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May - June 2011 Volume 1, Issue 3

Promise verse for 2011 Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty (zech 4:6)

DearfriendsinChrist, GreetingstoyouinthenameofJesusChrist,whowillnotbreakthebruisedreedandwillnot snuffoutasmolderingwick!

TheLORDisgoodtothosewhosehopeisinhim,totheonewhoseekshim; itisgoodtowaitquietlyforthesalvationoftheLORD.(Lam3:25,26)

Prayer points
Our vision is to plant 100 churches (community centers) in 10 South East Asian countries in 10 years. Please pray for the Peniel Faith Community Centre in Siem Reap. Please pray for 3 days deliverance gospel meetings in Siem Reap. Please pray for Peniel Faith Community centre in south dagon village in myanmar. Please uphold the team preparing for the Cambodia mission trip.

Expectationsaredifferentamongpeopleinthisworld.Butforus,asadiscipleof JesusChrist, ourhopeisJesusonly(Romans8:19).Ourraceisalreadyfixed(Phili3:14)Ifanyoneistiredin thisrace,lethimgetfromtheLordwhogivesstrengthtothewearyandincreasesthepowerof theweak.(Isaiah40:29).Inordertogetnewstrength,weneedtolearntowaituponLordsfeet aswegrow.If wejustrelyonGodsstrength,wewontseekanywhereelse.Isaiah40:31says, those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like ea gles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Some of us spend moretimewithGodonlywhenthereisaproblemandweneedananswer.Butweneedtoprac ticethisquiettimeevenifwedonthaveanyagenda.TherewasamancalledSimeoninJerusa lem,asperLuke2:25,HewaswaitingfortheconsolationofIsrael,andtheHolySpiritwason him. Hewaswaitingfordifferentpurpose.Buthe gotpeace,lightandhisowneyessawthe gloryoftheLord(Luke2:2931).AswewaitupontheLord,wecanalsoreceiveHispeace,and ourowneyescanseethegloryoftheLordandthelightofsalvationonallnations. By Gods grace, we had continuous meetings during last two months. We have monthly fasting prayer, on 2nd June. Those who sought a divine touch, was received abundantly during that special fasting prayer. Evangelist Ruben Anbumani from Jesus Christ Delivers Ministry, shared the message and lead the people in prayer. To God be the glory!ApostlePaulsaysin1Thess1:5 ourgospelcametoyounotsimplywith words, but also with power, with the HolySpiritandwithdeepconviction.By Godsgrace,wehavearranged3daysDeliverancegospelmeetingson3rd5thJuneatLandmark Church,whichisinthecentreplaceoflittleindiaofSingapore.

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Volume 1, Issue 3

Family Fellowship
Evang. Ruben Anbumani, was invited to preach in these three days meet ings. When the word of God preached, it touch many lives and many of them delivered from the bondagesbythepower oftheHolySpirit. We have invited our prayer partners and cou ples for a Family Fellow ship on 25rd June for a special gathering.. It is Godsplanthatallfamilies to be blessed in Christ as David prayed ( 2 Samuel 7:29). Everyone being a prayer partner or supporterormotivator,theyreceivedaspecialblessingfromtheLord.EverySaturday,wehave anightprayertoprayfortheneedypeopleandaintercedingprayerforthenations.We thankGodforallthehelpinghandstoarrangeandconducttheSingaporemeetingsespecially PastorBabudayanandofLandMarkChurchandBroJoshuaofEternalLoveMinistries.Glorybe

John 14:12, Jesus says, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. During themonthofMay,Ihavebeeninvitedtopreach inthe2daysmeetingsinMalaysia.Godhasan sweredtheprayersandmanypeopletestifiedas theyreceivedfromtheabove(James1:17).The Gospel of Jesus has the power to set free the people who are darkness and with bondages. During the month of June, we have special meetingsinseveralpartsofMalaysia.Asateam,wewentthereandconductedmeetingsar rangedbyvariousdenominations.Wealsoministerseveraloutreachcentres.Wecanseethe handofGodthattouchedeverylivesinaspecialway.Whendemonsflee,manywerehealed from the diseases. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.(Acts10:38) We have arranged a family fellowship also, about 23 families attendedthespecialgatheringandstirredupintheirfaith.


Volume 1, Issue 3

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It is Gods perfect timing that many were blessed and delivered in their lives. The daughter of Abrahamhastobeloosenedfromthebondage.(Luke13:16)

In Acts chapter 8, we see that spreading of Gospel, Those who had been scattered preached the word wherevertheywentWhenthegospelispreached,it has the power to set free the people. We could see this when people testified in tears how God touched themduringthetwodaysdeliverancegospelmeetings inMyanmar.Pleaseprayforthisneedylandthatmore ministry teams to be ministered to this needy people and their spiritual atmosphere has to be changed. TherearelotofIndiansettlementsintheupnorthofYangonwherenobodyvisited.Wearereceiving invitation to minister among these people. Gods grace , our outreach centre in south dagon village ministering more people nowadays. We are working together with local churches to look into the possibilityofestablishingoutreachcentresintheremoteplacesintheupnorth.Pleaseprayforthis Myanmarministry.

By Gods grace, we have planned to conduct 3 days gospel meetings during 4th 9th august at Siem Reap. By Gods grace, our community centre being a shelter to the needy people. Weekly ministries being conducted by the pastorincharge together with community services like free educationandhealthcare.Onanof average of 27 people attending this centre. Please pray that more families been touched by the love ofGod.WewillbealsoministeringthemduringourAugustmissiontrip.


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ByGodsgrace,during June,wegotsometimetovisitBatam,Indonesia.Wehadsmall meetup with local business people and explored the city for the ministry followup. Pleaseprayforthis238million,worlds4thpopulousmuslimmajoritynation. Ourmissionistopreachgoodnewstothepoor,toproclaimfreedomforthecaptives,to releasefromdarknessfortheprisoners,tocomfortallwhomournandtoproclaimthe yearoftheLord'sfavor"(Isaiah61:1,2)Itisdefinitelynotpossiblebyourstrength,but itisbyGodasHepromisedforthisyear.Notbymight,notbypowerbutbymySpirit. WecouldseethepresenceofGodwhereverwegoandHehasdoneeverythingforus. PleaseprayforthesmallteamwhichisleavingforCambodiaduringAugust.LetHisname alonebeglorified.!!Amen! Pleaseprayformeandmyfamilytooinyourpersonalprayers.Sothen,letusnotbe likeothers,whoareasleep,butletusbeawakeandsober.Butsincewebelongtothe day,letusbesober,puttingonfaithandloveasabreastplate,andthehopeofsalvation asahelmet.[1These5:6,8] Mifahy;> kw;wth;fs; J}q;FfpwJNghy ehk; J}q;fhky;> tpopj;Jf;nfhz;L njspe;jth;fshapUf;ff;flNthk;.. gfYf;Fhpath;fshfpa ehNkh njspe;jth;fshapUe;J> tpRthrk; md;G vd;Dk; khh;f;ftrj;ijAk;> ,ul;rpg;gpd; ek;gpf;ifnad;Dk; jiyr;rPuhitAk; jhpj;Jf;nfhz;bUf;ff;flNthk;. (1 njr 5: 6> 8) Eachofyoushouldusewhatevergiftyouhavereceivedtoserveothers,asfaithful stewardsofGodsgraceinitsvariousforms.(1peter4:10)


Bro. Paulson Caleb P.O.Box 097, Bt Batok Post office Singapore 916504 Phone: 6565 9548 Fax: 6633 8635 Mobile: +659452 8765, +60177426125 E-mail: peniel.faith.ministries@gmail.com http://paulsoncaleb.blogspot.com For offerings & donations: POSB Current accno: 729-06108-5

In Mark chapter 2 , we saw four men needed to bring the paralyzed man to Jesus. Itrepresents1)amotivator,2)asender,3)agoerand4)aprayerwarrior.Thereare lotofpeoplewaitingontheothersidelikethisparalyzedmantobetouchedbyJesus. WeneedpeopletojoinhandstogetherwithsamemindtobringpeopletoJesus.Please checkwhichcategoryyouareinandweareinthe11thhourharvesttimes.Pleasede cidetodosomethingintheFathersvineyardforfulfillFathersdesire. Please do remember the verse As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him... Nightiscoming,whennoonecanwork.(John9:4)"

Godblessyou! InJesusMission, Bro.Paulson PenielFaithMinistries

"Let my heart be broken with the things that break God's heart"
-- Bob Pierce, World Vision founder

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