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sages on freeway overpasses. Conspiracy videos revealing (or strength that makes it ‘America the Beautiful’, but rather, the
attempting to reveal) the underhanded schemes of the govern- freedom, for which people would leave their homes to come
ment and the powers that be, are as easy to buy online as my to America. It is this freedom that is the outstanding USP of
favorite perfume, and as widely advertised. How they orches- this nation. Our favorite acts at talent shows on TV are always
trate events and use the American people and the economy as the impressions of President Bush! Every week, the media is
a pawn in their greater agenda is common knowledge. hawking stories of Obama’s secret religious affiliations, or ex-
Patriotic pride is a strange thing. in our time, especially in Northeast India. A lot of it is truly
So, in my experience, at least here in Southern California, posing Ms. Clinton’s two-facedness, sometimes to the ridicu-
I was shopping for a phone in a not our fault, and at the same time, it is, because we’ve all
it is not a blind patriotism but rather a deep-seated love for the lous point where you realize the meaning of the term ‘Media
mall in Westwood, the ‘university forgotten what is really important. At least I did. I say I did
country. Circus.’
town’ of LA. The vendor had a because I remember the last time I spent Independence Day
I solemnly desire this for us as Indians. This and one more At the end of the day, whether they like their government
thick Hindi/Urdu accent. While we at home, sitting in the living room under a ceiling fan, work-
thing I have to wangle in-freedom of speech. The remarkable or not, the majority of Americans wouldn’t hesitate to die for
made small talk, the conversation ing overtime because there was a bandh outside. Our idea of
freedom of speech and expression that is safeguarded so zeal- their country. Or at least, have a pride so deep there is almost
led to me mentioning where I was celebrating Independence was watching the Red Fort Parade
ously in the United States, might be the one thing the rest of the a false sense of invincibility and security.
from. I then asked him the ‘never- on TV. Of course, we didn’t really care either way. It was only
world must begrudgingly admit is something to be admired. India’s economy has grown in leaps and bounds, a growth
ask-till-you’re-so-sure-you-could- Baba, who went all out, bought fireworks, hoisted the (faded)
I could not believe my eyes when I read that ‘Jodhaa Ak- that has been unmatched in the last two decades. We are ex-
bet-your-life-on-it” question. “Are Tricolor outside, first thing in the morning. The rest of us were
bar’ had been banned in a few states in India. What are we periencing the growing pains of one long stunted, now slowly
you from India, by any chance?” either too chicken or lazy to venture out.
so afraid of? Perhaps the movie would stimulate, as it did, but surely inching out of its old body.
There was a dead silence, and you would have thought There are few countries as diverse as ours, and with all
discussions on the truth behind Jodhaa and Akbar’s so-called At my regular job as a personal assistant, I couldn’t figure
by the look on his face, that I had made an indecent assump- the diversity comes all the baggage. Some of us really don’t
alliance. And if it were false, we would surely find out. After out something on Quickbooks, the accounting and book-keep-
tion… as though I had suggested his parents were baboons feel INDIAN. A flat nose and fair skin sometimes gets in the
all, the Indian audience is not made up of mindless automa- ing software I use. I called Tech Help, which directed me to
or something. “No,” he replied in a tone that dripped of con- way of my indianness. I oscillate between two attitudes. One
tons who are going to believe something just because it was an “Anupam” in India. I was happy she didn’t say ‘Ann’ but
tempt, “I’m Pakistani.” is the “I’m so proud to be Indian” attitude. The other is the “I
marketed in a colorful, opulent song and dance form. I believe stated her real name. My boss asked me to speak in Hindi
His sales pitch drew to an abrupt end. couldn’t care less where I’m from”, and this one is triggered
it was clear from the beginning that it is a dramatization. I (which I refused, for practical reasons). “Hey,” as Mr. Fields
I was indignant. Hey, pardon me, but I have spotted more by unfeeling comments from unaware people who may not
think a lot of people who were against it missed the point of pointed out, “At least Indians speak better English than any
than one “Indian and Pakistani” restaurant around town. I had know much about Northeast India. I feel lucky sometimes that
the story. other Asians.”
thought maybe some managed to transcend political boundar- I’m from Assam, because hey, Assam is the largest tea-pro-
My best friend and I went to a multiplex where they fre- We are beginning to make our mark on the world stage,
ies, at least here. Or is it just that everyone wants to milk the ducing area in the world. It helps that tea is all the craze now.
quently screen Indian movies (an advantage of life in LA) and as Indians, we must reap every benefit that comes with it.
‘India is popular’ cow for all its worth? Yes, in case you didn’t know, India is BIG these days.
to watch ‘Jodhaa Akbar.” It spurred a discussion that lasted It doesn’t matter, at this point, if we are a minority who don’t
I hustled out of his store pretty quick, needless to say. Everybody is sitting up and taking notice of us. And in a sense,
minutes throughout the movie (and looks of ‘will you shut look the part. Find a way to exploit the opportunities that are
A few minutes later, I ran into him face to face a couple of ‘our cup runneth over.’ This is not the time to be cribbing
up’ from other viewers) and for my friend, an obsession with rushing in. Quit thinking like losers.
floors above. Wanting to redeem myself perhaps (I am a self- about how un-Indian we feel. Because if we do, we are going
‘Jalaluddin’, Hrithik Roshan! We reached the conclusion that Take pride in the National Flag and create a new brand of
confessed people-pleaser), I started to give him what I thought to lose out. There wasn’t a better time for us to take pride in
there are too many ‘Maham Angas’ in this world. People who patriotic pride, something that will become synonymous with
was a safe half-smile. our country, and discover patriotism anew. We can then claim
will stop at nothing to achieve their own ends and see things our burgeoning economic (and cultural) growth. And please
He caught my eyes and spun on his heels, giving me a full our rightful share of the newfound prosperity that is ours and
only through their little looking glass. It wasn’t the love story do not wait for a cheesy MTV ad, or a writer like me, to make
view of his back and his patriotic pride. make our mark as a nation who isn’t ashamed of itself.
that made it a good movie, but the message of integration even you proud of your country. Think of our heritage, the privi-
Yes, indeed, patriotic pride is a strange thing. This is the one thing I admire in the American nation. And
in the most difficult circumstances. leges WE DO HAVE, and the freedom our constitution made
It makes people despise each other for no personal rea- when I say ‘nation’, I mean the people. There is this ‘I-would-
Whether or not the movie was true to history, I think we room for.
son. People who share the same culture, eat the same food, die-for-my-country’ attitude. It is a kind of pride that some-
can all agree, it was a fine portrayal of the greatness of Akbar, Heck, for once, celebrate Independence Day in the spirit
wear the same clothes… look the same way. But like every times refuses to see wrong where it is bright red (and that I do
a person who put his up- it should be celebrated. Shillongites, for example, celebrate
other emotion, I think patriotic pride in a healthy dose is… not condone). But this deep
bringing and culture aside Independence Day like you do Christmas… for others, say,
healthy. Any emotion carried to the extreme crosses the line love for the flag and all it
to fulfill the high mental Durga Puja. Gandhi and the others did not give up their lives
into obsession or fanaticism. represents; the loud chorus
ideals he possessed and so people would live their lives in fear, and not know the first
The same goes for patriotic pride. of voices singing patriotic
the vision he had for Hin- thing about ‘Swarajya.’
I remember the time my parents came home from their songs on the 4th of July,
dustan--India. I will close with an anecdote. My brother-in-law wanted
first visit to the US. My father had picked up an American flag hands over their hearts, this
A fine digression to show me a joke on outsourcing someone sent to his e-mail.
as one of his souvenirs. In one of his colorful discourses, he deep ‘we-can-do-no-wrong’
indeed. But all I meant (It depicted a Harley-Davidson “MADE IN USA” with deep
described the Americans as ‘highly patriotic’. attitude, has a thing or two
to say was: we need to rumbling motor noises, and then a Harley “MADE IN INDIA”
“What do you mean?” I retorted. “We are pretty patriotic that seems to set them apart
uphold our status as a with Crazy Frog doing his ‘ding- ding- ding- ding- ding- ding-
too.” from the rest of the world.
democracy by allowing ding- ding-a-ding” routine in the background).
“No, but they are VERY PATRIOTIC”, he reiterated in By the same token,
freedom of speech and He fumbled at the keyboard, and finally called me to help
his don’t-argue-with-me voice. there are groups of dissent-
expression at its greatest. him download the PowerPoint presentation.
After nearly two years into my residency in the US, I think ers everywhere. I see, “We
We can all agree I went over, opened the file, and said: “This, Chris, is why
I am beginning to understand what Baba meant by VERY PA- hate Bush and Cheney” and
that the United States the USA outsources work to us Indians.”
TRIOTIC. “Find out the truth about
is a superpower, like it
Patriotism is defined by Merriam Webster as a love for or 9/11” signs everywhere,
or not. To me, it is not -Grace Singh Smith
devotion to one’s country. from posters on street-light
its economy or military Santa Monica, CA.
I think we have witnessed a degeneration of patriotism poles, to spray painted mes-

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