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Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915


Leveraging e-R&D processes: a knowledge-based view

Eric H. Kessler ∗
Lubin School of Business, Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038-1598, USA


There is a growing application of Internet-driven networking tools to improve organizations and teams’ value-creating activities.
This is particularly true with regard to applying the technology to the conduct of industrial research and new product development
processes, or e-R&D. Notwithstanding, there is scant scientific research to assess how R&D teams are leveraging the Internet in
their innovation activities, if their efforts are efficient and effective, and how they could do better. This paper considers the following
interrelated research questions: (1) How can Internet-leveraged networks contribute to R&D project management, (2) Where are
these networks applied in the R&D process, and (3) What are the likely manifestations of such networks? It develops a framework
for understanding and testing these issues, based on a knowledge-based view of the firm, to examine internal, external, and memory-
related knowledge flows. Then, a three-dimensional template of e-R&D networks is developed that overlays each of these three
flows, based on Internet attributes, R&D process stages, and major R&D outcomes. Research hypotheses are offered, and directions
for future inquiries are discussed.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: R&D; Innovation; Internet

1. Introduction trial research and development processes (Alsene, 1999,

Burn and Barnett, 1999; Van den End and Wijnbeg,
There is much emphasis these days on building effec- 2001). The growing impact of Internet networking tools
tive networks, which is well justified given the impor- on R&D is manifest in its transformation of the pro-
tance and pervasiveness of network analysis in under- cesses by which organizational actors acquire technical
standing management and organizations. From knowledge, develop new products and services, and con-
population ecology to sociometric analysis, network con- nect with users. In short, the Internet affects R&D-ori-
cepts and modeling approaches have helped us under- ented organizations and groups by changing “the way
stand related phenomena at the population, inter-organi- minds work together” (Hafner, 2001).
zational, intra-organizational, and interpersonal levels Consider the following trends: More than one-third of
(Scott, 1992). This paper focuses on the Internet, defined businesses now use cyberspace for everything from fin-
as the world’s largest information network that connects ance to product development and virtual prototyping.
computers and the regional and the local networks that Penetration in corporate research has become even
connect these computers (Leshin, 1997). The Internet greater, as almost 80% of engineers now use the Internet
provides networking-related tools that can be used by for gathering procurement information and almost 95%
intra- and inter-organizational groups engaged in the of researchers have started using the Internet in some
research and development (R&D) process. form or another to improve their design and development
The Internet profoundly influences people’s personal work. Combined, these observations suggest that cyber-
lives and a growing number of organizational functions. innovation processes, or “e-R&D” (c.f., rolandber-
It affects technology strategy and the conduct of indus- ger.com, 2001), has emerged as a cutting-edge area of
application and investigation. Thus, it certainly warrants
the attention of academics, consultants, and corporate

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-212-346-1885; fax: +1-212-346- professionals in the technology and innovation manage-
1573. ment field.
E-mail address: ekessler@pace.edu (E.H. Kessler). Notwithstanding, there has been comparatively little

0166-4972/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
906 E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915

conceptual modeling, especially with regard to big-pic- the Internet’s potential is not equaled by its current state
ture relationships, and systematic, empirical investi- of leverage within and between organizations to create
gation into the optimization of these tools across the networked processes.
innovation process. That is, although there is a general With regard to upstream utilization of the Internet in
acknowledgement in the literature that Internet-enabled an e-R&D process, Barua et al. (1997) developed an ana-
networks are a potentially valuable tool to facilitate R& lytical model that offers buyers a maximized payoff from
D activities, there are few specific, empirical studies that the selection process by using the Internet for procure-
systematically investigate this assertion. Instead, most ment. Mitchell (2000) and Finch (1999) propose ways
research-related articles in this field are derived of idio- that the Internet can help corporations capture the crea-
syncratic observations and small-sample case descrip- tivity and insight of consumers and suppliers. More
tions. Moreover, these articles are largely disconnected specifically, Plymale and Hartgrove (1999) elaborate on
from each other. They appear in a wide variety of litera- two areas “ripe for evolution on the Web”, online com-
ture and seldom cross-reference or build from each parison of components and design-in capabilities in
other’s specialized focus. Indeed, it is fair to say that the component selection. Indeed, Studt’s (1999) survey of
literature is somewhat embryonic and fragmented. industrial researchers reveals that, currently, the
To provide an overall picture of the general state of maximum use of the Internet was finding technical infor-
the related literature, we adapt and apply Deise et al.’s mation followed by finding new product information and
(2000) typology of e-business channel enhancements then sourcing and purchasing information. Hefner (2001)
that result from leveraging information technology such illustrates this by describing Chrysler’s development
as the Internet. Through this lens, one can conceptualize process for a new wireless headset for its minivan, which
e-R&D input (or upstream) enhancements, conversion used the Internet to coordinate the half-dozen contractors
(or business process) enhancements, and downstream (or in virtual meetings.
selling and service) enhancements. With regard to process management via the Internet
In terms of general considerations of e-R&D net- in an e-R&D process, Deitz (1997) ponders ways to re-
working tools, Andrews (1999) argues that the Internet architecture design tools such as CAD, CAM, and CAE
impacts R&D primarily by altering not the end products to smoothly interface with the Internet. Iansiti and
but the overall R&D process. Andrew’s proposition is McCormack (1997) and Gardiner and Ritchie (1999)
consistent with the tone of this manuscript, where I focus
consider whether the Internet can be used to create a
not on e-products but on e-R&D. Similarly, Antonelli et
more effective development process for new products.
al. (2000) argue that the Internet is a critical medium for
To this end, Richir et al. (2001) describe a digital engin-
linking the development of information and new knowl-
eering design process that allows quicker innovation in
edge with its application. They contend that the Internet
a more creative way and favors direct commercialization
can be used to change the process of the accumulating
of industrial products that may be kept virtual throughout
new knowledge and affect the pace and direction of sub-
the design process. They argue that this type of process
sequent technological convergence upon which the evol-
ution of information and communication technologies also offers the potential for design as well as marketing
rests. Ghosh (1998) adds that the Internet presents differ- of these industrial products. For example, Sawhney and
ent types of opportunities for established businesses, one Prandelli (2000) show how the Internet can enable “com-
being its use to develop and deliver new products and munities of creation”, or virtual shared spaces for hosting
services for new customers. He discusses potential ways relationships and facilitating knowledge generation and
for a company to do this: Use it for direct access to sharing. Subsequent to design, Dahan and Srinivasan
customers (marketing), to mine its own digital assets to (2000) describe an Internet-based product concept test-
serve new customer segments (new niches), and to con- ing method that incorporates virtual prototypes of new
duct transactions over it (e-commerce). Sweeney (1999) product concepts. These authors elaborate on the poss-
reports on several firms that are “leveraging Internet ible ways of applying the Internet to facilitate a low-cost,
technology to streamline product development, manage parallel testing procedure that produced market shares
teams of workers in geographically dispersed locations, closely mirroring those obtained with the physical pro-
and reduce time to complete projects”. Nevertheless, he ducts.
concludes “the average company still lags well behind” In a slightly different yet complementary angle, Gupta
these trailblazers. This is important, for Miller (2001) (1997) considers the possibilities of using Intranets and
rightly observes that the Internet will be a critical Internets to facilitate internal communication. To this
component in fourth generation (4G) technology man- point, Hameri and Nihtila (1997) observe that the Inter-
agement; alas, most firms are still practicing outmoded net and World Wide Web (WWW) can be effectively
forms of technology management. Also, McGrath (2001) used to manage and disseminate project information
claims that the networked economy is changing all the throughout an organization. Similarly, Hibbard and Car-
rules in innovation. All in all, the consensus appears that rillo (1998) discuss the potential for leveraging the Inter-
E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915 907

net to facilitate knowledge management strategies in structures also contributes the knowledge applied to a
general. project (Burgelman and Rosenbloom, 1989; Prahalad
With regard to downstream application of the Internet and Hamel, 1990). How well an organization’s teams
in an e-R&D process, Corbiltt (1999) offers useful manage relevant internal and external networks, as well
observations about how the Internet might be best used as the cumulative and long-term manifestations of these
for secure financial transactions (e.g., digital signatures networks in its organizational memory, has direct impli-
and firewalls). Darko (1999) describes some applications cations concerning the success of its R&D processes
for developing partner-like relationships between com- (Kessler et al., 2001, 2000). These relationships are rep-
panies and consumers. Landry (1999) discusses the resented in Fig. 1. The subsequent sections discuss how
potential in the area of Internet-based product testing, leveraging Internet-driven e-R&D networking tools can
which allows companies to get customers’ reactions be a valuable tool for facilitating internal, external, and
quickly and cheaply. Moreover, Mathieu (2001) argues memory-related knowledge flows.
that, since technology transfer can be viewed largely as
a communication phenomenon, web-based information 2.2. Internal learning networks
systems can be used to help technology transfer.
Specifically, he examines manufacturing technologies The internal learning processes of an organization’s
related to rapid prototyping, production planning and R&D groups start with the creation of knowledge by
control, performance measurement, design for manufac- individuals (Simon, 1991); e-R&D networking tools can
ture, supply chain management and manufacturing give individuals access to a world of information and
simulation. potential fodder for insights, ranging from general news
In summary, the relevant e-R&D-related literature is webpages to a firm’s project database. New ideas are
largely a collection of practitioner-based observations then circulated among small networks of co-workers in
and illustrative case studies, as well as a growing yet a “community-of-practice” in the sense that they share
poorly connected body of more scholarly inquiries. similar perspectives and interpretation frameworks
There is scant theory-driven research to assess how com- (Brown and Duguid, 1991; Hedberg, 1981); e-R&D net-
panies are leveraging the Internet, if their efforts are working tools can provide channels for idea circulation
efficient and effective, and how they could do better. and can standardize information distribution approaches
This paper attempts to enhance the foundations for such to develop shared frameworks. Organizational learning
a broad-based endeavor. It adopts a knowledge-based occurs when the knowledge is transferred to the larger
view of the firm and offers a more general tone to reflect organizational network of individual specialists, inte-
the relative embryonic state of the scientific research grated with other knowledge areas, and applied to a new
literature as compared to actual business practices. For- product or process (Nonaka, 1994); e-R&D networking
mally, it consider the following interrelated research tools can facilitate knowledge transfer and, when com-
questions: (1) HOW can Internet-leveraged networks bined with database tools, help integrate knowledge into
contribute to R&D project management, (2) WHERE are existing paradigms and memory. Further, e-R&D net-
these networks applied in the R&D process, and (3) working tools are particularly well suited to overcome
WHAT are the likely manifestations of such networks. traditional barriers to internal learning networks by pro-
moting values such as openness and teamwork
(Starbuck, 1992), decentralized linkages and knowledge
2. Hypotheses development flows (Fiol and Lyles, 1985), and enhanced quantity and
quality of communication (Damanpour, 1991).
2.1. e-R&D networks vis-a-vis a knowledge-based Hypothesis 1a. Organizations that leverage e⫺R&D
view of the firm networks in project groups’ internal learning processes
to a greater extent will be more successful innovators
A knowledge-based view of firm activities is centered than those organizations that do so to a lesser extent.
around the notion that a firm’s success depends on how
well it can (a) enhance its own knowledge base by either
creating or obtaining new knowledge, (b) integrate its
different knowledge areas, and (c) apply its knowledge
to the development or enhancement of products or pro-
cesses (Grant, 1996; Nonaka, 1994; Kogut and Zander,
1992). Both internal and external knowledge flows con-
tribute to R&D-oriented group activity, although there is
considerable variability between projects on their rela-
tive degree of contribution. In addition, inter-project
learning via organizationally institutionalized memory Fig. 1. General knowledge flows in a networked R&D process.
908 E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915

2.3. External learning networks tutionalized practices. e-R&D networking tools can be
used to capture and store knowledge through systemized
In contrast, the external learning process starts with collection and coding of tasks and projects in files and
the identification of a new idea by an outside source and formal procedures and dissemination can be improved
the subsequent inter-network integration of this idea into by the use of computer systems and organizational
the focal organization. The new ideas may come from intranets. For example, information, expert, and prob-
customer and lead user feedback (Pascale, 1984; Von lem–solution databases can be used to facilitate inter-
Hipple, 1988); e-R&D networking tools are a source of project learning.
feedback insofar as they provide advanced and real-time However, it is important to note that much R&D-
linkages with these parties. External ideas can also be related knowledge is tacit, or difficult to codify. There-
copied from competitors via the monitoring of patents, fore it must be shared, stored and retrieved by more
publications, and public statements (Ghoshal and direct communications and sharing of experiences
Westney, 1991; Gilad and Gilad, 1988; Bierly and Chak- (Nonaka, 1994). It is critical during the new product
rabarti, 1996); e-R&D networking tools can help monitor development process to convert tacit knowledge stored
these developments through business intelligence fea- in the organization’s memory into explicit knowledge
tures, such as automatic scan and manual search pro- that can be understood by individuals lacking experience
cedures, that sift through and pinpoint relevant infor- in a specific area. To this end, e-R&D networking tools
mation among the immense Internet-available pool of can help overcome barriers to this translation by aiding
information. in the storage and dissemination of information
Organizations’ R&D-oriented groups also learn from (Huber, 1991).
others outside their industry such as university and Hypothesis 1c. Organizations that leverage e⫺R&D
government research centers (Imai et al., 1988; Mowery networks in project groups’ institutionalized memory
et al., 1996; Porter, 1990); e-R&D networking tools can processes to a greater extent will be more successful
provide vehicles for participating in these geographically innovators than those organizations that do so to a
dispersed cooperative arrangements. Additionally, e-R&D lesser extent.
networking tools are particularly well suited to overcome
traditional barriers to external learning, such as the not-
2.5. A 3-dimensional model of Internet-driven e-R&D
invented-here (NIH) syndrome (Katz and Allen, 1982),
networked processes
insofar as they make the process of group members
accessing outside information easier and more legitimate
and increase the degree to which existing expertise can Second, I consider the nature and effects of applying
be applied to understand the outside source (Cohen and the Internet to facilitate these knowledge flows via net-
Levinthal, 1990). worked R&D activities—i.e., e-R&D. In a global sense,
Hypothesis 1b. Organizations that leverage e⫺R&D I apply Deise et al.’s (2000) model to postulate that the
networks in project groups’ external learning processes Internet can (a) facilitate existing tasks in the R&D pro-
to a greater extent will be more successful innovators cess (can do the same stuff faster, cheaper, better)—it is
than those organizations that do so to a lesser extent. an enhancement and of incremental value—and (b) the
Internet fundamentally alters the R&D process (new
2.4. Organizational memory and longitudinal learning game, new rules, new criteria, new steps, tasks, and
networks sequences, etc..)—it is transformational and of frame-
breaking value. This is consistent with research in the
Over time, a firm’s success in R&D is a function of innovation literature that suggests R&D projects should
the cumulative development of internal and external be distinguished by their degree of radicalness, or degree
learning. Therefore, the management of an organiza- of change (Damanpour, 1991; Eisenhardt and Tabrizi,
tion’s memory, or the stored information from its history 1995; McDonough, 1993). Radical innovations are less
that can be transferred from group to group and brought certain, involve a greater proportion of experimentation
to bear on present decisions (Walsh and Ungson, 1991), and iterative problem solving, and hence require more
is crucial. As individuals and groups share and integrate flexibility and learning; e-R&D networking tools can
knowledge, the knowledge is stored in the organizational provide low-risk experimentation options via electronic
structure, systems, routines and procedures. This contrib- mediums and broad access to sources of information and
utes to the development of technological capabilities that learning. Incremental innovations are more certain,
can be applied across projects (Burgelman and Rosen- involve a greater proportion of planning and implemen-
bloom, 1989; Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). When individ- tation, and hence require more efficiency and com-
uals leave a team or organization, some of their knowl- pression; e-R&D networking tools can provide planning
edge also leaves but, depending on the effectiveness of and organizational resources as well as cost-effective
the organizational memory, some also remains as insti- communication and distribution and systems.
E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915 909

Hypothesis 2a. An Internet⫺driven networked e⫺R&

D process can both enhance and transform R&D.
It is also important to heed the advice of scholars who
have pointed to a moderated relationship between
knowledge flows and stages in the innovation process
(e.g. Damanpour, 1991; Spender and Kessler, 1995). For
example, Kessler et al. (2000) found that the func-
tionality of applying external knowledge (such as that
accessed via the Internet) to the R&D process is different
depending on the type of knowledge and the stage of
R&D to which it is applied. This means that some tasks
might be seen as more sensitive to e-R&D interventions
than others. Moreover, it is important to acknowledge
that strategy and specifically new product innovation
Fig. 2. 3-D model of Internet-driven networks influence on R&D (3D
will be different depending on the industries and con- e-R&D).
texts considered (e.g., Henderson and Mitchell, 1997;
Schoonhoven et al., 1990). For instance, e-R&D might
be more valuable to teams within firms with a fast-fol- variables). It is essentially a tool for exploring the
lower or efficient-producer strategy who need to access dynamics of e-R&D networks for each of the internal,
existing information, or perhaps within firms with a first- external, and memory knowledge flows described in the
mover strategy who need to quickly create and inte- preceding section.
grate information. The first dimension of the 3D e-R&D model is major
Additionally, e-R&D might be more valuable to teams Internet attributes. Identifying and analyzing the specific
within large firms that have greater information systems functions of the Internet allows us to assess its potential
capability or perhaps within small firms who may be benefits and detriments to the R&D process. Consider
more flexible and receptive to new information and its for example the following functional features of the
permutations. Extending this logic, it stands to reason Internet (Muller, 1999) as detailed in Table 1.
that the Internet will be more or less functional in differ- These Internet attributes can be simplified and con-
ent types of competitive, technological, demographic, densed into the following four general categories of
etc. environments. For instance, e-R&D might be more Internet functions (Leshin, 1997):
important in fast-moving contexts (e.g., it offers real-
time interpersonal access), hyper-competitive contexts 1. Communication (e.g., email): Allows group members
(e.g., it may be exploited as a source of advantage), and to send, forward, and receive messages from people
ambiguous contexts (e.g., it serves as a source of all over the world. Enables members to reply to, save,
information). Notwithstanding the many potential mod- file, and categorize received messages. Enables mem-
erating variables and permutations of their interactions, bers to participate in electronic conferences and dis-
a more general argument is offered for these types of cussions as well as to request information from agenc-
contingent relationships and testing specific phenomena ies, organizations, institutions, and other people.
within its logical umbrella. Email represents one form of Internet communication,
Hypothesis 2b. The functionality of an Internet⫺ along with electronic discussion groups (listservs and
driven networked e⫺R&D process will be moderated by usenets), Internet relay chat (IRC), Internet phones,
groups’ context such as R&D stage, firm size and strat- and desktop Internet video conferencing.
egy, and industry. 2. Connection (e.g., Telnet): Provides the capability to
We can develop a three-dimensional model to more login to a remote computer and work interactively
specifically examine the functionality of various attri- with it. Allow group members to work on the remote
butes of the Internet at various stages of the R&D pro- computer’s power and speed and utilize its software.
cess on various R&D outcome variables—see Fig. 2. Some services available through Telnet include data-
This 3D e-R&D model finds its roots in the logic of bases, libraries, chats, and bulletin boards.
similar models that explore multiple simultaneous inter- 3. Transfer (e.g., file transfer protocol, or FTP): Method
actions such as the “House of Quality” (Hauser and that allows group members to move files and data
Clausing, 1988). The 3D e-R&D model is used to exam- from one computer to another. Enables members to
ine the effects of Internet application (segmented by its download (receive) and upload (send) information
different attributes or functionalities) on the R&D team such as books, documents, and software.
process (segmented by its different stages or sets of 4. Access (e.g., World Wide Web): Collection of stan-
related activities) and manifest R&D outcomes dards and protocols used by group members to access
(segmented by its different dimensions or strategic information available on the Internet such as docu-
910 E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915

Table 1
Major Internet attributes

Internet attribute Examples

Business-messaging Calendar/scheduling, document management, line-of-business applications, workflow management,

supply-chain management, fax routers
Call centers Telemarketing, customer service
Chat Address book, alias support, audio conferencing, channel filtering, client-to-client protocol, colored text,
encryption, whiteboard, yellow pages
Client server network Global enterprise solutions
Data warehousing Remote access and storage
Distance learning Education/training
E-commerce Product and service sales, online banking
Electronic data interchange Business transaction support, online editing
Extranet Self-service opportunities for customers, 24/7 availability
Facimile over IP Worldwide paperless faxing
Interactive whiteboards Virtual meetings, virtual teams
Intercast Multimedia service (PC/TV/Internet)
Internet telephony Cheaper phone calls
Intranets Privacy, security
Newsgroups Electronic discussion group or bulletin board (usenet)
Telecommuting Remote work
Videoconferencing over IP Expanded participation in virtual meetings
Web advertising Online marketing
Wireless IP over cellular networks Mobile office, financial transaction, telemetry, transportation, Internet access
WWW Use of HTML forms to convey, move, add, change information, asset management via central console

ments, images, video, and sound. Information is ties (Bower, 1970; Quinn, 1985). These factors
linked together in a hypermedia system. Requires include organizational policies and other paradigmatic
browsers to view web documents and navigate activities related to the attributes of particular inno-
through the web structure. Utilizes search engines and vations that influence how much importance is actu-
directories for organizing information. Links to public ally placed on fast product development.
and private domains, the latter protected with pass- 2. Initiation: The initiation “stage” of innovation is
words and firewalls. characterized by knowledge-generation activities
where situations are defined and ideas are proposed.
The second dimension of the e-R&D model is major Initiation consists of all activities pertaining to the
R&D process activities. This builds on the previous dis- recognition of a performance gap or unexploited
cussion of the Internet–R&D outcome relationship. opportunity, diagnosis and definition of the need or
Here, I map specific Internet attributes to specific R&D opportunity, search for relevant information, gener-
activities in order to develop a more sophisticated assess- ation of ideas and alternatives, and development of
ment of the research questions. That is to say, one can alternatives and prototype solutions. Thus, in this
look for relationships between delineated tool-sets (of early stage, organizations pursue technical success
the Internet) and isolated task-sets (of the R&D team (creativity) by transforming money into ideas.
process). To this point, I examine several categories of 3. Implementation: The implementation “stage” of inno-
R&D activities and document how real companies facili- vation is characterized by knowledge-application
tate R&D-oriented group processes by using the Internet. activities where the selected ideas and prototypes are
Consider for instance some of the ways that firms are integrated or captured into the organization and put
applying the Internet to various R&D sets of activities— into practice. Implementation consists of all activities
see Table 2. pertaining to the transition of the innovation ideas to
These R&D activities can be simplified and condensed profit-generating entities, utilization of the innovation
into the following four general categories of stages or to achieve its intended objectives, and institutionaliz-
task sets (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Daft, 1982; Kessler ation of the innovation. Thus, in this later stage,
and Chakrabarti, 1996; Roberts, 1988; Spender and organizations pursue business success (exploitation)
Kessler, 1992): by transforming ideas into money.

1. Pre-development: Pre-development activities relate to The third dimension is major outcomes of R&D.
the strategic orientation of a project and provide the Specifically, I look at how Internet-driven networks, via
guidance and broad objectives for development activi- their impact on R&D activities, affect critical team pro-
E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915 911

Table 2
Internet-networks and major R&D activities

R&D activities Examples

Getting concepts and ideas Sonera (the leading Finnish wireless carrier) uses the web to monitor customers’ activities and lifestyle needs
Procurement from suppliers Dell uses the web to coordinate production with vendors. Cisco puts its sales-and-inventory tracking system on
the web to coordinate efforts with suppliers
Basic engineering Maritime Telephone and Telegraph uses a knowledge oriented development process for storing information
(specifications, projections, etc.). Nortel Networks has development teams share ideas and documents on private
web sites. P&G set up private sites to link engineers and researchers to draw “lightbulb moments”
Design of prototypes Ford is using the Internet to support CAD-CAM-CAE applications to design cars collaboratively with partners
Simulation and testing Yahoo! puts early versions of their new services on-line for internal use only, allowing trials and tests to
expose technical flaws and soliciting suggestions for improved functionality
Feedback from users Marriott solicits guests’ reviews over the Internet. Amazon.com solicits users’ reviews to pass along to
potential customers
Integrated ramp-up and Zara uses the web to deliver fashion changes as fast as their customers demand them
Marketing 20th Century Fox uses the Internet to market films and target and customize advertising
Transactions and distribution CarDirect.com allows customers to shop and purchase automobiles online. General Motors uses the Internet to
link design centers with factory floors and dealerships to coordinate their work activities
User service Boeing offers airlines web-based service that allows them access to technical information and private chat areas
for discussing maintenance issues. Whirlpool is building net-linked appliances, for instance refrigerators that
can automatically order food or machine settings that adjust settings for specific stains

ject variables. Tracing the impact of how specific Inter- an e-R&D networked process. Moreover, there is evi-
net attributes affect specific R&D activities enables us dence to suggest meaningful differences between
to assess the importance of these relationships. I invoke internal and external knowledge flows within an R&D
and adapt Clark (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Wheel- project as well as between memory-related knowledge
wright and Clark, 1992) and Kessler (Kessler and Bierly, flows related to inter-project learning (Kessler et al.,
2001; Kessler and Chakrabarti, 1996) to propose the fol- 2001, 2000). Of course, a consideration of 108 relation-
lowing three dimensions: ships, or even 36 relationships if one assumes away the
differences between knowledge-flow processes, is
1. Process speed: Innovation speed is the time elapsed beyond the scope and page constraints of this manu-
between (a) initial development, including the con- script. Notwithstanding, we can still derive some broad-
ception and definition of an innovation, and (b) ulti- based predictions about how such e-R&D networks
mate commercialization, which is the introduction of might function.
a new product into the marketplace. Thus, the concept In general, many of the Internet functions, such as
of innovation speed refers to accelerating activities communication (by aiding in decision making), transfer
from the first spark to the final product, including (by aiding in design processes), and access (by aiding
activities that occur throughout the product-develop- in inter-project learning), could facilitate an e-R&D pro-
ment process. cess. This potentiality exists by virtue of the character-
2. Project efficiency: Efficiency is a function of the rela- istics of the technology fitting the nature of the R&D-
tive cost of development, defined as the total financial oriented group process task requirements. However,
requirements and associated human resources needed some functions may be more beneficial than others due
to complete the project as compared to the scope, size, to the greater richness of information exchanges they
and objectives of the project. enable (e.g., chat ⬎ facsimile). R&D, given that its nat-
3. Product quality: Product quality, or its “fitness of use” ure is to process ideas and technologies that are rela-
is the degree to which it satisfies customer require- tively new to the focal organization, is more likely to be
ments relative to the scope, size, and objectives of better suited to richer channels of communication (Daft
the project. and Lengel, 1984).
Hypothesis 3a. The Internet can be used to positively
The outcome of this modeling process yields a 4 × 3 affect the outcomes of the R&D process; richer functions
× 3 model with 36 discrete and testable relationships of the Internet will have a greater effect on the outcomes
represented by its cells. Table 3 graphically illustrates of the R&D process.
this, with Internet attributes along its height, R&D pro- Additionally, some functions may be better able to
cess stages its width, and R&D outcomes its depth. facilitate one outcome more so than another. For
From Table 3, we can explore each cell to deduce and instance, chat and email (by enabling accelerated infor-
predict relationships for each type of knowledge flow in mation exchanges between remote teams and members),
912 E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915

Table 3. 3D e-R&D model.

might speed up R&D-oriented group processes. applied to R&D activities and that specific stages or task-
Examples of this would be FreeServe software, which sets can be isolated and identified as responsive to e-
uses email to help its globally distributed teams of pro- R&D networks. However, it does not make distinctions
grammers work on problems together, and Geneva’s between stages that are critically impacted vs. stages that
“Grid Physics Network” that helps scientists collaborate are minimally impacted. In other words, we cannot
in real-time with other researcher (Hafner, 2001). Others, deduce from it the magnitude of leverage provided by
such as business messaging (by increasing the use of the Internet. Notwithstanding, some stages may indeed
task and project management tools), might make the pro- be more elastic or responsive to e-R&D applications. For
cesses less costly. For instance, McIvor et al. (2000) instance, more responsive stages might include those
reports that Internet technologies are being used to elim- types of activities which are more information-intense
inate and augment R&D activities to improve part stan- and that depend on more networked communication. It
dardization and simplification as well as part exclusion. also stands to reason that some stages of the R&D pro-
Still others functions, such as extranet (by gaining part- cess would be better facilitated by the application of
ner and user input), might help to produce higher quality some Internet attributes as compared to other Internet
products. For example, Equity Marketing, the company attributes. These activities could include design and
that designs many of the promotional products given feedback, as evidenced by Sun’s Sun Community Source
away by Burger King, has leveraged Internet-enabled License (SSCL) that leverages the Internet to promote
prototyping processes to send three-dimensional product common-interest gated communities, and simulation and
models to colleagues around the world to improve cus- testing, as evidenced by IBM’s “AlphaWorks” Internet-
tomization and performance (Kirsner, 2001). Of course, based discussion forums (Sawhney and Prandelli, 2000).
these advantages would be better leveraged by organiza- Moreover, and even more specifically, a particular Inter-
tions rich in Internet-based competencies and impeded net functionality (e.g., Interactive whiteboards) might
by those possessing a poorer understanding and usage particularly well fit a particular R&D task (e.g., basic
of Internet functions. This is suggested by Maccoby engineering). These arguments combine to support finer-
(2001) and Warner and Witzel (1999), who speak of the grained, contingency relationships as compared to over-
growing new breed of technologically sophisticated and arching main effects.
network competent project managers. Hypothesis 3c. The Internet has the potential to posi-
Hypothesis 3b. The Internet has the potential to posi- tively affect all stages of the R&D process; various Inter-
tively affect all outcomes of the R&D process; various net functions will differentially affect different stages
Internet functions will differentially affect different out- depending on the fit between the functions’ richness and
comes depending on the fit between the functions’ the stages’ information⫺intensity and networked⫺com-
characteristics and the outcomes’ demands. munication requirements.
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effects on the R&D process and its different stages. all dimensions of the 3D e-R&D model provides for
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E.H. Kessler / Technovation 23 (2003) 905–915 913

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Eric H. Kessler is an Associate Professor of

Management in the Lubin School of Business
and Director of the Lubin Scholars and Leaders
Program at Pace University. He received his
Ph.D. in organization management from Rutgers
University. Dr. Kessler’s research has been
widely published in leading management and
technology journals and book series. His current
research focus is on decision making in organi-
zations, particularly as it applies to the manage-
ment of innovation and emerging technology.

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