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Let s try to gauge this beautiful idea.

Now I do not know how many of you will appre ciate it..most I assume are bound to think of it as trash..but come on, ours is a world of possibilities and so you never know.. so let me write it down before it slips my mind and I get lost in the whirlwind of illusions. A long time ago, a really long time ago, a subtle thing called mind lived somewh ere around and above us..and not inside us..not inside our brain..our head. But it hovered like a cloud somewhere in the unknown spaces. The mind created some b eautiful, ugly, intriguing things around it the earth, the planets, the stars, the h uman beings and so on..Now the mind was the author, and these things its subject s, objects, everything. Soon the subjects began to assume a life of their own..Yes, they all came to lif e. The author had brought all of them to life and now they all started having a min d of their own. The mind was not within. It was always outside. But since they a ll came to life, they thought that it is within..And then they began to live a l ife of their own Little did they know that they were just shadows, an illusion. But nevertheless they looked so real to each other and they also developed behav iour patterns, desires and dreams for themselves. Nobody ever believed anything artificial about themselves. They were happy, sad, angry, and everything accordi ng to their character and to that they added some more of their own. Now one fine day, one of the subjects began to wonder about his existence. He po ndered for a long time and then fell silent. Maybe this one was a philosopher or a spiritually inclined character. He began to look for the source of his existence with fervour. Soon enough he re alized that he is just a character created by the subtle mind and that he is jus t an illusion. The moment he realized it, he stopped living a life of his own. H is desires ceased. He realized that what he thought was a life of his own, an in dependent will, was charted by someone, elsewhere. But still he had to play out his PART. He knew he had to reflect, ponder, medita te, wonder as his character dictated. He put an end to all his desires and dream s that he had planned for himself believing this life to be his own. And he just played out the parts that were written for him. In other words, he became compl etely detached from himself. This greatly irked the subtle mind, the author. As the character ceased to be de veloping further on its own, the subtle mind decided to get rid of it. And thus the character was liberated from the bondage of being a character at al l. The mind creates..it is the quality of the mind to create. Creation ceases when thoughts cease. And then there is liberation.

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