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Position Paper Country : Issue : Committee : Causes

United States Alien Invasion to Earth (Crisis Situation) General Assembly

United States of America has been interested in extraterrestrial case since long time ago. The form of NASA organization proof it. While the research and search proccess have been done from decades ago, from the first leap of neil armstrong, the development has been greatly increase. The crash of alien-craft have become one ray of light towards this research. Not to mention the arrival of this species is on peaceful meaning and bring no harm to the people, the USA embrace moderate securitization againts these aliens. The aliens by simple definition is another race comes from outern space recognized as convention refugee, thus should be treated as asylum seeker for intergalactical refugee. (the mechanism is the same as international refugee)
Policies USA as one of the most asylum giver will treat the extra-terestrial refugee on the same policies. Under 1951 convention relating to the status of refugees and its 1967 protocol, a refugee defined as a person who is outside gis or her country of nationality (or place of habitual residence if stateless) who, owing to a fear of presecution on account of protected ground, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of protection of the state. Protected grounds include race, nationality, religion, political opinion, and membership of a particular social group. As mentioned above, the aliens are considered the same which face crisis againts the inhabitant and living environment. As the resources that come along, we as a country that uphold democracy liberalism will consider the private rights, means the owner have full rigths do what they want to do with their own supply and skill, as we embrace capitalism. The aliens will get their rights once they have been recognize by the world order. Solutions Since the USA is one of the country that strongly recognize human rights, the county would kindly giving an asylum act and citizenship to theese aliens. The aliens shall be on the receiving country based on the regulation. As this regulation concern, it seems that the condition that fulfilled are the aliens are integration of aliens with asylum giver country or third based country, means the refugee shall seek protection on the first safe country. Furthermore the aliens will be placed on several place that still not very crowded and shall blend within society. There shall be an exploration of technology in recieving country that brought along with the aliens and further study about them, in order to develop the technology of the world. The resources also will become the private wealth of the aliens, and the usage will used on their interest, thus means their resources will not be distributed unlogicaly through the world. Conclusion Remark
To conclude;USA as a proud nation embrace human rigths and asylum for displaced race, strongly believe that the aliens should be treated as mention in the proposal.

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