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SMk klng Ldward vll

1he 23
lnsLallaLlon nlghL of lnLeracL Clubs
730pm Arrlval of guesL and guesL of honour
800pm S1A81
A very good evenlng Lo Lhe resldenL of Lhe 8oLary Club of 1alplng 8oLary Club of 1alplng 8oLary
Club of kamunLlng asL resldenL of 8oLary Club MMahendran Leacher advlsors of Lhe lnLeracL
Club of SMk klng Ldward and all Lhe lnLeracLors from far and near llrsL and foremosL on behalf of
Lhe club commlLLee l wlsh Lo Lhank all of you for aLLendlng our 23
lnsLallaLlon nlghL of Lhe lnLeracL
Club from SMk klng Ldward vll
now l would llke Lo Lhank and welcome
1 lnLeracLors of lnLeracL Club of SM!k PuaLlan
2 lnLeracLors of lnLeracL Club of SMk SLCeorge
3 lnLeracLors of lnLeracL Club of Smk Srl koLa
4 lnLeracLors of lnLeracL Club of SMk uarul 8ldwan
3 Members of !unlor !aycee Club of SMk uarul 8ldwan
6 Members of !unlor !aycee Club of SM!k PuaLlan
7 Members of Leo Club of SMk uarul 8ldwan **

810pm SCnCS
Ladles and CenLlemen LeL's sLand and slng our naLlonal AnLhem SMk klng Ldward vll school
anLhem and of course Lhe lnLeracL AnLhem LeL's glve a round applause Lo Lhe school band lease
be seaLed
820pm CLnlnC CL8LMCn?
now we would llke Lo lnvlLe Lhe resldenL of Lhe 8oLary Club of Lhe 8oLary Club of 1alplng Mr Saw
Cheng Po Lo presenL hls speech and lnauguraLe Lhls ceremony 1PAnk ?Cu!
LeL's welcome our Crganlslng Chalrperson lnL uhlvanand SlvanaLhan Lo presenL hls speech
1PAnk ?Cu
830pm ulnnL8
WlLhouL wasLlng our Llme leLs en[oy our dlnner Whlle en[oylng our dlnner we would llke Lo presenL
a vldeo presenLaLlon We hope all of you wlll en[oy your dlnner and Lhe presenLaLlon
833pm LnLerLalnmenL
Ladles and genLlemen We have prepared a speclal LreaL for your ears whlle en[oylng your dlnner
LeL's welcome 8and of Ldwardlan 1lgers 8LA1S Lo enLerLaln us
900pm Cu1CClnC 8LSluLn1 SLLCP
Ladles and genLlemen now we would llke Lo lnvlLe Lhe CuLgolng resldenL lnL Cng Seng Pan Lo
dellver hls speech 1PAnk ?Cu lnL Cng Seng Pan
903pm lnCCMlnC ul8LC1C8
nexL we please Lo lnvlLe Lhe CldCommlLLee members Lo hand over Lhe medal and banner Lo Lhe ln
Comlng ulrecLors lease sLep up Lo Lhe sLage LeL's welcome our lnComlng dlrecLors Lo recelve Lhelr
medal and banner
resldenL lnL 1rlsul vlkram lllal
vlce resldenL lnL nyanaraam kanalsan
SecreLary lnL Cng Shang khllng
1reasurer lnL !ohn !ebara[
vlce 1reasure lnL 8ong eng Pau
Club Servlce ulrecLor lnL SampreeL Slngh
CommunlLy Servlce ulrecLor lnL Arvlnd nalr a/l 8 vl[ayan
lundlng ulrecLor lnL uhlvanand SlvanaLhan
l u uay ulrecLor lnL uesmond 1an Chong kee
ubllclLy ulrecLor lnL Chua Chong Chal
SergeanL AL Arms lnL Lool ?lk Poe
Web MasLer lnL Wong Meng klL
1hank you Lo all Lhe CuLColng ulrecLors
920pm Cu1CClnC CCMMl11LL
We would llke Lo welcome our 8oLarlan Advlsor Mahendran Lo glve ouL Lhe cerLlflcaLe and
Lrophys Lo all Lhe CuLColng dlrecLor So please welcome our ouLgolng
resldenL lnL Cng Seng Pan
vlce resldenL lnL 8ernard Manlkam
SecreLary lnL Saw Meng klaL
1reasurer lnL Lok Chee Chee
vlce 1reasure lnL 1an Plok kenL
Club Servlce ulrecLor lnL Adam Col
CommunlLy Servlce ulrecLor lnL Chla Lee Wel
lundlng ulrecLor lnL Mark kln klL
l u uay ulrecLor lnL Puang xlu Shan
ubllclLy ulrecLor lnL ng khee ?eow
SergeanL AL Arms lnL Llm kah Weng
Web MasLer lnL Cng xlang
1hank you Mahendran
933pm ML8l1 CL8lllCA1LS
now we would llke Lo lnvlLe our Leacher advlsor Mdm Lee Soo Poon Lo glve ouL Lhe MerlL
CerLlflcaLes Lo Lhe besL lnLeracLors
lnL Chla Lee Wel
lnL 1rlsul vlkram
1hank you Mdm Lee Soo Poon
940pm lnCCMlnC 8LSluLn1 SLLCP
1o proceed wlLh our lnsLallaLlon we would llke Lo lnvlLe Lhe lnComlng resldenL lnL 1rlsul vlkram
Lo dellver hls speech 1hank you lnL 1rlsul vlkram
933pm Ln1L81AlnMLn1 A81 2
Ladles and genLlemen We prepared a fanLasLlc performers for all of you LeL's glve round of
applause Lo lnL !ohn !ebara[ and hls band! 1hank you
1013pm LuCk? u8AW
1hls ls Lhe momenL we have been walLlng for 1he lucky uraw! We wlll glve away ____ glfLs now we
would llke Lo lnvlLe our CuLColng resldenL lnL Cng Seng Pan Lo draw ____ numbers nexL we
would llke Lo lnvlLe Mdm Lee Soo Poon Lo draw ____ numbers now we would llke Lo lnvlLe
Mahendran Lo draw ____ numbers LasL buL noL leasL we would llke Lo lnvlLe Lhe resldenL Cf Lhe
8oLary Club of 1alplng Lo draw ___ numbers
1043pm LnLerLalmenL arL 3
8efore we end our 23
lnsLallaLlon nlghL leL's en[oy a dance from a dancer Adam Col 1PAnk
1100pm CLCSlnC CL8LMCn?
We have come Lo Lhe end Lo our ceremony Pope all of you en[oyed yourselves on Lhls flne nlghL
LasLly we would Lhank each and everyone for spendlng your Llme wlLh us
1hank you and Cood nlghL

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