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EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: November 13th November 19th Today 11/13 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30

am Worship Monday 11/14 6:30 pm Den Meeting Tuesday 11/15 8:15 am ROMEOs will meet at Dennys SR 40 & I-75 10:00 am UMW 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 11/16 10:00 am Prayer Shawl 4:00 pm MRMC 5:00 pm Trustees in Library 6:00 pm Jr. Girl Scouts 6:30 pm Finance Committee in Library 7:00 pm Church Council in Library 10:00 am Bible Study Thursday 11/17 12:30 pm MODELs at Horse & Hounds 5:30 pm Girl Scouts 7:00 pm Bible Study Friday 11/18 6:00 pm Thanksgiving Dinner Name Tags Please remember to wear your name tags in church AND during the fellowship time after church. A basket will be provided in the Fellowship Hall to place your name tag in it after fellowship time. Name tags will only be made every two (2) weeks. Due to interference with our technical support system, please turn off all cell phones & pagers. December Newsletter articles are due today. Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry - The United Methodist Women of DHUMC sponsor this annual ministry. The cost to ship each shoebox is seven dollars ($7). If you would like to make a donation to help defray the cost, please make your check payable to DHUMC & mark Shoebox Ministry in memo field. Deadline for donations is Nov. 13. Thank you. MODELs will meet at 12:30 pm on Nov. 17 at Horse and Hounds, 4620 E. Silver Springs Boulevard. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to dhumcvol@yahoo.com or call the office by Nov. 15. Dont forget to bring a dollar to be donated to a local charity at the end of the year. Advent Breakfast presented by UMW will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome. Reservations by Sunday, Nov. 27. Sign-up sheet is on the Connection Station.

Our Mission Statement

Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving

We are glad you are here!

Druid Hills United Methodist Church

1712 S.E. Lake Weir Road Ocala, Florida 34471 352-629-5688 Rev. Daryl W. Allen, pastor Email: druidhillsum@aol.com Pastors blog: www.pastordaryl.blogspot.com Website: www.druidhillsocala.org

Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

November 13, 2011 - Veterans Day Observance

WE HEAR GODS WORD PROCLAIMED Second Scripture Lesson Peoples Response: Sermon: Philippians 2:1-2 (NRSV) NT, pg. 197


Worship Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Welcome and Announcements Time of Greeting Prelude & Lighting of the Candles Recognition of Veterans Litany on insert

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, and the living out of His Holy Word. Amen. Kairos: Learn It Rev. Daryl W. Allen


*Hymn of Dedication *Benediction *Benediction Response Blest Be the Tie That Binds *Congregation standing as you are able. UMH 557 Here I Am, Lord
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)

UMH 593


Opening Prayer *Praise Hymn *Call to Worship First Scripture Lesson *Peoples Response: Anthem Young Disciples Moment WE COME BEFORE GOD IN PRAYER Sharing of Joys and Prayer Concerns *Hymn of Preparation Prayer Peoples Response The Lords Prayer WE OFFER OUR TITHES AND PRAISE Prayer of Blessing and Consecration Offering and Offertory *Peoples Response Doxology UMH 95 UMH 895 Open My Eyes, That I May See
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)

Rev. Daryl W. Allen Let There Be Peace on Earth The Apostles Creed Acts 2:43-47 (NRSV) Gloria Patria Sent Out In Jesus Name UMH 431 UMH 881 NT, pg. 121 UMH 70 Chancel Choir

The flowers on the altar are given by Ann McMurrer in memory of her husband Mike Choir Director: Lenny Shank Greeters: Debbie & Ed Ford Liturgist: Ruth Griffith Head Usher: Steve Rittmayer

Last weeks offering: $3,252.00

Attendance: 111

UMH 454

Please remember these people in prayer this week: Murriel Allen, Luann Bainbridge, Jeff Bixler, Margery Bland, Jason Bonell, Bob Brombacker, Edie Caroleo, Rose Carroll, Eunice Charles, Kenny Chastain, John Clayton, Fred Coder, Ralph Cooley, Debbie Creef, Tiffany Critchfield, Jim Dekersky, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Stephanie Englert, Lisa Faulk, Jean Fay, Eddie Ferguson, Jennifer Foster, Mary Frye, Brad Fuller, Bradley Garris, Tina Gorski, Abby & Damon Graham, Ruth & Jim Griffith, Joey Hager, Bernie Hamilton, Tola & Emil Hass, DeNease Hicks, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Harry Hosey, Linda Hughes, Dorothy Jones, Tom Klotz, Joanne Knepp, Alene & Les Krouse, Flo LaVine, Charles Lee, Michael MacPherson, Berniece Mason, Sandi Moore, Ed Munday, Sue Murray, Carole Newlin, Carol Peterson, Faye Pippin, Doris & Bill Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Mary Ann & Mike Roos, Rob Sanders, Harvey Singley, Floy Smith, Adele Stipp, Gerry Theisen, Gloria Ufkes

ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER Our Thanksgiving dinner will be held Nov. 18 at 6 PM in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is open to all members, friends and families. It is our tradition to provide the turkeys, stuffing, gravy & beverages. If you would like to volunteer to roast a turkey, make stuffing & gravy, please contact Mary Lou Welsh. Reservations are required in order to determine how many turkeys to purchase. All others attending are asked to bring a dish that will serve 10-12 persons. Some suggestions are mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, hot macaroni dishes, hot vegetables, salads (molded, 3 Bean, slaw, tossed), pies or other desserts. Make your reservations, (including your name, the number attending and the dish you plan to bring), at the Connection Station, by email to dhumcvol@yahoo.com or by calling the office at 629-5688. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, Nov. 13th.

ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER Our Thanksgiving dinner will be held Nov. 18 at 6 PM in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is open to all members, friends and families. It is our tradition to provide the turkeys, stuffing, gravy & beverages. If you would like to volunteer to roast a turkey, make stuffing & gravy, please contact Mary Lou Welsh. Reservations are required in order to determine how many turkeys to purchase. All others attending are asked to bring a dish that will serve 10-12 persons. Some suggestions are mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, hot macaroni dishes, hot vegetables, salads (molded, 3 Bean, slaw, tossed), pies or other desserts. Make your reservations, (including your name, the number attending and the dish you plan to bring), at the Connection Station, by email to dhumcvol@yahoo.com or by calling the office at 629-5688. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, Nov. 13th.

On Sunday November, 27th we are going to be participating in a service called The Hanging of the Greens. This will be the time when we will decorate the sanctuary while we worship, taking time to learn about the different decorations and what their significance is to this time of year. In order for us to make this a truly memorable event, we need your help. If you would be interested in helping to decorate the sanctuary during worship, please fill out the form below and drop it in the offering plate. Name: Any physical limitations that we need to be mindful of:

On Sunday November, 27th we are going to be participating in a service called The Hanging of the Greens. This will be the time when we will decorate the sanctuary while we worship, taking time to learn about the different decorations and what their significance is to this time of year. In order for us to make this a truly memorable event, we need your help. If you would be interested in helping to decorate the sanctuary during worship, please fill out the form below and drop it in the offering plate. Name: Any physical limitations that we need to be mindful of:

Veterans Day Litany Leader: Let us give thanks to God for the land of our birth with all its chartered liberties. For all the wonder of our country's story: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For leaders in nation and state, and for those who in days past and in these present times have labored for the commonwealth: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For those who in all times and places have been true and brave, and in the world's common ways have lived upright lives and ministered to their fellows: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For those who served their country in its hour of need, and especially for those who gave even their lives in that service: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: O almighty God and most merciful Father, as we remember these your servants, remembering with gratitude their courage and strength, we hold before you those who mourn them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories of those they have lost awhile, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence.

Veterans Day Litany Leader: Let us give thanks to God for the land of our birth with all its chartered liberties. For all the wonder of our country's story: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For leaders in nation and state, and for those who in days past and in these present times have labored for the commonwealth: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For those who in all times and places have been true and brave, and in the world's common ways have lived upright lives and ministered to their fellows: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: For those who served their country in its hour of need, and especially for those who gave even their lives in that service: PEOPLE: WE GIVE YOU THANKS, O GOD. Leader: O almighty God and most merciful Father, as we remember these your servants, remembering with gratitude their courage and strength, we hold before you those who mourn them. Look upon your bereaved servants with your mercy. As this day brings them memories of those they have lost awhile, may it also bring your consolation and the assurance that their loved ones are alive now and forever in your living presence.

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