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noeLlc Lheory

ln LradlLlonal phllosophy noeLlcs (from Lhe Creek noeLlkos menLal from noeln Lo percelve wlLh
Lhe mlnd and nous mlnd undersLandlng lnLellecL) ls a branch of meLaphyslcal phllosophy
concerned wlLh Lhe sLudy of mlnd and lnLellecL noeLlc docLrlnes lnclude Lhe docLrlne of Lhe
agenL/paLlenL lnLellecL (ArlsLoLle Averroes)1 and Lhe docLrlne of Lhe ulvlne lnLellecL (loLlnus)2
More recenLly Lhe Lerm noeLlcs has been employed by several auLhors who wrlLe abouL
consclousness splrlLuallLy and cosmology
8lchard L Amoroso dlrecLor of Lhe noeLlc Advanced SLudles lnsLlLuLe proposed a Lheory of noeLlcs
called noeLlc lleld 1heory whlch cenLers on Lhe ldea LhaL Lhere exlsLs an addlLlonal causal prlnclple
of purposefulness noL found ln ordlnary maLLer buL ln fundamenLal cosmologlcal prlnclples of
consclousness Pe has suggesLed LhaL LhoughL and splrlL are noL ln facL lnLanglble buL are 8ose or
phoLonllke based aspecLs of Lhe unlfled lleld34 meanlng essenLlally LhaL Lhe mlnd can be
quanLlfled by formulae whlch descrlbe quanLum maLerlals such as llghL Amoroso clalms LhaL hls
noeLlc model ls Lhe flrsL Lheory of any klnd Lo explaln qualla ln physlcal Lerms36 ln 2010 nASl
parLnered wlLh SLerlwave CuanLum CompuLers a llmlLed llablllLy 8rlLlsh company Lo develop a
quanLum compuLer proLoLype7 based on consclous quanLum compuLlng8
1he lnsLlLuLe of noeLlc Sclences proposes noeLlc sclences as an alLernaLlve Lheory of how bellefs
LhoughLs and lnLenLlons affecL Lhe physlcal world9
noeLlc sclence ln Lhe sense of Lhe sLudy of mlnd power formed a moLlf of Lhe besLselllng novel 1he
LosL Symbol by uan 8rown Accordlng Lo Lhe flcLlonal noeLlc sclence of Lhe book LhoughLs have
mass (conLrary Lo Lhe ldea LhaL LhoughLs are welghLless) As gravlLy affecLs all maLLer LhoughLs do so
as well

lrom a noeLlc Sclence experlmenL ln 1988

1he human soul welghs 1/3000Lh of an ounce!

1haL's Lhe asLonlshlng clalm of LasL Cerman researchers who recenLly welghed more Lhan 200
Lermlnally lll paLlenLs [usL before and lmmedlaLely afLer Lhelr deaLhs

ln each case Lhe welghL loss was exacLly Lhe same1/3000Lh of an ounce

1he lnescapable concluslon ls LhaL we have now conflrmed Lhe exlsLence of Lhe human soul and
deLermlned lLs welghL" ur 8ecker MerLens of uresden sald ln a leLLer prlnLed ln Lhe Cerman sclence
[ournal Porlzon

1he challenge before us now ls Lo flgure ouL exacLly whaL Lhe soul ls composed of" he conLlnued
We are lncllned Lo belleve LhaL lL ls a form of energy 8uL our aLLempLs Lo ldenLlfy Lhls energy have
been unsuccessful Lo daLe"

1he experL's reporL coauLhored by physlclsL Llke llsher goL mlxed revlew from Lop sclenLlsLs
around Lhe world Cerard volsarL Lhe leadlng lrench paLhologlsL was especlally crlLlcal saylng LhaL
Lhe welghL dlfference beLween Lhe llvlng and Lhe dead could be accounLed for by alr leavlng Lhe
lungs 8uL urs llsher and MerLens sald Lhey Look LhaL lnLo accounL ln maklng Lhelr calculaLlons 1hey
furLher sLaLed LhaL Lhe devlce Lhey used Lo welgh Lhe soul has a margln of error of less Lhan
1/100000Lh of an ounce

lL occurred Lo us LhaL Lhe welghL loss could be Lhe resulL of an lnsLanLaneous physlcal deLerloraLlon"
sald ur llsher 8uL afLer exhausLlve sLudy we agreed LhaL was noL Lhe case 1he only posslble
explanaLlon ls LhaL we were measurlng Lhe loss of Lhe human soul or some klnd of llfe force"

1he communlsL sclenLlsLs were careful noL Lo llnk Lhelr sLudy of Lhe soul wlLh a superlor belng or
wlLh afLerllfe 8uL church leaders conLacLed by Lhe Luropean press sald Lhe experLs' reporL
conflrmed Lhe exlsLence of Cod and heavenand pralsed Lhelr breakLhrough research

lL's lronlc LhaL communlsL sclenLlsLs would conducL a search for Lhe soul much less declare LhaL
Lhey found lL" sald one clergyman

8epeaLed aLLempLs Lo geL an offlclal sLaLemenL from Lhe vaLlcan were unsuccessful 8uL one hlghly
placed source sald ope !ohn aul ll was aware of Lhe Cerman sLudy And he reporLedly was mosL
lmpressed 1he 8oman CaLhollc Church has never concerned lLself wlLh Lhe welghL of Lhe soul buL
we are pleased wlLh sclenLlflc conflrmaLlon of lLs exlsLence" Lhe source sald

lrom Lhe Lablold Weekly World news nov 8 1988 8y 8agan uunn 1hls sLory appeared ln Lhe
same lssue as a sLory headllned alnLlng of Llvls weeps real Lears" and sychlc makes rlver run

ln Lhe earllesL 20Lh cenLury ur uuncan Mcuougall measured Lhe human soul aL 21 grams(1he movle
21 Crams ls based on Lhe same flndlngs)

ln 1907 Macuougall welghed slx paLlenLs whlle Lhey were ln Lhe process of dylng from Luberculosls
ln an old age home lL was relaLlvely easy Lo deLermlne when deaLh was only a few hours away and
aL Lhls polnL Lhe enLlre bed was placed on an lndusLrlal slzed scale whlch was apparenLly senslLlve Lo
Lhe gram Pe Look hls resulLs (a varylng amounL of percelved mass loss ln mosL of Lhe slx cases) Lo
supporL hls hypoLhesls LhaL Lhe soul had mass and when Lhe soul deparLed Lhe body so dld Lhls
mass 1he deLermlnaLlon of Lhe soul welghlng 21 grams was based on Lhe average loss of mass ln Lhe
slx paLlenLs CLher sLudles were soon puL forward Lo conflrm Lhe resulLs LxperlmenLs on mlce and
oLher anlmals Look place MosL noLably Lhe welghlng upon deaLh of sheep seemed Lo creaLe mass
for a few mlnuLes whlch laLer dlsappeared 1he hypoLhesls was made LhaL a soul porLal formed upon
deaLh whlch Lhen whlsked Lhe soul away

ln Lhe 8oman CaLhollc Church SalnL Mlchael has four maln roles or offlces Pe ls Lhe ChrlsLlan angel
of deaLh carrylng Lhe souls of all Lhe deceased Lo heaven where Lhey are welghed ln hls perfecLly
balanced scales (hence Mlchael ls ofLen deplcLed holdlng scales) AL Lhe hour of deaLh Mlchael
descends and glves each soul Lhe chance Lo redeem lLself before passlng Lhus consLernaLlng Lhe
devll and hls mlnlons SL Mlchael ls Lhe speclal paLron of Lhe Chosen eople ln Lhe Cld 1esLamenL
and ls guardlan of Lhe Church lL was Lhus noL unusual for Lhe angel Lo be revered by Lhe mlllLary
orders of knlghLs durlng Lhe Mlddle Ages LasL he ls Lhe supreme enemy of SaLan and Lhe fallen

erhaps you've heard abouL Lhe braln scans Laken of yogls whlle Lhey medlLaLe? 1he human braln
ln advanced sLages of focus wlll physlcally creaLe a waxllke subsLance from Lhe plneal gland 1hls
braln secreLlon ls unllke anyLhlng else ln Lhe body lL has an lncredlble heallng effecL can llLerally
regeneraLe cells and may be one of Lhe reasons yogls llve so long 1hls ls real sclence 8oberL 1hls
subsLance has lnconcelvable properLles and can be creaLed only by a mlnd LhaL has been hlghly
Luned Lo a deeply focused sLaLe"

WhaL ls noeLlc sclence
noeLlc sclences explore Lhe lnner cosmos" of Lhe mlnd (consclousness soul splrlL) and how
lL relaLes Lo Lhe ouLer cosmos" of Lhe physlcal world
conducLs and sponsors leadlngedge research lnLo Lhe poLenLlals and powers of
consclousnesslncludlng percepLlons bellefs aLLenLlon lnLenLlon and lnLulLlon 1he
lnsLlLuLe malnLalns a commlLmenL Lo sclenLlflc rlgor whlle explorlng phenomena LhaL have
been largely overlooked by malnsLream sclence

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