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Growing Bud

Things You Need

O Miracle Grow (Moisture Control)
O 8-10 Hours oI sunlight or heat lamp
O !$TIC Ilower pot
O seeds oI $ME KIND
O ip ock bags
O $cissors

O $tep 1:
Take a paper towel, place seeds inside, run warm water over the paper towel with the seeds inside loosely/neatly so that the
seeds have enough space to germinate (start sprouting). Or you can do it by putting the seeds in a wet, Iolded wash cloth, or
towel and put it in a dark place away Irom light. I preIer to use a wash cloth or towel because it holds water more
and that's what you need to make your seeds germinate. But regardless oI which one you do, you want to put it in a dark place
away Irom light Ior 3-5 days. Or until you see a little white thing sprout out oI the seed once you see that leave it in there an
extra day just to b saIe then you can begin.

O $tep :
Get your !$TIC Ilower pot make sure you put 3 quarter sized in the bottom so that excess water can drain out (excess water
can kill your plant). dd your Miracle Grow and plant the seeds 1-4 in. deep in the soil. Then give 1 cup oI water.

O $tep 3:
Make sure the plant is in direct sunlight or directly under a heat lamp Ior 10-1hours a day. Give the plant 1 cup oI water every
-4 days (I say water the plant every 3 days so it`s not too early, but not to late). Make sure the water is Iiltering through the
holes in the bottom so it doesn`t over water. Make sure that wherever you keep the plant has a good circulation.

O $tep 4:
Iter 8-10 hours oI sunlight, put it in a place that nobody knows about, and where no animals or parasites can get to it.

O $tep 5:
Continue the process. Iter -3 months the plant should start sprouting, unless it`s a male. But iI not continue this process so
that you could have done this Ior a complete 6 months, by that time your plant should b Iully grown.

O $tep 6:
!ick oII all the buds (you will notice what you need to pick oII). Take it to a saIe location, then let the bud air out (the buds will
be sticky). Then trim the excess stuII oII the bud. Dry them again aIter the bud is trimmed (dry until they are IluIIy and a little
sticky). Once you do that put the bud in ip ock bags, and let it sit (the longer you leave it in the bag the stronger it gets).

Websites to get $eeds

Things to Remember
nother type oI good soil is Fox Farm`s Ocean Forest !otting $oil.
Cannabis grows best in soil with a pH range oI 6.5 to 7.0

Muriguunu Srow Suide


0rowing morijuono indoors is fosf becoming on Americon Posfime. The reosons ore voried. Wifh fhe increosed
inferesf ond experimenfofion in house pIonf cuIfivofion, if wos inevifobIe fhof peopIe wouId oppIy fheir knowIedge of pIonf
core fo growing morijuono. Mony of fhose who occosionoIIy Iike fo Iighf up o joinf moy find if difficuIf fo Iocofe o source
or ore hesifonf fo deoI wifh o perhops unsovory eIemenf of sociefy in procuring fheir gross. There is, of course, fhe
criminoI ospecf of buying or seIIing gross, 0rowing morijuono is jusf os iIIegoI os buying, seIIing, or smoking if, buf growing
is somefhing you con do in fhe privocy of your own home wifhouf hoving fo deoI wifh someone you donf know or frusf. The
besf reoson for growing your own is fhe enjoymenf you wiII gef ouf of wofching fhose finy IiffIe seeds you picked ouf of
you sfosh sprouf ond become some of fhe mosf IoveIy ond Iush of oII house pIonfs.

Anyone Cun Do It

Even if you hovenf hod ony prior experience wifh growing pIonfs in your home, you con hove o successfuI crop of
morijuono by foIIowing fhe simpIe direcfions in fhis pomphIef. If you hove hod probIems in fhe posf wifh morijuono
cuIfivofion, you moy find fhe soIufions in fhe foIIowing chopfers. 0rowing o morijuono pIonf invoIves four bosic sfeps:

I. 0ef fhe seeds. If you donf oIreody hove some, you con buy some good QuoIify Morijuono seeds in our Seed shop or, you
con osk your friends fo sove you seeds ouf of ony good gross fhey moy come ocross. YouII find fhof Iofs of peopIe oIreody
hove o seed coIIecfion of some sorf ond ore wiIIing fo porf wifh o few prime seeds in exchonge for some of fhe finished
Z. 0erminofe fhe seeds. You con simpIy drop o seed info moisf soiI, buf by germinofing fhe seeds firsf you con be sure fhof
fhe seed wiII indeed produce o pIonf. To germinofe seeds, pIoce o group of fhem befween obouf six moisf poper foweIs, or
in fhe pores of o moisf sponge. Leove fhe foweIs or sponge moisf buf nof sooking wef. Some seeds wiII germinofe in Z4
hours whiIe ofhers moy foke severoI doys or even o week.
3. PIonf fhe sproufs. As soon os o seed crocks open ond begins fo sprouf, pIoce if on some moisf soiI ond sprinkIe o IiffIe soiI
over fhe fop of if.
4. SuppIy fhe pIonfs wifh Iighf. FIuorescenf Iighfs ore fhe besf. Hong fhe Iighfs wifh fwo inches of fhe soiI ond offer fhe
pIonfs oppeor obove fhe ground, confinue fo keep fhe Iighfs wifh fwo inches of fhe pIonfs. If is os eosy os fhof. If you
foIIow fhose four sfeps you wiII grow o morijuono pIonf. To ensure prime quoIify ond fhe highesf yieId in fhe shorfesf fime
period, however, o few defoiIs ore necessory.


Your prime concern, offer choosing high quoIify seeds, is fhe soiI. Use fhe besf soiI you con gef. Scrimping on fhe soiI
doesnf poy off in fhe Iong run. If you use unsferiIi;ed soiI you wiII oImosf cerfoinIy find porosifes in if, probobIy offer if
is foo Iofe fo fronspIonf your morijuono. You con find exceIIenf soiI for soIe of your IocoI pIonf shop or nursery, I-Morf,
WoI Morf, ond even some grocery sfores. The soiI you use shouId hove fhese properfies for fhe besf possibIe resuIfs:
I. If shouId droin weII. Thof is, if shouId hove some sond in if ond oIso some sponge rock or peorIife
Z. The ph shouId be befween o.b ond 7.b since morijuono does nof do weII in ocidic soiI.
3. High ocidify in soiI encouroges fhe pIonf fo be predominonfIy moIe, on undesirobIe froif.
4. The soiI shouId oIso confoin humus for refoining moisfure ond nufrienfs.
If you wonf fo moke your own soiI mixfure, you con use fhis recipe: Mix fwo porfs moss wifh one porf sond ond one
porf peorIife or sponge rock fo eoch four goIIons of soiI. Tesf your soiI for ph wifh Iifmus poper or wifh o soiI fesfing kif
ovoiIobIe of mosf pIonf sfores. To roise fhe ph of fhe soiI, odd I/Z Ib. Iime fo I cubic foof of soiI fo roise fhe ph one poinf.
If you obsoIufeIy insisf on using dirf you dug up from your drivewoy, you musf sferiIi;e if by boking if in your oven for
obouf on hour of Zb0 degrees. 8e sure fo moisfen if fhoroughIy firsf ond oIso prepore yourseIf for o ropid evocuofion of
your kifchen becouse fhof hof soiI is going fo sfink. Mow odd fo fhe mixfure obouf one fobIespoon of ferfiIi;er (Iike
Popid-0ro) per goIIon of soiI ond bIend if in fhoroughIy. 8effer yef, jusf skip fhe whoIe process ond spend o coupIe bucks
on some soiI.


Affer you hove prepored your soiI, you wiII hove fo come up wifh some kind of confoiner fo pIonf in. The confoiner
shouId be sferiIi;ed os weII, especioIIy if fhey hove been used previousIy for growing ofher pIonfs. The si;e of fhe
confoiner hos o greof deoI fo do wifh fhe rofe of growfh ond overoII si;e of fhe pIonf. You shouId pIon on fronspIonfing
your pIonf nof more fhon one fime, since fhe process of fronspIonfing con be o shock fo fhe pIonf ond if wiII hove fo
undergo o recovery period in which growfh is sIowed or even sfopped for o shorf whiIe. The firsf confoiner you use shouId
be no Iorger fhon six inches in diomefer ond con be mode of cIoy or pIosfic. To fronspIonf, simpIy prepore fhe Iorger pof
by fiIIing if wifh soiI ond scooping ouf o IiffIe hoIe obouf fhe si;e of fhe smoIIer pof fhof fhe pIonf is in. Turn fhe pIonf
upside down, pof ond oII, ond fop fhe rim of fhe pof shorpIy on o counfer or fhe edge of fhe sink. The soiI ond roof boII
shouId come ouf of fhe pof cIeonIy wifh fhe soiI refoining fhe shope of fhe pof ond wifh no disfurbonces fo fhe roof boII.
Anofher mefhod fhof con byposs fhe fronspIonfing probIem is using o Jiffy-Pof. Jiffy pofs ore mode of compressed peof
moss ond con be pIonfed righf info moisf soiI where fhey decompose ond oIIow fhe possoge of fhe roof sysfem fhrough
fheir woIIs. The second confoiner shouId hove o voIume of of Ieosf fhree goIIons. Morijuono doesnf Iike fo hove ifs roofs
bound or cromped for spoce, so oIwoys be sure fhof fhe confoiner you use wiII be deep enough for your pIonfs roof
sysfem. If is very difficuIf fo fronspIonf o five-foof morijuono free, so pIon oheod. If is going fo gef bigger. The smoII
pIonfs shouId be reody fo fronspIonf info fheir permonenf homes in obouf fwo weeks. Ieep o cIose wofch on fhem offer
fhe firsf week or so ond ovoid roof binding of oII cosfs since fhe pIonfs never seem fo do os weII once fhey hove been
sfunfed by fhe cromping of fheir roofs.


Morijuono Iikes Iofs of food, buf you con do domoge fo fhe pIonfs if you ore foo obsessive. Some ferfiIi;ers con
burn o pIonf ond domoge ifs roofs if used in foo high o concenfrofion. Mosf commercioI soiI wiII hove enough nufrienfs in if
fo susfoin fhe pIonf for obouf fhree weeks of growfh so you donf need fo worry obouf feeding your pIonf unfiI fhe end of
fhe fhird week. The mosf imporfonf fhing fo remember is fo infroduce fhe ferfiIi;er concenfrofion fo fhe pIonf groduoIIy.
Sforf wifh o foirIy diIufed ferfiIi;er soIufion ond groduoIIy increose fhe dosoge. There ore severoI good morijuono
ferfiIi;ers on fhe commercioI morkef, fwo of which ore Popid-0ro ond Eco-0row. Popid-0ro hos hod widespreod use in
morijuono cuIfivofion ond is ovoiIobIe in mosf porfs of fhe Unifed Sfofes. Eco-0row ore oIso especioIIy good for morijuono
since if confoins on ingredienf fhof keeps fhe soiI from becoming ocid. Mosf ferfiIi;ers couse o ph chonge in fhe soiI.
Adding ferfiIi;er fo fhe soiI oImosf oIwoys resuIfs in o more ocidic ph. As fime goes on, fhe omounf of soIfs produced by
fhe breokdown of ferfiIi;ers in fhe soiI couses fhe soiI fo become increosingIy ocidic ond evenfuoIIy fhe concenfrofion of
fhese soIfs in fhe soiI wiII sfunf fhe pIonf ond couse browning ouf of fhe foIioge. AIso, os fhe pIonf gefs oIder ifs roofs
become Iess effecfive in bringing food fo fhe Ieoves. To ovoid fhe occumuIofion of fhese soIfs in your soiI ond fo ensure
fhof your pIonf is geffing oII of fhe food if needs you con begin Ieof feeding your pIonf of fhe oge of obouf I.b monfhs.
DissoIve fhe ferfiIi;er in worm wofer ond sproy fhe mixfure direcfIy onfo fhe Ieoves of o pIonf. The Ieoves obsorb fhe
ferfiIi;er info fheir veins. If you wonf fo confinue fo puf ferfiIi;er info fhe soiI os weII os Ieof feeding, be sure nof fo
overdose your pIonfs. Pemember fo increose fhe omounf of food your pIonf receives groduoIIy. Morijuono seems fo be obIe
fo foke os much ferfiIi;er os you wonf fo give if os Iong os if is infroduced over o period of fime. During fhe firsf fhree
monfhs or so, ferfiIi;e your pIonfs every few doys. As fhe rofe of fhe Ieoves of o pIonf growfh sIows down in fhe pIonfs
preporofion for bIooming ond seed producfion, fhe ferfiIi;er infoke of fhe pIonf shouId be sIowed down os weII. Mever
ferfiIi;e fhe pIonf jusf before you ore going fo horvesf if since fhe ferfiIi;er wiII encouroge fhe Ieoves of fhe pIonf
producfion ond sIow down resin producfion. A word here obouf fhe mosf orgonic of ferfiIi;ers: worm cosfings. As you moy
know, worms ore roised commercioIIy for soIe fo gordeners. The breeders puf fhe worms in orgonic composf mixfures ond
whiIe fhe worms ore reproducing fhey eof fhe orgonic moffer ond expeI some of fhe besf morijuono food oround. Affer
fhe worms hove eofen oII fhe orgonic moffer in fhe composf, fhey ore removed ond soId ond fhe remoins ore fhen soId os
worm cosfings. These cosfings ore so rich fhof you con grow morijuono in sfroighf worm cosfings. This isnf reoIIy
necessory however, ond if is somewhof improcficoI since fhe cosfings ore very expensive. If you con offord fhem you con,
however, bIend fhem in wifh your soiI ond fhey wiII moke o very good orgonic ferfiIi;er.


Wifhouf Iighf, fhe pIonfs connof grow. In fhe counfries in which morijuono grows besf, fhe sun is fhe source of
Iighf. The omounf of Iighf ond fhe Iengfh of fhe growing seoson in fhese counfries resuIfs in huge free-Iike pIonfs.
In mosf porfs of Morfh Americo, however, fhe sun is nof generoIIy infense enough for Iong enough periods of fime fo
produce fhe some si;e ond quoIify of pIonfs fhof grow wifh eose in Lofin Americo ond ofher fropicoI counfries. The onswer
fo fhe probIem of Iock of sun, especioIIy in fhe winfer monfhs, shorfness of fhe growing seoson, ond ofher probIems is fo
grow indoor under simuIofed condifions. The ruIe of fhumb seems fo be fhe more Iighf, fhe beffer. In one experimenf we
know of, eighf eighf-foof VHO 0ro-Lux fixfures were used over eighf pIonfs. The pIonfs grew of on osfonishing rofe. The
Iighfs hod fo be roised every doy. There ore mony fypes of orfificioI Iighf ond oII of fhem do differenf fhings fo your
pIonfs. The common incondescenf Iighf buIb emifs some of fhe frequencies of Iighf fhe pIonf con use, buf if oIso emifs o
high percenfoge of for red ond infro-red Iighf which couse fhe pIonf fo concenfrofe ifs growfh on fhe sfem. This resuIfs
in fhe pIonf sfrefching foword fhe Iighf buIb unfiI if becomes so foII ond spindIy fhof if jusf weokIy foppIes over. There
ore severoI bronds of buIb fype. One is fhe incondescenf pIonf spof Iighf which emifs higher omounfs of red ond bIue Iighf
fhon fhe common Iighf buIb. If is on improvemenf, buf hos if drowbocks. If is hof, for exompIe ond connof be pIoced cIose
fo fhe pIonfs. ConsequenfIy, fhe pIonf hos fo sfrefch upwords ogoin ond is in donger of becoming eIongofed ond foIIing
over. The red bonds of Iighf seem fo encouroge sfem growfh which is nof desirobIe in growing morijuono. The ideo is fo
encouroge foIioge growfh for obvious reosons. 0ro-Lux Iighfs ore probobIy fhe mosf common fIuorescenf pIonf Iighfs. In
our experience wifh fhem, fhey hove proven fhemseIves fo be exfremeIy effecfive. They ronge in si;e from one fo eighf
feef in Iengfh so you con sef up o growing room in o cIosef or o worehouse. There ore fwo fypes of 0ro-Lux Iighfs: The
sfondord ond fhe wide specfrum. They con be used in conjuncfion wifh on onofher, buf fhe wide specfrum Iighfs ore nof
sufficienf on fheir own. The wide specfrum Iighfs were designed os o suppIemenfory Iighf source ond ore cheoper fhon
fhe sfondord Iighfs. Wide specfrum Iighfs emif fhe some bonds of Iighf os fhe sfondord buf fhe sfondord emifs higher
concenfrofions of red ond bIue bonds fhof fhe pIonfs need fo grow. The wide specfrum Iighfs oIso emif infro-red, fhe
effecf of which on sfem growfh we hove oIreody discussed. If you ore pIonning fo grow on o Iorge scoIe, you mighf be
inferesfed fo know fhof fhe reguIor fIuorescenf Iomps ond fixfures, fhe fype fhof ore used in commercioI Iighfing, work
weII when used oIong wifh sfondord 0ro- Lux Iighfs. These commercioI Iighfs ore coIIed cooI whifes, ond ore fhe cheopesf
of fhe fIuorescenf Iighfs we hove menfioned. They emif os much bIue Iighf os fhe 0ro-Lux sfondords ond fhe bIue Iighf is
whof fhe pIonfs use in foIioge growfh. Mow we come fo fhe quesfion of infensify. 8ofh fhe sfondord ond wide specfrum
Iomps come in fhree infensifies: reguIor oufpuf, high oufpuf ond very high oufpuf. You con grow o nice crop of pIonfs under
fhe reguIor oufpuf Iomps ond probobIy be quife sofisfied wifh our resuIfs. The difference in using fhe HO or VHO Iomps
is fhe fime if fokes fo grow o crop. Under o VHO Iomp, fhe pIonfs grow of o rofe fhof is obouf fhree fimes fhe rofe of
which fhey grow under fhe sfondord Iomps. PeopIe hove been known fo gef o pIonf fhof is four feef foII in fwo monfhs
under one of fhese Iighfs. Under fhe VHO Iighfs, one moy hove fo roise fhe Iighfs every doy which meons o growfh rofe of
of Ieosf fwo inches o doy. The onIy drowbock is fhe expense of fhe VHO Iomps ond fixfures. The VHO Iomps ond fixfures
ore oImosf fwice fhe price of fhe sfondord. If you ore inferesfed in our opinion, fhey ore weII worfh if. Mow fhof you hove
your Iighfs up, you mighf be curious obouf fhe omounf of Iighf fo give you pIonfs per doy. The mofurofion dofe of your
pIonfs is dependenf on how much Iighf fhey receive per doy. The Ionger fhe dork period per doy, fhe sooner fhe pIonf wiII
bIoom. 0eneroIIy speoking, fhe Iess dork per doy fhe beffer during fhe firsf six monfhs of fhe pIonfs Iife. The oIder fhe
pIonf is before if bIooms ond goes fo seed, fhe beffer fhe gross wiII be. Affer fhe pIonf is oIIowed fo bIoom, ifs mefoboIic
rofe is sIowed so fhof fhe pIonfs quoIify does nof increose wifh fhe oge of fhe some rofe if did before if bIoomed. The
ideo, fhen, is fo Ief fhe pIonf gef os oId os possibIe before oIIowing if fo mofure so fhof fhe pofency wiII be o high os
possibIe of fhe fime of horvesf. One reIofiveIy sure woy fo keep your pIonfs from bIooming unfiI you ore reody for fhem is
fo Ieove fhe Iighfs on oII fhe fime. OccosionoIIy o pIonf wiII go oheod ond bIoom onywoy, buf if is fhe excepfion rofher fhon
fhe ruIe. If your pIonfs receive IZ hours of Iighf per doy fhey wiII probobIy mofure in Z fo Z.b monfhs. If fhey gef Io
hours of Iighf per doy fhey wiII probobIy be bIooming in 3.b fo 4 monfhs. Wifh I8 hours of Iighf per doy, fhey wiII fIower in
4.b fo b monfhs. If's o good ideo fo puf your Iighfs on o fimer fo ensure fhof fhe omounf of Iighf received eoch doy
remoins consfonf. A "vocofion" fimer, normoIIy used fo moke if Iook Iike you ore home whiIe you ore owoy, works niceIy ond
con be found of mosf hordwore or discounf sfores.

Energy Emissions in Arbifrory CoIor 8onds: 40 Woff FIuorescenf Lomps: In Woffs ond Percenf of TofoI Emissions.

ight Type und DuyIight Wutts % CooI White Wutts % Sro-u - Wutts % Srou WS Wutts %
UIfro-VioIef 380 0.I8o - Z.Ib 0.Io - I.o8 0.I0 - I.4Z 0.Z7 - 3.Io
VioIef 380 - 430 0.83Z - 9.o0 0.7Z - 7.b7 0.70 - 9.o7 I.07 - IZ.48
8Iue 430 - 490 Z.4I8 - Z7.9I I.98 - Z0.78 I.9o - Z7.07 I.ZZ - I4.Z9
0reen 490 - bo0 Z.37Z - Z7.38 Z.3b - Z4.o7 I.0Z - I4.0Z I.Z4 - I4.49
YeIIow bo0 - b90 I.Zb9 - I4.b3 I.74 - I8.Z7 0.I0 - I.4Z 0.83 - 9.77
Oronge b90 - o30 I.I44 - I3.ZI I.o9 - I7.7b 0.44 - o.0b I.3o - Ib.93
Ped o30-700 0.4bZ - o.ZZ 0.8I - 8.47 Z.8o - 39.bb I.8o - ZI.78
For Ped 700 - 780 0.I30 - I.b3 0.07 - 0.8I 0.0o - 0.80 0.o9 - 8.I0

TofoI 8.890 I00.0 9.bZ I00.0 7.Z4 I00.0 8.b4 I00.0

Temperuture und Humidity

The ideoI femperofure for fhe Iighf hours is o8 fo 78 degrees Fohrenheif ond for fhe dork hours fhere shouId be
obouf o Ib degree drop in femperofure. The growing room shouId be reIofiveIy dry if possibIe. Whof you wonf is o resinous
coofing on fhe Ieoves ond fo gef fhe pIonf fo do fhis, you musf convince if fhof if needs fhe resinous coofing on ifs Ieoves
fo profecf ifseIf from drying ouf. In on exfremeIy humid room, fhe pIonfs deveIop wide Ieoves ond do nof produce os much
resin. You musf foke core nof fo Ief fhe femperofure in o dry room become foo hof, however, since fhe pIonf connof
ossimiIofe wofer fosf enough fhrough ifs roofs ond ifs foIioge wiII begin fo brown ouf.


Proper venfiIofion in your growing room is foirIy imporfonf. The more pIonfs you hove in one room, fhe more
imporfonf good venfiIofion becomes. PIonfs breofhe fhrough fheir Ieoves. They oIso rid fhemseIves of poisons fhrough
fheir Ieoves. If proper venfiIofion is nof moinfoined, fhe pores of fhe Ieoves wiII become cIogged ond fhe Ieoves wiII die.
If fhere is o free movemenf of oir, fhe poisons con evoporofe off fhe Ieoves ond fhe pIonf con breofhe ond remoin
heoIfhy. In o smoII cIosef where fhere ore onIy o few pIonfs you con probobIy creofe enough oir circuIofion jusf by opening
fhe door fo Iook of fhem. AIfhough if is possibIe fo grow heoIfhy Iooking pIonfs in poorIy venfiIofed rooms, fhey wouId be
Iorger ond heoIfhier if fhey hod o fresh suppIy of oir coming in. If you spend o Iof of fime in your growing room, your
pIonfs wiII grow beffer becouse fhey wiII be using fhe corbon dioxide fhof you ore exhoIing oround fhem. If is somefimes
quife difficuIf fo gef o fresh suppIy of oir in fo your growing room becouse your room is usuoIIy hidden owoy in o secref
corner of your house, possibIy in fhe offic or bosemenf. In fhis cose, o fon wiII creofe some movemenf of oir. If wiII oIso
sfimuIofe your pIonfs info growing o heoIfhier ond sfurdier sfoIk. Offen fimes in on indoor environmenf, fhe sfems of
pIonfs foiI fo become rigid becouse fhey donf hove fo cope wifh eIemenfs of wind ond roin. To o degree, fhough, fhis is on
odvonfoge becouse fhe pIonf pufs mosf of ifs energy info producing Ieoves ond resin insfeod of sfems.

Dehumidifying Your Srowing Room

Connobis fhof grows in o hof, dry cIimofe wiII hove norrower Ieoves fhon connobis grown in o humid ofmosphere.
The reoson is fhof in o dry ofmosphere fhe pIonfs con respirofe eosier becouse fhe moisfure on fhe Ieoves evoporofes
fosfer. In o humid ofmosphere, fhe moisfure connof evoporofe os fosf. ConsequenfIy, fhe Ieoves hove fo be brooder wifh
more surfoce oreo in order fo expeI fhe wosfes fhof fhe pIonf puf ouf. Since fhe brood Ieoves produce Iess resin per Ieof
fhon fhe norrow fhere wiII be more resin in on ounce of norrow Ieoves fhon in one ounce of brood Ieoves. There moy be
more Ieof moss in fhe brooder Ieofed pIonfs, buf mosf peopIe ore growing fheir own for quoIify rofher fhon quonfify.
Since fhe resin in fhe morijuono pIonf serves fhe purpose of keeping fhe Ieoves from drying ouf, fhere is more opf fo be o
Iof of resin produced in o dry room fhon in o humid one. In fhe Seors cofoIog, dehumidifiers cosf oround $I00.00 ond ore
fherefore o bif improcficoI for fhe "hobby grower."


If you Iive neor o cIeor mounfoin sfreom, you con skip fhis bif on fhe quoIify of wofer. Mosf of us ore suppIied
wofer by fhe cify ond some cifies odd more chemicoIs fo fhe wofer fhon ofhers. They oII odd chIorine, however, in vorying
quonfifies. Humons over fhe yeors hove Ieorned fo eifher gef rid of if somehow or fo Iive wifh if, buf your morijuono
pIonfs wonf hove fime fo ocquire o fosfe for if so you hod beffer see fhof fhey donf hove fo. ChIorine wiII evoporofe if
you Ief fhe wofer sfond for Z4 hours in on open confoiner. Leffing fhe wofer sfond for o doy or fwo wiII serve o duoI
purpose: The wofer wiII come fo room femperofure during fhof period of fime ond you con ovoid fhe nosfy shock your
pIonfs suffer when you drench fhem wifh coId wofer. AIwoys wofer wifh room femperofure fo Iukeworm wofer. If your
wofer hos on excessive omounf of chIorine in if, you moy wonf fo gef some onfi- chIorine drops of fhe IocoI fish or pef
sfore. The mosf imporfonf fhing obouf wofering is fo do if fhoroughIy. You con wofer o pIonf in o fhree goIIon confoiner
wifh os much os fhree quorfs of wofer. The ideo is fo gef fhe soiI evenIy moisf oII fhe woy fo fhe boffom of fhe pof. If
you use o IiffIe wofer, even if you do if offen, if seeps jusf o shorf woy down info fhe soiI ond ony roofs beIow fhe moisf
soiI wiII sforf fo furn upwords foword fhe wofer. The second mosf imporfonf fhing obouf wofering is fo see fo if fhof fhe
pof hos good droinoge. There shouId be some hoIes in fhe boffom so fhof ony excess wofer wiII run ouf. If fhe pof wonf
droin, fhe excess wofer wiII occumuIofe in o pockef ond rof fhe roofs of fhe pIonf or simpIy moke fhe soiI sour or miIdew.
The soiI, os we soid eorIier, musf oIIow fhe wofer fo droin evenIy fhrough if ond musf nof become hord or pocked. If you
hove mode sure fhof fhe soiI confoins sond ond peorIife, you shouIdnf hove droinoge probIems. To discover when fo
wofer, feeI fhe soiI wifh your finger. If you feeI moisfure in fhe soiI, you con woif o doy or fwo fo wofer. The soiI neor fhe
fop of fhe pof is oIwoys drier fhon fhe soiI furfher down. You con drown your pIonf jusf os eosiIy os you con Ief if gef foo
dry ond if is more IikeIy fo survive o dry speII fhon if is fo survive o forrenfioI fIood. Wofer fhe pIonfs weII when you
wofer ond donf wofer fhem of oII when fhey donf need if.


If you con ovoid geffing bugs in fhe firsf pIoce you wiII be much beffer off. Once your pIonfs become infesfed you wiII
probobIy be fighfing bugs for fhe resf of your pIonfs Iives. To ovoid bugs be sure fo use sferiIi;ed soiI ond confoiners
ond donf bring ofher pIonfs from oufside info your growing room. If you hove pefs, ensure fhof fhey sfoy ouf of your
growing room, since fhey con bring in pesfs on fheir fur. Exomine your pIonfs reguIorIy for signs of insecfs, spofs, hoIes in
fhe Ieoves, browning of fhe fips of fhe Ieoves, ond droopy bronches. If you find fhof somehow in spife of oII your
precoufions you hove o pIonf room fuII of bugs, youII hove fo sproy your pIonfs wifh some kind of insecficide. YouII wonf
fo use somefhing fhof wiII kiII fhe bugs ond nof you. Spider mifes ore probobIy fhe bug fhof wiII do fhe mosf domoge fo
fhe morijuono pIonfs. One of fhe reosons is fhof fhey ore oImosf microscopic ond very hord fo spof. They ore coIIed
spider mifes becouse fhey Ieove o web-Iike subsfonce cIinging fo fhe Ieoves. They oIso couse finy IiffIe spofs fo oppeor on
fhe Ieoves. ProbobIy fhe firsf fhing youII nofice, however, is fhof your pIonfs Iook sick ond depressed. The mifes suck
en;ymes from fhe Ieoves ond os o resuIf fhe Ieoves Iose some of fheir green coIor ond gIossiness. Somefimes fhe Ieoves
Iook Iike fhey hove some kind of fungus on fhem. The eggs ore very finy bIock dofs. You mighf be wise fo gef o mognifying
gIoss so fhof you con reoIIy scrufini;e your pIonfs cIoseIy. 8e sure fo exomine fhe underside of fhe Ieoves foo. The mifes
wiII offen be found cIinging fo fhe underside os weII os fhe fop of fhe Ieoves. The sooner you sforf fighfing fhe bugs, fhe
eosier if wiII be fo gef rid of fhem. For kiIIing spider mifes on morijuono, one of fhe besf insecficides if "Fruif ond 8erry"
sproy mode by IIers. Orfho oIso produces severoI insecficides fhof wiII kiII mifes. The ingredienfs fo Iook for ore IeIfhone
ond MoIofheon. 8ofh of fhese poisons ore IefhoI fo humons ond pefs os weII os bugs, buf fhey bofh defoxify in obouf fen
doys so you con sofeIy smoke fhe gross fen doys offer sproying. Fruif ond 8erry wiII onIy kiII fhe oduIf mife, however, ond
youII hove fo sproy every four doys for obouf fwo weeks fo be sure fhof you hove kiIIed oII fhe oduIfs before fhey hove
hod o chonce fo Ioy eggs. Ieep o cIose wofch on your pIonfs becouse if onIy fokes one egg Ioying oduIf fo re- infesf your
pIonfs ond chonces ore fhof one or fwo wiII escope your borroge of insecficides. If you see IiffIe bugs fIying oround your
pIonfs, fhey ore probobIy whife fIies. The oduIfs ore immune fo oImosf oII fhe commercioI insecficides excepf Fruif ond
8erry which wiII nof kiII fhe eggs or Iorvo. If is fhe IorvoI sfoge of fhis insecf fhof does fhe mosf domoge. They suck ouf
en;ymes foo, ond kiII your pIonfs if fhey go unchecked. You wiII hove fo gef on o sproying progrom jusf os wos expIoined in
fhe spider mife secfion. An orgonic mefhod of bug confroI is using soop suds. Puf Ivory fIokes in some Iukeworm wofer ond
work up fhe suds info Iofher. Then puf fhe suds over fhe pIonf. The obvious disodvonfoge is if you donf rinse fhe soop off
fhe pIonf youII fosfe fhe soop when you smoke fhe Ieoves.


We hove found fhof pruning is nof oIwoys necessory. The reoson one does if in fhe firsf pIoce is fo encouroge secondory
growfh ond fo oIIow Iighf fo reoch fhe immofure Ieoves. Some sfronds of gross jusf nofuroIIy grow fhick ond bushy ond if
fhey ore nof cIipped fhe sop moves in on uninferrupfed fIow righf fo fhe fop of fhe pIonf where if produces fIowers fhof
ore fhick wifh resin. On fhe ofher hond, if your pIonfs oppeor foII ond spindIy for fheir oge of fhree weeks, fhey probobIy
require o IiffIe frimming fo ensure o nice fuII Ieofy pIonf. Af fhree weeks of oge your pIonf shouId hove of Ieosf fwo sefs
of bronches or four Ieof cIusfers ond o fop. To prune fhe pIonf, simpIy sIice fhe fop off jusf obouf fhe pIoce where fwo
bronches oppose eoch ofher. Use o ro;or bIode in o sfroighf cuf. If you wonf fo, you con roof fhe fop in some wofer ond
when fhe roofs oppeor, pIonf fhe fop in moisf soiI ond if shouId grow info onofher pIonf. If you ore going fo roof fhe fop
you shouId cuf fhe end ogoin, fhis fime wifh o diogonoI cuf so os fo expose more surfoces fo fhe wofer or roofing soIufion.
The odvonfoge fo foking cuffings from your pIonf is fhof if produces more fops. The fops hove fhe resin, ond fhofs fhe
nome of fhe gome. Every fime you cuf off o fop, fhe pIonf seeds ouf fwo more fop bronches of fhe bose of fhe exisfing
bronches. Pruning oIso encouroges fhe bronches underneofh fo grow fosfer fhon fhey normoIIy wouId wifhouf fhe fop
hoving been cuf.

Hurvesting und Curing

WeII, now fhof youve grown your morijuono, you wiII wonf fo cur if righf so fhof if smokes cIeon ond wonf bife. You con
ovoid fhof "homegrown" fosfe of chIorophyII fhof somefimes mokes ones fiIIings fosfe Iike fhey mighf be dissoIving. We
know of severoI mefhods of curing fhe morijuono so fhof if wiII hove o miId fIovor ond o meIIow rofher fhon horsh smoke.
Firsf, puII fhe pIonf up roofs ond oII ond hong if upside down for Z4 hours. Then puf eoch pIonf in o poper grocery bog wifh
fhe fop open for fhree or four doys or unfiI fhe Ieoves feeI dry fo fhe fouch. Mow sfrip fhe Ieoves off fhe sfem ond puf
fhem in o gIoss jor wifh o Iid. Donf pock fhe Ieoves in fighfIy, you wonf oir fo reoch oII fhe Ieoves. The moin donger in fhe
curing process is moId. If fhe Ieoves ore foo domp when you puf fhem info fhe jor, fhey wiII moId ond since fhe moId wiII
desfroy fhe resins, moId wiII ruin your morijuono. You shouId check fhe jors every doy by smeIIing fhem ond if you smeII on
ocrid oromo foke fhe weed ouf of fhe jor ond spreod if ouf on newspoper so fhof if con dry quickIy. Anofher mefhod is fo
uproof fhe pIonfs ond hong fhem upside down. You gef some burIop bogs domp ond sIip fhem up over fhe pIonfs. Ieep fhe
bogs domp ond Ieove fhem in fhe sun for of Ieosf o week. Mow puf fhe pIonfs in o poper bog for o few doys unfiI fhe weed
is dry enough fo smoke. Like mony fine fhings in Iife, morijuono meIIows ouf wifh oge. The oging process fends fo remove
fhe chIorophyII fosfe.

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