 1.0 rlb rlb
neighbor 1.0 replaceredbulb rlightbulbout 1.0 rlb rlb

element rlb 50 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 rlb rlightbulbout 1.0 rlb rlb
neighbor 1.0 rlb rlightbulb 1.0 rlightbulb rlightbulb
neighbor 1.0 rlb awire 1.0 rlightbulb rlightbulb

#green light bulb(will eventually burnout so replace it)

element glightbulb 0 50 0 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 glightbulb empty 1.0 glightbulb shell
neighbor 1.0 glightbulb awire 1.0 glitbulb awire
neighbor 1.0 glightbulb wire 1.0 glightbulb wire
neighbor 1.0 glightbulb glitbulb 1.0 glitbulb glitbulb

element glitbulb 0 255 0 0 1 1 1 0

self .5 glitbulb .01 glightbulbout .99 glightbulb
neighbor 1.0 glitbulb empty 1.0 glitbulb shell

element glightbulbout 0 20 0 0 1 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 glightbulbout empty 1.0 glightbulbout shell
neighbor .01 glightbulbout glightbulb 1.0 glightbulbout glightbulbout
#to replace a green lightbulb!!
element replacegreenbulb 100 100 100 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 replacegreenbulb glb 1.0 glb glb
neighbor 1.0 replacegreenbulb glightbulbout 1.0 glb glb

element glb 0 50 0 0 1 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 glb glightbulbout 1.0 glb glb
neighbor 1.0 glb glightbulb 1.0 glightbulb glightbulb
neighbor 1.0 glb awire 1.0 glightbulb glightbulb

#blue light bulb(will eventually burnout so replace it)

element blightbulb 0 0 50 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 blightbulb empty 1.0 blightbulb shell
neighbor 1.0 blightbulb awire 1.0 blitbulb awire
neighbor 1.0 blightbulb wire 1.0 blightbulb wire
neighbor 1.0 blightbulb blitbulb 1.0 blitbulb blitbulb

element blitbulb 0 0 255 0 1 1 1 0

self .5 blitbulb .01 blightbulbout .99 blightbulb
neighbor 1.0 blitbulb empty 1.0 blitbulb shell

element blightbulbout 0 0 20 0 1 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 blightbulbout empty 1.0 blightbulbout shell
neighbor .01 blightbulbout blightbulb 1.0 blightbulbout blightbulbout
#to replace a blue lightbulb!!
element replacebluebulb 100 100 100 0 1 1 1 1
neighbor 1.0 replacebluebulb blb 1.0 blb blb
neighbor 1.0 replacebluebulb blightbulbout 1.0 blb blb

element blb 0 0 50 0 1 1 1 0
neighbor 1.0 blb blightbulbout 1.0 blb blb
neighbor 1.0 blb blightbulb 1.0 blightbulb blightbulb
neighbor 1.0 blb awire 1.0 blightbulb blightbulb

element waterchargeable 10 100 10 0 1 1 1 1
element saltchargeable 255 255 255 0 1 1 1 1
element sandchargeable 255 255 0 0 1 1 1 1
element oilchargeable 200 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
element torchchargeable 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
element acidchargeable 255 0 255 0 1 1 1 1

neighbor 1.0 waterchargeable spout 1.0 spout spout

neighbor 1.0 saltchargeable saltspout 1.0 saltspout saltspout
neighbor 1.0 sandchargeable sandspout 1.0 sandspout sandspout
neighbor 1.0 oilchargeable oilspout 1.0 oilspout oilspout
neighbor 1.0 torchchargeable torchspout 1.0 torchspout torchspout
neighbor 1.0 acidchargeable acidsource 1.0 acidsource acidsource

neighbor 1.0 waterchargeable awire 1.0 spout spout

neighbor 1.0 saltchargeable awire 1.0 saltspout saltspout
neighbor 1.0 sandchargeable awire 1.0 sandspout sandspout
neighbor 1.0 oilchargeable awire 1.0 oilspout oilspout
neighbor 1.0 torchchargeable awire 1.0 torchspout torchspout
neighbor 1.0 acidchargeable awire 1.0 acidsource acidsource

element saltspout 255 255 255 0 1 1 1 0

element sandspout 255 255 0 0 1 1 1 0
element oilspout 200 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
element torchspout 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

neighbor 1.0 saltspout empty 1.0 saltspout salt

neighbor 1.0 sandspout empty 1.0 sandspout sand
neighbor 1.0 oilspout empty 1.0 oilspout oil
neighbor 1.0 torchspout empty 1.0 torchspout torch

element firecracker 255 14 14 0 0 1 0 1
neighbor 1.0 firecracker fire 1.0 quickerasex quickerasex
neighbor 1.0 firecracker quickerasex 1.0 quickerasex quickerasex

element quickerasex 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
explode quickerasex uh-oh 12

element uh-oh 255 0 6 0 0 1 0 0

neighbor .001 uh-oh fire .5 u u .5 fire fire
neighbor 1.0 uh-oh empty .5 uh-oh fire .5 empty empty
neighbor 1.0 uh-oh u 1.0 u u

element u 200 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
self 1.0 u .5 u2 .5 fire
neighbor 1.0 u u2 1.0 u2 u2
element u2 150 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
self 1.0 u2 .5 u3 .5 fire
neighbor 1.0 u2 u3 1.0 u3 u3
element u3 100 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
self 1.0 u3 .5 u4 .5 fire
neighbor 1.0 u3 u4 1.0 u4 u4
element u4 50 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
self 1.0 u4 .05 quickerasex .95 empty
neighbor 1.0 u4 empty 1.0 empty empty

element quickerase 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
explode quickerase empty2 850

element empty2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
self 1.0 empty2 1.0 empty

element boom2 255 200 0 0 0 1 0 0

explode boom2 fire 20
element boom3 255 200 0 0 0 1 0 0
explode boom3 fire 30
element boom4 255 200 0 0 0 1 0 0
explode boom4 fire 25
element boom5 255 200 0 0 0 1 0 0
explode boom5 fire 15
element boom6 255 200 0 0 0 1 0 0
explode boom6 fire 75

element dynamite 125 150 150 .7 1 1 .6 1
neighbor 1.0 dynamite fire .30 boom2 boom2 .35 boom3 boom3 .15 boom4 boom4 .15
boom5 boom5 .05 boom6 boom6
neighbor 1.0 dynamite empty 1.0 wall wall


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