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Alone in the kingdom of life, the human stands at an interesting zenith of crossroads, a living bridge between the mundane

physical world and the higher mystery realms of the causes and sources of life. She has her body, as a vehicle of inhabiting and acting within the physical world, but is that really all of which she is made? As evidenced by many a beeping machine, the body by itself can live, but cannot act or think or dream as a human. A second component is needed in order to loco mote the vehicle and plan its actions, herein referred to as the mind. A captain to plot the bodys course. In the understandings of university science, the human body is made up of cells. On every cell are receptors from which it takes command. These receptors are on the outside of each cell. Ergo the body does not take instruction from itself. In the words of Bruce Lipton Where in your body are you? The mind is what guides certain cells to make signal transmitters for other cells in order to keep the trillions of cells harmonizing to create a cohesive whole. In recent times minds in the form of computers have been created by the millions which have a body, but are lacking in a great many of the abilities a human commands. In particular her ability to seemingly self-operate. For this, another component is needed, and this has often been called simply the spirit. The body is clearly a personal thing. Each woman or man has only one, and each is a unique physical expression residing in one unique physical location. The mind, however stands at one remove from that. The mind is not confined merely to the personal. The thoughts of a human range far and wide, to other people, other lands, other times. Postulation and imagination abound in the mind. The spirit is even one step farther from the body of a woman, and is so far impersonal that it is not necessarily attached to any given human being at all. The spiritual realm resembles more of a signal to which the mind must attune itself. In a humans orgasm, the mind is able to disattach itself from its habitual commonplace leanings and more perfectly align with the spirit. In the words of famed Tantra author Barbera Carrellas: The orgasmic energy starts in the very center of your being, then flows out to the limits of the body and beyond. You may feel boundaryless, as if you cant tell where you end and everything else begins. You may feel

as if you are in a sort of alternate universe where everything is beautiful, quiet, and peacefully connected. Your orgasm is happening everywhere and nowhere, and it may go on and on. In this type of orgasm, the human can fulfill her role as Bifrost, the rainbow bridge which links the heavens to Earth. This is the crux upon which a humans existence stands, between the masculine, yang physical world, and the divine feminine, yin energy which lies betwixt and between. Orgasm is the shortcut, if you will, up Jacobs Ladder, or as I like to call it: The Eject Button. In our common everyday sexual experience we usually fall far short of this Nirvanic apex of experience, but this need not be so. Education and dedication, combined with a sense of joy and playfulness can help anyone achieve this height more and more regularly. The cosmic light connected to by this type of orgasm is a natural part of every persons inner life, and has been written about at all times throughout history. It has been called Heaven, Tao, or simply Bliss. Joy and unconditional is the natural order cradling the universe. In the words of William Bloom It is a well-being that is wise, accepting, tolerant, open and very benevolent. It is my sincere belief that if orgasm could but be embraced by a man or by a culture as its guiding light, a paradise would bloom in their every aspect and footprint. Orgasm is the path to world peace. In the foregoing lines of text I hope to be able to show you how to achieve more and stronger orgasms and maybe even some new types you haven't experienced before. The aim of this is to help you find and greet your true spirit so that you can have a happier, more fulfilling ride on this tiny old dust ball we call Earth. In acting as the bridge which leads a man out of the personal and into the universal, orgasm is a powerful tool for the dissolution of the ego, which is the prime barrier to realizing happiness on Earth. To thine own Self be true. Namaste, - Don Table of Contents: - Introduction - Chapter the First Free Testosterone - Chapter the Second Dopamine/Serotonin Balance - Chapter the Third Genital Circulation - Chapter the Fourth PC Muscle Toning - Chapter the Fifth Desensitization

- Addendum 1 The Food Chain - Addendum 2 Types of Orgasms Introduction: The bulk of this document is based from notes I took while reading The Orgasmic Diet by Marenna Lindburg. Personal information and commentary though, will be supplied throughout. Bear in mind that much of this work will pertain exclusively to women. For men, generally the same information will apply, but this will not in all cases be true. The section on aphrodisiacs for instance, would have discouraging results if applied to a man's diet. (So don't try this on your hubbies, ladies.) Men's sexuality will be covered at a later time, or in another document. To discuss the matter of the tone and phrasing of this document Ill make use of a quote by John Taylor Gatto: Teaching a person to think and speak in academese reduces their effectiveness to their associates. I want every person in the world to be able to benefit from this document whom possibly can, so Ill be using plain and common speech throughout, with seriousness and playfulness running in parallel as is my personal habit at nearly all times. There are 4 main sets of factors, physiologically speaking, which will be covered here concerning themselves with a woman's ability to orgasm. These are: - She must have sufficient free testosterone - She must have her dopamine and serotonin in the proper natural balance - She must have at least some development of her pubococcygeus (PC) muscles - And she must have proper genital circulation In chapters 1 through 4, Ill cover each of these matters in turn, and the fifth chapter will be devoted to a short discussion on desensitization, an issue which will truthfully affect most women at some point in their lives. Chapter the First Testosterone was described by Ms. Lindburg as the tiger in your tank. It controls the raw animal libido. As opposed to other chemicals which correlate to the tuning of the mind toward various signals, to

strengthening the senses, or other complex or subtle energies, testosterones effect on the mind is neither subtle nor complex. Testosterone wants to fuck. While fucking alone is fine for some people, more suited to their capacities of being, it is not by a long stretch the most fun you can have, or the best of which you are capable. The higher possibilities inspire shock and awe, and to my mind designate the most important difference between man and other animals. Testosterone in the blood is regulated by the sex-hormone-bindingglobulin (SHBG). SHBG is created by the body to lower the amount of "male" hormone when it is seen as unneeded at the moment. Now, the ideas you have about what outcomes you want to achieve with your body and how it should be used to achieve them are likely to waver somewhat from the ideas the body has about itself. The bodys intelligence is not coming at life from the same perspective as you, and truthfully has no concerns but for itself. So how do you take control of your testosterone amounts? Through regulating your SHBG. Starches and sugars will raise SHBG levels, so you would want to avoid those. A meal of only carbohydrates especially raises SHBG levels. This probably assists in the storing of those carbs for energy, because your body is going to want to put them away in the battery pack for later. You, on the other hand, probably do not want that energy stored, because it will make you look a bit wider than is generally considered pleasing to the eye. So all-carb meals probably should be avoided in any case. They also spike your serotonin, but more on that later. You can also raise free testosterone by simply raising the amount of total testosterone available to the body. The more muscle tissue you have, the more testosterone your body is going to create. So going to the gym and eating lots of proteins would be good suggestions. Eating mono- and unsaturated fats and decreasing polyunsaturated fats will raise free testosterone levels in the blood as well. And now for some basic information about fats: Corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, and soy oils are all polyunsaturated. You don't want to eat those kinds of fats. Olive and canola oil are unsaturated or monounsaturated. You want to eat those kind. Arterial fat (read heart-attack fuel) is primarily polyunsaturated fat, which is sent there in order to repair the damage done to the arteries by trans fats. Personally I cook with little oil, preferring to use the natural fats contained in the food. Oil is generally not needed and historically was quite hard to come by. In the past people stored the fat of animals and butter and used those for cooking. When I use oil I always use olive oil, even though culinarily thats not always

considered best. {Canola oil however, is bad for you. It's actually rapeseed oil, which is for machines and not a food. Plus, they do things to it. Put that down, right now! } Age is a factor which unfortunately lowers free testosterone levels. So make sure you don't get any older by spending more time under refrigerated conditions. Obviously hormonal birth control is going to lower testosterone levels, so switching to one of the non-hormonal methods would help. You could also ask your gynecologist to prescribe you a lower-dose pill. Two drugs have been prescribed in medical trials for women who have whats known medically as Female Sexual Dysfunction to raise their testosterone levels. Their names are Ropinirole and Bromocriptine. Results of the trials were discouraging however, and the drugs were not recommended for women. Side effects included nausea and lightheadedness, and they also created a crutch effect, where the body would realize that it no longer needed to make its own testosterone, and cease doing so. Interestingly, these drugs also were very addictive to some, because they allowed women to have so-called spontaneous orgasms and dramatically increased orgasm strength, two well-known effects of high testosterone levels. Free testosterone levels are one of the most important factors determining how much satisfaction you are going to get from sex in general and therefore are critical in charging energy and focusing consciousness for orgasm. Free testosterone is also able to give you a harder clitoris and stronger, faster clitoral and vaginal orgasms as well. So if this sounds like something you would want for yourself, it's important to keep free testosterone levels in mind. Chapter the Second Next let's take a look at the second factor I mentioned, a balance of dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine and serotonin are neurotransmitters. They're the messengers the mind creates in order to get its thoughts across to the body. (Or in materialist-speak neurotransmitters are chemicals which send signals across the synapse, the space between nerve cells.) In accordance, not just the brain, but all bodily organs have neurotransmitter receptors on the outsides of their cells. This is because when your mind is feeling an emotion or sensation, every organ needs to know about it in order to behave accordingly. Certain combinations, like

your heart beating fast while you feel sleepy would not be appropriate, so the mind takes care of internal harmony through the neurotransmitter system. In order for your orgasms to be the best teaching tools/liberators they can be, you're going to want to have your whole body in on the deal, and for that you need the neurotransmitters in their proper balance, particularly the aforementioned dopamine and serotonin. Let's take them one at a time, starting with serotonin. Serotonin, like all neurotransmitters, has many different effects on the body. It allows the thoughts to go chugging along, rather than drudge by, which is why the mind creates serotonin when you have a lot of things to do at the time. Serotonin will get you up and running, but it wont have you crying with happiness. It's also associated with feelings of powerfulness and capability. It allows the shift of consciousness into sleep. A very low serotonin will cause depression; hence most medicines for depression work to keep serotonin from being reabsorbed into the body (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). These should be avoided, not only for cosmically orgasmic purposes, but in fact by all people at all times, particularly those who have the habitual mental conditions for which they are too often prescribed. However, one particular drug, Wellbutrin, will raise simultaneously both serotonin and dopamine levels. This will not have so detrimental an effect on your orgasmic abilities, but should still be avoided for general mental health purposes. No section will be included here to explain why these substances should be avoided, however the reader is encouraged to do their own research on the topic. Serotonin also regulates appetite, which is why an all-carb meal will spike serotonin, so that your body experiences the feeling of fullness. Serotonin also decreases sexual function. When you've got a lot of activities planned in your mind and you just ate a bowl of pasta, you're not going to feel much like testing out the bedsprings. A very low serotonin will cause depression and sleep loss, so you don't want to avoid it completely, but we're looking to make our hearts sing in the bedroom here. To that end let's look at some ways to keep serotonin levels at a comfortable low. Eat a balance of 40% carbs, 30% fats, and 30% proteins at each meal. This will ensure you get enough, but not too many dietary carbs. Avoid carbs which will digest quickly such as starches, sugars, white grains or pasta. Eat slower-digesting carbs like fruits and vegetables. The faster a carb digests, the more effectively it will raise serotonin. Going about your business in a calm, poised manner will also help to

balance your serotonin levels. Your mind creates serotonin when it feels that you have a lot to take care of and your focus needs to be on getting things done. Simply accepting that what needs to get done will get done, and events will occur in their appointed hour rather than rushing about everywhere will help you keep your neurotransmitters in check (and probably help you live longer and happier also). The other chemical I've mentioned, dopamine as a neurotransmitter is part of the "reward circuit" to use an uncharacteristically behaviorist term. It's often known as the "pleasure chemical". Basically, your mind creates it when you've done a good thing and your body deserves a little reward. It can be manifested when you've learned something new, solved a puzzle, eaten a meal, kissed a lover, etc. If your life were a videogame (and it is), and your body were your avatar (and it is) dopamine would be the EXP. Had a snack? +1 EXP. Made someone come reeeeal nice? +2000 EXP! Because of this, dopamine is also the neurotransmitter of addiction. As many game creators have learned, people will do things over and over and over, even ridiculous things, just for a little EXP. So you have to be careful where you're getting it from. You can be addicted to anything which will create dopamine in your body, from heroin to library books. Getting dopamine in the proper ways, however, is not likely to lead to unhealthy addictions. Survector, a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (keeps dopamine from reducing), was abused by some women because of its useful side effects: strong, spontaneous orgasms and increased tactile sensation. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two chemical precursors our body needs to make dopamine. If you're really going to get some power flowing through your body (which is what an orgasm is on an energetic level, an orgone lightning strike) you're going to need a LOT of dopamine. In fact dopamine is probably my best physiological suggestion for maximizing orgasmic firepower. To that end you're going to need to eat one to two metric craploads of EPA and DHA per day. Just how much is that? I suggest 2000-4000 mg EPA and about 1500-3500 mg DHA. You might want to start out small and work your way up to a dose like that over a period of about 2 months and of course the dose depends on your body size. Charging up a larger craft requires a larger battery. What are some good sources for EPA and DHA? I suggest fish oil. The most filtered and refined you can find. You can take it in any form, liquid or capsules. Since the capsules are filled with liquid, which type you prefer should not matter. It is best, like most medicines, that you take it in small doses throughout the day.

Now there is another school of thought regarding the fish oil, which has concluded that the most unprocessed and unfiltered oils are a better purchase, for the following reasons: -That the filtering and refining process may damage the oil in some way, particularly if you do not have much information about the oil's manufacture. -That the closer an organism is to its original living condition the more efficacious it will be for you to consume that organism, be they plant, animal, or mushroom. - That the process for the more natural oils involves pressing the oils from the actual fish remains at the catching site, thus being far better for the Earth, and assuring that the fish were not being killed to make the product you have purchased. Personally I find that with the more refined and filtered types of oils the overall cost is much lower and the amount that must be taken is sometimes 3 or 4 times less. Choose in accordance with your own values. As for vegetarian DHA and EPA sources? In general, this will require the consumption of far greater amounts of oil in whichever form you choose to take it. One possible explanation of this can be found in Addendum 1. Algae and other micro flora are good sources, as are seeds and nuts such as pumpkin, flax and hemp. These contain precursors for EPA and DHA, which your body would then have to convert into the EPA and DHA you need. Fish convert the algae they eat into DHA and EPA for you, saving your body the trouble. If you elect not to eat the fish oil, youre relying on your bodys ability to convert other fats into the fats you need to be at your orgasmic best, ergo youre going to need to know something about how your body performs the conversions. The omega-3 parent fatty acid is called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This is converted into much more than just DHA and EPA, so not all the ALA you eat is going to be used for what you want it for, and this should be kept in mind while planning your diet. Factors which can effect the conversions are as follows: - Drinking alcohol - Saturated and trans fat - Nicotine and Caffeine - Infections - Stress - Overeating vitamin A and copper - Undereating zinc, magnesium, calcium, biotin and vitamins B6, B3, and C

- Asthma, diabetes, eczema, and hay fever The website http://www.vegetarian-dha-epa.co.uk/ has some valuable information, however I can find no option which does not require the consumption of at least 15 pills a day. V-Pure contains both EPA and DHA, however each capsule contains only 5 mg of EPA, meaning you would have to take several hundred capsules each day. Thats not going to be pleasant coming out. The following prescription is from the afore-mentioned website. If youd like to use it, simply triple or quadruple the amount of pills recommended. Vegetarians with depleted Essential Fatty Acid levels should consider 3 X Capsules of V-Pure algal pre-converted DHA/EPA total 400 mg DHA and 10 mg EPA 2 X Capsule of Echiomega 1 g SDA and GLA rich Echium Oil = potentially 300mg of EPA 2 X Capsules Sea Buckthorn Oil - 240mg palmitoleic acid Omega 7 (+ 65 mg omega 3 ALA)

Potential yield - 310mg EPA - 400 mg DHA - Total 775 mg omega 3 fats Now you must be aware that other fats can interfere with your proper uptake of EPA and DHA. Since you're most likely spending quite a bit of money for these little guys, you want to make sure you aren't flushing away valuable resources. Trans fatty acids (hydrogenated oils) are one atom shy of being a form of plastic. They are very tough and thick, literally gumming up the works in your cells. You know when you eat ice cream with jimmies and you get that film on the top of your mouth? That's trans fatty acid, and that's what it will do to all your insides, even down to the blood. Stay far away at all times. Books have been written about this topic alone. There is nary a bodily process or tissue that this won't interfere with, and orgasm is most definitely one of those processes. Omega-6 fatty acids will also interfere in your absorption of EPA and DHA, which are omega-3s. Omega-6 fatty acids are found in sunflower, safflower, corn, soy, and cottonseed oils, as well as others. Try to avoid

products made with these oils, and a precautionary shopping habit here is best. The body will prefer placing a trans fat into the cells rather than an omega-6, and an omega-6 over an omega-3. The reasoning for this probably has to do with the aforementioned idea that your body's goals for itself are likely not the same as the goals you have for it. One caveat to keep in mind regarding dopamine: It suppresses prolactin secretion, and prolactin is a major factor in breast growth and milk secretion. So, if youre pregnant or breast-feeding you may not want your dopamine to be sky-high at all times of all days, and if youre not producing enough milk, dopamine may be a factor. Chapter the Third Now there is one other significant dietary factor that needs to be considered, and that is circulation. Genital circulation is the most important, but for maximum satisfaction in life, particularly as a woman you dont want your orgasms confined to your underparts alone. So, general circulation should be kept in your awareness as you graze throughout the day. Tight pants will decrease circulation to the genital area, which over time could lead to deficiencies even when the pants are off. Also the posture in which you sit should not be placing pressure on your genital region. Using a type of seat known as a saddle seat can help with this. These are the kind with a ridge in the center to separate the two legs and hence place the pressure on the two buttocks and sit bones. Ginseng and ginko are known to increase circulation, but those should be avoided for our purposes here, because they also raise serotonin considerably, which is not something a woman would want. However, a man would want to increase his serotonin to raise stamina, so ginseng and ginko are recommended if you are a him. By this point you are probably already considering taking fish oil. Another benefit to this practice is that fish oil has also been shown to increase general blood circulation. It should seem cogent that increasing the amount of PC (pubococcygeus) muscles in the vagina will result in a greater flow of blood to the area in order that those muscles be properly nourished. Also, bear in mind that the increased blood to the genital area will bring with it more white blood cells, thus lowering the chances of an infection taking root (pun intended) in that area. PC muscles will be covered more fully in the next

chapter. Nicotine constricts blood vessels as well as spiking your serotonin and so should be doubly avoided for our purposes here. However, it does have other known benefits, such as the recent discovery that nicotine assists neurons in communicating more efficiently, so Ill leave you to make your own bed on this one. Chapter the Fourth At this juncture were going to be leaving the dietary segment of the document and moving into the behavioral segment. One of the best habits you could get into in order to truly commune with the wondrous is working out your PC muscles. The PC muscles are the muscles directly behind the vaginal wall, which control the tightness or looseness of the vagina, as well as any number of vaginal tricks you might learn to perform. Kegel exercises are a fairly well-known method of strengthening your PCs. For those who are as yet unaware, Kegels are techniques involving flexing the vaginal muscles in order to strengthen and tighten them, first popularized by Dr. Arnold Kegel. They are also known as PFMEs, or pelvic floor muscular exercises. The basic technique involves simply squeezing and releasing the vagina like any other muscle group, sometimes with a particular rhythm. Differentiating the PC muscles from other nearby muscles can be difficult for some women, however most find it easy when told that this is the muscle group used to stop the flow of urine. Kegels performed without resistance are not enough to get the kind of isolation control and strength youre going to want. A properly tuned vagina can do all sorts of fun and interesting tricks, performed by tightening the muscles on one side and then the other, using deeper or shallower muscle groups, undulating in waves, and so on nearly ad infinitum. You may use your imagination, intuition, or information from various books or websites on the subject (Yes, there are actually books covering this.), For these reasons I recommend using a resistance-tool and/or Ben-Wa balls. Vaginal cone weights were made popular by an episode of Oprah which was devoted to them. As the name suggests they are conical weights which are inserted into the vagina, and the vaginal muscles are used to hold them in place. The advantage to this particular tool is that it can be used virtually hands-free so you can go about your daily business at work or at home while strengthening your muscle tone. Gyne-flex is another set of tools which can bulk up your vagina. It looks like a very small Thighmaster or a strangely-shaped paperclip. It is inserted in the vagina, then the vaginal muscles are used to close the ends

of the clip together. The Gyne-flex can also be used hands-free once inserted, but requires a little more mental overhead to keep track of the repetitions. There are different models with various amounts of resistance to them, so that the user can graduate from one model to the next as her strength improves. The author of The Orgasmic Diet preferred this particular device, but on the internet public opinion seems to favor the aptly-named Kegelmaster. The Kegelmaster is a fairly large wand-shaped device which is, you guessed it, inserted in the vagina. The muscles are used to close the unit, just like the Gyne-Flex. The standard Kegelmaster has 15 levels of resistance, but the advanced Kegelmaster has 64. I would suggest that the advanced Kegelmaster be considered more of a lifetime commitment, for those truly dedicated to having exceptionally great orgasms. While more expensive at first, the Kegelmaster will not require purchasing more components in order to get a higher resistance the way that the Gyne-flex does. However if you already have fairly strong pelvic muscles you can perhaps skip purchasing the first few levels of Gyne-flex, making Gyne-flex the less expensive option.. Regardless of the method you choose, strengthening your PCs will also put stop to incontinence Partially because youll have much stronger muscles to hold it in with. In current western medical lore one of the prime causes of incontinence is in fact a weakening of the PC muscles, which comes naturally with age and (it saddens me to say) atrophy. Now those afore-mentioned products are great for one of the features of PC muscles in their finest form, their raw power. But physical power needs to be aimed and tempered with agility, and agility can be attained through the use of something more akin to a toy, like ben-wa balls. The term ben-wa balls is used in the modern west to denote any number of similar looking and functioning toys or devices used in the vagina. Also known as Geisha balls, they may be used before during, or after vaginal or anal sex as added stimulation, or used alone for our purposes here. The balls themselves come in different sizes from inch diameter to nearly 2 inches, and if attached, they may be attached to each other by a string, rope, or rod. Some have added chimes for low-level vibration, or clappers, basically just for fun. What follows is just a few simplistic suggestion of what various types of Ben-Wa could be used for, but again small books have been written on this subject alone, and as always readers are suggested to do their own research. No matter the type of play or exercise you choose, the benefits

are the same, which is learning to isolate control of the various muscles sets in the vagina, which is the doorway to a whole new sexual world for both you and your partner. Experiment at will and with abandon. Aside from the isolation control, these balls (particularly vibrating models) will also increase the amount of sensation a woman is able to feel down there, and that is most always an appreciated adaptation. Unattached balls can be used by moving them deeper and shallower into the vagina, removing one at a time, and after some development to have them switch order by rolling over each other. Of course all of these methods of play would be done without the hands. The advantage of the unattached balls is their increased repertoire of motions, and the fact that sometimes the string or rope can irritate the vaginal canal. The major disadvantage is that they can be somewhat harder to remove for some women. String- and rope-attached balls can be used for most of the same routines as the unattached. One advantage is that they are notably easier to draw inside, because each ball draws in those behind it thanks to the string. Unattached balls much each be pushed or pulled along on its own. Another advantage is that they are of course a lot easier to remove. Disadvantages are that cheaper strings can be hard to clean, eventually requiring the purchase of a new set, and that they simply cannot do all the things of which unattached balls are capable. Whichever type you choose to use, they come in various materials and weights. Material is more or less simply a personal preference, except wherein it has a bearing on weight. Weight determines resistance, so metal balls may be more tiring than plastic or silicone, and steel maybe be more tiring than titanium. Generally these arent going to be used for a very long time at once, and so this isnt always an issue, but it could be something to consider. Balls which vibrate can increase a womans awareness of the different nooks and crannies of her vagina, however with any vibrating stimulator one does have to keep an eye to the crux of the next chapter, desensitization. Chapter the Fifth The clitoris, and to a lesser extent the vagina and other sensual areas, can be desensitized by overstimulation, and generally this is seen with the use of powerful vibrators. Desensitization is the absolute enemy of fun. It amounts to a down-grading of your pleasure and your orgasmic ability, which is the opposite of everything weve been learning thus far.

However it is a most natural process and in some cases appears sudden and almost unavoidable. Women, like men, tend to masturbate in the most effective way possible every time. Not being experimental, playful, teasing, contemplative, or evaluatory but simply sprinting straight for the goal every time. Correlative to driving 120mph up the freeway instead of taking the scenic back route. Sexual growth sacrificed for sexual pleasure. And then there are always time constraints. In both sexes this behavior can lead to a desensitization of the genitals, and sadly it can take quite some time to correct. Certain masturbatory styles like riding a pillow or grinding the corner of the bed can also desensitize faster than other styles. Since this document focuses on womens sexual health, Ill cover one possible method of getting yourself back in game shape if youre worried you may not be as sensitive as you once were. As a man I must stress the importance of this issue, because to a mature man the most important feature of a womans body is not its shape, but its sensitivity. Less a concern with what does it look like? and more of a concern with what can I do with it?. Begin by lowering the speed of your vibrator. If you usually use it turned all the way to 10, try using a 7. You want to cut the speed by about a third. The next time, cut the speed to half of the original speed, and keep it there for a few cloud-rides. Eventually, you want to cut the speed down even more to about 1/3rd of the original speed. The point of lowering the speed is that youll have to put forth more mental work to notice the feeling. In order to orgasm, the amount of sexual energy in your body has to reach a certain point of no return. You can manipulate the body alone in order to build this charge, but you can also do so with the mind. By gradually lowering vibrator speed, youre learning to get more and more of yourself involved in the orgasmic process, thus increasing the strength and speed with which you can come, which is always appreciated by both partners. Getting more of your mind involved in sexual rituals also has the added benefit of getting less and less of your mind involved in thinking about other things. This is a great method to clear your head, be in the moment and make sex something more akin to a moving meditation, especially when receiving the gift. Next, having lowered the intensity well cover lowering the frequency of masturbation. This is usually the more difficult of the two, and doesnt see results as quickly, but is also very important to make orgasm more easy and pleasurable for you. For this, youre going to want to cut measures by quite a lot. Immediately, begin with halving the number of self-

induced orgasms you have per week. Whether you usually have one a day on 6 days, or 6 all at once, youre going to want to cut that by 3. After a few weeks of that, getting your body used to your new biorhythm, cut it again and again until you are having no more than one masturbatory orgasm once every other week. Now this is not an ideal, especially not for all women. Each women has to find her own ever-changing natural balance of orgasmic frequency. This every-other-week rate is only temporary, like a dietary fast, in order for you to experience the benefits. One benefit is that you are going to be saving up quite a strong charge by the appointed hour. (And woe betide the unwary traveler upon which it falls) You will be able to feel the charge building up much more strongly, and this can help you get in better contact with your energetic nature. Even throughout the 2-week span you will likely have times that you can feel the sexual frustration inside you like electric current or an ioncharged mist. This energy is very real, and is a universal feminine potential of all sex-based lifeforms. As an aside, it is this unsatisfied feminine energy which is the secret force behind powerful marijuana and which differentiates marijuana from hemp, hence one of marijuanas effects on human feminine consciousness. Another benefit is that over time your focus, sexually speaking, will be less on orgasm and more on the sexuality itself. Knowing that in fact you will not be coming that day frees some of your mental pathways for simple sexual appreciating. Appreciating is a spiritual act. Imagine yourself entering a museum and looking at the paintings. One in particular stands out to you, and seems to hold a secret meaning. You feel awestruck and dumbfounded. You stop and you stare. Something in this artwork suggests a depth which does not merely meet the eye, but touches something unconscious within you. At this point many would say this artwork has touched your spirit. You can examine what in particular it is about this painting that you like, and what that says about your own inner nature. You could consider finding more paintings with similar pleasing traits to compare, or you might even consider spending more time with this picture, perhaps even taking it home. These same attitudes, sans lust, could just as easily be applied to a member of the opposite sex. Or the same sex, if thats your modus operandi. Both decreasing frequency and intensity of masturbation, for women or men, will benefit your level of physical sensitivity, but also will allow you to more fully appreciate your subtler aspects of consciousness, mental and spiritual. This will help you more easily become the aforementioned

Rainbow Bridge, spanning the gap between your own visible and invisible worlds, and this is the key to truly liberating orgasms. Orgasms which take a woman out of her head, even out of her body, to the ocean of pure bliss underlying all of existence. It is this ocean from whence she came, and coming again can help her return.

Extroduction So with this information in mind you now have a good grasp on the physiological methods to crank up your body's power generator (and the higher the power, the bigger the explosion). This is how you can use your body to draw in resources allowing you to orgasm fully and liberatingly. But the body is only one possible avenue of influx. As for the inclusion of the mind and spirit in orgasmic energy acquisition, that will be covered in a subsequent edition of this document. Addendum 1 - In the food chain, creatures toward the bottom, such as plants, need to display generally only small amounts of the "stuff of life" such as physical senses and other forms of awareness, individual consciousness, mobility, and intelligence. Hence, they require less physical fuel to express their inner essence. So, if you come along and interrupt their life process at a certain stage by devouring them, you will generally gain only small amounts of fuel per creature. There are, however, several ways around this difficulty. You could consume many more organisms, such as when a cow eats grass. A dedicated cow can take down several thousand individual grass beings a day, thus drastically multiplying the benefits of his or her habit of grass consumption. You could also consume the plant creatures only at certain times in their life process when they have the most nutrients, such as when seeds are sprouted or fruit is ripened. You also could gain information as to which creatures contain unusually high amounts of certain nutrients and build a database (on paper or in your head) to be sure you are meeting your body's requirements. Or you could also eat animals. Animals generally have far more overhead to run energetically. They require higher amounts of inputs in order to carry out the processes relating to having more physical senses, a more complex nerve structure, mobility, higher scope of environmental awareness, sometimes a memory system,

sometimes a planning system, etc. Ergo, if you come along and interrupt one of their life processes, you could usurp all the inputs required for those added abilities. So there is a nutrient concentration system in place in nature which we call the food chain. More resources are allotted to those with more capabilities in their manifestation. Life feeds on life, so the more life something displays, the more life you can display after feeding on it. Even a playful jumping cow is better to eat than sad, sick cow, and a bright, erect plant is better than a dull and dropping one. If approached I may be willing to speculate on the purpose of this principle, but you may have more fun speculating yourself (Perhaps with a speculum). Addendum 2 Under Construction. In the meantime see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsdbPK2niKw

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