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AVALIAO BIMESTRAL EEMProfessorFlvioPonte ALUNO(A):____________________________________________N___ DISCIPLINA:LNGUAINGLESAPROFESSOR: SRIE:3_____MANH DATA :_____/_____2011 . Edificandocaminhosparaoconhecimento.


Brigitte Bardot calls Sarah Palin a 'disgrace to women'

French actress Brigitte Bardot has slammed Sarah Palin as a "disgrace to women' in a fiery attack on the American vice-presidential candidate.
By Henry Samuel in Paris 12:33PM BST 08 Oct 2008

The sixties sex symbol said that Republican John McCain's running mate was "disconcertingly stupid" and that she hoped she would lose the November 4 presidential elections. Referring to Mrs. Palin's now famous self-portrait as a "pit-bull with lipstick", Mrs. Bardot who runs an animal rights foundation said: "I know dogs well and I can assure you that no pit-bull, no dog, nor any other animal is as dangerous as you are." "I hope you lose these elections because that would be a victory for the world," she went on. "By denying the responsibility of man in global warming, by advocating gun rights and making statements that are disconcertingly stupid, you are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe," wrote the one-time screen legend. She lashed out at her for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could threaten ecosystems and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears. "This shows your total lack of responsibility, your inability to protect or simply respect animal life," she wrote. The 74-year-old former film star is notorious in France for her outspoken views on immigration, the environment and animal rights. She has been convicted and fined four times in Paris for anti-gay and racist remarks. Earlier this year, a French court fined Mrs. Bardot 15,000 for inciting racial hatred by writing that she had "had enough" of Muslims destroying France. 1. Com base no texto, assinale a alternativa que expressa corretamente a viso de Brigitte Bardot sobre Sarah Palin: a. Mais perigosa que qualquer animal, racista, vergonha para as mulheres, smbolo sexual. b. Racista, vergonha para as mulheres, defensora dos animais, exploradora de minorias. c. Irresponsvel, militante anti-gays, racista. d. Smbolo sexual, pitbull de batom, defensora dos direitos dos animais. e. Catstrofe ambiental, vergonha para as mulheres, irresponsvel e incapaz de proteger a vida animal. 2. Assinale a alternativa que indica o modo como Brigitte Bardot est sendo apresentada no texto. a. Defensora dos imigrantes, dos homossexuais e dos animais. b. Smbolo sexual, defensora dos direitos dos animais, racista. c. Smbolo sexual, pitbull de batom, defensora dos direitos dos animais. d. Estpida, perigosa, irresponsvel e republicana. e. Racista, homossexual e ambientalista. 3. correto afirmar que o contedo do texto veicula: a. Uma opinio de oposio candidata republicana vice-presidncia dos Estados Unidos. b. Uma anlise dos prs e contras da escolha de Sarah Palin como companheira de chapa de John McCain. c. Trechos conflituosos do debate entre Brigitte Bardot e a candidata vice-presidncia dos EUA, Sarah Palin. d. Insinuaes sobre um caso amoroso entre Sarah Palin e seu companheiro de chapa, John McCain. e. Propostas de governo elaboradas por Sarah Palin para fortalecer os movimentos ambientalistas. 4. Existem diferentes estratgias empregadas na produo de textos para privilegiar determinados pontos de vista. Que caractersticas desse texto reetem essas estratgias? I. Repetio do resultado que Brigitte Bardot espera das eleies. II. Reproduo de erros de uso da linguagem de Sarah Palin. III. Uso de expresses com conotao negativa para se referir a Sarah Palin. IV. Omisso da perspectiva de Sarah Palin sobre o que diz Brigitte Bardot. Assinale a alternativa correta: a. Somente as armativas I e II so corretas. b. Somente as armativas II e IV so corretas. c. Somente as armativas III e IV so corretas. d. Somente as armativas I, II e III so corretas. e. Somente as armativas I, III e IV so corretas 5. O sufixo -ly em uncontroversially, simply, reliably e tightly indica...

a. freqncia. b. nfase. c. modo. d. comparao. e. qualidade.

I am not referring to telepathy or mind control or the other obsessions of fringe science; even in the depictions of believers these are blunt instruments compared to an ability that is uncontroversially present in every one of us. That ability is language. Simply by making noises with our mouths, we can reliably cause precise new combinations of ideas to arise in each other's minds. The ability comes so naturally that we are apt to forget what a miracle it is. Language is so tightly woven into human experience that it is scarcely possible to imagine life without it.

6. Em "misrepresentative" (The ratings of children watching the adult-oriented shows may be misrepresentative of what children are really watching and may represent what their parents are watching instead.) o prefixo mis- tem o mesmo significado em: a. miserable b. mistress. c. miscellaneous. d. misunderstanding. e. missionary. Leia os cartes abaixo e responda questo 07.

7. Responda. I. Qual a profisso de Peter OConnor e em que pas ele trabalha? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. Que tipo de atividade profissional exerce Kalid Al Naimi e em que regio do mundo ele atua? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. (Questo tirada do ENEM 2010): Hip hop music is an American musical genre that developed as part of hip hop culture, and is defined by four key stylistic elements: rapping, DJing/scratching, sampling (or synthesis), and beat boxing. Hip hop began in the South Bronx of New York City in the 1970s. The term rap is often used synonymously with hip hop, but hip hop also denotes the practices of an entire subculture.
(Disponvel em: http://en.wikipedia.org. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2010.

Brazilian hip hop is one of the worlds major hip hop scenes, with active rap, break dance, and graffiti scenes, especially in So Paulo, where groups tend to have a more international style, influenced by old school hip-hop and gangsta rap. Brazilian rap has served as a reflection of political, social, and racial issues plaguing the disenfranchised youth in the suburbs of So Paulo and Rio. The lyrical content, band names, and song names used by Brazilian hip hop artists often connote the sociopolitical issues surrounding their communities. (Disponvel em: http://en.wikipedia.org. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2010 (fragmento). Sendo a msica uma das formas de manifestao cultural de um pas, o rap brasileiro, a partir das informaes do texto, tem sido caracterizado: a. pela influncia internacional nos nomes de bandas e de msicas. b. pela irreverncia dos cantores, adeptos e suas vestimentas. c. como um gnero musical de menor prestgio na sociedade. d. pela criatividade dos primeiros adeptos do gnero hip hop. e. como um instrumento de reflexo crtica do jovem da periferia Veja a tirinha do lado e observe uma palavra em especial. 9. Por que ela diz a mesma palavra de tantas formas diferentes?______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 10. Que outros sentidos os prefixos usados por ela parecem acrescentar palavra obvious? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

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