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11 May 2011

Thank you Mr Chair. Our vision for the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns is one inclusive of a concrete review process, that is decisive and easily translatable from words into action. As youth, we are committed to altering current, unsustainable consumption and production patterns, and to making an impactful transition to sustainable practices. We advocate for global indicators for development that go beyond GDP and which account for human well-being and maintenance of natural capital, thereby replacing economic growth as the primary measure of human progress. To bring our economies in sync with economic progress, sustainability indices should be developed. Sustainability rates aligned with the health of natural systems and human communities must replace the unstable and easily manipulated interest rates now plaguing economies across the globe. Then the value of our money would be directly reflected by regional stewardship practices and the effectiveness of our social programs. We are concerned that the consequences of mining outweigh its short term monetary benefits, especially for our generation. We call for the eradication of all forms of child labor in the mining industry and the banning of mining in environmentally sensitive areas. We also call for sound chemical management based on the four principles: Precautionary, Polluter-Pays, Right-to-Know and Substitution. We urge countries to address the social and poverty issues of the formal and informal waste sectors by improving the occupational health and safety and educational opportunities for waste scavengers and rag-pickers, especially children. Biofuels and other renewable sources of energy are beneficial. However, it needs to be ensured that their production does not hamper food production and does not infringe upon human rights nor create further loss of biodiversity asnd habitat destruction We emphasize that civil society has the right to be consulted and our input seriously considered and incorporated in decision making processes. They must remain transparent; decisions must be implemented; and action must be taken -- so we may all have a sustainable future. Thank you.

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