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1 nAPl hone 7144466670

ACC hone 9497133162

naLlonal AmbulaLory Pernla lnsLlLuLe
1aklng llleMaker ro Lo Lhe nexL Level
llleMaker ladlzaLon Success SLory

5ituotion / cho//enqes
1he naLlonal AmbulaLory Pernla lnsLlLuLe's (nAPl) CperaLlons Manager vlcky vansurksum was challenged wlLh
managlng mulLlple offlce locaLlons physlclans paLlenL flow of care and schedullng complex bllllng for boLh
workers comp and prlvaLe paLlenLs lnsurance company and ad[usLer managemenL paLlenL charL and medla
managemenL (LM8) daLa audlLlng moblllzed accesslblllLy and remoLe access C and Mac compaLlble along
wlLh many oLher lnformaLlon relaLed challenges
ueslrlng Lo lmprove medlcal ouLcomes and lncrease buslness efflclencles wlLh Lhese hlghly complex and
sophlsLlcaLed requlremenLs nAPl conLacLed ACC 1echnologles Lo help coordlnaLe and develop a soluLlon LhaL
could meeL all Lhelr needs vlcky vansurksum CperaLlons Manager aL nAPl worked closely wlLh Chrls Culnn
presldenL of ACC 1echnologles Lo revlew Lhelr currenL buslness processes and lnefflclencles and LogeLher as
Lhey collaboraLed was able Lo ldenLlfy and solve all Lhelr challenges lncludlng a fully funcLlonal Culck8ooks
lnLegraLlon ellmlnaLlng Lhe need for any double enLry
ldentifyinq Opportunities
Worklng LogeLher Chrls and vlcky seL
ouL Lo ldenLlfy speclflc areeas of
opporLunlLy where boLh buslness
efflclencles and paLlenL healLh could be
slgnlflcanLly lmprove
key focus areas were pat|ent b||||ng
and transact|on management
schedu||ng and mob|||z|ng pat|ent
|nformat|on aLlenL bllllng and
paymenL LransacLlons was a laborlous
efforL LhaL requlred one and a half full
Llme admlnlsLraLors Lhree weeks a
monLh Lo lnvolce and Lrack many
dlfflculL and dlfferenL Lypes of bllllng
paymenL and collecLlon efforLs

2 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
9hose 1
eve|op|ng an Integrated and Mu|t|Iaceted
I||eMaker atabase So|ut|on

1hrough Chrls and vlcky's careful process analysls and LargeLed lnLegraLlon of Lhe llleMaker ro daLabase and
sofLware developmenL appllcaLlon Lhe bllllng and paymenL process was reduced Lo less tboo foot boots o mootb
ooJ oow ooly tepoltes ooe oJmlolsttotot 1hls process was also enhanced by lnLegraLlng llleMaker Lo
Culck8ooks LhaL qulckly and efforLlessly pushes all llleMaker LransacLlons dlrecLly lnLo Culck8ooks

8||||ng and ayment requ|rement cha||enges had to |nc|ude
O CreaLlng a CusLom rocedures Llbrary
wlLh unllmlLed Charges CapablllLy
O Cne Cllck Submlsslon of a rocedure
wlLh MulLlple Charges Lo a aLlenL
O ueLalled and LdlLable C1 Charges
O PlClA 8llllng for rerlnLed and non
reprlnLed lorms
O 8llllng for MulLlple Cfflce LocaLlons
O rofesslonal and laclllLy aymenL
1racklng and Check rlnLlng
O ConLracL lnLegraLlon for rofesslonals
and laclllLles
O aymenL SelecLlon from MulLlple 8ank
O aymenLs Lo racLlce arLners and
oLher rofesslonals
O MulLlple AppllcaLlon of ulfferenL
Ad[usLmenLs and ulscounLs eg C's
O Appeal's rocess for lnsurance aymenL
O unllmlLed aymenLs 8ecelved on a
O unllmlLed aymenLs Lo rofesslonals
and laclllLles per Charge
O A/8 1racklng and CollecLlon lollow up
O CollecLlon LfforL 1racklng Log
O rofesslonal aymenL and Ledger
1ransacLlon 1racklng
O uaLa AudlLlng for Any and All uaLa

3 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
Image ayments kece|ved and rocess|ng ashboard

esu/ts ond 8enefits
utomat|ng ayments kece|ved and ayment rocess|ng 1o allow for many bllllng varlables ACC 1echnologles
experlenced developers creaLed a bllllng dashboard LhaL condlLlonally fllLers by only rofesslonals and laclllLles
LhaL are currenLly owed money or only charges wlLh remalnlng balances As Lhe admlnlsLraLor applles and pays
Lhe professlonals/faclllLles Lhe charge falls off Lhe screen leavlng only any remalnlng unpald charges Lo process
1hls fllLered process allows Lhe admlnlsLraLor Lo qulckly process Lhelr accounLs recelvables and payables and noL
have Lo conLlnually search for ouLsLandlng charges
AuLomaLed paymenL dlsLrlbuLlon dlscounLs slmple wrlLe off and conLracL lnLegraLlon has sharply reduced Lhe
process for applylng paymenLs recelved and paymenLs owed across many charges wlLh a slngle cllck of Lhe
mouse All accounLlng ls managed wlLhln Lhe llleMaker ro daLabase lncludlng Lhe prlnLlng and synchronlzaLlon

4 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
of checks beLween llleMaker and Culck8ooks Cnce LransacLlons have been processed llleMaker Lhen pushes
all newly processed LransacLlons Lo Culck8ooks vla Lhe cusLom daLa connecLor developed by ACC
When an ouLsLandlng charge ls pald by Lhe lnsurance company and Lhe pald amounL ls nC1 correcL or up for
dlspuLe by slmply cllcklng Lhe Appealed" check box Lhe lLem ls calendared and seLs Lhe charge Lo Lhe appealed
sLaLus and puL lnLo Lhe collecLlon process 1he appealed charge ls now avallable ln a collecLlon queue for Lhe
collecLlons deparLmenL Lo begln Lhe appeals process 8ecause all Lhese charges are LlghLly lnLegraLed wlLh
dlfferenL deparLmenLs errors and losL revenues have been slgnlflcanLly reduced
1here are many more lnLegraLed and auLomaLed procedures LhaL have been lmplemenLed lnLo Lhe soluLlon ln
order Lo reduce lnefflclencles human error lmprove daLa enLry Lo help ensure correcL and accuraLe daLa
lmpuLe 1he admlnlsLraLor also has Lhe ablllLy Lo Loggle beLween any charge ln Lhe recelvables/paymenL
dashboard and any paLlenL lnformaLlon Lhey mlghL requlre durlng Lhe AccounLs 8ecelvables and AccounLs
ayables process
at|ent Schedu||ng L|ectron|c Med|ca| kecords (LMk)]ocument Management and ct|onab|e I|ow of Care
Managlng and monlLorlng aLlenL llow of Care was a blg concern for vlcky Per ob[ecLlve was noL only Lo
auLomaLe Lhls process buL also puL all Lhe paLlenL lnformaLlon ln one place and aL Lhe flngerLlps of her sLaff
lrom Lhe paLlenL record Lhe admlnlsLraLor has lnsLanL access Lo
O aLlenL ueLall and Asslgned hyslclan
O aLlenL 8eferral
O 8lll 1ype and MeLhod
O Cfflce LocaLlon
O nurse Case Manger
O aLlenL AppolnLmenL PlsLory
O aLlenL lndlvldual Calendar
O aLlenL noLes
O PlsLory of ln[ury
O unllmlLed and Server 8ased LM8 8ecords
O aLlenL PClA 8ecords
O Lxam lnformaLlon
O rescrlpLlons uaLa and LlecLronlc
rescrlpLlon PlsLory
O aLlenL lamlly and ersonal lnsurance
O aLlenL Charges
O Web lnLegraLed Map wlLh Lhe aLlenLs
LocaLlon and ulrecLlons Lo Lhe asslgned
Cllnlc or PosplLal LocaLlon LhaL ls Laslly
Lmalled Lo Lhe aLlenL
O uaLa AudlLlng LhaL 1racks all lleld Changes
Lo a aLlenL 8ecord
O aLlenL Ledger
O And Much More
aLlenL and professlonal Lasks are calendared and wlLh our alerLlng module lmporLanL Lasks don'L geL mlssed
1he flexlble calendar module ls a unlque calendar ln LhaL lL allows you Lo fllLer by rofesslonal aL any locaLlon
aLlenL and of course by day week or monLh 8ecause of llleMaker ros excellenL plugln archlLecLure
lnLegraLlng our calendar Lo CuLlook ls easler Lhan ever

3 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
ot Mootbly coleoJot vlew sommotlzes tbe types of oppolotmeots by Joy wbo type ooJ by oome

lllLer Lhe calendar by
O Cfflce LocaLlon
O 1ype
4 aLlenL
4 rofesslonal
4 SLaff
4 8eferrer
O name (CondlLlonal by 1ype)
very granular glvlng Lhe admlnlsLraLors greaL flexlblllLy and many cholces when schedullng or revlewlng

6 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
@be uolly 5cbeJole ollows tbe oJmlolsttotots to fot exomple flltet by oll ptofessloools ot ooe ptofessloool

7 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
@be Appolotmeots uloloq ls olso eosy to ose ooJ osslsteJ wltb cooJltloool meoos fot fllteteJ llsts mokloq Joto
eotty o bteeze

8 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
LMk and ocument Management Modu|e
1he full feaLured LM8 uocumenL ManagemenL Module was deslgned Lo easlly add any dlglLal medla from ul's
Word uocumenLs SpreadsheeLs and vldeo eLc Lo any paLlenL speclflc record AnoLher advanLage ls LhaL all
dlglLal medla ls locaLed Lo a slngle server locaLlon ln a paLlenL dlrecLory for mulLlple reasons 1he advanLage of
locallzlng Lhe dlglLal medla ln one locaLlon ls as follows
O Medla SecurlLy All paLlenL records are
organlzed aL Lhe server ln one locaLlon for
easy securlLy and backup managemenL
O All LM8 and ALLached Medla ls nC1
embedded ln Lhe daLabase buL raLher
organlzed and locaLed ln one dlrecLory
O 1he admlnlsLraLor can open any dlglLal
medla rlghL from Lhe llleMaker 8ecords"
porLal ln Lhe appllcaLlon lL was developed ln
O Crganlzlng paLlenL relaLed dlglLal conLenL
rlghL on Lhe paLlenL record makes charL and
oLher medla easlly avallable Lo Lhe
O CompleLely AuLomaLed LM8 and uocumenL
ManagemenL ls Secure Crganlzed by
aLlenL noL Lmbedded lnLo Lhe record
unburdenlng Lhe daLabase Cpen medla
rlghL from Lhe paLlenL record

9 nAPl hone 7144466670
ACC hone 9497133162
9hose 2
|ad|zat|on of the I||eMaker Med|ca| atabase
Moblllzlng Lhe nAPl Medlcal uaLabase was a breeze wlLh llleMaker's Co for Lhe lad and lhone 1he new
llleMaker Co for Lhe lad appllcaLlon ls slmple Lo deploy [usL go Lo Lhe onllne Apple App SLore download Lhe
llleMaker Co app and open lL on your lad connecL Lo your local neLwork and open Lhe daLabase rlghL Lo your
lad or lhone ?es lL's really LhaL easy
ln our lnlLlal LesLlng llleMaker Co performed
well beyond our expecLaLlons and glves our
docLors Lhe ablllLy Lo carry crlLlcal paLlenL
lnformaLlon wlLh Lhem rlghL lnLo Lhe exam
room Accesslng any paLlenL record ls easy
qulck and convenlenL Pavlng LhaL
lnformaLlon aL Lhelr flngerLlps lmproves
paLlenL care llleMaker lad Co makes
moblllzlng paLlenL daLa slmple and wlLhouL
Lhe hlgh cosL of developlng a separaLe unlque

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