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MindMatters National Conference: Fostering social and emotional

wellbeing in school communities through connectedness

Carlton Crest Hotel, Melbourne, 8–9 November 2002

Tracy Zilm


Every teacher is a teacher for social and emotional wellbeing. Students learn
as much from how we teach as what we teach. Teachers in every key
learning area are in a position to promote wellbeing through the teaching and
learning strategies they use and the way they develop relationships with
students and other staff. This session will highlight aspects of pedagogy,
which not only can improve learning outcomes but also promote feelings of
connectedness, resilience, trust and success. New Norfolk High School from
Tasmania will provide recent examples of health-promoting pedagogy used
successfully in their school.

Introductory activity

1. Preparation of room:
Chairs have been placed in groups of six. A coloured ‘thinking hat’
(DeBono, 1999) attached to each chair.

2. Instructions:
Introduce yourself to the others in your group. This is an opportunity to
connect with the people around you and to establish groups for a
reflective task which will happen during the session.


The session could be retitled Effective Teaching and Learning. I am probably

not going to tell you anything you don’t already know but maybe you haven’t
put it under the banner of health promotion before. Possibly you will gain
some ideas about how to engage staff who are resistant to involvement in
anything like MindMatters.

What is pedagogy?

The Encarta World Dictionary defines pedagogy as the science or profession

of teaching. The word ‘science’ sounds too neat and clinical – it denies the
diversity of contexts and interactions between human beings in a classroom
or school. ‘Profession’ sounds better – it inherently suggests the need to

constantly reflect, refine, and improve our understandings and practice. I
prefer a definition of pedagogy as ‘both what and how you teach’.

If you consider this idea of the ‘what’ and the ‘how’, which do we have most
control over? In most States, curriculum outcomes (the what) are set. It is the
‘how’ over which we have most control as teachers. It is also what can make
the most difference in terms of social and emotional wellbeing! Teaching can
be about putting protective factors into play in the classroom – or not.

Some key learning areas may provide more opportunity for health promotion
than others but there can still be a huge difference between classes of the
same key learning areas. Two different Art classrooms or two Maths
classrooms, working on the same content and the same activities, can have
remarkably different outcomes.

What is health promotion?

The National Action Plan for Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention for
Mental Health (2000) describes health promotion as 'any action taken to
maximise health and well-being among populations and individuals'. It
includes changing environments – social, physical, economic, educational,
cultural; enhancing ‘coping’ capacity; and giving power, knowledge, skills and
resources to individuals, families, communities and groups. This definition
reminds us that health promotion is not the sole domain of the school;
however, education plays a significant role.

Resiliency research identifies the factors which are protective for young
people. These protective factors have been identified as those things which
are important in keeping young people safe and healthy. They include
connectedness (to family, friends, and/or school), relationships (especially
with a caring adult), competence (in or out of school), self-esteem, a belief in
one’s own ability to cope, a sense of control and individual disposition
(Frydenberg 1997). These are the specifics of health promotion. We can
change environments and enhance the capacity for many of these factors
especially by the way we teach.

Why promote mental health?

Teachers know from experience that often the things that interfere with
learners’ health, are the same things that interfere with their learning. Without
the right state of mind, no real learning happens. You can’t concentrate if you
feel unsafe. Brain research suggests that under threat, our brain messages
bypass rational thought and leap straight to an emotional response of fight or
flight. If we are concerned about maximising learning, we have to be
concerned about emotional and social wellbeing. In line with such strong links
between mental health and learning, it is worthy of noting that 'enhancing
mental health in schools ... is essential and does not represent an agenda
separate from a school's instructional mission' (UCLA Centre for Mental
Health in Schools, 2002). This UCLA paper; About Mental Health in Schools,
stresses the fact that we must encourage schools to view the difficulty of

raising achievement test scores through the complementary lenses of
addressing barriers to learning and promoting healthy development.

Promoting health is not about having to do something extra. When we look at

factors related to school reform and restructure they link closely with the key
concepts of health promotion and resiliency. Effective restructuring produces
a health-promoting school. And health promotion in schools is actually the
foundation of effective education – whether those involved realise it or not
(Henderson & Milstein, 1996).

Why focus on pedagogy?

Good teaching is health promoting. When you talk to people about what they
think was great teaching when they were at school, they often include things
like: it was inspirational, gave options, taught problem solving, modelled and
created enthusiasm, used and developed expertise, the teacher gave of him-
or herself, and yet remained professionally distant, promoted reflection on
practice and cared about students as individual learners. Comments are more
often about how a particular teacher made them feel rather than the expert
knowledge a teacher may have had.

Developing a new systemic policy or implementing a new educational

program does not necessarily improve student learning. This is
because they are dependent for their impact on a range of other factors
that are more proximal to the learning process, such as how well the
intent of the program is implemented at the level of the classroom.
(Cuttance, 2001).

Developing a new systemic policy or implementing a new educational

program does not necessarily improve student learning. This is because
successful implementation depends upon a range of other factors that are
closer to the actual learning process, such as what happens in the classroom.

'A substantial proportion of the variation in student learning outcomes is

associated directly with variation in teaching' (Scheerens, Vermeuleun &
Pelgrum, 1989). It is far more important that a student find themselves in an
effective classroom in a school, than in an effective school (Cuttance, 2001).

It was found that 8-19% of the variation in student learning outcomes lies
between schools; a further amount of up to 55% of the variation is between
classrooms within schools. This research supports the notion that individual
teachers hold a great deal of power in terms of whether or not a student in
their class achieves (Cuttance 2001). This suggests that getting as many
teachers as possible interested and motivated to reflect on their pedagogy will
ultimately benefit students’ outcomes from schooling. 'Schools that do have a
critical mass of active teachers can help their students reach higher levels of
academic performance than those students otherwise would reach'
(Wenglinksy 2002).

Student voice

Five yearly research and evaluation of senior school curriculum statements by

SSABSA (Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia) usually
involves interviewing teachers about subject selection. However, it was
decided to interview students about their reasons for choosing or not choosing
a Year 11 subject. It was found that students were selecting subjects on the
basis of the way it was taught before what was taught. The students gave
examples of what they were looking for in teaching and learning: relevance,
interest, to learn new things, creativity, out of school activities, greater variety
in the type of assignments set, less note taking, up-to-date resources, control
over content and more interaction. This is what they were saying would
engage them and we know that engagement needs to occur if anyone is
going to learn. 'Those teachers who made the subject interactive, interesting
and, above all, were seen to enjoy the subject themselves, had a greater
chance of inspiring students.' (Keighley-James, 2002)

Feedback from the students during this research highlighted the importance of
the interviews in terms of the recognition and respect accorded to the
students by being given an opportunity to have a say. One of the interesting
things about the process was the number of kids who said 'thanks for asking
us what we think' – especially those from rural and remote students where
distance can often increase students’ sense of alienation from any locus of
control and influence. They were delighted that someone had travelled so far
just to talk to them.

Fostering reflective practice

The following three key assumptions about learning are based on 30 years of
research and practice into outcomes-based education (Spady, 1993).

1. All students can learn and succeed, but not on the same day in the
same way.
2. Successful learning promotes more successful learning.
3. Schools control the conditions that directly affect successful school

These assumptions ask educators to take a positive view of all their students,
focus on their unique learning needs, rates and characteristics, emphasise
and build on their successes and directly promote successful learning and
progress rather than failure. If this is the approach that teachers use in
classrooms, they are probably employing teaching and learning practices
which promote social and emotional wellbeing.

The June 2002 edition of the Quality Learning newsletter from New Zealand
calls for a return to the ‘art and craft’ of teaching, which in some instances has
suffered at the expense of a focus on curriculum change and assessment
demands. It is suggested that every school needs to develop each teacher’s
confidence, skill and passion for teaching by providing support such as the
following: help teachers clarify and articulate their beliefs about teaching and

learning, value and share wisdom teachers already have, encourage sharing
of good practice, have them visit each other's rooms and schools and have
them continually question their own teaching (Hammonds & Morris, 2002). Of
course, effective schools are already using processes that enhance teacher
learning such as having teacher teams, which plan, teach, and manage
individual student learning.

What else helps?

Many educational initiatives, in which schools are already involved, can be

included under the banner of health promotion because they have the
capacity to engage students in learning in an active and caring way. These
initiatives include effective transition processes, which can increase a
student’s sense of safety and control. Middle schooling structures and
processes and pastoral care approaches can promote belonging to a smaller
learning community and closer relationships with fewer teachers. Vocational
Education and Enterprise Education programs and approaches involve active,
real-life learning. An emphasis on physical activity can have an immediate
impact on a student’s sense of wellbeing. Offering Performing Arts activities
within and outside the curriculum acknowledges and values a range of ways
of learning and succeeding. Clubs provide opportunities for connectedness to
a group outside the classroom.

The whole-student approach described in CommunityMatters (Commonwealth

of Australia, 2001) is a framework for ensuring we have a positive impact on
protective factors for each and every student. The three parts of this
framework are as follows:

1. Relationships
2. Expectations
3. Participation

I shall look at each one in turn.

1. Relationships

Connecting with students and forming a caring relationship by listening

to and respecting them is important as in the saying 'Children don't
care what you say until they know that you care' (author unknown).
This relationship can either help or hinder future learning and pays
dividends when a problem does arise.

Star teachers build strong personal relationships with children

around learning tasks and do not leave the process of relating to
a child until after a serious problem arises. Thirty seconds spent
greeting a child and inquiring about their sick dog, for example,
is time well invested. (Haberman, 1995)

Such a ‘universal’ approach to developing relationships with all

students is time consuming but is beneficial in terms of the

quality of interactions that may be possible. However, we need
to give ourselves permission to be human and less than perfect
– making our mistakes with awareness as the following
discussion list participant reminds us.
The only times I run into problems with students is if I
disregard their 'context' and try to push forward with the
task at hand. In spite of being a seasoned teacher I still
am challenged by my own lack of emotional and spiritual
balance on some days. (Pepper, 2002)

2. Expectations

High but achievable expectations include those set for teachers as well
as students. They include behavioural expectations such as described
in the ACHPER Advocacy Kit (ACHPER 2000):
If there is one rule above all others you must enforce, it is no put
downs – of others or themselves. If you allow derogatory
remarks you are collaborating in helping destroy the self
confidence of a child. Make this rule at the beginning of the year
and enforce it.
This clarity and consistency is vital in classroom management in order
to provide a safe environment for all students (and staff).

Howard and Johnson’s research (2000) into what makes a difference

for children at risk raised some interesting perspectives. Students
talked less about the school’s role in providing social support and much
more about providing special help to overcome learning difficulties.
None of the teachers talked about school achievement as a resiliency-
promoting factor and yet learning is supposed to be the core business
of schools. Students want teachers to help them achieve and be
successful, and so teaching for mastery, encouraging problem solving
and providing opportunities for all children to achieve and experience
authentic success is not only vital but something that students actually

3. Participation

Authentic participation and contribution promote connectedness and

feeling valued. Approaches that enable students to take responsibility
for their learning also develop ownership. They include nvolving
students in decision making and negotiation about aspects of teaching
and learning, including and respecting diverse perspectives, valuing
students’ skills outside of school and allowing for real-world
involvement and application, and valuing the student as a unique
individual. Some good examples of encouraging authentic participation
will be given by New Norfolk High School in their part of this

Teaching and learning strategies

Educators’ understanding of how people think and learn continues to grow

and develop. Teachers who see themselves as learners will keep up with
what current research is saying about teaching and learning. Particular
classroom strategies may come in and out of vogue but the principle of
moving every student forward in their learning remains the same. There is no
one way that works best but, rather, a teacher needs a repertoire of
approaches that will engage students because they learn in different ways at
different rates.

As is the case with whole-school initiatives, effective teachers already employ
strategies that have the capacity to promote social and emotional wellbeing.
An understanding of multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1999) and learning styles
means that teachers can provide opportunities for students to not only work in
their preferred way but to also encourage them to experience and master less
preferred ways of learning and knowing (Atkin, 1994). In doing so, students
are able to integrate the learning with personal meaning as well as increase
their repertoire of problem solving and coping skills. Using individual and
group work, peer and cross-age tutoring, peer and self assessment provides
students with control over their learning and an opportunity for teachers to
explicitly teach social skills. Higher order thinking tasks (Ryan, 1990, DeBono,
1992 and Eberle, 1991), graphic organisers (Parks & Black, 1990) and a
focus on metacognition (Fogarty, 1997) empower students with strategies for
lifelong learning and problem solving.

The individual lesson – a focus on wellbeing and connectedness

At the start of the year or in any one lesson, how do you get adolescents to
the point where they are ready to learn? How do you create and optimise the
learning time you have available?

Learning involves taking risks (Atkin, 2002). At the start of a new school year,
or when any new group forms, there is a window of opportunity for
establishing clear parameters and an environment where it is safe to take
risks. This can be done by mixing groups and using activities which maximise
the opportunity to develop a range of positive working relationships. This is an
important part of any teacher’s role because the environment affects learning.
Learning is limited if kids don’t feel safe or there is no level of engagement.

With connectedness and social and emotional wellbeing in mind, teachers can
allow 5–10 minutes at the start of a lesson for students to socialise and orient
themselves for learning. Setting the scene is important so that students know
what is expected of them and what they can expect to learn. This might
involve reconnecting with the students as individuals, a reminder of class
rules or a brief summary of the last lesson (to see if someone other than you

What we are talking about are simple things that teachers can do, regardless
of the learning area in which they teach, in order to promote social and
emotional wellbeing, that is, to promote feelings of connectedness, resilience,
trust and success. The MindMatters curriculum booklets offer a number of
specific lessons and ideas for teaching and learning about wellbeing ‘content’
(bullying and harassment, resilience, loss and grief and mental illness) in
active and engaging ways. The aim of this session was to illustrate that the
way any teacher interacts with students and engages them in learning can
have an enormous positive impact on students’ social and emotional
wellbeing – regardless of whether they are using a lesson from the
MindMatters resource or teaching a French lesson.

Reflection task

Consider the information you have heard while wearing one thinking hat and
contribute a comment or two to your small group:
•Blue – organising the thinking and discussion
•Red – the range of emotional reactions
•Yellow – positive aspects/benefits
•Black – negative aspects/opportunities
•Green – creative ways of taking ideas forward
•White – the facts (research, evaluation).

New Norfolk High School presentation

Focus questions (as described in the MindMatters National Conference
2002 Report)

Q1 What does it mean to say that 'every teacher is a teacher for social and
emotional wellbeing'?
Q2 What training and other support do teachers need to fulfil this role?
Q3 What type of pedagogical practices best promotes feelings of
connectedness, resilience, trust and success?
Q4 How can other community services and organisations contribute to the
development of a pedagogy of health promotion?
Q5 How can MindMatters be used as part of a whole-school approach to
developing a pedagogy of health promotion?


ACHPER 2000, The Advocacy Kit; A Resource and Guide for Educators to
Promote Health And Physical Activity, ACHPER Australia .

Atkin JA (1994), How Students Learn: A Framework for Effective Teaching:

Part 2 Conditions which Enhance and Maximise Learning, Seminar Series No
34, IART, Melbourne, Australia.

Atkin JA (2000), An Outline of Integral Learning, College Year Book 2001,

online reference October 2002:

Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care 2000, National Action

Plan for Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health,
Mental Health and Special Programs Branch, Commonwealth Department of
Health and Aged Care, Canberra, Australia.

Commonwealth of Australia 2001, CommunityMatters: Working with Diversity

for Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation, Melbourne.

Cuttance P (2001), ‘The Impact of Teaching on Student Learning’ in Beyond

the Rhetoric: Building a Teaching Profession to Support Quality Teaching, ed
Kerry Kennedy, Australian College of Education, Canberra.

DeBono E (1992), Six Thinking Hats for Schools, Books 1–4, Hawker Brownlow
Education, Victoria, Australia.

DeBono E (1999), Six Thinking Hats, Little Brown & Co, USA.

Eberle, B (1991), SCAMPER – Games for Imagination Development, Hawker

Brownlow Education, Victoria, Australia.

Fogarty R (1997), Brain Compatible Classrooms, Hawker Brownlow

Education, Victoria, Australia.

Frydenberg E (1997), Adolescent Coping: Theoretical and research
perspectives, Routledge, London.

Gardner H (1999), Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligence for the 21st

Century, Perseus Books, USA.

Haberman M (1995), Star Teachers of Children in Poverty, Indianapolis

Kappa Delta PI, Indianapolis.

Hammonds B & Morris W (2002), 'Focussing on Teaching, Learning

Strategies: The agenda for the 21stC', Leading and Learning for the 21stC, vol
1, no 5, June 2002, online reference October 2002:

Henderson N & Milstein M (1996), Resiliency in Schools: Making it happen for

students and educators, Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, USA.

Henderson N, (1999), Integrating Resiliency Building and Educational Reform:

Why Doing One Accomplishes the Other Resiliency in Action; Practical Ideas
for Overcoming Risks and Building Strengths in Youth, Families &
Communities Nan Henderson, Bonnie Benard, Nancy Sharp-light (editors)
Resiliency In Action Inc, USA.

Howard S & Johnson B (2000), 'What Makes the Difference? Children and
teachers talk about resilient outcomes for children "at risk" ', Educational
Studies, vol 26, no 3.

Keighley-James D (2002), 'Student Participation and Voices in Curriculum

Redevelopment: The view from a curriculum development agency, Curriculum
Perspectives, vol 22, no 1, April.

Parks S & Black H (1990), Organising Thinking – Graphic Organisers Books I

& II, Hawker Brownlow Education, Victoria, Australia.

Pepper S (2002), Personal comment as part of a contribution to University of

Calgary email discussions, #2 July 9, Change-L@majordomo.ucalgary.ca.

Ryan T (1990), Thinkers Keys for Kids, Logan West School Support Centre,
Woodridge, Qld.

Spady W (1993), Outcome-based Education, Australian Curriculum Studies

Association, Belconnen, ACT.

UCLA School Mental Health Project, Center for Mental Health in Schools April
2002, About Mental Health in Schools, online reference October 2002:

Wenglinksy H (2002), How schools matter: The link between teacher

classroom practices and student academic performance, Education Policy

Analysis Archives, online reference September 2002:


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