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LnvlronmenLal PealLh Sclences WebslLe

neotlstlc volootloo kesolts

Lxecut|ve Summary

uurlng Lhls semesLer our Leam ls worklng wlLh Lhe unlverslLy of Mlchlgans LnvlronmenLal
PealLh Sclences (LPS) and Lhe users of lLs deparLmenLal webslLe ln order Lo evaluaLe lL Lhrough
dlfferenL means and meLhods We wlll make recommendaLlons wlLh each reporL and also make
a flnal reporL aL Lhe end of Lhe Lerm conLalnlng flnal recommendaLlons
Cur group ls sLudylng Lhe LPS webslLe Lo deLermlne lLs usefulness Lo prospecLlve and currenL
sLudenLs 8y ldenLlfylng Lhese useful and nonuseful aspecLs our group can conLlnue Lo make
sLronger and beLLer recommendaLlons Lo LPS concernlng Lhelr webslLe
ln Lhls reporL we dlscuss our flndlngs from conducLlng a heurlsLlc evaluaLlon of Lhe LPS webslLe
PeurlsLlc evaluaLlon ls a fasL cheap and easy Lo conducL meLhod Lo deLecL usablllLy problems ln
Lhe user lnLerface deslgn A small seL of evaluaLors check Lhe compllance of Lhe lnLerface
agalnsL a seL of heurlsLlcs guldellnes for good deslgn of a webslLes sLaLed by usablllLy experL
!akob nlelsen
llrsL we lndlvldually evaluaLed Lhe compllance of Lhe LPS webslLe Lo a subseL of nlelsen's
heurlsLlcs LhaL are relevanL and asslgned severlLy raLlngs 1hen we compared our assessmenLs
wlLh each oLher and aggregaLed and prlorlLlzed our observaLlons
llndlng 1 Slmllarly named llnks wlLhln each program secLlon do noL always llnk Lo Lhe same
llndlng 2 1he Lerm lnformaLlon and 8esources ln Lhe lefL navlgaLlon ls Loo vague
llndlng 3 Some exLernal pages load ln Lhe parenL wlndow whlle oLhers open ln a new wlndow
llndlng 4 Cnly ln some cases Lhe users can know Lhe pages Lhey have vlslLed already
llndlng 3 1he sLrucLure and deslgn of Lhe webslLe as a whole ls conslsLenL and complles wlLh
Lhe SP webslLe deslgn
Cverall we found LhaL Lhe LPS webslLe has well deslgned wlLh only a few lssues we LhoughL
were ma[or problems Powever Lhere were a few places where we LhoughL LhaL Lhe webslLe
deslgn mlghL make flndlng lnformaLlon dlfflculL for users We have made a few
recommendaLlons LhaL should be relaLlvely easy Lo lmplemenL and wlll serve Lo enhance Lhe
usablllLy of Lhe LPS webslLe

1he LnvlronmenLal PealLh Sclences (LPS) ls a deparLmenL ln Lhe School of ubllc PealLh aL Lhe
unlverslLy of Mlchlgan wlLh 130 currenL sLudenLs pursulng masLers and docLoral degrees ln
several areas of sLudy 1he LPS webslLe ls Lhe focus of our group pro[ecL Lhls Lerm for Lhe Sl 622
course volootloo of 5ystems ooJ 5etvlces 1he webslLe malnly conLalns lnformaLlon for
prospecLlve and currenL sLudenLs so we wlll keep boLh ln mlnd Powever we wlll concenLraLe on
prospecLlve sLudenLs when posslble because LPS would llke Lo see growLh ln sLudenL
enrollmenL 1hroughouL Lhe Lerm we have been looklng aL Lhe LPS webslLe from dlfferenL
perspecLlves and runnlng numerous LesLs on lL Lo deLermlne subsLanLlaLe and reflne our
flndlngs by Lhe end of Lhe semesLer for Lhe flnal reporL
1he webslLe conLalns lnformaLlon LhaL ls useful for boLh currenL and prospecLlve sLudenLs lor
prospecLlve sLudenLs Lhere are pages coverlng degree programs admlsslons and flnanclal ald
career paLhs and faculLy proflles CurrenL sLudenLs may flnd some of Lhe same lnformaLlon
useful ln parLlcular degree requlremenLs and descrlpLlons of faculLy research 1here are also
forms ln Lhe lnformaLlon and 8esources page LhaL conLalns forms LhaL currenL sLudenLs need Lo
1he LPS webslLe ls a subseL of Lhe larger School of ubllc PealLh (SP) webslLe As such many
of Lhe llnks on Lhe LPS porLlon connecL Lo pages on Lhe SP slLe 1hese exLernal pages such as
Lhe rospecLlve SLudenLs secLlon whlch llnks from Lhe boLLom of each screen conLaln
lnformaLlon LhaL ls relevanL Lo Lhe LPS communlLy buL ls noL LPS speclflc
ln Lhls reporL we dlscuss Lhe resulLs of conducLlng heurlsLlc evaluaLlon of Lhe LPS webslLe
PeurlsLlc evaluaLlon ls a 'dlscounL usablllLy englneerlng meLhod' developed by !akob nlelsen for
user lnLerface deslgn evaluaLlon (nlelsen 1994) PeurlsLlc evaluaLlons are qulck cheap and easy
Lo conducL LvaluaLors analyze Lhe adherence of Lhe user lnLerface (ul) Lo a seL of heurlsLlcs and
raLe Lhe severlLy of Lhelr flndlngs 1he lnLenL of heurlsLlc evaluaLlon ls Lo provlde feedback Lo
Lhe deslgners on Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe lnLerface ls llkely Lo be compaLlble wlLh Lhe lnLended
users' needs and preferences
Cur Leam acLed as Lhe evaluaLors and conducLed heurlsLlc evaluaLlons of LPS webslLe ln order
Lo answer Lhe quesLlon does Lhe LPS webslLe adhere Lo Lhe heurlsLlcs seL forLh by nlelsen?
1hls quesLlon however ls noL answered wlLh a slmple yes or no because some heurlsLlcs are
meL whlle oLhers are noL and sLlll oLhers are parLlally meL 1he flndlngs and recommendaLlons
gaLhered from our evaluaLlons deLall Lhe exLenL Lo whlch nlelsens heurlsLlcs are meL
1hls reporL deLalls Lhe resulLs of our heurlsLlc evaluaLlon We analyzed Lhe compllance of Lhe
LPS webslLe Lo a subseL of Lhe heurlsLlcs devlsed by !akob nlelsen and raLed Lhe severlLy of
each devlaLlon based on lLs expecLed lmpacL on Lhe users' lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe sysLem 1he goal
of heurlsLlc evaluaLlon ls Lo qulckly ldenLlfy usablllLy problems for Lhe deslgners Lo flx as parL of
lLeraLlve deslgn process
PeurlsLlc evaluaLlon ls carrled ouL by mulLlple evaluaLors lndependenLly MulLlple evaluaLors
are lnvolved because one person may noL be able Lo ldenLlfy all Lhe problems ln Lhe lnLerface
ln order Lo avold devlaLlons from belng overlooked more Lhan one evaluaLor parLlclpaLes
nlelsen recommends Lhree Lo flve evaluaLors hence all four of our Leam members parLlclpaLed
ln Lhe evaluaLlon
nlelsen devlsed a llsL of Len heurlsLlcs whlch were glven convenlenL oneword descrlpLors by
nlel (2009) 1hese descrlpLors are as follows
O leedback
O MeLaphor
O navlgaLlon
O ConslsLency
O Memory
O Lfflclency
O ueslgn
O Lrror revenLlon
O 8ecovery from Lrror
O Pelp

8rlefly we wlll explaln whaL nlelsen means by Lhese Lerms leedback ls lnformaLlon abouL whaL
Lhe sysLem ls dolng such as a progress bar for a loadlng page MeLaphor encompasses Lhe
maLch beLween Lhe expecLaLlons of Lhe users based on Lhelr real world experlence and Lhe
language of Lhe sysLem such as folders ln a compuLer conLalng flles llke a flllng cablneL does
navlgaLlon concerns how users move around Lhe program or webslLe and exlL from an area lf
need be such as navlgaLlon bars or Lhe back buLLon on a browser ConslsLency deals wlLh
wheLher lLems acLlons and Lerms mean Lhe same Lhlng ln dlfferenL places such as ensurlng
LhaL Lhe copy funcLlon ln a program acLs Lhe same for Lhe shorLcuL (conLrolc) as well as
selecLlng lL from a menu Memory refers Lo how much a person needs Lo remember Lhlngs
versus recognlze Lhem such as maklng opLlons vlslble raLher Lhan havlng dropdown menus so
users do noL have Lo remember where Lo flnd Lhem Lfflclency means sLreamllnlng Lhe process
so LhaL lLs useful Lo all levels of users for example havlng shorLcuLs for acLlons whlch
experlenced users can uLlllze ueslgn speaks Lo Lhe vlsual aspecLs such as layouL and relevanL
lnformaLlon versus unnecessary cluLLer Lrror prevenLlon ls provldlng Lhe users wlLh cues Lo
keep Lhem from maklng a mlsLake for example placlng a noLe above a daLe enLry box LhaL says
whlch formaL ls accepLable (le uu/MM/????) 8ecovery from error ls abouL Lhe error mesages
provlded Lo users when errors occur for example a good error message explalns lLself ln plaln
language and glves Lhe user a course of acLlon and alLernaLe Pelp provldes Lhe users wlLh
documenLaLlon ln whlch Lo learn more abouL an lLem or how Lo solve a problem such as Lhe
help documenLaLlon ln Word LhaL provldes sLep for LroubleshooLlng problems

Cf Lhese Len heurlsLlcs Lrror revenLlon 8ecovery from Lrror and Pelp were deemed Lo be
lrrelevanL Lo Lhe ul we were evaluaLlng because Lhe users enLered no daLa lnLo Lhe sysLem
Pence we chose only a subseL of seven ouL of Lhe Len heurlsLlcs namely leedback MeLaphor
navlgaLlon ConslsLency Memory Lfflclency and ueslgn Lo evaluaLe Lhe LPS webslLe AfLer
narrowlng our llsL of heurlsLlcs each one of us separaLely evaluaLed Lhe webslLe for adherence
Lo Lhe heurlsLlcs 1he raLlonale behlnd evaluaLlng lndlvldually ls LhaL each lndlvldual ls llkely Lo
noLlce lssues LhaL oLhers do noL
We dlvlded Lhe heurlsLlcs lnLo a seL of Lhree and a seL of four and Lhen examlned Lhe webslLe
focuslng on lssues relaLlng Lo each seL separaLely lor each seL of heurlsLlcs we evaluaLed Lhe
lnLerface ln Lwo passes 1he purpose of Lhe flrsL pass ls Lo geL a general ldea abouL pages and
secLlons belng evaluaLed ln Lhe second pass we scruLlnlzed Lhe crlLlcal elemenLs LhaL were
ldenLlfled durlng Lhe flrsL pass and evaluaLed Lhem agalnsL Lhe subseL of heurlsLlcs ulvldlng Lhe
heurlsLlcs lnLo Lwo seL and maklng mulLlple passes of Lhe webslLe allowed us Lo focus our
aLLenLlon beLLer
We used a Lable Lo record our observaLlons where each row represenLed a heurlsLlc When a
devlaLlon (or adherence) was encounLered lL was recorded agalnsL Lhe heurlsLlc belng vlolaLed
(or complled Lo) ln Lhe Lable lor many elemenLs we performed Lhe evaluaLlon ln more Lhan
Lwo passes when Lhe lmpacL of Lhe devlaLlon was noL lmmedlaLely dlscernable lor each
observaLlon we also noLed a severlLy raLlng correspondlng Lo lL
1he severlLy raLlng ls a numerlc value asslgned Lo each observaLlon based on anLlclpaLed
lmpacL of Lhe observaLlon on Lhe user's experlence wlLh Lhe lnLerface We chose Lo raLe Lhe
severlLy on a scale of 0 Lo 4 where
O 0 don'L agree LhaL Lhls ls a usablllLy problem
O 1 cosmeLlc problem
O 2 mlnor usablllLy problem
O 3 ma[or usablllLy problem lmporLanL Lo flx
O 4 usablllLy caLasLrophe lmperaLlve Lo flx
lollowlng Lhe lndlvldual evaluaLlon we aggregaLed our observaLlons Lo ldenLlfy Lhe mosL severe
lssues and oLher key flndlngs 8aLher Lhan clusLerlng all flndlngs for each heurlsLlc we recorded
all Lhe heurlsLlcs LhaL apply Lo each flndlng We Lhen asslgned raLlngs for Lhe severlLy of each
flndlng 8ased on Lhe value of Lhe raLlngs we were able Lo ldenLlfy boLh Lhe mosL severe lssues
and Lhe good feaLures of Lhe user lnLerface deslgn
As an appendlx we have lncluded Lhe comblned resulLs of our lndlvldual evaluaLlons

I|nd|ngs and kecommendat|ons

key I|nd|ngs
loJloq 1 5lmllotly oomeJ lloks wltblo eocb ptoqtom sectloo Jo oot olwoys llok to tbe some
5evetlty kotloq J (mojot osoblllty ptoblem)
1he LPS webslLe has lnformaLlon speclflc Lo each program offered ln Lhe deparLmenL Lach
program has a homepage whlch conLalns llnks Lo uegrees Careers 8esearch and laculLy
Across all programs' homepages Lhe uegrees secLlon shows lnformaLlon LhaL ls speclflc Lo each
program 1he 8esearch llnk ln all Lhe programs connecLs Lo Lhe SP page on research LhaL ls
speclflc Lo LPS Powever Lhe Careers llnk ln some programs dlsplays a page LhaL ls speclflc Lo
Lhe program whlle ln oLher programs such as LnvlronmenLal CuallLy and PealLh CccupaLlonal
LnvlronmenLal Lpldemlology and 8lsk Sclences Lhe Careers llnk connecLs Lo Lhe general
career lnformaLlon LhaL ls dlsplayed ln Lhe Careers secLlon of Lhe SP webslLe Slmllarly Lhe
laculLy llnk ln Lhe homepage of Lhese programs connecLs Lo Lhe SP laculLy page wlLh
lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo LPS deparLmenL whlle Lhe laculLy llnk ln oLher programs' homepages
llnk Lo pages LhaL dlsplay lnformaLlon abouL faculLy for LhaL parLlcular program
Pence Lhere ls an lnconslsLency among whaL llnks wlLh Lhe same name connecL Lo across
dlfferenL programs 1hls ls also a devlaLlon from whaL Lhe user expecLs Lo see on cllcklng Lhe
Careers 8esearch and laculLy llnk on programs' pages As Lhere are separaLe llnks Lo Careers
8esearch and laculLy ln Lhe general LPS slLe level Lhe users would expecL lnformaLlon speclflc
Lo Lhe program when Lhey see Lhese llnks ln Lhe programs' pages 8uL when Lhese llnks connecL
Lo Lhe same general secLlons Lhere ls a mlsmaLch beLween whaL Lhe llnks lmply and whaL Lhey
acLually do Pence Lhere ls a vlolaLlon from Lhe MeLaphor heurlsLlc as well
kecommendat|on Across programs make Lhe lnformaLlon dlsplayed conslsLenL lor programs
whose Careers llnk currenLly connecLs Lo Lhe general Careers secLlon creaLe correspondlng
Careers page wlLhln Lhe LPS webslLe and llnk Lo lL Slmllarly creaLe page for program speclflc
faculLy lnformaLlon 1hls ls lmporLanL especlally for prospecLlve sLudenLs as lL would be
lmporLanL for Lhem Lo know abouL career paLhs assoclaLed wlLh a program ln addlLlon Lo
faculLy assoclaLed wlLh Lhe program and Lhelr research lnLeresLs before prospecLlve sLudenLs
declde Lo apply Lo Lhe deparLmenL or accepL admlsslon declslons
loJloq 2 1be tetm lofotmotloo ooJ kesootces lo tbe left oovlqotloo ls too voqoe
5evetlty kotloq J (mojot osoblllty ptoblem)
1he LPS webslLe has a secLlon named lnformaLlon and 8esources whlch provldes llnks Lo
sLudenL handbooks degree requlremenLs and varlous forms 8uL Lhe Lerm lnformaLlon and
8esources ls Loo broad and may lmply dlfferenL Lhlngs Lo Lhe user 1he enLlre webslLe ls
lnLended Lo provlde lnformaLlon Lo prospecLlve and currenL sLudenLs and Lo alumnl And from
Lhe Lerm '8esources' users may noL be able Lo dlscern whaL klnd of resources may be avallable
ln Lhe secLlon Moreover oLher secLlons ln Lhe webslLe llke Admlsslons and llnanclal Ald
provlde llnks Lo resources Loo buL Lhese resources are noL presenL ln Lhe lnformaLlon and
8esources secLlon 1he Lerm 'lnformaLlon and 8esources' ls mlsleadlng as lL appears Lo be a hub
for all lnformaLlon and resources avallable Lo Lhe user lL ls noL lnLulLlve LhaL degree
requlremenLs may be a parL of Lhls secLlon 1here ls a mlsmaLch beLween whaL Lhe user expecLs
from Lhe secLlon and whaL ls acLually presenL Pence lL ls a devlaLlon from Lhe meLaphor
Also Lhe users have Lo remember 8esources refers Lo forms and documenLs 1hey have Lo
recall where Lo flnd Lhe forms and handbooks from memory 1hls could be confuslng and a llLLle
frusLraLlng for Lhe users uurlng our user lnLervlews many of our respondenLs sLaLed LhaL Lhey
ofLen do noL remember where Lo flnd Lhe forms and resorL Lo uslng Lhe search box ln Lhe
webslLe Lo obLaln Lhe forms

kecommendat|on Change Lhe name of Lhe secLlon from 'lnformaLlon and 8esources' Lo
someLhlng more speclflc Lo Lhe acLual conLenLs of Lhe secLlon llke 'Pandbooks and forms'
'uegree requlremenLs and forms' or 'Culdellnes and forms'

loJloq J 5ome extetool poqes looJ lo tbe poteot wloJow wblle otbets opeo lo o oew wloJow
5evetlty kotloq 2 (mloot osoblllty ptoblem)
1he LPS webslLe ls a subseL of Lhe larger School of ubllc PealLh (SP) webslLe As such many
of Lhe llnks on Lhe LPS porLlon connecL Lo pages on Lhe SP slLe Whlle cllcklng on some llnks
opens Lhe page ln Lhe currenL wlndow or browser Lab some oLher llnks connecL Lo pages LhaL
load ln a new wlndow 1hls ls a devlaLlon from Lhree heurlsLlcs namely conslsLency navlgaLlon
and feedback
1here ls an lnconslsLency across Lhe slLe ln how llnks Lo exLernal pages are opened Also Lhere
ls no feedback of any sorL provlded when an exLernal page ls belng opened elLher ln Lhe parenL
wlndow or ln a new wlndow 1hls could lead Lo navlgaLlon problems as Lhe user may be
confused as Lo where Lhey are ln Lhe slLe and how Lhey could go back Lo Lhe LPS webslLe
kecommendat|on lncorporaLe conslsLency ln openlng exLernal pages lL ls good pracLlce Lo
make exLernal pages anyLhlng noL speclflcally wlLh ln Lhe LPS speclflc porLlon of Lhe webslLe
open ln a new wlndow raLher Lhan ln Lhe currenL wlndow ln addlLlon some lndlcaLlon can be
provlded LhaL Lhe llnk connecLs Lo an exLernal page and wlll open ln a new wlndow llke an lcon
nexL Lo Lhe llnk
loJloq 4 Ooly lo some coses tbe osets coo koow tbe poqes tbey bove vlslteJ olteoJy
5evetlty kotloq 2 (mloot osoblllty ptoblem)
1he pages of LPS webslLe conLaln a loL of llnks Lo secLlons wlLhln Lhe webslLe and Lo exLernal
pages 1he llnks ln Lhe body of Lhe pages change color when a user cllcks on Lhem Lo show Lhe
pages LhaL have been vlslLed 1hls helps Lhe user Lo recognlze Lhe pages already vlewed raLher
Lhan forclng Lhem Lo rely on recall Powever Lhe llnks on Lhe lefL navlgaLlon pane do noL
lncorporaLe Lhls feaLure 1hus lf Lhe user were Lo vlslL Lhe secLlons llnked ln Lhe lefL navlgaLlon
Lhey would have Lo remember whlch pages Lhey have already vlewed Pence Lhere ls an
lnconslsLency ln chooslng Lo represenL Lhe pages already vlewed by Lhe user
AlLhough Lhere ls a breadcrumbs feaLure lncorporaLed ln Lhe slLe lL ls Lhe boLLom mosL llne
on Lhe Lop navlgaLlon secLlon lL represenLs Lhe poslLlon of Lhe currenL page wlLhln Lhe
hlerarchy of Lhe webslLe raLher Lhan Lhe acLual web pages Lhe user vlewed and Lhe order of
vlewlng before reachlng Lhe currenL page Pence Lhe user would have Lo recall from memory
Lhe pages prevlously vlewed raLher Lhan recognlze from a llsL presenLed 1he breadcrumb
sysLem also only dlsplays Lhe pages poslLlon when Lhe user ls wlLhln Lhe LPS speclflc pages lf
Lhe user follows a llnk LhaL dlrecLs Lhem Lo an exLernal deparLmenL or webslLe (for example
one of Lhe SP pages) Lhe breadcrumb Lracklng changes
kecommendat|on Modlfy Lhe breadcrumbs feaLure Lo dlsplay Lhe sequence of pages vlslLed by
Lhe user Lo reach Lhe currenL page Also creaLe a slLemap for Lhe webslLe for Lhe users Lo geL
an ldea of Lhe overall organlzaLlon of Lhe webslLe and Lo know where Lhelr acLlon le cllcklng on
a llnk could lead Lhem lor all llnks ln Lhe webslLe show Lhe hyperllnks of pages prevlously
vlslLed ln a color dlfferenL from Lhe color of hyperllnks of pages noL yeL vlewed
loJloq 5 1be sttoctote ooJ Jeslqo of tbe webslte os o wbole ls cooslsteot ooJ complles wltb
tbe 5ln webslte Jeslqo
5evetlty kotloq 1 (cosmetlc ptoblem)
1he overall deslgn of Lhe webslLe ls conslsLenL and Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe webslLe ls good All of
Lhe pages LhaL are lnLernal Lo Lhe LPS webslLe conLaln a navlgaLlon pane on Lhe lefL wlLh llnks
Lo Lhe dlfferenL secLlons of Lhe slLe and a Culck Llnks pane on Lhe rlghL 1here are no dlsrupLlve
or dlsLracLlng elemenLs ln Lhe web pages ln Lhe home page of each program abbrevlaLlons are
explalned before Lhey are used ln all Lhe pages however Lhere ls a loL of lnformaLlon LhaL
appears ln Lhe form of block LexL 1he conLenLs of Lhe pages are Loo verbose and hence make lL
very dlfflculL for Lhe user Lo dlscern Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL Lhey seek by [usL looklng aL Lhe LexL
1he deslgn of Lhe webslLe ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe deslgn of Lhe SP webslLe 1hough Lhls ls a
poslLlve flndlng Lhere ls some problem lnvolved wlLh lL As sLaLed earller Lhere are many llnks
on Lhe LPS webslLe whlch connecL Lo exLernal pages ln Lhe maln SP webslLe 1here ls no
feedback provlded when an exLernal page ls loaded When Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe exLernal page ls
slmllar Lo Lhe LPS webslLe's pages Lhe users may become confused as Lo where Lhey are and
how Lhey can geL back Lo where Lhey sLarLed
kecommendat|on Condense webslLe LexL Lo ensure lL all geLs read by Lhe user Make Lhe
program more lnvlLlng by explalnlng lL ln fewer buL more preclse words Lo aLLracL prospecLlve
sLudenLs Also conslder pulllng ouL llnks Lo Lhe sldebars and uLlllze columns ln order Lo help
users flnd whaL Lhey are looklng for qulcker and so Lhey do noL geL losL ln a Langle of embedded
llnks ln a blg block of LexL
8ecause of Lhe unlque naLure of Lhe webslLes we dld noL belleve all of Lhe heurlsLlcs were
appllcable ln parLlcular we refralned from dlscusslng Lrror revenLlon 8ecovery from Lrror
and Pelp 1hese Lhree heurlsLlcs are more useful when deallng wlLh sysLems ln whlch users
lnpuL lnformaLlon Slnce Lhe only lnpuL a user would glve oLher Lhan Lhe search bar ls cllcklng
on hyperllnks Lhe only error a user could make ls navlgaLlng Lo a page Lhey dld noL wanL Lo
see We LhoughL LhaL Lhe besL ways Lo address Lhls Lype of error were already menLloned ln
our dlscusslons of Lhe oLher heurlsLlcs
Also whlle analyzlng Lhe pages of Lhe LPS webslLe for adherence Lo heurlsLlcs we found a gray
area ln Lhe case of Lhe 8esearch secLlon 1he 8esearch llnk connecLs Lo an exLernal page on Lhe
SP buL wlLh conLenLs speclflc Lo research work aL LPS 1he deslgn of Lhls page ls compleLely
dlfferenL from Lhe deslgn of Lhe LPS webslLe We are noL sure wheLher Lhls page comes under
Lhe realms of Lhe SP webslLe or lf lL should be consldered a parL of LPS webslLe for evaluaLlon
purposes as lL ls relaLed Lo LPS So Lhough we evaluaLed lLs compllance wlLh heurlsLlcs we
omlLLed lL from our dlscusslons
ln Lhls reporL we dlscussed Lhe resulLs of our comparlson of Lhe LPS webslLe agalnsL a seL of
usablllLy heurlsLlcs creaLed by nlelsen We lndlvldually examlned Lhe webslLe and found places
where Lhese heurlsLlcs were vlolaLed and Lhen asslgned a severlLy ranklng Lo Lhe problem nexL
we aggregaLed our lndlvldual resulLs and flnallzed our recommendaLlons and severlLy ranklngs

Cverall we found LhaL Lhe LPS webslLe has been compeLenLly deslgned we found no lssues LhaL
we belleved deserved Lhe hlghesL severlLy raLlng usablllLy caLasLrophe and only a couple LhaL
were ma[or usablllLy problems Powever Lhere were a few places where we LhoughL LhaL Lhe
webslLe deslgn mlghL make flndlng lnformaLlon dlfflculL for users We ldenLlfled Lhese ln our
flndlngs and made recommendaLlons for Lhelr lmprovemenL Cur recommendaLlons should be
relaLlvely easy Lo lmplemenL and wlll serve Lo enhance Lhe usablllLy of Lhe LPS webslLe for all of
lLs users
nlelsen !akob (1994) PeurlsLlc LvaluaLlon ln ! nellsen and 8 L Mack eds usablllLy lnspecLlon
MeLhods !ohn Wlley Sons new ?ork new ?ork
nell 1heresa (2009) 8eLrleved from hLLp//deslgnlngweblnLerfacescom/6LlpsforagreaLflex

nd|v|dua| Lva|uat|ons
u8L (// means add hLLp//wwwsphumlchedu/ehs Lo beglnnlng of u8L)

SeverlLy (0 don'L agree LhaL Lhls ls a usablllLy problem 1 cosmeLlc problem 2 mlnor
usablllLy problem 3 ma[or usablllLy problem lmporLanL Lo flx 4 usablllLy caLasLrophe
lmperaLlve Lo flx)
UkL Descr|t|on deas
nA 1here ls a page loadlng progress bar aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe browser buL Lhls ls noL a
feaLure of Lhe webslLe
0 SLeve
Pyperllnks change color and/or underllnlng
when hovered over lnformlng users LhaL
you can cllck on Lhe llnk
0Lhls ls
ALL Changes Lo hyperllnks when hovered noL
conslsLenL lefL navlgaLlon (underllne) qulck
llnks (change color no underllne) body
(already underllned change color) ln
//program/lndex (secLlon llnksbackground
changes color no underllnlng no LexL color
change) vlslLedbody llnks/qulck llnks
change color lefL navlgaLlon doesnL
nL color
l would
Lhls a 1
all ln LPS slLe Lhere ls a conslsLenL overall
unclear whaL lnformaLlon and
8esources are doesnL Lhe whole slLe
conLaln lnformaLlon and lsnL lnformaLlon a
resource? 1he page conslsLs of offlclal
forms degree requlremenLs and
ng llke
3 SLeve
Careers LCP goes Lo LPS secLlon wlLhln SP
career slLe PSA1 has lL own career secLlon
on Lhe LPS slLe
s could
may be
1hls porLlon of Lhe program conLalns
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe program as well as
Lhe degree
2 SLeve
A new screen pops up when courses LaughL
ls cllcked on buL Lhe new page ls sLlll wlLhln
Lhe LPS slLe Pow ls lL deLermlned whlch
pages wlll pop up and whlch wlll show on
Lhe same screen?
Any u8L
sLay ln
pop up
3 SLeve
Lef navlgaLlon deparLmenL names are
abbrevlaLlons prospecLlve sLudenLs may noL
be famlllar wlLh Lhem
0Lhls ls
noL on
of Lhe
ALL loLs of navlgaLlon llnks users can geL mosL
anywhere ln Lhe slLe ln a few cllcks also
0 SLeve
back buLLon on browser oLherwlse no way
Lo flx a mlsLake
ALL lefL navlgaLlon ls good place for navlgaLlon 0
Lhrough SCPAS SCPAS ls a hyperllnk
buL space beLween Lwo words also
hyperllnked only Lhe word should be
1 SLeve
All no lnformaLlon Lo enLer so no errors Lo
make lf you go Lo a wrong page Lheres
always Lhe back arrow
0 SLeve
Memory //lnfor
SLudenLs would need Lo remember LhaL Lhls
means forms and offlclal documenLs
of pages
a pages
s need
lL ls
Lhey be
able Lo
// Pome page has 4 plcLures ln a row degree
programs have 4 plcLures ln a square
1 SLeve
Memory All llnk sLrucLure shallow so you can geL Lo any
page from any oLher ln a few cllcks however
havlng many cholces on each page may
confuse sLudenLs as Lo such cholce Lhey
should make when looklng for speclflc
a slLe
bar on
Lop ls
g would
anL Lo
on Lhan
All 1here are no acceleraLors/shorLcuL keys lLs
[usL llnks Lo more web pages experLs and
novlces would need Lo follow Lhe same llnks
unless experLs remembered more efflclenL
ls noL an
Lo do
Lhls ls
of Lhe
ueslgn All Cenerally mlnlmallsL (header lefL nav rlghL
nav fooLer) buL Loo much LexL
1 SLeve
ueslgn //execu
Creen sLar/splash on rlghL behlnd LexL ls
1 SLeve
LlsLed on lefL navlgaLlon wlLh degrees and
programs buL noL qulLe Lhe same caLegory
as Lhe resL slnce lL could be done wlLh any
1 SLeve
All Lhere are no errors Lo make excepL geLLlng
Lo a page you donL wanL Lo see Lhere are
no error messages Lo Lell you where Lo geL
Lo where you wanL Lo go
0 SLeve
Pelp All 1hls ls a webslLe Lhere ls no documenLaLlon
Lo make
Make a
form Lo
flll ouL lf
0 SLeve
Some exLernal pages open ln parenL wlndow
whlle oLhers pop up ln Lhe home page for
each speclallzaLlon Lhe Careers llnk for LCP
2 Caya
CLL and 8lsk sclences polnL Lo Lhe general
Careers page whlle oLher have speclflc
careers pages for Lhe speclallzaLlon Slmllarly
Lhe laculLy llnk for LCP and 8lsk sclences
polnL Lo Lhe general faculLy page whlle
oLhers polnL Lo speclallzaLlon speclflc pages
1he layouL of Lhe Courses laculLy and
8esearch pages are dlfferenL from Lhe LPS
ueslgn 1oo verbose 3 Caya
1here are many llnks Lhrough whlch lnfo can
be found Search box ls also avallable for
0 Caya
Cn hoverlng over Lhe llnks on Lhe lefL panel
a Lool Llp pops ouL wlLh Lhe same LexL as Lhe
llnk ls Lhls feedback necessary? 1here ls no
feedback when golng Lo exLernal page
1 Caya
Pelp no Pelp or lAC for Lhe slLe 8uL ls lL
Memory no recall necessary as all lnfo can be
reached Lhrough llnks ArchlLecLure ls preLLy
0 Caya
ln Lhe home pages of speclallzaLlons
abbrevlaLlons are explalned before usage
8uL ln laculLy page ln Lhe lefL pane
abbrevlaLlons are used wlLhouL explanaLlon
(buL lL ls exLernal Lo LPS slLe So do we
1 Caya
SlLemap could be provlded 8readcrumbs
are presenL buL only glve Lhe hlerarchy for
LhaL page noL how Lhe user acLually goL
2 Caya
Some exLernal slLes open ln same wlndow as
parenL whlle oLhers pop ouL
2 Caya
nA Caya
nA Caya
1ermlnology ls conslsLenL alLhough noL
speclflc Lo whlch programs page you wlll be
dlrecLed 1he web deslgn ls noL conslsLenL
wlLhln Lhe LPS pages MosL conLaln Lhe
same header wlLh LPS buL oLhers ex Lhe
2 Lllle
research pages have a compleLely dlfferenL
color scheme and lnlLlally look llke Lhey are
noL aL all relaLed Lo LPS
ueslgn A loL of lnformaLlon ln block LexL makes lL
dlfflculL Lo dlscern lnformaLlon soughL
8readcrumb sysLem dlfflculL Lo dlfferenLlaLe
from resL of page
2 Lllle
Same lssue of varlable navlgaLlon polnLs
lnconslsLenL use of breadcrumb sysLem Lo
declpher where Lhe user ls wlLhln Lhe
2 Lllle
no daLa ls enLered lnLo Lhe webslLe and no
feedback ls reLurned
0 Lllle
Pelp no help secLlon or lAC secLlon lf Lhe user ls
sLruggllng Lo flnd lnformaLlon Lhe only
recourse ls Lo use Lhe search bar users
could posslbly emall or phone vla Lhe
conLacL lnformaLlon found on Lhe ConLacL
lnformaLlon page
2 Lllle
Memory ulfflculL Lo reLurn Lo prevlous screens when
menus change (LPS vs SP pages) 1he user
musL remember whaL screens have Lhe
navlgaLlon polnLs Lo deslred lnformaLlon
2 Lllle
Courses 1he names on Lhe menu bar and Lhe
lnformaLlon lL llnks Lo generally adheres Lo
expecLaLlon CfLen Llme more lnformaLlon
or perhaps beLLer organlzed lnformaLlon
mlghL be expecLed buL noLhlng falls Lo
adhere Lo Lhe appllcable meLaphor
2 Lllle
Menus lead Lo appllcable lnformaLlon buL
someLlmes open pages ln new wlndows
someLlmes llnk Lo SP Webages and
someLlmes go Lo unlverslLy general pages
once you have exlLed Lhe core LPS pages lL
ls dlfflculL Lo flnd your way back Lo Lhem
(Lhe lefL menu bar changes eLc)
3 Lllle
Lrror prevenLlon noL appllcable Lo Lhls
0 Lllle
Slnce no daLa ls enLered lnLo Lhe sysLem
Lhere are no error messages nonexlsLenL
pages or broken llnks provlde Lhe sLandard
404 message whlch ls noL LPS speclflc nor
does lL provlde lnformalLon Lo Lhe user for
0 Lllle
posslble remedles
ln order Lo check for feedback l cllcked lnLo
Lhe Admlsslons llnk on Lhe lefL sldebar Lhen
lnLo Pazardous SubsLances1he only
feedback l noLlced was ln Lhe u8L bar whlch
had a splnnlng lLem and sald loadlng1he
pages loaded so qulckly LhaL lL was hardly
noLlceable1hls may be Lhe Safarl browser
LhaL l am uslng raLher Lhan Lhe webslLe
lLselflL's hard Lo Lell
1 Lmlly
1he webslLe does a good [ob of mlmlcklng
Lhe real world 1he dlfferenL caLegorles on
Lhe lefL sldebar are famlllar and lL's whaL a
user would expecL Lo flnd on Lhls Lype of
hlgher educaLlon deparLmenL webpage lL
follows LhaL Lhe headlngs on Lhe lefL lead Lo
more lnformaLlon and Lhe user can pursue
llnks Lo flnd our more speclflcs lor example
rograms and uegrees has each speclflc
program llsLed underneaLh and cllcklng lnLo
one would allow Lhe user Lo learn more
abouL LhaL program ln parLlcular 1he
caLegory lnformaLlon and 8esources does
seem vague and could be overlooked slnce
Lhe who purpose of Lhls webslLe ls Lo
provlde lnformaLlon and also because lL
does noL speclfy whaL resources can be
found by cllcklng on Lhe llnk 1he resL of Lhe
caLegorles are selfexplanaLory
1 Lmlly
8y followlng Lhls llnk paLh 8lsk Sclences
uegrees Sample Currlculum l can vlew a
mock schedule and courses Powever lf l
wanL Lo geL back Lo Lhe maln 8lsk Sclences
page lL ls less lnLulLlve l can geL Lo Lhe
second level ln wlLh Lhe uegrees Careers
8esearch and laculLy llnks rlghL aL Lhe Lop
on Lhe page 1o geL back Lo Lhe maln 8lsk
Sclences l could cllck Lhe navlgaLlon on Lhe
lefL sldebar or by uslng Lhe back buLLon
Whlle Lhere ls a header of 8lsk Sclences on
Lhe Lop` of Lhe page lL ls noL cllckable
Lhough Lhls would be loglcal
1 Lmlly
1he vocabulary ls conslsLenL LhroughouL Lhe
webslLe Cne odd caveaL Lhough Lhe
2 Lmlly
Careers llnks led Lo someLlmes more generlc
lnformaLlon and someLlmes speclflc
program lnformaLlon lor example
Pazardous SubsLances has speclflc
lnformaLlon Lhough Lhe Careers llnk on lLs
program page as does Puman nuLrlLlon
lndusLrlal Pyglene and 1oxlcology 1he
oLher Lwo lead Lo a more generlc slLe LhaL
provldes lnformaLlon on all Lhe programs
also Lhe 8lsk Sclences llnk opens ln Lhe
same wlndow where as Lhe LnvlronmenLal
CuallLy and PealLh llnk opens ln a new
wlndow 1here ls an lnconslsLency wlLh how
Lhe webpage acLs from Lhe homepage Lhe
8esearch llnk on Lhe lefL sldebar opens a
new wlndow and Lakes me Lo an SP
webslLe and Lhls ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe
parLlcular program pages as well Powever
Lhe Pazardous SubsLances page as well as
Lhe CccupaLlonal and LnvlronmenLal
Lpldemlology page llnks Lo research does
noL open a new wlndow even Lhough lL sLlll
llnks Lo Lhe SP webslLe whlch ls noL
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe webslLe's
Slnce Lhls ls a webslLe and no need for user
lnpuL (such as ln a program/daLabase) Lhere
really ls noL Lhe necesslLy for or a posslblllLy
of Lhe user geLLlng error messages unless a
page does noL load or has moved
Memory 1he lefL sldebar caLegorles are loglcal
excepL lnformaLlon and 8esources and lend
Lhemselves Lo recognlLlon raLher Lhan recall
0 Lmlly
1here are many ways Lo navlgaLe and flnd
lnformaLlon on Lhe webslLe lefL sldebar
llnks embedded llnks qulck llnks box on Lhe
upper rlghL and a search box l guess Lhls
allows new and reLurnlng users dlfferenL
opLlons Lo flnd Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey need
or Lo [usL browse efflclenLly 1here are noL
Lhe capablllLles Lo Lallor frequenL acLlons
0 Lmlly
ueslgn Cne Lhlng LhaL ls noLlceable ls LhaL Lhe
webslLe does noL have separaLe secLlons for
3 Lmlly
prospecLlve and currenL sLudenLs 1hls
means LhaL Admlsslons ls ln Lhe lefL sldebar
buL unnecessary for currenL sLudenLs
Lhough llnanclal Ald ls also lncluded ln LhaL
llnk so currenL sLudenLs may go Lhere
anyway and see all Lhe lrrelevanL admlsslons
lnformaLlon along wlLh relevanL flnanclal ald
lnformaLlon 1hls ls Lhe mosL obvlous
l came across a 404 uocumenL noL lound
error message for Lhe page Careers ln Lhe
paLh 8lsk Sclences uegrees Sample
Currlculum Careers lL ls wrlLLen ln plaln
language LhaL ls undersLandable and Lrles Lo
help accounL for Lhe mlsslng page by
provldlng anoLher place Lo search for Lhe
lnformaLlon as well as a place where Lhe
lnformaLlon mlghL have moved lL's vague
Lhough ln Lhe sense LhaL Lhe error message
covers Lhe ma[or posslblllLles buL Lhe
lnformaLlon sLlll mlghL noL be found ln elLher
2 Lmlly
Pelp 1here ls noL a Pelp SecLlon or an lAC on Lhe
webslLe 1here ls a ulrecLory llnk ln Lhe
mlddle of Lhe Lop of Lhe page buL Lhls ls a
sLaff dlrecLory 1he ConLacL lnformaLlon llnk
does noL offer Lhe necessary help LhaL
someone mlghL look for
2 Lmlly

Conso||dated Lva|uat|on
neur|st|c UkL Descr|t|on Sever|ty

leedback All
Pyperllnks change color and/or underllnlng when hovered
over lnformlng users LhaL you can cllck on Lhe llnk
0Lhls ls a
ConslsLency ALL Changes Lo hyperllnks when hovered noL conslsLenL lefL
navlgaLlon (underllne) qulck llnks (change color no
underllne) body (already underllned change color) ln
//program/lndex (secLlon llnksbackground changes color
no underllnlng no LexL color change) vlslLedbody
llnks/qulck llnks change color lefL navlgaLlon doesnL
2lf llnks
showed a
color afLer
Lhey were
vlslLed l
make Lhls
a 1
ConslsLency all ln LPS slLe Lhere ls a conslsLenL overall deslgn 0poslLlve
MeLaphor //lnf
unclear whaL lnformaLlon and 8esources are doesnL
Lhe whole slLe conLaln lnformaLlon and lsnL lnformaLlon a
resource? 1he page conslsLs of offlclal forms degree
requlremenLs and handbooks
navlgaLlon ALL loLs of navlgaLlon llnks users can geL mosL anywhere ln Lhe
slLe ln a few cllcks also back buLLon on browser oLherwlse
no way Lo flx a mlsLake
ConslsLency ALL lefL navlgaLlon ls good place for navlgaLlon 0poslLlve
Memory //lnf
SLudenLs would need Lo remember LhaL Lhls means forms
and offlclal documenLs
forms LhaL
need lL ls
LhaL Lhey
be able Lo
easlly flnd
Memory All llnk sLrucLure shallow so you can geL Lo any page from any
oLher ln a few cllcks however havlng many cholces on each
page may confuse sLudenLs as Lo such cholce Lhey should
make when looklng for speclflc lnformaLlon
1l Lhlnk
would be
Lo work on
Lhan llnk
ueslgn All Cenerally mlnlmallsL (header lefL nav rlghL nav fooLer) buL
Loo much LexL
ConslsLency Some exLernal pages open ln parenL wlndow whlle oLhers
pop up ln Lhe home page for each speclallzaLlon Lhe
Careers llnk for LCP CLL and 8lsk sclences polnL Lo Lhe
general Careers page whlle oLher have speclflc careers
pages for Lhe speclallzaLlon Slmllarly Lhe laculLy llnk for
LCP and 8lsk sclences polnL Lo Lhe general faculLy page
whlle oLhers polnL Lo speclallzaLlon speclflc pages 1he
layouL of Lhe Courses laculLy and 8esearch pages are
dlfferenL from Lhe LPS webslLe
Memory no recall necessary as all lnfo can be reached Lhrough llnks
ArchlLecLure ls preLLy shallow
MeLaphor ln Lhe home pages of speclallzaLlons abbrevlaLlons are
explalned before usage 8uL ln laculLy page ln Lhe lefL pane
abbrevlaLlons are used wlLhouL explanaLlon (buL lL ls
exLernal Lo LPS slLe So do we care?)
navlgaLlon SlLemap could be provlded 8readcrumbs are presenL buL
only glve Lhe hlerarchy for LhaL page noL how Lhe user
acLually goL Lhere
Memory ulfflculL Lo reLurn Lo prevlous screens when menus change
(LPS vs SP pages) 1he user musL remember whaL screens
have Lhe navlgaLlon polnLs Lo deslred lnformaLlon
ConslsLency 1he vocabulary ls conslsLenL LhroughouL Lhe webslLe Cne
odd caveaL Lhough Lhe Careers llnks led Lo someLlmes
more generlc lnformaLlon and someLlmes speclflc program
lnformaLlon lor example Pazardous SubsLances has
speclflc lnformaLlon Lhough Lhe Careers llnk on lLs program
page as does Puman nuLrlLlon lndusLrlal Pyglene and
1oxlcology 1he oLher Lwo lead Lo a more generlc slLe LhaL
provldes lnformaLlon on all Lhe programs also Lhe 8lsk
Sclences llnk opens ln Lhe same wlndow where as Lhe
LnvlronmenLal CuallLy and PealLh llnk opens ln a new
wlndow 1here ls an lnconslsLency wlLh how Lhe webpage
acLs from Lhe homepage Lhe 8esearch llnk on Lhe lefL
sldebar opens a new wlndow and Lakes me Lo an SP
webslLe and Lhls ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe parLlcular program
pages as well Powever Lhe Pazardous SubsLances page as
well as Lhe CccupaLlonal and LnvlronmenLal Lpldemlology
page llnks Lo research does noL open a new wlndow even
Lhough lL sLlll llnks Lo Lhe SP webslLe whlch ls noL
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe webslLe's behavlor

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