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This device can be used to remotely control the speed of an AC fan and to switch it on or off.

The remote control is a cheap NEC Format remote, usually supplied with small DVD players. Three buttons are used to command the circuit. The UP key increase the fan's speed while the DOWN key decrease it. The ENTER key is used to switch on or off the fan. The unit provides 10 way speed control from 0 to 9. The current speed is displayed in a seven segment display. The yellow LED on the PCB indicates the power status of the load. If the load is switched off using the R/C then the LED will also be switched off. The main parts of the circuit is labeled below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The seven segment display used to show the current speed level. The TSOP1738 sensor is used to pick up commands from remote control. The Yellow LED indicates the power status of the load. OUT - Here the AC load is connected in series. Tested on 220v 50Hz AC line. IN - Power supply from a 12-0-12 transformer is applied here. MCU - ATmega8 AVR 8 bit Microcontroller. SWITCH - Manual Switch used to operate the unit without the remote control.


Fig.: Atmel AVR Based Remote Controlled Fan Regulator.


Fig.: Remote Controlled Fan Regulator Wiring Diagram.

Construction of Remote Controlled Fan Regulator.

You can make the circuit as per the schematic on any general purpose PCB. To ease your job we are giving the PCB Layouts too, so that you can make the PCB at your home using the Etching Method. You may also have the PCBs made from any fab house too. To further easy the job and save your money we have already made the PCBs from a good fab house and they are available for purchase at very low cost. Start assembly process by first soldering the jumper1. Then you can mount the resistors. After that solder the diodes, remember to properly orient the diodes. They are polar and don't work if installed other way round. Then solder the IC U4 and U2, this time too take care of the orientation. The small round circle on the IC package marks the PIN number 1.

Fig.: Proper IC Installation.

After that you can solder the ceramic disk capacitors, the 16MHz crystal, 7805, Triac, TSOP Sensor, Display. Finally Connect the 12-0-12 Transformer and apply power. The display should show '0'. Then you can press the up/down key in remote control to adjust the speed. The display should change accordingly. This ensures that the circuit is running properly. Its time to connect a real AC load. Connect a 220V 100W incandescent lamp (NO CFL Please). As shown in the above wiring diagram. Replace the fan with bulb because its easier to test. WARNING !!!

Never Touch any part of t he circuit when AC load is connect ed. It can give you a f et al shock !!! Now you can can use the remote control to increase/decrease the lamp's brightness using the remote control. You can also switch it on and off using the ENTER key.

If the unit does not respond to the remote control signals then look for the following. 1. AVR ATmega8's Fuse BIT is programmed to HIGH=0xC9 LOW=0xFF 2. AVR is clocked with 16MHz crystal (other value won't work) 3. Remote Control is NEC Format Only (Chinese DVD/CD player remote works good, TV Remote Generally do not work as these are RC5 coded) 4. Remote Key codes has been feed to rckey.h file. Build and run this demo and press UP,DOWN and ENTER keys to get their keycode and put them in rckeys.h file. All remotes available in market has random keycode, so This part is very important. After editing the rckeys.h file the project must be Rebuild. (I hope you know what does that means). 5. IR sensor is of good quality and must be labeled TSOP1738 (other values won't work). 6. If you get a KIT from us then most of the problem do not arise.


Fig.: This Hobby Remote Control Works Great!

Hobby Remote Control (NEC) is available from our online store.

Part list for Remote Controlled Fan Regulator.

01 02 03 04 05 Part List 330 ohm resistor (8 Nos) 4k7 Resistor (2 Nos) 1K Resistor 39 ohm Resistor 1K5 Resistor R2-R9 R1, ,R11 R12 R13 R15

06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

22pF Ceramic Disk Capacitor (2 Nos) 0.1uF Ceramic Disk Capacitor (3 Nos) 470uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor 16 MHz Crystal Half Size 1N4007 Diode (6 Nos) LED 5mm Any Colour MCT2E Opto Coupler MOC3021 Opto Triac Driver ATmega8-16PU General purpose 8 bit MCU Triac BT136 7805 Voltage Regulator Common Anode Display TSOP1738 IR Sensor 220V AC to 12-0-12 Centre Tapped Transformer (NOT Included in KIT) Hobby Remote Control (NEC)

C1,C2 C3,C5,C6 C4 X1 D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7 D1 U4 U2 U1 U3 U5 DISP11 X2

Buy Remot e Cont rolled Fan Regulat or Kit .



Fig.: Schematic (Click To Enlarge/Print).

PCB For Remote Controlled Fan Regulator.

PCBs can be purchased from PCB section of our online shop.


Fig.: Remote Controlled Fan Regulator PCB.

avr-gcc C Source Code.

/* Remote Controlled Fan Regulator. ******************************** Compiler: avr-gcc (WinAVR-20090313) Project Manager/IDE: AVR Studio 4.17 Build 666

Other Lib: eXtreme NEC Decoder. Hardware: INT0 - IR Receiver INT1 - Zero Crossing Detector. PD5 - Triac Control. PB2 - Manual Switch For ATmega8 @ 16MHz Fuse: HIGH=0xC9 LOW=0xFF Copyright (c) 2008-2010 eXtreme Electronics, India NOTICE -------NO PART OF THIS WORK CAN BE COPIED, DISTRIBUTED OR PUBLISHED WITHOUT A WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM EXTREME ELECTRONICS INDIA. THE LIBRARY, NOR ANY PART OF IT CAN BE USED IN COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS. IT IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR HOBBY, LEARNING AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. IF YOU WANT TO USE THEM IN COMMERCIAL APPLICATION PLEASE WRITE TO THE AUTHOR. */ #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay_basic.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include "remote.h" #include "rckeys.h" #define FAN_POWER_LED_PORT PORTD #define FAN_POWER_LED_DDR DDRD #define FAN_POWER_LED_BIT 7 #define POWER_LED_ON() FAN_POWER_LED_PORT&=(~(1<<FAN_POWER_LED_BIT)) #define POWER_LED_OFF() FAN_POWER_LED_PORT|=(1<<FAN_POWER_LED_BIT) uint8_t table[10]={141,125,109,94,78,62,47,31,16,1};

uint8_t speed=0; uint8_t fan_on=0; void Initialize() { FAN_POWER_LED_DDR|=0B10000000; POWER_LED_OFF(); DDRC|=0b00111111; //Seven segment DDRB|=0b00000010; //Middle segment G Display(0); RemoteInit(); //Initialize the zero crossing detector INT(1) MCUCR|=((1<<ISC11)|(1<<ISC10)); //INT in Rising edge GICR|=(1<<INT1); //Enable INT1 //Output DDRD|=(1<<PD5); PORTD|=(1<<PD5); //Set Timer 2 TCCR2|=(1<<WGM21); TIMSK|=(1<<OCIE2); sei(); } /* Zero Crossing Detect. */ ISR(INT1_vect) { if(!fan_on)

//High = TRIAC Off

//CTC //Enable OCI2

{ PORTD|=(1<<PD5); return; } if(speed==9) { PORTD&=(~(1<<PD5)); //low = TRIAC ON return; } PORTD|=(1<<PD5); OCR2=table[speed]; TCNT2=0x00; TCCR2|=((1<<CS22)|(1<<CS21)|(1<<CS20)); } /* Timer2 Compare ISR */ ISR(TIMER2_COMP_vect) { PORTD&=(~(1<<PD5)); //low = TRIAC ON TCCR2&=(~((1<<CS22)|(1<<CS21)|(1<<CS20))); } /* Simple Wait Function */ void Wait() { char i; for(i=0;i<100;i++) _delay_loop_2(0); }

//High = TRIAC Off

//High = TRIAC Off

//Start Timer prescaler =1024

//Stop Timer

/* Displays a number in Seven Seg Display */ void Display(uint8_t num) { if(num>9) return; switch (num) { case 0: PORTC=0B00000000; PORTB|=0B00000010; break; case 1: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00111001; PORTB|=0B00000010; break; case 2: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00100100; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010)); break; case 3: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00110000; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010)); break; break; case 4: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00011001; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010)); break; case 5: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00010010; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010));

break; case 6: //


PORTC=0B00000010; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010)); break; case 7: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00111000; PORTB|=0B00000010; break; case 8: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00000000; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010)); break; case 9: // xxfedcba PORTC=0B00010000; PORTB&=(~(0B00000010)); break; } } void main() { uint8_t cmd; //Command received from remote Initialize(); while(1) { //Get Command For the Remote Control cmd=GetRemoteCmd(1); //Now process the command //UP Key if(cmd==RC_UP) { if(speed<9) speed++;

} //DOWN Key if(cmd==RC_DOWN) { if(speed>0) speed--; } //Enter Key if(cmd==RC_ENTER) { if(fan_on) { POWER_LED_OFF(); fan_on=0; //Turn Off } else { POWER_LED_ON(); fan_on=1; //Turn On } } Display(speed); } }

Not e: Other files that are part of the eXtreme NEC decoder must also be added to the project. They can be downloaded from links given below.

Complete AVR Studio Project. HEX File For ATmega8-16PU Chip. A Compatible Remote Control is available from our shop. PCB Layout s in PDF,Microsoft Word and PNG Formats.

Buy Kit

Buy complete kit including PCB, Parts, Programmed MCU and Matching IR Remote Control Unit. You just need to buy a 12-0-12 Transformer of current rating 500ma or more because it is NOT included in the kit. Buy Remot e Cont rolled Fan Regulat or Kit .

Related Post
Using IR Remote Controls with AVR MCUs By Avinash Gupt a www.AvinashGupta.com me@avinashgupta.com


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