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Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban

OCAD vs. Judge Florentino V. Floro,
A.M. NO. RTJ-99-1460 (Formerly A.M. No. 99-7-261-RTC)

Re: 6th Letter to the 21st Chief Justice, 21st Panganiban Court: The New York Times, U.K. The Times (On Line)
LUBOS po akong nagpapasalamat kay C.J. Panganiban at sa 21st Court, dahil sa pinangako niyang ZERO BACKLOG of cases at CIDA o ACID ( Korina Sanchez, 21 December, 2005, ANC - ) at dahil nadesisyonan na ang 7 taong kong kaso. - Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.

Dear Chief Justice Panganiban, At Guagua, Angeles, and the Supreme Court, you said, that:
No Pain, No Gain My own life experiences attest to this truism: There is no triumph without trial, no victory without a battle. In fact, the more difficult the trial, the sweeter the triumph and the more bruising the battle, the greater the victory. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in all my struggles and trials God has never abandoned me. Neither will He forget any one of you. Sometimes we may, in our desperation, feel that He has forgotten because He does not manifest Himself to us. But let me assure you that He is always present among us. He will always answer our prayers in His own way and in His own time. He is the silent listener to every conversation and witness to everything we do. xxx between 1992 and 1994, I was rejected seven times by the Judicial and Bar Council. That series of disappointments nearly convinced me to give up any hope of being a justice of the Supreme Court. But just when I had almost given up and submitted myself to the Lords will, He finally granted my wish. For on October 10, 1995, I took my oath as a justice of the Supreme Court.
[Beacons of Justice, July 7, 2006, pp. 11, 16, Manila Bulletin, July 16, 2006]; [Commencement address delivered by Justice Panganiban during the College Commencement Exercises of the
Angeles University Foundation on April 17, 1999, and the Guagua National Colleges on March 24, 1999].

Truth and time: The New York Times, U.K. The Times The Philippine Psychic Judge and the 3 Mystic Dwarves
Since the FIRST moment that Chief Justice JOHN JAY did don his robes on 1789, world history, for the FIRST TIME witnessed the international publication and discussion of a private litigants case (on April 7, in more than 100 world news, headlines, reports - and more than 1,000 blogs, FORA discussions / 10,000 replies around the globe).

July 20, 1999 Preventive Suspension April 6, 2006 Psychosis Decision: July 20, 2006 - 7 Years - Waiting for the Truth
On April 7 and May 3, 2006, God has kindly answered my prayers in his own time and in his own wonderful ways as you tersely wrote and spoke. In all these 7 years, not 7 times as you were denied by the JBC, but for more than 100 hundred times, I pleaded before this Court of Last Resort to give me the TRUTH, JUSTICE, compassion and KINDNESS. Surprisingly (for it never crossed my mind, that) INSTEAD, your 21st Court bestowed upon me a different matter: EQUITY, that Americas Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis first defined (the very first Jew appointed by
Woodrow Wilson, the son of a Christian Minister), in 1916 3 years back

wages. Not only did I loose my judicial career: my mother and mild retarded brother were also declared (executory) with defective genes. From obscurity, my name, the 75 pages Minita Viray ChicoNazario landmark Decision & the 3 mystic and imaginary dwarves became

IMMORTAL not only in this country, not solely in

the international broadcast (CNN, MsnNBC) or in almost all print media

worldwide, but first and foremost, in the indelible MEMORY of world judicial history.

New York Times and U.K.s The Times for the FIRST TIME (since it started publication) headlined /front-paged a Philippine Judges sacking due to Psychosis and the APPEAL NEXT PAGES.
Yes, Dear Chief Justice, I suffered all these 7 years of LIES, just because, one morning, on September 19, 1995, I tried to pacify S.C. (Ret.) Justice Campos, JBC Member. For 20 minutes he was cursing and hurling all sorts of dirty words against his neighbor JBC Member Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison. He called her a conduit of politicians. Yes, I admit and confess that I stated: Justice, she will suffer a major stroke! I repeated the same to Dra. Cecilia Villegas and Melinda Grio (the JBC psychiatrist and psychologist who tested me that day). Vengeance, yes, but they included my mother and my brother. Yes, Dear Chief Justice, I was dismayed, since a retired Supreme Court Justice and the CA retired JBC Member know, knew and still keep all these SECRETS. You know that I am telling the truth, since the Decision with finality declared that I am an honorable man. The truth is not always the same as the majority decision. xxx. An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded. Pope John Paul II
[1953 Picture of my Parents]

Pre-Destined Genes: Minita, Milagros Floro & Florentino Floro

There is no evidence whatsoever that could prove that my mother had defective genes. She died of pneumonia due to diabetes (principally because of old age). 5 December, 1939 - Birth of Minita Viray 5 December, 1925 Birth, Milagros Floro 5 December, 1995 - Her Death Chico-Nazario

5 November, 1953 - Birth of Judge Floro 5 November, 1997 JBC Application of Judge Floro 4/5 November, 1998 Appointment, Judge Floro [My TWIN Oath takings, November and December 8, 1998) ---

Yes, Dear Chief Justice (taking a cue from your IMMORTAL words to a little boy MIGGY)
A few days ago, my nine-year old grandson Miggy -that's his name -- proudly approached me and showed me a certificate attesting to his getting "first honors" in grade three at Southridge School. I, of course, hugged and congratulated him. I also called up his mother (who is my

daughter) to congratulate her for having such a brilliant son. And I asked Miggy, "Why do you think you were able to achieve such high honors in class?" "Well, Lolo," he replied, "It is because I studied hard. Instead of watching television at night, I did my homework; instead of sleeping late in the mornings, I woke up early to be able to go to school on time; and instead of playing all day, I read my lessons and prepared for my tests."

- I studied so hard, but, unlike the FIRST HONORS of Miggy, I just obtained FULL SECOND HONORS at the ATENEO, and unlike your very high bar rating / grades, I only placed 12th, 87.55%, 1983 Bar Exams, one of the hardest, since only 21.3% passed. Yes, Chief Justice, I took my oaths before my first PONENTE, Justice Bernardo Pardo, and before the President. My second and third PONENTEs Madame Justices Alicia Austria-Martinez and Conchita Carpio-Morales, with due respect, knew and comprehend that (based on admitted exhibits 1-39) I studied so hard like your grandson Miggy. Like you, I ponder that these 3 PONENTES do and did pray daily, like us. But one thing, for sure (or perhaps) everybody there, should know that one Supreme Court Justice hears MASS daily thereat Our Lady of Perpetual Helps Shrine. A psychic worth his salt needs not invoke the three mystic dwarves to bilocate on this.

The triumph of truth

After waiting for more than 6 years, I hoped, yet, I never believed that my case would be decided in just 3 months, from the time you were PRE-DESTINED by our God to be the nations 21st Chief Justice. But it was for real. [On December 20, 2005, I asked your staff to set for
me an appointment. And she said that I have to wait. I waited, and another personnel told me to instead WRITE to you KUNG ANO ANG NASA PUSO MO, binabasa niya lahat yan; thus, I wrote you 5 letters; I called a newly appointed Court of Appeals Justice and I asked for his kindness to intercede for me I wanted to see the Chief Justice, I said; the good and very kind CA Justice from CEBU compassionately told me Tell Judge Floro, that I could not see him, he knows that but tell him that his case will be expedited].

May I venture to summarize my and your lifes QUEST for the LUX:

Truth offers its pleasures or blessings to those who accept it wholeheartedly. Truth is the basis for wise and reasoned judgment. It sets a good example for others to follow. Truth is the great catalyst for change and progress. "The man who fears no truth, Jefferson said, "has nothing to fear from lies.

TRUTH, Jean Jacques Rousseau said, "is the most precious of all blessings. Without it man is blind; it is the eye of reason. In the same vein, the Greek philosopher Plato remarked: "There is nothing so delightful as the hearing or speaking of truth. Truth is enough to strike fear in the hearts of the decent, the righteous or the God-fearing
The lessons of history are replete with examples of failed attempts to suppress the truth. As Sir Winston Churchill once said: "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is In short, truth can never be defeated. "Truth may be stretched but cannot be broken and always gets above falsehood, as oil does above water, said Miguel de Cervantes.

"Every truth, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote, "passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed; in the second, it is opposed; in the third, it is regarded as self-evident Truth is often associated or connected with time. Thus, a proverb states, "truth is the daughter of time. Differently stated, it is only a matter of time for truth to emerge. But before it does so, it goes through a labyrinthine path battling with minotaurs of errors and untruths. "Time tries truth.

For Disraeli, "time is precious, but truth is more precious than time. Albert Schweitzer, however, put it differently: "Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now always. The Greeks give a word of caution: "A truth spoken before its time is dangerous. It is also a proverbial truism that "truth fears nothing but concealment." Yet, as the German dramatist Friedrich Von Schiller reminded us: "Truth lives on in the midst of deception.

Truths measure and many-sidedness

Truth is the measure of truth. In the words of Rousseau: "Falsehood has infinity of combinations, but truth as only one mode of being. Indeed, truth is simple and unadorned. It is whole or complete in itself. Nothing more can be added or subtracted. As Solzhenitsyn said, "Everything you add to the truth subtracts from the truth." Truth is like light, it travels only on straight lines. Sadly, my true-to-lifes quest for truth has proven to be elusive and expensive. To know the truth, very often than not, is perilous. It is at times bloody. There is many-sidedness of truth. The truth will set us free, as the Bible teaches. Aldous Huxley has a different version of the Biblical saying: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad The French dramatist Jules Renand said: "Truth makes many appeals, not the least of which is its power to shock

Many know the truth, but fail or refuse to tell or do the truth. However, while it may not be lucrative to speak the truth, it is always right to be truthful. Some embrace the lie because of the comfort it gives from the
pains of truth. Truth hurts, but life, whether that of a person or the nation, is a daily confrontation with the truth. Truth must be disclosed for all the shock and pain it brings because the people, as always, have the right to know. Without truth, government will only fan the flames of dissension, disunity, and distrust.

IN THE LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, undersigned Judge Floro respectfully begs leave of THIS 21st Court to ADMIT and GRANT the instant 6th letter and the filed Motions For Partial Reconsideration Of par. 2), page 74, of the DECISION; further, it is most respectfully PRAYED that undersigned respondent --- be FULLY REINSTATED --- and be declared CONCOMITANTLY entitled to the back wages and other benefits which accrued during his 83 months preventive suspension less the 3 years back wages and benefits he already received --- that the same be ORDERED forthwith released to him in accordance with the rule of law, justice and KINDNESS of hearts of the Honorable Courts Magistrates, following the FALLO of the ITURRALDE case. Other relief and remedies are likewise prayed for. Malolos, Bulacan, for Manila, this 20th day of July and this 4th day of August/first Friday, 2006. Sincerely,


Respondent, 123 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, 3000 BULACAN, Tel/#(044) 662-82-03; (Presiding Judge, Branch 73, RTC, MALABON, NCJR, M.M.)
[I.D. Number: RTCJ-317 / EDP Number: 38676300; ROLL OF ATTORNEYS NO. 32800, Pg. No. 60, Book No. XIV].

[Undersigned most respectfully attach as integral part of this letter as ANNEXES collectively marked as ANNEX A, hereof, all the INTERNATIONAL NEWS, REPORTS, and HEADLINES on the April 6 release of the Decision and the May 3, 2006 APPEAL of undersigned].

NOTICE & REQUEST TO: Atty. Ma. Luisa D. Villarama, Clerk of Court, En Banc, SUPREME COURT, MANILA c/o Atty. FELIPA ANAMA & Atty. LANI PAPA, Please DOCKET and AGENDUM the foregoing letter for the deliberation and Resolution of the Honorable Court, immediately upon receipt hereof. Judge FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR.,

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: I, JUDGE FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR., under my Judges oath, hereby CERTIFY that I served copies of this pleading to:


The WORLD NEWS, HEADLINES and REPORTS [Which Reported on April 7 and May 3, 2006 the 75 Pages Psychosis Decision and the Appeal of Judge Florentino Floro] NEW YORK TIMES 1.
World Briefing | Asia: The Philippines: Judge Seeks Reinstatement ... May 3, 2006
query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9502EFDA1E3FF937A35756C0A9609C8B63 - 16k

1.a informationliberation - Fortune-telling judge couldn't see it coming

http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=10382 April 8, 2006 UNITED KINGDOM 2. I used to be a judge but I'm all right now . . . - Law - Times Online

The Times June 6, 2006, by David Pannick, QC


NBC News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y.


Fortune-telling judge didn't predict firing - Peculiar Postings ...


Philippines jurist was noted for consulting 3 imaginary dwarfs about cases Updated: 10:39 a.m. ET May 3, 2006 (REUTERS)

www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12608034/ - 47k - 31 Jul 2006

Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA 4.

IOL: Judge's psychic leanings too over the top

www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=29&art_id=qw1144390684803P415&set_id=1 - 64k


Fortune-telling judge couldnt see firing coming

www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1626419/posts - 21k


Filipino judge sacked for consulting trio of mystic dwarves | The Register

www.theregister.co.uk/2006/05/05/filipino_judge/ - 26k May 5, 2006


K Wyrdology News: "Psychic" Judge Wants Job Back

May 16, 2006

www.wyrdology.com/news/2006/05/psychic-judge-wants-job-back.html - 12k -


Boise Weekly - Not Your Everyday Newspaper: News: Curious Times ...

www.boiseweekly.com/gyrobase/ReadComments?oid=oid%3A160986 - 41k



Portland, OR 9.
The Asian Reporter - International News

www.asianreporter.com/stories/intl16-06.htm - 11k

From The Asian Reporter, V16, #16 (April 18, 2006), page 2. "Psychic" judge didnt foresee getting fired

Sutton, Surrey, U.K. 10. ;; PersonnelToday.com - Guru - Judge says deities are short-changed
http://www.personneltoday.com/Articles/List.aspx? PageID=2&&NavigationID=107&Keywords=&ExcludeIDs=&Regions=&Top ics=&Sections=10018&ws - Fortune-telling judge couldn't see it coming
Odd News - Fortune-telling judge couldn't see it coming

11. tbs.com - Odd News - Fortune-telling judge couldn't see it coming


AUSTRALIA 12. 'Psychic friend of dwarves' judge sacked | World Wide Weird | The ...

AKRON, OHIO 13. Beacon Journal | 06/06/2006 | Sign of the beast! - Porter's People
The Lunatic Fringe June 6, 2006 OHIO,com
www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/entertainment/columnists/porters_people/14750473.htm - 28k -

Albuquerque, Mexico 14. alibi . july 27 - august 2, 2006 No such dwarves

www.alibi.com/index.php?story=15882&scn=news - 25k - 31 Jul 2006



15. Fortune-telling judge couldn't see sacking coming. 04/05/2006. ABC ...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC News On Line
www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200605/s1630304.htm - 22k

HONGKONG, U.S., EUROPE 16. p OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today WALL STREET JOUNAL
'I Never Consulted Any Imaginary Dwarf' BY JAMES TARANTO Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:58 p.m. EDT


17. [Spruce Sands Trailor Resort

YOU DON'T SAY! COULDN'T SEE THIS COMING EITHER: Spruce Sands RV Resort, Lake Winnipeg - Arnes, MB R0C 0C0 www.sprucesands.ca/Default.aspx?PageName=Newsletter - 19k

CALCUTTA, INDIA 18. P The Telegraph - Calcutta : International Judge Jinx

http://www www.telegraphindia.com/1060504/asp/foreign/story_6180719.asp - 28k -.telegraphindia.com/1060504/asp/foreign/story_6180719.asp


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