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IUDICIAL CWLk lncludes duLy of Lhe courLs of [usLlce

1 eLLle acLual conLroversles lnvolvlng rlghLs
whlch are legally demandable and enforceable
(LradlLlonal concepL)
2 ueLermlne wheLher or noL Lhere has been grave
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln
excess of [urlsdlcLlon (expanded/exLraordlnary

LLn1lAL A81 Cl A CCn1l1u1lCn
1 ConsLlLuLlon of LlberLy
2 ConsLlLuLlon of CovernmenL
3 ConsLlLuLlon of overelgnLy

CLl1lCAL 88AnCPL Cl 1PL CCvL8nMLn1
LeglslaLlve and execuLlve branch
1hls ls where Lhe pollcles are formulaLed and

CLl1lCAL CuL1lCn uCC18lnL (quesLlons of pollcy)
CuesLlons of pollcy whlch lnvolves Lhe wlsdom
of an acL morallLy of an lssue or necesslLy of
parLlcular measure
lL ls concerned wlLh Lhe lssues dependlng upon
Lhe wlsdom and noL Lhe legallLy of a parLlcular

2 1?L Cl CLl1lCAL CuL1lCn
1 1hose quesLlons whlch are under Lhe
consLlLuLlon are Lo be declded by Lhe people ln
Lhelr soverelgn capaclLy

a Loss of confldence Lhrough recall
b valldlLy of Lhe Aqulno CovernmenL durlng
Lhe LuA l lL ls exLraconsLlLuLlonal and Lhe
leglLlmacy of Lhe new governmenL cannoL
be sub[ecL Lo [udlclal revlew because lL
presenLed a pollLlcal quesLlon (LAW?L8'
LLACuL lC8 A 8L11L8 PlLllnL v

2 Cr ln regard Lo whlch full dlscreLlonary
auLhorlLy has been delegaLed by Lhe
consLlLuLlon Lo Lhe leglslaLlve or execuLlve
branch of Lhe governmenL

a Calllng ouL power
b ower Lo declare MarLlal Law and
c ower Lo suspend WrlL of Pabeas Corpus
nC1L Lhe second and Lhlrd power are sub[ecL Lo
[udlclal revlew because lL lnvolves curLallmenL of clvll

ArL vll ec 18 1he C may revlew Lhe sufflclency of Lhe
facLual basls or proclamaLlon of marLlal law or Lhe
suspenslon of Lhe prlvllege of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus
or Lhe exLenslon Lhereof

C8 1he valldlLy of Lhe presldenLs acL Lo call ouL Lhe
armed forces Lo prevenL or suppress lawless vlolence
lnvaslon or rebelllon ls a pollLlcal quesLlon

LxCL1 when Lhe peLlLlon shows LhaL Lhere ls grave
abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack or ln excess of
[urlsdlcLlon (expanded power of [udlclal revlew)

8LCull1L Cl !uulClAL 8LvlLW
1 AcLual ConLroversy
2 MusL be 8alsed by Lhe roper arLy
3 ConsLlLuLlonal quesLlon musL be ralsed aL Lhe
earllesL opporLune Llme
4 1he resoluLlon musL consLlLuLe Lhe very lls moLa
(Lhe declslon on Lhe consLlLuLlonal quesLlon
musL be deLermlnaLlve of Lhe case lLself)

AC1uAL CCn18CvL8?
musL noL be a hypoLheLlcal quesLlon

C8 A case LhaL ceases Lo presenL a [usLlceable
conLroversy by vlrLue of supervenlng evenLs so LhaL Lhe
declaraLlon Lhereon would be of no pracLlcal use ls
mooL or academlc

1 Crave vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon (expanded
power) ArL 8 ec
2 1ranscendenLal lmporLance excepLlonal
characLer of Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhe paramounL
publlc lnLeresL ls lnvolved
3 ymbloLlc luncLlon when Lhe consLlLuLlonal
lssue ralsed lnvolved formulaLlon of conLrolllng
prlnclples Lo gulde Lhe bench Lhe bar and Lhe
4 1he case ls capable of repeLlLlon yeL evadlng

8CL8 A81?
one who has susLalned or ln an lmmlnenL
danger of susLalnlng an ln[ury

Legal Landlng" rlghL of appearance ln a courL of
[usLlce on a glven quesLlon
2 8LCull1L Cl 1AxA?L8' ul1
1 ubllc funds are dlsbursed by a pollLlcal
2 ln dolng so a law has been vlolaLed or some
lrregularlLy has been commlLLed
3 1he peLlLloner ls dlrecLly affecLed by Lhe alleged
ulLra vlres acL

1he resoluLlon musL answer Lhe maln lssue of Lhe case
1he courL musL flrsL deLermlne Lhe consLlLuLlonal

3 lMC81An1 lunC1lCn Cl !uulClAL 8LvlLW
1 CPLCklnC exerclslng check and balance
2 ?M8CLlC duLy Lo formulaLe guldlng and
conLrolllng prlnclples and educaLe Lhe bench
and Lhe bar on Lhe exLenL of proLecLlon glven by
Lhe consLlLuLlonal guaranLees
3 LLCl1lMlZlnC when Lhe courL declares a law


AmendmenL vs 8evlslon
AmendmenL ls a plecemeal change ln Lhe
consLlLuLlon whlle 8evlslon ls a overhaul of Lhe
enLlre or ma[or provlslon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon

lAM8lNO v5 cOMlc
2 tests of Jetetmloloq woo lt ls AmeoJmeot ot kevlsloo
1 Ooolltotlve bow moy ptov ote sooqbt to be
2 Ooootltotlve wbot kloJ of cbooqe ls sooqbt to
be offecteJ

A Congress 2/3 voLes of ALL lLs members
8 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon
a 2/3 of ALL lLs members call a con con
b Ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs members submlL
Lo an elecLoraLe Lhe calllng of such
C lnlLlaLlve of Lhe people by
a eLlLlon of aL leasL 12 of Lhe LoLal
reglsLered voLers of whlch every
leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL musL be represenLed
by aL leasL 3 of Lhe reglsLered voLers
b no amendmenL shall be auLhorlzed
wlLhln 3 years followlng Lhe raLlflcaLlon
of Lhls ConsLlLuLlon nor ofLener Lhan
once every 3 years LhereafLer
2 8A1lllCA1lCn ma[orlLy voLe casL ln a
LL8lCl1L whlch musL be made wlLhln 6090
days afLer Lhe approval of such amendmenL C8
cerLlflcaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons of
Lhe sufflclency of Lhe peLlLlon (ln case of

A Congress
8 ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon

2 8A1lllCA1lCn ma[orlLy voLe casL ln a
LL8lCl1L whlch musL be made wlLhln 6090
days afLer Lhe approval of such revlslon

1 hlllpplne Archlpelago
2 CLher LerrlLorles over whlch hlllpplnes has
soverelgnLy or [urlsdlcLlon

Archlpelaglc uocLrlne group of lslands surrounded by
waLer or a body of waLer sLudded by lslands

lnLernal WaLers Lhe waLers around beLween and
connecLlng Lhe lslands of Lhe archlpelago regardless of
Lhe wldLh or dlmenslon form parL of Lhe lnLernal waLers
of Lhe hlllpplnes

O ls 5ptotleys lslooJ pott of tbe lblllpploe Atcblpeloqo?

A No wblle lt ls oot pott of tbe lblllpploe Atcblpeloqo
lt ls pott of tbe ootloool tettltoty becoose by vlttoe of lu
5096 5ptotleys become Moolclpollty of koloyooo
ltovloce of lolowoo lovokloq tbe Jocttloe of effectlve
occopotloo wbete tbe lblllpploes exetclses jotlsJlctloo
ooJ sovetelqoty

CCMCnLn1 Cl A nA1lCnAL 1L88l1C8?
1 1erresLrlal lands and lnLernal waLer
2 MarlLlme
a 1errlLorlal ea
b ConLlguous Zone
c Lxcluslve Lconomlc Zone
d ConLlnenLal helf
e Plgh eas
3 Aerlal alrspace above Lhe hlgh seas

uCC18lnL Cl 1A1L lMMunl1? Cl ul1

A81 xvl ec 3 1he sLaLe may noL be sued wlLhouL lLs

uocLrlne of LaLe of lmmunlLy overelgn ls exempL
from sulL because Lhere can be no legal rlghL as agalnsL
Lhe auLhorlLy LhaL makes Lhe law on whlch Lhe rlghL

uocLrlne of overelgn LquallLy All sLaLe are soverelgn
equals and cannoL asserL [urlsdlcLlon over one anoLher

O wbeo moy tbe stote be soeJ?
A wbeo lt qlves lts cooseot ot wolves lts tlqbt

1 ConsenL may elLher be express or lmplled
A Lxpress when Lhe law expressly sLaLes
LhaL lL may be sued
a AcL no 3038 consenLs and submlLs Lo
be sued upon any money clalm
lnvolvlng llablllLy arlslng from conLracL
(llle lL wlLh Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL
flrsL Lo comply wlLh Lhe condlLlon
b CA 327 as amended by u 1443 whlch
requlres LhaL all money clalms agalnsL
Lhe governmenL musL flrsL be flled wlLh
CCA before lnsLlLuLlng ln courL
c ArL 2180 of Lhe nCC Lhe sLaLe ls
responslble when lL acLs Lhrough a
speclal agenL
d ArL 2189 of nCC rovlnces clLles
munlclpallLles shall be llable for
damages for Lhe deaLh or ln[urles
suffered by any person by reason of Lhe
defecLlve condlLlons of roads sLreeLs
brldges publlc bulldlng and oLher publlc
works under Lhelr conLrol and
e ec 24 of LCC defecLlve roads
8 lmplled
a When Lhe sLaLe commences llLlgaLlon
b LnLerlng a conLracL wlLh prlvaLe

uocLrlne of 8esLrlcLlve lmmunlLy when
Lhe sLaLe enLers lnLo a conLracL wlLh prlvaLe
lndlvlduals sLaLe lmmunlLy only exLends Lo
acLs !ure lmprell(governmenLal acLs) 1hus
when Lhe sLaLe acLs exerclslng hls
proprleLary funcLlon or !ure CesLlonls Lhe
sLaLe does down Lo Lhe level of prlvaLe

!ure lmperll no walver of sLaLe lmmunlLy

2 Walver

uA8lLl1? v LlA8lLl1?
When Lhe sLaLe walves lmmunlLy Lhe sLaLe
does noL auLomaLlcally concede Lo Lhe llablllLy
lL only glves an opporLunlLy Lo prove LhaL lL ls
llable buL Lhe sLaLe may ralse any posslble
defenses Lo avold llablllLy

ul1 ACAln1 u8LlC ClllCL8
C8 When one flles a case agalnsL publlc offlclal ln Lhe
performance of Lhelr duLles you deemed Lo have flled a
case agalnsL Lhe sLaLe

1 When ubllc Cfflclal ls charged ln hls offlclal
capaclLy for acLs whlch ls unlawful or ln[urlous
Lo Lhe rlghLs of Lhe oLhers
2 When ubllc Cfflclal ls sued noL ln hls offlclal
capaclLy buL ln hls personal capaclLy


1he followlng are clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes
1 1hose who are clLlzens aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
adopLlon of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon
2 1hose whose faLher or moLher are clLlzens of
Lhe hlllpplnes
3 1hose born before !anuary 17 1973 of llllplno
moLhers who elecL hlllpplne clLlzenshlp upon
reachlng Lhe age of ma[orlLy
4 1hose who are naLurallzed ln accordance wlLh

2 klnu Cl Cl1lZLn
1 nA1u8AL 8C8n Cl1lZLn
A Lhose who are clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes
from blrLh wlLhouL havlng Lo perform any
acL Lo acqulre or perform Lhelr clLlzenshlp
8 1hose who elecL hlllpplne clLlzenshlp who
ls born of a llllplno moLher before !anuary
17 1973
2 nA1u8ALlZLu Lhose who performed an acL Lo
acqulre clLlzenshlp ln accordance wlLh law
Coverned by CA 473

3 WA? Cl 8LACCul8lnC Cl1lZLnPl
1 naLurallzaLlon mode for boLh acqulslLlon and
reacqulslLlon of Lhe hlllpplne clLlzenshlp
Coverned by CA 63
2 8epaLrlaLlon lL conslsL of Laklng an oaLh Lo Lhe
republlc and reglsLerlng Lhe same ln Lhe clvll
reglsLry lL ls a process of acqulrlng or
reacqulrlng clLlzenshlp (resulLs ln Lhe recovery
of Lhe orlglnal clLlzenshlp) 1he loss of Lhe
orlglnal clLlzenshlp musL be due Lo
a ueserLlon of Lhe armed forces
b ervlces ln Lhe armed forces of Lhe allled
forces ln WWll
c ervlces ln Lhe armed forces of Lhe unlLed
LaLes aL anoLher Llme
d Marrlage of a llllplno women Lo an allen
e ollLlcal and economlc necesslLy

nC1L AppllcanL musL possess all of Lhe
quallflcaLlons and none of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons
provlded by law Lo become a llllplno clLlzen
ueclslon granLlng hll clLlzenshlp becomes
execuLor afLer 2 years from Lhe promulgaLlon
when Lhe courL ls saLlsfled LhaL durlng Lhe
lnLervenlng perlod Lhe appllcanL has
a noL lefL Lhe hlllpplnes
b Pas dedlcaLed hlmself Lo a lawful calllng or
c Pas noL been convlcLed of any offense or
vlolaLlon of Lhe CovernmenL
d Pas noL commlLLed any acL pre[udlclal Lo
Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe naLlon conLrary Lo any
governmenL pollcles

a Pe musL noL be les Lhan 21 aL Lhe Llme of
Lhe hearlng or flllng of Lhe peLlLlon
b 8esldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes for conLlnuous
perlod of noL less Lhan 10 years
c Cood moral characLer and belleves ln Lhe
underlylng prlnclples of Lhe consLlLuLlon
d Pe musL own a real esLaLe ln Lhe hlllpplnes
worLh noL less Lhan 3000 or musL have
some known lucraLlve Lrade professlon or
lawful calllng
e Able Lo speak Lngllsh panlsh and any of
Lhe prlnclpal languages
f Pls mlnor chlldren of school age musL be
enrolled ln any publlc schools or prlvaLe
schools recognlzed by Lhe 8ureau of Lhe
rlvaLe chools of Lhe hlllpplnes

3 ulrecL AcL of Congress

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