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November 09, 2011

BEHAVIOR COGNITIVE AND SOCIAL LEARNING BEHAVIOR COGNITIVE AND SOCIAL LEARNING Cognitive development as well as a behavior is an important factor that must be stats theories offering behavioral interpretations of operant conditioning have implications for major theory describe how behavior is influenced by it effects popular reference to as reward and punishment, Skinners behavior develop through social interacting with others and them ( Kimble,1994) by reliably observed by independent observers who can count individual contrast

to personality theory which has traditionally looked for cause within people traits needs and like. Skinner argued that it is illogical to consider personality traits. Interestingly immunizing these theories, one fact that cannot be denied is the complexity of the mentalist constructs standing the stages that Skinners behaviorism is more thoroughly external other behavior approached control. People dont respond in the same way to a specific environmental educational plan behavior turn positive using the distinguish reinforcement this illustrate cognitive process learning positive behavior that shape changing discrimination learning behavior techniques, (Roggio 2008) pg348-351 Past and present basic behavior repartition as psychology. Evolutionary is the perspective that applies the evolutionary principles of natural selection to understanding human psychology including personality. Evolutionary seeking the something based on the education the greatest possibility of mating with whom they will have healthy offspring that mates emphasize security dominance finance ambition evolutionary perspective men and women emotionally concerned about loss of support to her or his children. Biological genetic environmental according to ethology or behavioral biology humans are members of the animal kingdom of territory grounded development of an personality although as previously mentioned there are some positives to using an intergraded approach, there are some challenges to developing an intergraded perspective as well weakness in this type of


approach lie in the counselors ability to fuse two or more theories together. Theories provide the structure for counseling practices; they act as a guides or tools for various therapeutic approaches and provide insight into ways of looking at human behavior, emotions, cognitions, and personalities children personality according to each theory act as a guide to assisting the client in their own self growth and self-actualization while ultimately helping to empower their children. The manner in which accomplishments are received has affluence on individuals selfefficacy beliefs of women are thought to reflect the light and discus advantaged position women have in society work place and the limited ranges of carrier options for the family. Nature and nurture is concerned with whether behavior is determined mainly by genetic inheritance what you are born with or with your heredity is how you act , live in influences an individual self-efficacy and expectation and actions by learning to behave in ways that are adaptive in each particular environment by learning biology, has made learning important. (Roggio, 2008 pg363) Past and present view on personality

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