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1 uegeneracy ln L meLhod lndlcaLes
(a) 1le for key column
(b) 1le for key row
(c) lnfeaslble problem
(d) MulLlple opLlmal soluLlons
2 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL appllcable Lo L
(a) lL ls easy Lo undersLand
(b) lL ls long and Llme consumlng
(c) lL ls graphlcal meLhod of soluLlon
(d) lL may glve absurd resulLs
3 ln Pungarlan meLhod Lhe opLlmum soluLlon ls deflned by
(a) negaLlve value of LoLal cosL
(b) oslLlve value of LoLal cosL
(c) Zero LoLal cosL
(d) none of Lhese
4 Whlch of Lhe followlng does noL apply Lo LransporLaLlon problem
(a) lLems can be easlly LransporLed from every producLlon cenLre Lo every consumpLlon cenLre
(b) er unlL LransporLaLlon cosL ls uncerLaln
(c) er unlL LransporLaLlon cosL ls lndependenL of quanLlLy dlspaLched
(d) Model mlnlmlzes Lhe LoLal cosL of LransporLaLlon
3 lor baslc feaslble soluLlon Lhe number of poslLlve allocaLlons are
(a) Lqual Lo some of rows and columns
(b) Cne more Lhan Lhe some of rows and columns
(c) Cne less Lhan some of rows and columns
(d) none of Lhese

6 A feaslble soluLlon ls a seL of
(a) negaLlve allocaLlon whlch removes deflclencles
(b) nonnegaLlve allocaLlons whlch removes deflclencles
(c) negaLlve allocaLlons whlch do noL remove deflclencles
(d) none of Lhese

7 ln vAlvl meLhod Lhe basls of allocaLlons ls
(a) unlL cosL penalLy
(b) LowesL cosL
(c) Maxlmum osslble quanLlLy
(d) none of Lhese

8 1he deflnlLlon of Cueulng sysLem means
(a) CusLomers walLlng + CusLomers served
(b) CusLomers served + CusLomers belng served
(c) CusLomers walLlng + CusLomers belng served
(d) none of Lhese

9 ln whlch Lype of problems ls Lhe Pungarlan meLhod used?
(a) 1ransporLaLlon roblems
(b) AsslgnmenL roblems
(c) 8eplacemenL Models
(d) lnvenLory Models

10Average Servlce raLe ls expressed as

(a) Mean arrlval raLe/ Mean servlce raLe
(b) Mean servlce raLe/ Mean arrlval raLe
(c) Mean arrlval raLe x Mean servlce raLe
(d) Mean servlce raLe x Mean arrlval raLe
11 ldle raLe o ls expressed as
(a)1uLlllzaLlon raLe
UtIIIzatIon ratc

(c) 1+
UtIIIzatIon ratc

(d)V0tilization iate Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL a queulng model?
(a) robablllsLlc
(b) Mlxed
(c) ueLermlnlsLlc
(d) 1ransshlpmenL model
13 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls appllcable for neLwork analysls?
(a) CosL conLrol (b) 1lme reducLlon
(c) Avoldlng delays (d) All of Lhese
14 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls concurrenL acLlvlLy?
(a) AcLlvlLy whlch requlres no Llme and no resources
(b) AcLlvlLy whlch has Lo be compleLed before sLarLlng anoLher acLlvlLy
(c) AcLlvlLy whlch can be conducLed slmulLaneously
(d) AcLlvlLy whlch ls sLarLed afLer one parLlcular acLlvlLy has flnlshed
1S uummy acLlvlLy ls one whlch
(a) 1akes no Llme ln compleLlon and requlres no resources
(b) 1akes Llme for compleLlon and requlres sources
(c) 1akes no Llme for compleLlon buL requlres sources
(d) ls used Lo preserve Lhe essenLlal loglc of Lhe neLwork
16 Looplng ls
(a) noncycllng error and creaLes an lmposslble slLuaLlon
(b) Cycllng error and creaLes an lmposslble SlLuaLlon
(c)Cycllng error and creaLes a posslble soluLlon
(d)ls an operaLlon for execuLlon of [ob
17 uangllng ls an acLlvlLy whlch
(a) llLs lnLo Lhe end ob[ecLlve and ls relaLed Lo Lh
flnal resulL of pro[ecL
(b) uoes noL flL lnLo Lhe end ob[ecLlve buL ls relaLe
Lo flnal resulL of pro[ecL
(c) uoes noL flL lnLo Lhe end ob[ecLlve and does noL affecL end resulLs
(d) ls an evenL aL whlch acLlvlLy of a pro[ecL sLarLs or flnlshes
18 1he dlfferenL sLages of ro[ecL ManagemenL are
(a) ro[ecL lannlng sLage
(b) Schedullng SLage
(c) ConLrol sLage
(d) All of above
lf LS1 Ll1 Ll1 and LS1 denoLe LarllesL SL 1lme LarllesL llnlsh 1lme LaLesL llnlsh 1ln and LaLesL SLarL ar
1lme respecLlvely Lhen
19 1oLal floaL ls
(a) LS1 of Lall evenL LS1 of head evenL uuraLlon for acLlvlLy
(b) LS1 of Lall evenL Ll1 of head evenL uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(c) Ll1 uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(d) LS1 LS1 or Ll1 Ll1
lree floaL ls
(a) LS1 of Lall evenL LS1 of head evenL uuraLlon for acLlvlLy
(b) LS1 of Lall evenL Ll1 of head evenL uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(c) Ll1 uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(d) LS1 + uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
21 lndependenL floaL ls
(a) Ll1 uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(b) LS1 + uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(c) LS1 of Lall evenL Ll1 of head evenL uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
(d) Ll1 + uuraLlon of acLlvlLy
22 CrlLlcal paLh ls
(a) ShorLesL paLh and consumes mlnlmum Llme
(b) ShorLesL paLh and consumes maxlmum Llme
(c) LongesL paLh and consumes maxlmum Llme
(d) no such relaLlonshlp exlsLs

23 uummy acLlvlLy becomes a crlLlcal acLlvlLy lf lLs
(a) LS1 ls same as Ll1
(l} ES1 ls more Lnan 7 1
(c} (c}LS1 ls less Lhan Ll1
(d)no such relaLlonshlp exlsLs
4 L81 ls
(a) robablllsLlc model whlch ls acLlvlLy orlenLed
(b) robablllsLlc model whlch ls evenL orlenLed
(c) ueLermlnlsLlc model and evenL orlenLed
(d) ueLermlnlsLlc model and acLlvlLy orlenLed
S Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL Lrue for CM?
(a) lL ls used for pro[ecL where mlnlmum overall
cosL ls lmporLanL
(b) 1he usage of dummy acLlvlLles ls necessary
(c) lL marks crlLlcal acLlvlLles
(d) ls noL an evenL orlenLed approach
6 CpLlmlsLlc Llme ls Lhe
(a) MosL llkely Llme an acLlvlLy ls expecLed Lo Lake mosL ofLen when lL ls repeaLed
(b) 1lme an acLlvlLy would Lake assumlng unfavourable condlLlons
(c) Mlnlmum Llme an acLlvlLy ls expecLed lf good luck prevalls
(d) 1lme glven ln unlLs of week

CpLlmlsLlc Llme
esslmlsLlc Llme
MosL llkely Llme and
expecLed Llme Lhen

8 varlance of acLlvlLy ls denoLed by
(a) (
(b) (
(C) (
(d) (

9 lf Lhe condlLlon ln asslgnmenL model ls replaced by x 0 Lhen we have LransporLaLlon model wlLh all
requlremenLs and avallable resources
(a) Lqual Lo 1 (b) Lqual Lo 2

(c) Lqual Lo 0 (d) Lqual Lo
3LxpecLed no of cusLomers ln a sysLem ls glven by





318alklng ls a process
(a)When cusLomers [ump Lhe queue and reach Lhe servlce cenLre
(b) When cusLomers [ump Lhe queue and reach Lhe When one cusLomer represenLs Lhe group of
(c)When cusLomers change Lhe queue
(d)When cusLomers leave Lhe queue wlLhouL geLLlng servlce
3 Colluslon ls sald Lo be a slLuaLlon when cusLomers
(a) Whlle ln queue behave dlfferenLly
(b) When cusLomers change Lhe queue
(c) When cusLomers leave Lhe queue wlLhouL geLLlng servlce
(d) When one cusLomer represenLs Lhe group of cusLomers
33 LaLesL llnlsh 1lme ls
(a) 1he Llme from lasL evenL Lo flrsL evenL of neLwork dlagram and ls calculaLed by movlng meLhod
(b) 1he laLesL posslble Llme whlle whlch Lhe acLlvlLy can sLarL
(c)LarllesL posslble Llme aL whlch an acLlvlLy can flnlsh
(d)LarllesL posslble Llme aL whlch an acLlvlLy can sLarL
34 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls false for supercrlLlcal acLlvlLy?
(a) lL has negaLlve flow
(b) lL requlres speclal aLLenLlon
(c) lL resulLs when acLlvlLy duraLlon ls less Lhan Llme avallable
(d) lndlcaLes an abnormal slLuaLlon requlrlng lmmedlaLe declslon
3S Pead slack ls denoLed as
(a) LaLesL llnlsh 1lme LarllesL SLarL 1lme for head evenL
(b) LaLesL llnlsh Llme LarllesL SLarL 1lme for Lall evenL
(c) LaLesL llnlsh 1lme LxpecLed acLlvlLy Llme
(d) LaLesL llnlsh 1lme of acLlvlLy LarllesL llnlsh 1lme of acLlvlLy
36 1all slack ls deflned as
(a) LaLesL llnlsh 1lme LarllesL SLarL 1lme for head evenL
(b) LaLesL SLarL 1lme LarllesL SLarL 1lme
(c) LaLesL llnlsh 1lme LarllesL llnlsh 1lme
(d) LaLesL llnlsh 1lme LarllesL SLarL 1lme of Lall
3 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue?
(a) 1oLal floaL lree lloaL lndependenL floaL
(b) lree lloaL 1oLal floaL lndependenL floaL
(c) 1oLal floaL lndependenL floaL lree lloaL
(d) lndependenL floaL lree lloaL 1oLal floaL

38 LxpecLed number of CusLomers ln walLlng llne ls expressed as

391he expecLed Llme spenL spenL by cusLomers

401he expecLed Llme ln a queue





con b prss os

) (b)

) (c)


) (d)


4 ln slmplesL meLhod Lhe row Lo be replaced ls Lhe one whose elemenLs are
(a) Zero (b) less Lhan zero
(c) more Lhan zero (d) lnflnlLy
43 1he MaLrlx Mlnlma MeLhod ls also called as
(a) norLh WesL Corner MeLhod
(b) LowesL CosL LnLry MeLhod
(c) vogel

s ApproxlmaLlon MeLhod
(d) none of Lhese
44 Whlch of Lhe followlng are baslc assumpLlons of llnear programmlng?
(a) CerLalnLy
(b) LlnearlLy or roporLlonallLy
(c) AddlLlvely
(d) All of Lhese
4S Whlch of Lhe followlng ls false abouL neLwork Lechnlques?
(a) 1hey are used for plannlng schedullng and conLrolllng
(b) 1hey measure Lhe performance level
(c) 1hey lndlcaLe Lhe performance level of supervlsor
(d) ConsLrucLlon of neLwork ls very slmple and nonLlme consumlng
46 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue for L81?
(a) lL ls an acLlvlLy orlenLed sysLem
(b) 1he use of dummy ls noL requlred
(c) lL demarcaLes beLween crlLlcal and noncrlLlcal acLlvlLles
(d) lL ls a deLermlnlsLlc model
47Whlch of Lhe followlng are neLwork Lechnlques?
(a) rogramme LvaluaLlon and 8evlew 1echnlque
(b) CrlLlcal aLh MeLhod
(c) 8esource AllocaLlon and MulLl pro[ecL Schedullng
(d) All of above
48 1ransporLaLlon problems are
(a) AvallablllLy of varlous cenLres ls flnlLe
(b) 8esources are also llmlLed
(c) CosL of LransporLaLlon ls llnear
(d) All of above
49 1he Slmplex meLhod conslsLs of
(a) Pavlng a Lrlal baslc feaslble soluLlon
(b) 1esLlng wheLher lL ls opLlmal soluLlon or noL
(c) lmprovemenL by Lrlal meLhod Llll opLlmal soluLlon ls found
(d) All of above

SA pro[ecL has slx acLlvlLles (A Lo l) wlLh respecLlve acLlvlLy duraLlons 736684 days 1he neLwork has
Lhree paLhs A8Cu and Ll All Lhe acLlvlLles can be crashed wlLh Lhe same crash cosL per day 1he number
of acLlvlLles LhaL need Lo be crashed Lo reduce Lhe pro[ecL duraLlon by 1 day ls (S)
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 6
S11here are Lwo producLs and C wlLh Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs (4)
1he economlc order quanLlLy and C ls
(a) 1 1 (b) 1 2
(c) 1 4 (d) 1 8
S 1he number of cusLomers arrlvlng aL a rallway reservaLlon counLer ls olsson dlsLrlbuLed wlLh an arrlval
raLe of elghL cusLomers per hour 1he reservaLlon clerk aL Lhls counLer Lakes slx mlnuLes per cusLomer on
an average wlLh an exponenLlally dlsLrlbuLed servlce Llme 1he average number of Lhe cusLomers ln Lhe
queue wlll be (6)
(a) 3 (b) 32
(c) 4 (d) 42
33 A manufacLurlng shop processes sheeL meLal [obs whereln each [ob musL pass Lhrough Lwo machlnes (Ml
and M2 ln LhaL order) 1he processlng Llme (ln hours) for Lhese [obs ls
optimal make-span ,in hours, o the shop is:

Ml 15 32 8 2 11 16
M2 6 19 13 20 14
,a, 120 ,b, 115
,c, 109 ,d, 9
S4. Market demand or springs is 8,00,000 per annum. A company purchases these springs in lots and sells
them. 1he cost o marking a purchase order is Rs.1,200. 1he cost o storage o springs in Rs.120 per stored
piece per annum. 1he economic order quantity is (2003)
,a, 400 ,b, 2,828
,c, 4,000 ,d, 8,000
n an M,M,1 queuing system, the number o arrials in an interal o length 1 is a Poisson random
ariable ,i.e. the probability o there being an arrials in an interal o length 1 is

probability density unction
,t, o the inter-arrial time is gien by (2008)
,a, ,b, ,c, `

S6. or the standard transportation linear program with m source and n destinations and total supply equaling
total demand, an optimal solution ,lowest cost, with smallest number o non-zero x.. alues ,amounts
rom source i to destination j, is desired. 1he best upper or this number is (2008)
,a, mm ,b, 2 ,m-n,
,c, m-n ,d, m-n-1
5. or the network below, the objectie is to ind the length o the shortest path rom node P to node G. Let
d be the length o directed are rom node to node j.
Let s be the length o the shortest path rom P to node j. \hich o the ollowing equations can be used to
ind sG (2008)

(a} sG ~ MinsQ, 8#
,b, sG ~ Min sQ - dQG 8# - dRG }
,c, 8 ~ Min sQ - dw, 8# - dRG}
,d, sG ~ MindQ0 sR 4G}
Consider the ollowing PLR1 network: (2009)

1he optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time o all the actiities are gien in the table
ctivity Optimistic
time (days)
Most likely
time (day)
time /,8 1-2 2 3
1-3 5 6
1-4 3 5
2-5 5 9
3-5 2 4 6
5-6 4 5 6
4- 4 6 8
6- 2 3 4

58. 1he critical path duration o the network ,in days,

,a, 11
,b, 14
,c, 1 ,d, 18
59. 1he standard deiation o the critical path is
,a, 0.33 ,b, 0.55
,c, 0. ,d, 0.66
60. Simplex method o soling linear programming problem uses (20J0)
,a, All the points in the easible region
,b, Only the corner points o the easible region
,c, ntermediate points within the ineasible region
,d, Only the interior points in the easible region.
61. A manuacturer produces two types o products, 1 and 2, at production leels oxi andx2 respectiely.
1he proit is gien is 2x, - 5x2. 1he production constraints are

62A proflL conslsLs of acLlvlLles A Lo M shown ln Lhe neL ln Lhe followlng flgure wlLh Lhe duraLlon of Lhe
acLlvlLles marked ln days

1he pro[ecL can be compleLed ln
(a) 8eLween 18 19 days
(b) 8eLween 20 22 days
(c) 8eLween 24 26 days
(d) 8eLween 60 70 days


1(b) 2 (a)
6(b) 7(a)
11(a) 12(a)
16(b) 17 (c)
21(c) 22(a)
26(c) 27(a)
31 (a) 32(d)
36 (b) 37 (a)
41 (a) 42 (c)
46 (c) 47(d)
31 (c) 32 (b)
36 (d) 37 (c)
61 (a) 62 (c)

3(c) 4 (b) 3(c)
8 (c) 9 (b) 10(a)
13 (d) 14 (c) 13(a)
18 (d) 19 (d) 20 (a)
23 (b) 24 (b) 23 (b)
28 (b) 29 (a) 30 (a)
33 (a) 34 (c) 33 (a)
38 (d) 39 (a) 40 (b)
43 (b) 44 (d) 43 (d)
48 (d) 49 (d) 30 (c)
33 (b) 34 (c) 33 (c)
38 (d) 39 (c) 60 (b)

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