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Carl Ian Samson BSN 1Y2-14 Nursing Care Management 100A Lecture Lecture 1 ASEPSIS TERMS 1. 2.

. 2. Infection invasion of microorganisms Sepsis presence of infection; infection Septicemia infection of the blood; systemic Asepsis absence of infection; no infection Two Types of Asepsis: SM Surgical sterile; without germs Medical clean; lessened germs Carrier person or object carrying microorganisms without showing signs or symptoms of the infection / disease Contact any exposure to microorganisms/disease/person infected/carrier Reservoir source of the bacteria or infection Transient Flora bacteria which are picked up by the skin during normal daily activities Resident Flora normal flora; not causing disease; eg Vitamin K Sterilization procedure in which microorganisms are killed; kills spores (eggs) Disinfection process of killing pathogens or microorganisms, but not their spores Antiseptic kills pathogens Disinfectant used for inanimate things Communicable Disease diseases which are easily transmitted Infectious disease disease which easily invades ones body Pathogen microorganisms which cause disease; eg HIV Pathogenicity ability of the pathogen to produce infection or disease; potency Virulence rate of growth and multiplication of bacteria Specificity attraction of a pathogen to the host Opportunistic Pathogen once reaching other places, it causes infection Nosocomial Infection acquired in hospitals

STAGES OF INFECTION: IPIC 1. 2. 3. 4. Incubation entry of microorganisms; gaining of access Prodromal appearance of signs and symptoms; one does not know yet whether he will get the disease or not Illness specific Convalescence recovery stage

FOUR TYPES OF MICROORGANISMS: BVFP 1. 2. 3. 4. Bacteria complete cells; with complete organelles; with nucleus and cell wall; most common Virus without nucleus; with DNA / RNA Fungi Protozoa eg amoeba

ANTIBIOTIC TYPES: 4A 1. 2. 3. 4. Anti-bacterial Anti-viral Anti-fungal Anti-protozoal Most important technique to reduce microorganisms = Handwashing Infected with symptoms Carrier without symptoms Anthrax fast-killing fungi; within 24 hours Spores eggs of bacteria

CHAIN OF INFECTION: ERPMPS 1. 2. 3. Etiologic Agent BVFP Reservoir (source) Portal of Exit (how the pathogen leaves the reservoir) 4. Mode of Transmission A. Contact A.1 Direct skin-skin A.2 Indirect object-skin B. Droplet 3 ft away; body secretions C. Airborne suspended in the air D. Vehicle - carrier D.1 Mechanical via object D.2 Biological via animate E. Vector via animals (fly, etc) 5. Portal of Entry 6. Susceptible Host factor on host *Fomite inanimate

4. IMMUNIZATION: AP 5. 1. Active A. Natural you encounter the disease and you develop the antibody B. Artificial vaccinations; but your body provides defense Passive A. Natural transfer of immunoglobulins from parent to offspring B. Artificial commercially-prepared antibody Attenuated weakened Toxoid antigen non harmful toxin

Chemical Sterilization most famous: CIDEX, chemical more potent than alcohol; soak here for 3-24 hours Boiling Sterilization cheapest; most inexpensive; boil for at least 15 min

SURGICAL ASEPSIS - To prevent introduction of microorganism using sterile techniques TYPES OF PRECAUTION: SDAC 1. 2. 3. 4. Standard done while inside the hospital Droplet put on mask, glove, since droplets are body secretions Airborne need masks, can filter air Contact use gloves as precaution


BREAKING THE CHAIN OF INFECTION: AU 1. 2. Aseptic Practice A. Handwashing B. Cleaning, disinfecting, sterilizing Use of Barriers A. Gloves B. Masks C. Caps D. Gowns; Scrub suit (OR and DR) E. Goggles Isolation Asepsis Techniques

PRINCIPLES OF SURGICAL ASEPSIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Moisture can cause contamination Never assume do not assume a torn glove to be sterile Face Sterile Field always face the sterile field; what you dont see is unsterile Sterile to Sterile ONLY Steriles are always ABOVE the waist Prevent traffic + Air current All articles, used or unused, are considered unsterile after operational procedures.

3. 4.

INSTITUTIONAL OR HOSPITAL WASTE: IIH 1. 2. 3. Infectious yellow; blood, secretion, used articles (linens, clothes, etc) Injurious red; called SHARPS; knives, scalpel Hazardous no color; sometimes black; non-biodegradable; chemicals; radioactive materials; chemo agents


1. Steam / Autoclave uses high pressure

steam (hot) to kill microorganisms and spores; used on metal or plastic, glass, cloth, solutions for wounds; never put sharp objects Gas Sterilization uses ethyl oxide; destroys surface of the cell; cell membrane explodes; destroys spores; toxic to humans; flammable Radiation Sterilization uses microwave radiation; cranio-gamma radiation; harmful to human body

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