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We gather together as one in unified consciousness. We are not separate and apart.
We are the I AM that exists as the fundamental consciousness of all souls. It cannot be
otherwise for either there is oneness or there is not oneness. The truth is that oneness
IS. So we are one and we use words simply to communicate, to pull forth that resident
knowingness that is within the consciousness of the soul.

It must be remembered that you as a conscious soul are creation in motion. You are the
Consciousness of Creation. The term Consciousness of Creation is most important to
interpret and to understand and to know for it encompasses all creative energy.
Consciousness is energy so when we say the Consciousness of Creation, we are saying
the energy of creation which has always been and will always be. There are no
beginning points. There are no ending points. Worlds come and go. Solar systems
come and go. Universes come and go. You are part of and one with a continuum of
existence, a continuum of consciousness, a continuum of creation.

From the earthly perspective, from the awareness of the soul imbedded in earthly
thinking and paradigms of experience and existence, the concept of a continuum of
existence seems at times like a rather vague and incomplete notion. There is a
tendency to want to construct definitions that one can, so to speak, put their arms
around and hold onto. However, it is in the constructing of those limited perceptions that
the doorway to a greater and infinite perception of the truth and reality of your existence
is offered. For it is in arriving at a limited perception that the questioning and the
observation of the effect of that limitation then takes place.

So within the context of your earthly environment, it is important to keep stretching, to

keep going beyond that which is of limited perception, to say 'what if', to say ‘maybe’, to
say ‘I wonder’. For as you hold onto any notion that has been moved into the
intellectual, the emotional, or the verbal perceptions, crystallization takes place. And as
there is a rigidity of form and substance, it becomes brittle and it too will pass with time
and dissolve into the nothingness from which it came.

So look beyond, stretch, move within. Recognize the energy of creation in all that exists.
Know the Consciousness of Creation that you are for it is in recognizing and knowing the
Consciousness of Creation that you merge with and are consciously one with the Love
and Light of creation. This is what is called becoming and merging with that which is
known as the Christ Light. Being Christed or being of Light is the same thing. It is the
condition; it is the consciousness of knowing the truth of who you are. So when you
speak of Christ Consciousness, you are speaking of knowing the truth, being the truth,
with no boundaries or limitations that have been imposed by the intellectual, emotional,
physical, or thought process of the externalized world.

Christ Consciousness is a pure statement of beingness where you simply say and know
that you are I AM, the Love, Light, and Life of creation. It is that simple. For this
moment in eternity, be and know that you, as a soul, are a fulfillment of Christ
Consciousness. You are the Consciousness of Creation in motion.

You are I AM, the Love, Light, and Life of creation.

CCONSC: 19980820

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