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Demonstrating that forests are

worth more alive than dead

The Global Canopy Programme is an alliance of 37 scientific institutions in 19 countries, which lead the world in
forest canopy research, education and conservation. Our work programmes all aim to define and explore the range
and economic value of forest ecosystem services and to share our findings with decision-makers in Government and
finance. Time is not on our side as the conversion of ancient forests proceeds apace worldwide. Policy and positive
incentive mechanisms based on sound science must urgently be developed to preserve these vital forest utilities for

Cover Photo: Copyright © 2007 Djuna Ivereigh

Photos Copyright © 2007 Djuna Ivereigh, unless otherwise credited

Global Canopy Programme, John Krebs Field Station, Wytham, Oxford, OX2 8QJ, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 724 222, email: info@globalcanopy.org,
web: www.globalcanopy.org, www.forestsnow.org

Letter from the Director 4

A Year in Summary 5

Key Outcomes in 2007 7

GCP Programmes
Science Programme
1. Valuation of Forest Canopy Ecosystem Services 8
2. Biodiversity at the Heights: IBISCA Queensland Project 9
3. Whole Forest Observatories 9
4. Bornean Wild Cat and Clouded Leopard Project 10

Policy Programme
1. The Forests Now Declaration 11
2. The Prince’s Rainforests Project 12

Finance Programme
1. The VivoCarbon Initiative 13
2. The Amazonas Initiative 13
3. Driving Capital to the Canopy 14
4. The Climate Tree 14

Capacity Building
1. Overseas Canopy Access Training Courses 15
2. UK Canopy Access Courses 15
3. ‘Kids in the Canopy’ High Science Programme 15

Other Activities
1. Forest Canopies in Brazil, China, India and Malaysia 16
2. GCP helps ATBC become Carbon Neutral 16
3. Valuing Forest Canopy Ecotourism in Brazil and Malaysia 16

1. Forests First in the Fight Against Climate Change 17
2. GCP Website 17
3. Forests Now Website 17
4. Education Boards at Go Ape! 17

Publicity 18

Financial Activities 20

Thanks 21

The GCP Alliance 22

Collaborating Institutions 23

GCP Secretariat 24

Letter from the Director

2007 was the year when climate change came of age. For the first time it became front page news around the
world. With Katrina’s bite even America woke up to the power and cost of nature destabilised. But GCP and
experts in our global Alliance noticed something missing. In the growing debate about what to do to curb the carbon
emissions that are fuelling global warming, for some reason - no one was talking about forests. Energy, light-bulbs,
planes, trains and cars but why not forests?

Two people changed the game. Sir Michael Somare, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea and Lord Stern, author
of the Stern Review of Climate Change. The former said poor nations need to be compensated to stop deforesting,
the latter said we won’t win the fight against climate change unless we do, because burning forests were emitting
more carbon that all the transport sector combined. GCP followed with our June 2007 report “Forests First in the
Fight Against Climate Change” which put the issue on the front page here in Britain and it became a news story
around the world. Our September launch of the Forests Now Declaration in the heart of the Amazon’s rainforest
canopy acted as a rallying flag for political leaders, NGOs and many scientists to call on Governments to act. In Bali
we got our victory as the UN overturned years of sterile debate and for the first time, in principle, agreed to include
forest emissions in the future global climate regime post 2012.

The next few years offer a truly historic opportunity for the world to understand what rainforests do for humanity, and
to begin paying for it either through taxation or the market. Carbon is but the first service to come on stream, but
there could be many more in the pipeline. The world is at an economic tipping point when such ecosystem services
may begin to appear on balance sheets. Valuing what nature currently does for us for free may seem like turning
biodiversity into a commodity but the alternatives have left tropical forests worth more dead than alive. Countries
which own such forests, have little economic option but to cut them down to develop and to feed the poor.

25 million people live in and around the Brazilian Amazon and their needs must come first when asking what to do
with it. It’s up to the international community to support countries like Brazil, which are making great strides to
conserve their forests against a tide of economically more attractive alternatives. We need to think differently and
that is the currency of the GCP. This report shows how we do just that. Just as canopy scientists had to think
differently to explore the unknown world where life meets the atmosphere, 60 metres above our heads - so
politicians, bankers, and businessmen will need to risk thinking differently about what nature is worth and how to
create wealth that’s really worth having for the next generation.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Mitchell
Founder and Director

Photos !: GCP/Andrew Hearn and Joanna Ross

A Year in Summary

In 2007, the world suddenly woke up to the importance of

forests in the fight against climate change. A year ago, it would
have been hard to predict the recent changes in national and
international forest policy or the concurrent changes in the
relevance and visibility of the Global Canopy Programme’s core
message: that forests are worth more alive than dead.

In 2007 the Stern Review informed us that deforestation

accounts for around 20 percent of the carbon emissions causing
global warming. You would think tropical forests should
therefore account for 20 percent of the resources committed to
tackling climate change. Not so. It has taken years of hard
lobbying by the Global Canopy Programme and others to get
the “elephant in the living room of climate change” noticed at all.

In 2007 The Stern Review 1 , McKinsey report2 , and

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)3 all
demonstrated that saving forests is one of the most cost-
effective and immediate options for combating climate change.
Although it may sound counter-intuitive, the forests of the future
may ultimately have climate change to thank for their continued

In 2007, the Global Canopy Programme launched two parallel

initiatives aimed at establishing political consensus around the issue of deforestation. The VivoCarbon Initiative is a
road map towards securing appropriate compensation for the vital roles played by forests in sustaining life on earth.
Tropical forests act as giant global utilities providing humanity with critical services which we all rely on, but do not
yet pay for. These ‘Ecosystem Services’ include the sequestration and storage of carbon, rainfall generation and
water storage, moderation of extreme weather, and a habitat for almost half the terrestrial species on earth.

Our second initiative, the Forests Now Declaration, issued an urgent call for global action on deforestation in the
tropics and sub-tropics. The Declaration calls for a broadening of carbon markets to include forest emissions and
new market mechanisms to create positive incentives for forest conservation. The Forests Now Declaration has
already been endorsed by over 300 politicians, scientists, conservationists, community and business leaders.

Our efforts to raise awareness of the connection between climate change and forest canopies really grabbed global
public attention at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali in December 2007. At the Bali conference, the world
was hit by an uncomfortable truth: the host nation, Indonesia, had been named as the third biggest carbon emitter
on the planet. The primary cause is Indonesia's trees being burnt for land, largely to grow palm oil – destined for
consumers in developed nations. Palm oil is in everything from Kit Kats to cleaning products. Poor forested nations
argue that we in the West have outsourced our own emissions to them, since our demand for these products is the
main driver of deforestation. While huge amounts of capital are invested in global businesses that drive
deforestation, this disenfranchises the 1.6 billion of the world’s poorest people who depend on forests for their

Enkvist, P.A, et al (2007). A cost curve for greenhouse gas reduction. Mckinsey Quarterly No 1
World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty (2000). Oxford University Press, World Bank.
In a landmark deal in Bali, it was agreed that developing countries with significant forest cover should be assisted to
maintain their forests, thereby ensuring the survival of a major carbon sink and preventing it from becoming a major
source of carbon emissions. The Global Canopy Programme has been pushing this message since its inception.
Now, at last, the issue is generating major political and corporate interest.

This new mechanism, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), if approved in 2012 will put
a price on the carbon emissions when forests are burned. However, this policy has its limitations. REDD effectively
rewards countries that are burning their forests by offering them carbon credits for keeping their forests alive. But
countries like Costa Rica and Guyana, and indigenous groups who have patiently protected their forests currently
stand to gain little from REDD. Moreover, REDD does not take into account the other Ecosystem Services that
forests provide, beyond carbon sequestration and storage. While it would be wrong to say that all indigenous
groups are against REDD or that none of them will benefit, we need complementary policies that offer credits or
compensation to countries and communities for conserving forests that are not under immediate threat.

That is why the Global Canopy Programme has taken the initiative to engage with the financial sector to design new
mechanisms to innovate private investment in tropical forests as global utilities serving the world community. These
transactions will not only be profitable for investors, but will also deliver sustainable benefits to forest-owning nations
and the people who maintain them. In 2007, we worked with the State of Amazonas in Brazil to develop a system of
payments for indigenous people who manage their forests sustainably. The Global Canopy Programme is also
coordinating a groundbreaking study to evaluate the Ecosystem Services provided by the tropical forests of the
Amazon, Congo and Indonesia, and the cost of inaction if nothing is done to halt their destruction. We hope these
initiatives will catalyse the creation of a market for forest Ecosystem Services, as well as reinforcing the value of
standing forests. It may come sooner than we think.

Our approach has gained considerable momentum during the past year, but it will take a sustained effort to deliver
agreement on international forest policy by December 2009, when the successor to the Kyoto Protocol must be
agreed. Securing the scale of carbon capture needed over the long term requires concerted political will. Despite
our continued efforts to raise awareness of the value of forests among Governments and institutional stakeholders,
political progress has been painfully slow. It therefore falls to philanthropy and private investors to demonstrate
through example that innovative market-based solutions can make a real impact on deforestation now.

We are, as ever, immensely grateful to the many charitable foundations and individuals who supported the Global
Canopy Programme in 2007. Our portfolio of current projects and initiatives demonstrates the range and scale of
our activities. There is no denying that our objectives are ambitious; but relative to the consequences of continued
deforestation, they are also pragmatic. Over the last six years, the Global Canopy Programme’s ground-breaking
achievements have confirmed that we remain ahead of the pack. We firmly believe that only a bold vision, capable
of delivering changes in the way that forests are valued, will give us the time needed to reduce carbon emissions
from energy, industry, transport, and other sectors. Forests offer our last, best chance to create that breathing

The period from now until

December 2009 will be one of the
most critical periods in history for
the world’s forests. To continue
our work during this challenging
period, we are heavily dependent
on the support of charitable trusts
and individual donors. We hope to
deepen our existing relationships
with our key supporters to ensure
that the Global Canopy
Programme can deliver its mission
to protect the planet’s forests,
atmosphere and people.

Key Outcomes in 2007
GCP helps Governor Braga, of Amazonas State explore new financial mechanisms for
Rainforests: GCP brokers a meeting between Eduardo Braga, Governor of Brazil’s Amazonas
State and Barry Gardiner, UK Minister for Biodiversity and the UK financial sector in London.
Braga implements new laws making trading of ecosystem services in his State a possibility, the
first law of its kind the world.

GCP Canopy SE Asian Training Programme reaches its conclusion: Funded by the Darwin
Initiative, this 3 year programme has trained 6 new climbing instructors and more than 70
canopy scientists from the ASEAN region, who have carried out 30 small-scale projects.
University of Malaysia Sabah approves a new Canopy science based MSc course as a result.

GCP’s ‘Forests First’ Report features on the front page of The Independent (14 May,
2007): This report raises awareness of the importance of forests among the parties to the UN
Conventions on Biological Diversity and Climate Change and identifies the practical steps
necessary to establish an international trading mechanism for Ecosystem Services. The
rainforest and climate change issue is picked up world wide.

GCP Participates in the GLOBE Dialogues: The momentum generated by the GCP’s
VivoCarbon Initiative begins to deliver results. GCP Executive Director Andrew Mitchell is
invited to participate in the GLOBE dialogues on illegal logging and climate change prior to the
G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany. Tony Blair, Angela Merkel and senior figures from
forested nations are among the keynote speakers. In a landmark deal, G8 leaders pledge to
halve all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Ecosystem Valuation Study Funded: With funding from the Rufford Maurice Laing
Foundation, GCP commences work with partners in Brazil, UK and Malaysia to make a
preliminary estimate of the economic value of the environmental ecosystem services provided
to humanity by forests in the Amazon, SE Asian and Congo Basin forests. The first study of its
kind – will report next year.

GCP Launches the Forests Now Declaration in Amazonas State, Brazil: The first
signatories are the AMazonas State Secretary for Environment and an envoy of the Association
of Indigenous Peoples of the Brazilian Amazon, representing 180 tribes. Sir Michael Somare,
Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, also signs the Forests Now Declaration at a Clinton
Global Initiative event in New York. Forests included in the ‘Bali Road Map’ at the UNFCCC
Conference in December.
GCP Director Appointed Senior Advisor to the Princes Rainforests Project: Andrew
Mitchell is invited to develop a plan for the Prince of Wales’ Rainforests Project (PRP) to bring
together environmentalists, scientists and leaders to drive a high-profile campaign to halt
deforestation. Prince Charles launches project in 2008.

Bornean Clouded Leopard and Flat Headed Cat reclassified as Endangered: GCP
Research Associates Andrew Hearn and Joanna Ross attended the International Felid Biology
and Conservation Conference and presenting their preliminary findings from the Darwin
Initiative funded Bornean Clouded Leopard and Wild Cat Project. This contributed to the
reclassification of the flat headed cat and the Bornean clouded leopard as endangered from

Canopy Capital established to drive capital to the rainforest canopy: Creates an

investment template for first-movers in an emerging market for Ecosystem Services (including
rainfall generation, moderation of extreme weather, carbon storage and biodiversity
maintenance). These services benefit humanity at local to global scales. If they are lost, there
will be severe impacts on food, energy, and environmental security. Canopy Capital opens
negotiations with the Guyana Government and Iwokrama International Conservation Centre.

GCP Programmes

2007 marked our sixth year. The Global Canopy Programme (GCP) has evolved into an influential
alliance of 37 institutions in 19 countries, which lead the world in rainforest canopy research, education
and conservation. We have developed a collaborative programme of activities, with a focus on
biodiversity, climate change and poverty alleviation. Our collective achievements are regularly featured in
prestigious journals such as Science and Nature; and our own communications efforts produced 98 million
‘opportunities to see’ in the international media in 2007.

The GCP’s heritage in canopy science, our global network of experts, our high standing among
Governments and established relationships in the finance sector place us in a unique position to develop a
holistic strategy to stop deforestation. This strategy functions through inter-connected programmes of
activity: science, policy, finance and capacity building.

Science Programme

With our worldwide partners, and building on our heritage in forest canopy research, the GCP is drawing together
the science to support a global strategy that puts forests at the forefront of the fight against climate change. The
cornerstone of all GCP activities is scientific research into the rainforest canopy, one of the world’s largest but least
explored ecosystems and a crucial interface between life and the atmosphere. With help from the UK’s Darwin
Initiative and the FCO Global Opportunities Fund, GCP operates canopy training programmes to build capacity for
fieldwork in Brazil, Malaysia and Britain. The GCP is also a key supporter of Project IBISCA, the world’s most
comprehensive assessment of rainforest biodiversity. In 2007, GCP launched a major study of the critical role
forests play in the global hydrological cycle. We also continued our efforts to establish the Whole Forest
Observatory, a network of research stations in the tropics to monitor biodiversity and the impact of climate change in
rainforest canopies.

1) Valuation of Forest Canopy Ecosystem Services

Climate change is thrusting the function of forests into the global market. The architecture for a regulated carbon
market, which could include forest credits, is now in place. However, until now there has been little effort to
integrate science and economics to put a monetary value on the other Ecosystem Services provided by forests,
such as rainfall generation and weather moderation.

In autumn 2007, inspired by the work of Professor Antonio Nobre of the Institute for Research in the Amazon
(INPA), GCP launched a major international scoping study to estimate the economic value of the Ecosystem
Services provided by the tropical forests of the Amazon, South East Asia and the Congo basin. With funds from the
Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation environmental economists are working with prominent scientists in Brazil,
Indonesia and the UK to determine the value of these Ecosystem Services. Demonstrating their value is the first
step in converting these services into tradable commodities. This study will also estimate the cost of inaction if
forests continue to be felled.

Working with Professor Antonio Nobre from INPA, Warwick Manfrinato from PLANT Ambiental, and Jean Ometto of
IGBP, Brazil; Dominic Moran from the Scottish Agricultural College and Professor Mohamed Shahwahid Othman
from the Rainforest Academy at the University of Putra Malaysia the GCP published the first draft of its ‘Beyond
Carbon’ Paper at the UNFCCC in Bali in December 2007. Initial results were presented at a side event during the
conference. The paper sketches out the emerging evidence for the significance of public goods and services from
tropical rainforests (such as production of rainfall, storage of carbon). Using evidence from Brazil, Congo and South
East Asia the paper suggested how
damage to these services, in terms
of increasing water costs, will impact
on economically significant industrial
sectors, as well as increasing
human vulnerability.

This work is ongoing as we set out

to quantify these damage costs is
providing us with the basis for an
emerging market-based instrument
to compensate the provision of
rainfall and value of regional to
global scale forests ecosystem
services. Our aim is for a major
study in the future, initially focussed
on the Amazon.
The Amazon releases around 20 billion tones of water each day
Photo ! Antonio Nobre
2) Biodiversity at the Heights: IBISCA Queensland Project
In 2007, GCP was pleased to support the IBISCA Queensland project, a
major international survey of the animal, plant and fungal diversity from
canopy to soil in Lamington National Park, Australia. The purpose of this
study is to assess and predict the impact of climate change on
biodiversity by using insects as indicators of climate change impacts on

The project has completed several major biodiversity field surveys,

convened two scientific workshops, hosted an end-user forum and
supported a public seminar series. They have conducted 26 different
projects involving 48 scientific participants and 71 volunteers. In addition, there has been student participation in
each of the major surveys and the education programme has been developed. The final field survey will be held in
January 2008 and GCP funds will be used to carry out a Basic Canopy Access Proficiency training course for
participants, helping to build further capacity for canopy research in the region.

The first comprehensive results from IBISCA Queensland will appear in late 2008 or early 2009.

3) Whole Forest Observatories

The largest and most ambitious of GCP’s projects, the Whole Forest Observatories (WFO) initiative proposes a
network of research stations to support forest conservation from Brazil to Borneo in the tropics. The Observatories,
each with a canopy crane, atmospheric tower, training programme, and portfolio of research projects, would
revolutionise capacity for canopy science. To date, research efforts have been hindered by the logistical, technical
and financial difficulties of access to the canopy, particularly in developing nations. This infrastructure would also
enable the Ecosystem Services provided by tropical forests to be measured, quantified, and valued by scientists and
environmental economists, then potentially traded in voluntary markets.

We are extremely grateful to the Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation, which has pledged $2 million towards the WFO
project. This is a great help to leverage further funds. However, despite securing several country and partner
endorsements and pledges of funds of $8 million, the WFO project is currently stalled. It has been subjected to
numerous delays by the United Nations Global Environment Facility (GEF), which is currently being restructured.
Changes within the GEF and GEF’s failure to deliver its pledged $6 million funding for the third consecutive year has
meant that a multi-country project is no longer feasible, However, Brazil’s determination to realize the WFO project,
with moves by the Ministries of Science and Technology and Environment to fund two Observatories (one in the
Amazon and another in the coastal Mata Atlantica forests) could provide renewed momentum for the project as a

4) ‘Bornean Wild Cat and Clouded

Leopard Project
As part of our ‘High Five’ campaign to raise awareness about
endangered canopy species, the GCP continues its efforts in
collaboration with the University of Malaysia Sabah and the Sabah
Wildlife Department, to protect Borneo’s endangered Wild Cats
and Clouded Leopard. This 3-year programme funded by the
Defra’s Darwin Initiative 5. Based in the Danum Valley
Conservation Area in Borneo, this multi-disciplinary project
combines environmental education, training and pioneering
research to gather new data about some of the rarest rainforest Camera trap image of a Bornean Clouded Leopard
Photo !: GCP/Andrew Hearn and Joanna Ross

The Darwin Initiative of Defra draws on the wealth of biodiversity expertise within the UK to help protect and enhance
biodiversity around the world.
cats in the world. The Bay Cat and Flat-Headed Cat have never been studied in the wild before.

Our Camera traps have gathered over 15,000 images of Bornean wildlife, including 210 photographs of the Bornean
Clouded Leopards, over 750 photographs of the Leopard Cat, 19 photos of the marbled cat including the first
images of a mother and cub marbled Cat. In addition we have 7 photographs of the extremely rare bay cat and the
first-ever video footage of the bay cat.

In June 2007, GCP organised training courses to build capacity in mammal tracking techniques at the University of
Malaysia, Sabah. 30 undergraduate students, two post graduates and one lecturer received training. As a result,
the Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation and the University of Malaysia have decided to include this
course in their B.Sc. Conservation Biology syllabus.

Andrew Hearn, Joanna Ross, Henry Bernard and Daniel Pamin the project’s Principle Investigators presented a
poster entitled “Felid Abundance, activity and habitat use in a tropical forest in Sabah Malaysia Borneo” at the
International Felid Biology and Conservation Conference, held at the University of Oxford in September. This
conference was the first truly international felid conference ever held, bringing together 300 of the world’s felid
biologists, and thus provided an excellent opportunity to raise awareness. An IUCN cat specialist group workshop
ran in parallel and preliminary findings from this project provided the foundation for the reassessment of the
conservation status of the five felid species found on Borneo and the subsequent reclassification (of the flat headed
cat and the Bornean sub species of clouded leopard (both previously classified as Vulnerable, now endangered).

This project is due to end in October 2009 but due to the high success rate we are now looking at extending the
work for a further two years.

Rare and endangered Bornean Bay Cat

Photo !: GCP/Andrew Hearn and Joanna Ross

Policy Programme

Over the past year, the GCP has developed a leading profile in the international policy arena related to forests. The
realisation that rainforests can slow down climate change, whilst their destruction accelerates it, has resulted in the
introduction of rainforests in climate change negotiations. GCP’s leadership role in putting forests on the climate
change agenda is now widely recognised.

Through our VivoCarbon Initiative, we have favourably influenced the policy framework for forests within the UN
Convention on Biological Diversity. Through our Forests Now campaign, we successfully lobbied for forests to be
included in global carbon markets at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) in Bali in
December 2007. At the national level, we are working with the Governments of six tropical countries to develop
alternative strategies for sustainable forest management. At the regional level, GCP encouraged developing a
system of payments for the Ecosystem Services provided by the State Parks of Amazonas, Brazil. In addition, GCP
was instrumental in the foundation of the Prince’s Rainforests Project, (www.princesrainforestsproject.org), an
initiative launched by the Prince of Wales in October 2007 that is working with Governments, businesses, NGOs and
individuals to seek alternatives to the destruction of tropical rainforests.

At the December 2007 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) in Bali, a historic
decision was made that credits for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) could be
included in future carbon markets. Forest-owning nations might at last be given a positive economic incentive to
leave their forests standing - rather than cut them down. The GCP, alongside the many organisations we work with,
has played an important role in galvanising scientific support and raising awareness to help drive through these
policy changes.

Now the international community has to work out a REDD mechanism by December 2009, for Government
ratification in 2012. Factor in the review of the EU Trading Scheme and the changing landscape of American politics
during the same period, and the next two years will be pivotal for forests. Consequently, we need to redouble our
efforts, using science to influence policy and to drive financial capital to the canopy. Policy debates are dominated
by clean energy solutions, but efforts to meet critical carbon reduction targets may be negated unless we tackle
emissions from forests with equal urgency.

1) The Forests Now Declaration

Launched on 10th September 2007,
the Forests Now Declaration
(www.ForestsNow.org) is a six-
point action plan that calls on
Governments to pave the way for
forests to be included in carbon
markets, to create incentives for
reducing deforestation, and to
stimulate trading in Ecosystem

The Declaration was a huge

success attracting support from
President Arias of Costa Rica,
Prime Minister Somare of Papua
New Guinea, and over 30 other
influential leaders, scientists and
Amazonas State Secretary for the Environment, Professor Virgilio Viana, signs the forests now NGO’s. Having travelled from the
declaration in the heart of the Amazon. Photo ! GCP / Lula Sampaio
Amazon to the carbon capitals of the world. In December 2007, the GCP
delivered the Forests Now Declaration to Government leaders assembled
at the UNFCCC in Bali. The Declaration served as a convening platform
for influential voices across disciplines and gained strong support from
tropical forest stakeholders traditionally considered market-averse.
Forests Now activities at the UNFCCC included:

• An event on "Forest Day" during which the "Green Governors" of

Amazonas State in Brazil and Aceh and Papua provinces in
Indonesia all signed the Forests Now Declaration.
• A screening of the film "Forests Now: A Global Call to Action", at
a reception for some 200 endorsers and delegates.
• A press conference on Forests Now and progress in the REDD
negotiations to a packed auditorium, leading to global media
coverage including The Washington Post, Time magazine, and
top story on the BBC News website.

The FND media campaign, including a full page in the Financial Times,
kindly funded by Sustainable Forestry Management Ltd. Resulted in
almost 100 million ‘opportunities to see’ worldwide. Uncle Sam wielding an axe to one of TFG’s
inflatable trees funded by GCP. Featured on
The opportunity now is to bring the collective influence of the Forests Now the front page of the Washington Post. Photo:
! Tropical Forest Group
coalition to bear at key moments, with a view to influencing policy in the
UN, EU, and the US in the run up to December 2009 when the mechanism for forests will need to be agreed by the

2) The Prince’s Rainforests Project

Based on a plan developed by the Global Canopy Programme the
Prince’s Rainforests Project, was set up in October 2007 by HRH The
Prince of Wales. GCP’s Director Andrew Mitchell, as a Senior
Advisor to the Prince of Wales’ Rainforests Project and is working
with HRH the Prince of Wales to lobby Governments and the private
sector to protect the world’s rainforests in the face of acute pressure
caused by global spikes in commodity prices and soaring demand for
beef, soya and palm oil. "The task is to review, develop and propose
practical mechanisms that acknowledge the true value of the eco-
system services provided by the world’s remaining rainforests. These
solutions need to provide credible incentives to host nations, and to
local communities, and must out-compete the drivers of rainforest
destruction.” – HRH The Prince of Wales

The GCP is now one of the main operational partners of the Prince’s
Rainforests Project. With a team of 15 analysts installed in Clarence
House, over the next two years the Prince’s Rainforests Project will
keep forests at the forefront of the global environmental agenda, with
a special focus on new market mechanisms that can help to save
forests see www.princesrainforestsproject.org

Finance Programme

Rainforests are destroyed because they have no value in global markets. Conservation has proved no match for
commerce. The multiple environmental services that tropical forests provide to humanity are not yet economically
recognised in global markets. Given that this is primarily a market failure, we must look to markets for a solution.
GCP has forged partnerships with the financial sector in order to promote market-based solutions and alternative
development strategies to discourage deforestation. We are also developing pilot projects with forest-owning
nations to establish voluntary markets in Payments for Ecosystem Services, which will not only be profitable for
investors but will also deliver sustainable benefits to the countries and communities that maintain them.

Financial compensation for avoiding deforestation, once thought impractical, is now back on the political agenda. As
a result of the huge growth in the carbon market in the last decade, investors are starting to recognise the value of
early investments in the emerging market for Ecosystem Services.

1) The VivoCarbon Initiative

Launched in May 2007, the aim of the VivoCarbon Initiative is to test the practicality of setting up a ‘living carbon’
market as part of the post-Kyoto Protocol agreement which will come into effect in 2012.

GCP’s VivoCarbon Initiative brings together the financial expertise of the world’s largest carbon and insurance
markets in London, with the expertise of those who manage the world’s largest natural carbon bank in the forests of
the Brazilian Amazon, Guyana Shield and SE Asia. The objective is to develop a new model for sustainable
development by investing in the Ecosystem Services provided by tropical forests. As well as generating income for
local communities, this will potentially help to secure millions of hectares of virgin rainforest and the carbon stored
within them.

2) The Amazonas Initiative

As part of the GCP’s VivoCarbon Initiative, we worked with the
State of Amazonas in Brazil, the UK Government and
international investors to design innovative market mechanisms
that will create positive incentives for sustainable forest
management. The State of Amazonas recently demonstrated its
commitment to this initiative by passing new legislation
authorising Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). The State
of Amazonas has successful reduced deforestation over the last
three years by 53%. The GCP has proposed a large-scale
private sector project designed to invest in this process and so
support the provision of ecosystem services generated by the
Amazonas State Parks. Revenue generated by the project would
From left to right: Dr Wari Iamo, Environment Minister, Papua be spent in support of proven community based and other forest
New Guinea; Governor Barnabus Suebu, Papua Province,
Indonesia; Governor Irwandi Yusof, Aceh Province, Indonesia; management measures to protect the services as well as in
Governor Eduardo Braga, Amazonas State, Brazil; Andrew reducing deforestation pressures elsewhere within the State. The
Mitchell, Global Canopy Programme; Virgilio Viana, proposed project would support the Amazonas Initiative as an
Environment Secretary, Amazonas State, Brazil. Photo !
GCP/ Katherine Secoy example of the ‘large scale pilot schemes called for by the Stern
Review and will inform negotiations leading up to the 2012 Kyoto
II round. GCP is assisting Amazonas State to secure major
corporate and Governmental support for this initiative.

This financial model could be applied in other tropical forest regions. Related discussions with the Governments of
Guyana, Indonesia and Malaysia are already underway. Amazonas State is now considering implementing a new

“Foundation for Sustainability of the Amazon’ and a ‘Bolsa Floresta’ or forest bursary to pay forest communities to
protect their forests.

3) Driving Capital to the Canopy

In 2007, GCP created a new subsidiary, VivoCarbon Investments, with a 20% stake in Canopy Capital
(www.canopycapital.co.uk), a joint venture with investors in Europe led by GCP Trustee Hylton Murray-Philipson to
pioneer Payments for Ecosystem Services. The worldwide publicity generated by this ground-breaking initiative
suggests that it could revolutionise the way markets value the environment.

We aim to demonstrate the rewards of early investment in rainforests through corporate responsibility or innovative
banking and insurance products designed to create what President Bill Clinton called “wealth that’s worth having”.
Early investors will secure the Ecosystem Service rights,
including carbon storage, whilst international market mechanisms
and regulatory frameworks develop. At the same time, we are
raising awareness in the relevant financial and corporate sectors
– such as agri-business and hydro-power - that the risk of doing
nothing to halt deforestation poses a real long-term threat to their

4) The Climate Tree

Launched at the UNFCC in December 2007, The Climate Tree is a market-based initiative developed by GCP in
partnership with the Tropical Forest Trust (www.tropicalforesttrust.com) and the National Wildlife Federation
(www.nwf.org). Building on our combined resources, networks and expertise, the Climate Tree tackles the drivers of
deforestation on multiple fronts. Its four core programmes are aimed
at a) assisting forest owners to sustainably manage their forests, b)
planting new forests, c) creating new revenue for standing forests and
d) informing national and international policy. Coupled with promoting
sustainable soya, oil palm and beef production, the Climate Tree
represents a holistic approach to tackling deforestation and
increasing the value of intact forests.

The Climate Tree is currently working in eight countries with tropical

forests - Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Republic of
Congo, Cameroon and Gabon. These forests cover a combined area
of over 3 million hectares (6.5 million acres), roughly the size of
Belgium. With several multi-national corporations already backing the
idea, GCP looks forward to scaling up and diversifying its activities
through this initiative in 2008/9.

Capacity Building

1) Overseas Canopy Access Training Courses

In collaboration with industry experts, GCP has developed specialist
canopy access and research training courses, using modern rope-
based methods enabling three-dimensional exploration of the forest
canopy. These unique courses represent the first integrated attempt
to open up the forest canopy for science, exploration and education.

GCP Canopy Training courses have also proven to be a constructive

tool to engage the Governments of Brazil and Malaysia. We have
completed 3-year courses in Brazil and Malaysia. (59 scientists and
technicians from Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Singapore, Papua
New Guinea and Indonesia were trained in Malaysia, and 110 new
leaders in canopy science were trained in Brazil.) As a direct result,
both Governments have now established funds for canopy science
programmes. In Brazil, two Masters level courses are being
introduced at the University of Ouro Preto and the University of
Santa Cruz, providing a professional training centre for new canopy
scientists. In addition, the ‘Canopy Training School for the ASEAN
region’, funded by the UK Government’s Darwin Initiative of DEFRA,
59 scientists and technicians from the ASEAN region has developed the world’s first M.Sc. Canopy Science module. This
have been trained in canopy access techniques.
Photo ! GCP / John Pike
course, officially accredited by the University of Sabah, Malaysia, is
now enrolling its first students.

Training and Education Officer John Pike, who worked tirelessly to develop these training courses, left the GCP in
2007 to become a doctor. But we are pleased to announce that John continues to work with us alongside his
colleagues at Canopy Access Ltd.

2) UK Canopy Access Courses

In 2007, the GCP organised five Basic Canopy Access Proficiency (BCAP) courses in the UK, training a total of 32
students ranging from researchers to wildlife film-makers and bat conservationists. With the generous support of the
Dulverton Trust, we were able to offer 23 students engaged in canopy research a grant to help cover the costs of the
course. Many of them went on to carry out canopy research overseas. Recent BCAP graduates have gone on to
study the nesting behaviour of Orang-utans; plant distribution in the Amazon basin and the study of lichen
assemblages of the Caledonian Forest in Scotland.

3) ‘Kids in the Canopy’ High Science Programme

GCP has developed a series of educational workshops in the UK with the generous
support of The Ernest Cook Trust. This pilot programme introduces canopy
science into the national curriculum in order to educate pupils about the
environmental value of forests and to stimulate greater interest in forest-related
sciences. In November 2007, the GCP ran the first of four ‘forest immersion’ days
with Oxfordshire schools at Harcourt Arboretum. As well as experiencing the thrill
of climbing a 60ft cedar, students heard inspirational talks from canopy guides and
learnt about local woodland ecology from the education team at Harcourt
Kids in the canopy days have been
a great success.
Photo ! John Pike
Other GCP Activities

1) Forest Canopies in Brazil. China, India and Malaysia – a new

resource for sustainable use of biodiversity, the development of
ecotourism and canopy horticulture.
With funds from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Global Opportunities Fund, this two-year multi-country project
came to its conclusion this year with the final workshop in Malaysia. The aim of the project was to raise awareness
of the value and significance of tropical forest canopies and to develop strategies for their sustainable use in order to
conserve forest ecosystems and promote sustainable development in areas adjacent to forests, with a focus on
India, China, Malaysia and Brazil.

In each country significant awareness was raised of the services and values tropical forests provide, through
meetings within Governments, national stakeholder meetings, national press coverage and the transfer of expertise
to partner countries. Each country now has a strategy for the development of projects, which demonstrate the
sustainable use of forest canopies, which will aid in the sustainable development of forests in adjacent human
settlements, thereby helping to reduce pressure on the forest environment. During exchanges with project partners
the seed was sown to start work on the valuation of tropical forest ecosystems, so that we can demonstrate that
standing forests can generate potentially significant revenues through the services that they provide to local,
regional and perhaps the global environment – work which now forms a major part of the GCP’s Science

2) GCP helps ATBC become Carbon Neutral

The GCP worked with the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) the world’s premier association
for tropical biologists, to help make the society’s annual meetings carbon neutral. A carbon audit found that with
800 participants the meeting was expected to produce about 1070 metric tonnes of carbon. They have agreed to
offset their emissions in Mexico, where the ATBC conference was held in 2007., through the Scol Te project. The
Scol Te (‘Tree that grows’) project in Southern Mexico Invests in forest an agricultural systems in rural communities,
in order to increase terrestrial carbon storage by replacing monocultures with the sustainable agroforestry.

3) Valuing Forest Canopy Ecotourism in Brazil and Malaysia

Funded by the Global Opportunities Fund of
the UK Foreign and Commonwealth office the
GCP compiled and published studies by
working with GCP Research Associates,
Markus Seibel in Malaysia and Ismael Nobre
in Brazil to gain a better understanding of the
value of canopy ecotourism in each country,
at the enterprise level with initial analyses for
the potential for benefit sharing with local
communities. Both studies can be found on
the GCP web site.

Borneo rainforest at dawn Photo ! GCP / Katherine Secoy 17


1) Forests First in the Fight Against Climate Change

On 14th May we launched our groundbreaking report ‘Forests First’, which stimulated a
major feature on the front page of the UK’s Independent National Newspaper. This report
seeks to deepen understanding amongst Governmental stakeholders and parties to the UN
conventions on Biological Diversity and Climate Change, of the vital roles played by ‘living
carbon’ in sustaining life, atmosphere and people. The report has been widely reported
throughout the world.

2) GCP Website
The GCP website has undergone a facelift to reflect the GCP’s new focus on forest ecosystem services and our
programmes in Science, Policy and Finance.

3) Forests Now Website

As part of the Forests Now Campaign the GCP has developed a Forests Now portal with
information about the Declaration, the full list of endorsers and quotes from key
endorsers in support of the Declaration. A short video about the Brazilian launch of the
Forests Now Declaration as well as interview with key stakeholders can also be found
on the web site. The Declaration’s journey from the Amazon to the UNFCCC
Conference of the parties in Bali is tracked. Visit: www.forestsnow.org

4) Education Boards at Go Ape!

The GCP designed and produced environmental education boards for all Go
Ape! sites across the UK. They aim to provide the public with information on
how forests work and their contribution to the survival of the planet in a
stimulating, exciting and informal way. The boards combine plenty of canopy
science alongside fun and colourful cartoons. The Go Ape! adventure courses
consist of rope bridges, Tarzan swings and zip slides which connect the trees
throughout the forest canopy. Go Ape! is a corporate partner of the GCP.


The GCP has featured in print around the globe on many occasions over the past year, with some of our publicity
listed below. The Forests Now Campaign alone generated 98 million ‘opportunities to see’.

November Amazon deforestation and climate change ENB ON THE SIDE, UNFCCC
March Seeking answers to key questions on forest canopy DAILY EXPRESS, UK
April You Can't Keep A Good Man Down SUNDAY TIMES, UK
May The Hidden Cause of Global Warming THE INDEPENDENT, UK
International Scientists Endorse Deforestation Initiatives ABC LOCAL RADIO, AUSTRALIA
As Blair Leaves Washington, US Hardens Stance on Climate
Pollution: Surprising Source THE CHARLESTON GAZETTE
Deforestation Leading to Global Warming THE HINDU BUISNESS ONLINE, INDIA
Tree Trade Movement NEW SCIENTIST
Forests For Life - a consultation CONSERVATIVE PARTY PAPER, UK
June Landmark Law Saves Rainforest POSITIVE NEWS, UK
African forest under threat from sugar cane plantation THE INDEPENDENT, UK
Canopy Crusaders ESCAPE (GO APE MAG), UK
Can the Amazon pay for its own salvation? THE TODAY PROGRAMME, UK
September Delaracao das Florestas AMAZONIA.ORG, BRAZIL
Forests NOW Declaration INDUSTRY WATCH
Pay Third World to save rainforests, say scientists THE DAILY MAIL, UK
Support Builds for carbon cash to save forests REUTERS
Call to end deforestation BREAKING NEWS, IRELAND
Including forests in the fight against climate change FLORA & FAUNA INTERNATIONAL, UK
Scientists from around the world call to end deforestation NEW ZEALAND PRESS ASSOCIATION
Forest Nations Press for Carbon Credits THE FINANCIAL TIMES, UK
Forest Nations Press for Carbon Credits THE WORLD BANK
Forest nations press for carbon credits to help cut greenhouse gas MSNBC, USA
Climate stewards signs forests now declaration CLIMATE STEWARDS
Environmentalists announce support for carbon trading MONGABAY.COM
Environmentalists announce support for carbon trading FOREST CONSERVATION PORTAL
Forest countries seek carbon credits; World's most polluted places
Forest countries seek carbon credits; World's most polluted places
Support for forest credits grows CARBON POSITIVE
Call for paying Third World countries to save rainforests NEWKERALA
The carbon sink TEHELKA.COM
Credits for protecting forests NEW ENERGY NEWS

Jane Goodall joins call for immediate action to curb deforestation JANE GOODALL INSTITUTE
October Interview with Mike Italiano HOME FURNISHINGS BUSINESS
Tobacco Stains IN THESE TIMES
Fire in the Amazon MACLEANS
New York City is One of the Biggest Destroyers of the Amazon
Every country has a role to play in the fight against global warming IPP MEDIA
3rd Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative LIBERTY
Forests Lobby Pushes for more Carbon Credits CLIMATECHANGECORP.COM
November Not very bright BRISTOL EVENING POST, UK
Forestry argues its case ARGUS MEDIA
Green Groups Sign Forests Declaration THE AGE
Fed: Aust green groups sign forest declaration AAP NEWSFEED
Media advice for Wednesday MEDIANET PRESS RELESE WIRE
Conservation; Rainforest Support THE ADVERTISER
The price of a living rainforest NEW STATESMAN, UK
Forests Lobby Pushes for more Carbon Credits EURO CORRESPHONDENT
While politicians fiddle in Bali, the trees are burning THE INDEPENDENT, UK
Environmentalists Fight Deforestation ALL AFRICA.COM
Clear-cut case for change METRO.CO.UK
December Clouds Gather in Bali CHANNEL 4 NEWS, UK
Aceh, Papua, Amazonas governors sign carbon-for-forests pact MONGABAY.COM
Governors take action to save rainforests THE AGE
Earning credits for forests THE MALAYSIAN STAR
REDD alert in Bali over deforestation THE TELEGRAPH, UK
Deal to fight deforestation agreed at climate talks REUTERS
The Secret Life of Trees TIME MAGAZINE
Curriculum Vitae Andrew Mitchell DIRECTOR MAGAZINE
Nations to be paid to stave off logging THE AGE
Climate deal sealed by U.S. U-turn B92 NEWS
Climate Change Compromise Plan Offered at Bali WASHINGTON POST, USA
US sets terms for climate talks BBC NEWS, UK
Pressured U.S. agrees to UN deal on climate; 'Road map' set for
new treaty by '09 CHICAGO TRIBUNE, USA
Climate: Bali deal paves way for new warming agreement GREENWIRE
Boos, tears and billions - A Bali retrospective TELEGRAPH, UK
Bali Agrees Deal on Deforestation THE SAUDI GAZETTE
Climate deal marked by US U-turn NEWS FROM BANGLADESH
Paying the green bill THE STAR, MALAYSIA

Financial Activities

Based on Audited futures for the year ended 30th September 2007

Incoming Resources
Breakdown of GCP incoming funds for FY 06/07, totalling £548,613

Resources Expended
Total outgoing funds for FY 2006/7, totalling £402,206


The GCP would like to extend a warm ‘thank you’ to all our donors who provided us with much needed funds in
2007, without whom none of our work would be possible:

CHK Charities
Dischma Charitable Trust
Dulverton Trust
Englefield Capital
Enough’s Enough
Ernest Cook Charitable Trust
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
Esmée Fairbairn Charitable Trust
Freshfield Foundation
HDH Wills Charitable Trust
International Trust for Nature Conservation
JMG Foundation
Lindeth Charitable Trust
Millichope Foundation
Mr and Mrs JA Pye’s Charitable Settlement
Orr Mackintosh Foundation
Pilkington Charitable Trust
The Broadwall Foundation
The Funding Network
The Gerald Micklem Charitable Trust
The John Ellerman Foundation
The Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation
The Waterloo Foundation
Tusk Trust
Wild About Cats
Young Presidents Organisation

National Governments
Darwin Initiative, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK
Global Opportunities Funds, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK

AGCP Limited
British Airways Plc
Discovery Initiatives
Go Ape!
Heightec Group Plc
Libertas Capital Group Plc

Hylton Murray Philipson

The GCP Alliance

The GCP operates with the support of the following groups of people
Trustees of the Global Canopy Foundation
Nigel Winser. Earthwatch Europe, UK Hylton Murray-Philipson
Dr William Wint. Oxford University, UK Solicitors. Charles Russell and Co
Lindsay Bury Auditors: Critchleys Chartered Accountants

Steering Committee
Professor Dieter Anhuf. University of Passau, Andrew Mitchell. Global Canopy Programme, UK
Germany Dr Nalini Nadkarni. Evergreen State College, USA
Dr Bruno Corbara. Université Blaise-Pascal, France Dr Tohru Nakashizuka. Institute for Humanity &
Dr Pierre Charles Dominique. COPAS, France Nature, Japan
Professor Roger Kitching. Griffith University, Dr Vojtech Novotny. Institute for Entomology, Czech
Australia Academy of Sciences
Dr Meg Lowman. New College, Florida, USA Professor Nigel Stork. James Cook University,
Dr Rick Meinzer. US Forest Service, USA Australia
Professor Cao Min. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr Joe Wright. Smithsonian, STRI, Panama

GCP Science Advisors

Dr Antonio Nobre, (Chief Science Advisor): Professor Roelof Oldeman. Wageningen University,
National Institute for Research in the Amazon, Brazil. The Netherlands
Professor Kamal Bawa. President, Ashoka Trust for Professor Alfred Oteng-Yeboah. Centre for
Research in Ecology and the Environment, India Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana
Professor Jeff Burley. Director, Emeritus, Oxford Sir Ghillean Prance. Director, Emeritus, Royal
Forestry Institute, UK Botanical Gardens Kew, UK
Dr John Hemming. CMG, Chairman, Hemming Dr Martin Speight. Zoology Department, Oxford
Group, UK University, UK
Professor Eduard Linsenmair. Theodor Boveri Sir Crispin Tickell. KCVO, Green College Centre for
Institute, Biozentrum, Germany Environmental Policy and Understanding, Oxford
Dr Bill Moomaw. (IPCC) Fletcher School of Law and University, UK
Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA
WFO Project Partners
Brazil: Dr Antonio Nobre. National Institute for Malaysia: Professor Datin Mohamed Maryati and
Research in the Amazon, Brazil Dr Henry Bernard. Institute for Tropical Biology and
India: Professor Kamal Bawa and Dr T Ganesh. Conservation
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Ghana: Dr Andrew Oteng-Amoako and Dr Kwame
Environment Adam Forest Research Institute of Ghana
Madagascar: Benjamin Andriamihaja.
Madagascan Institute for Conservation of Tropical
WFO Research Conveners
Dr Bruno Corbara. Clermont-Ferrand Montpellier Dr Antonio Nobre. National Institute for Research in
University, France the Amazon, Brazil
Dr John Gash. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Dr Vojtech Novotny. Institute for Entomology, Czech
UK Academy of Sciences
Professor Roger Kitching. Griffith University, Dr Claire Ozanne. Roehampton University, UK
Australia Dr Jan Wolf. University of Amsterdam, The
Dr Michael Morecroft. Centre for Ecology and Netherlands
Hydrology, UK
Collaborating Institutions

• Ashoka Trust for Research and Ecology • James Cook University, Australia
in the Environment, India • Madagascan Institute for Conservation
• Basel University, Switzerland of Tropical Environments, Madagascar
• Canopy Operation Permanent Access • Natural Sciences Division, New College,
System (COPAS) /CNRS, France Florida, USA
• Canopy Consortium, Operation • Oxford University Centre for the
Canopée, France Environment, UK
• Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK • Pro-Natura, France
• Department of Zoology, University of • Rainforest Academy, University of Putra,
Oxford, UK Malaysia
• Edinburgh University, UK • Roehampton University, UK
• Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil • Royal Society South East Asian
• Forest Research Institute of Ghana, Research Programme, UK
Ghana • Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
• Global Canopy Programme, UK Panama

• Greenheart Conservation Company Ltd, • Stichting Het Kronendak, independent

Canada Canopy Foundation,

• Griffith University, Australia • Wageningen, The Netherlands

• Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan • United Nations Environment Programme

• Institute for the Conservation of Tropical • University of Passau, Germany

Environments, USA • University Estadul de Santa Cruz, Brazil
• International Canopy Network, USA • Wind River Canopy Crane Research
• Institute of Botany, Leipzig University, Facility, USA
Germany • World Conservation Society, USA
• Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy • WWF, UK
of Sciences • Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical
• Institute for Research in the Amazon, Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Brazil China
• Institute for Tropical Biology and
Conservation, University of Malaysia
Sabah, Malaysia

GCP Secretariat
GCP Staff Update

In line with our expanded portfolio of activities in the fields of policy and finance, GCP hired four new staff members
in 2007:

• Niki Mardas – Campaigns Coordinator

• Steven Ripley – Programme Development and Fundraising Manager
• Mandar Trivedi – Science and Communications Officer
• Amy Hardingham – Programme Coordinator

GCP said goodbye to Maria Mansfield, Ally Crichton and John Pike and would like to thank them for their dedication
to the GCP during their time here.

The Global Canopy Foundation

The Global Canopy Foundation is a charitable company limited by guarantee and was set up on the 25th September
2001 (Registered UK Charity No. 1089110). It is governed by Memorandum and Articles of Association. The
Foundation’s objects are to promote conservation of the natural environment, and in particular the tropical and
temperate forest canopies of the world, through a collaborative programme of research and education. To achieve
these objects the charity has established projects in the following core areas:

• Science (Conservation, and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Research)

• Policy (Climate Change and Forest Conservation)
• Finance (Investigating potential financial mechanisms for payments for Ecosystem services).
• Capacity Building (Training programmes)
• Communications and Awareness Raising

The GCP work programmes all aim to define and explore the range and economic value of forest ecosystem
services and to share our findings with decision-makers in Government and finance. Time is not on our side as the
conversion of ancient forests proceeds apace worldwide. Policy and positive incentive mechanisms based on sound
science must urgently be developed to preserve these vital forest utilities for humanity.

If you would like any further information on any of our projects, please do not hesitate to contact us. We rely entirely
on Grants, Charitable Donations and Corporate Sponsorship in order to keep the GCP office and the projects we
support up and running. We are always looking for continued support of our projects as well as establishing new
relationships with any potential donors.


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