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Assalamualaikum and hi everyone at INTEC. Ready for interview?believe me..we can still remember that moment.

Its really important to pass this interview during our time,because without passing this, we have to get 15 points at A-LEvel . Alhamdulillah (with God bless), we get a great help from our seniors. We also hope we can give something to you guys, since all of us praying that we can meet at Ireland
We divide the info into, 1) The question that might ask during interview. (part1 from our senior, part 2, from us) 2) The extra tips 3) The comparison between UCD and RCSI.(usefull in interview) 4) Further explanation about UCD 5) Further explanation about RCSI *just to help you to decide which uni is the best for you.

Part 1:
What will you do if you aren't accepted to medical school? What makes you special? What are your 2 best points? What are your 2 weakest points?

What do you think will be your greatest challenge in completing medical school or learning how to be a doctor? In your view, what is the most pressing problem facing medicine today? Lack of staffness n doctors or medical officer, plus, theyre more materialistic nowadays. Money will be the priority first than save people life. Unethical doctors. They use their power in wrong way. For instance, they are willing to exchange the data of the patient as ordered , if being paid lots. How will you pay for medical school? Scholarship. But in our contract, between scholars and the sponsors ,we have to work with government for 10years before we can move to private. While then, our salary of being a doctor ,will be cut to pay for our scholarship. If you could do anything different in your education, what would you do? Where else are you applying? Have you been accepted anywhere? What is your first choice? Tell me about yourself. Why doctor? Why not nurse? What do you do in your spare time? How did you get here? Why would you be a good doctor?

What are your strengths? What do you feel are the most important qualities in being a good doctor? Sympathy.emphathy. What are your hobbies? Are you a leader or a follower? Why? What exposure have you had to the medical profession? Hospital attachment, volunteer ke. Or anything Discuss your clinical experiences. Discuss your volunteer work.being a doctor on call What do you think you will like most about medicine? What do you think you will like least about medicine? On call ? Expect questions concerning what you think about ethics and healthcare (e.g., abortion, cloning, euthanasia). Be prepared to discuss managed healthcare and changes in the UShealthcare system. How are you a match for our medical school?

Would you perform abortions as a doctor? Under what conditions? What are three things you want to change about yourself? How would you describe the relationship between science and medicine? Which family member has influenced your life so far and why?
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Part 2:
1. Introduce yourself. tell the interviewer where do you come from, what is special bout your country/state. (contohnye kedah ada apa. Ganu ada apa. Make sure korang tahu jugak tempat2 menarik di negeri korang. So takdela terkantoi if the interviewer dah penah ke negeri korang. Mcm saye. Hee) 2. Family history. any of family members who work as doctor. Does it influence you. 3. What do you know about Ireland. About culture in Ireland. About Irish people. About interesting places in Ireland. (boleh google2, or tanye kakak2 dalam Ym ke. Psl irish people, silalah puji mereka ye. Haha ;P. They are friendly and ckp je u are so interested to make friends with them)


Why do you want to be a doctor. try cari jawapan yg best2. Any significant experience that made you wanna be a doctor. (contohnye ade family member yang mengalami something that then membuatkan korang sangat2 terasa nk jadi doctor. Or maybe your own experiences) Be different. Kalau boleh avoid jawapan yang common. Or kalau2 ade any plan in the next 10 years yg korang nak buat, yg mendorong korang untuk mengambil bidang perubatan. (contohnye in the next 10 years korang nak jadi cardiologist/neurologist yg berjaye sbb Malaysia kurang cardiologist/neurologist. Ini contoh je. Try cari fakta tentang kekurangan pakar di Malaysia. (Contoh lain, korang nak jadi pakar kanak2 yg best so that you can do something for the society. Contohnye di Malaysia rumah2 kanak2 hIV or orphanage sangat terhad dan serba kekurangan. So u are hoping to improve something about it. Maybe dengan title paediatrician will help u a lot dalam dapatkan dana dari kerajaan ke..)


What is the qualities a doctor must have. 1. Confident. [doctor bnyk kene wat keputusan. So xleh ada sifat ragu2. Sume bnde kene confident abeh. Tapi mesti confident dan betul la. Hehe. Elaborate la eh] Professional. [coz bnyk bende nk kena balancekan. So maybe under this quality boleh include pasal control emotion and so on. Sedih tengok patient tapi takleh nanges2 depan diorang. Rase treatment akan menyakitkan patient but that treatment is needed, so perasaan sangat perlu diabaikan. Contohnye la. Ini contoh professional i guess. Tambah contoh2 lain okay] Punctual. [coz doctor is playing between life and death. Even a second can cause a big impact on patient. So kene dan mesti on time]




Empathy and sympathy. [keje doctor isnt about bagi ubat n kasi treatment je. Itu sesape yg ade sijil pun boleh buat kan. To be a doctor is easy, but to be a good doctor is not and not easy. We have to consider patients situation and feeling. And sometimes have to help them in finding the solution. Contohnye saya penah jumpe pesakit yg sakit2 sendi. Teruk jugak. Doctor suruh jangan jalan banyak. Tp nothing she can do sbb dia ada beberapa anak kurang upaya and she has to take care of all of them. Kesian kan. Maybe in some ways as a doctor, we must help them la. Try cari dana ke untuk beri kemudahan utk pesakit tu kurangkan masalah dia. Try to think of a good idea ;D Love aka loving. [Kalau takde rasa sayang mcm mane nk buat keje dgn suka hati kan. If there is no love, we will see doctor as a carrier semata-mata. Jadi mcm xbest la kan. Keje penat2 dan tak dapat pape. If doctor ada rasa sayangkan manusia termasuk pesakit, then they will do their best in everything. All they want to see is just the patient recovers from illness and mengecapi kehidupan seperti orang2 lain.]


Other point, please google2 n top up sendiri. Ley gak tgk web ni. http://www.slideshare.net/wraithxjmin/qualities-of-a-good-doctor
6. What qualities do you have. Why do you think you must chosen. Okay, yg ni sgt kene promote diri. Interviewer just nak tengok, adakah qualities yg korang cakap tadi ada pada korang sume. Oleh sebab itu make sure apa yg dicakapkan dlm soalan sebelum ni (qualities of a good doctor), point2 yg korang bagi tu, mampu korang elaborate jugak untuk describe diri korang. I mean korang confident, professional, punctual, bla bla bla. Be prepared so takdela tergagap2 mcm saya masa dpt soalan ni. The interviewer will ask u more and more dan menggalakkan anda sume promote diri.


How are you going to adapt yourself with Ireland, irish people, the climate.

Everything that exist on this earth need adaptation. Even dalam biology pun kite ada belajar kan. So it ist true, kite dah hidup 20 tahun di Malaysia. And we are comfortable with our own country. The climate, the people, sume kite dah biasa. But as we want to further our studies abroad, we need to adapt. There is no choice. Kene biasakan dengan orang baru, gaya hidup baru, bahasa baru, and cuaca baru. Perbezaan suhu hampir 30 darjah jugak la. Then cakap la betapa korang sgt2 interested nk sambung belajar di Ireland, walaupun tahu kene biasakan diri. Boleh gak tambah2 kelebihan belajar di luar negara.


How are you going to do with the language. What did you do to improve your English. Disebabkan our mother tounge is malay, so the interviewer maybe kasi soalan ni. When u study in ireland, everything is in English. N maybe gak diorang ckp your English is not so well so mcm mane nk study abroad. Apa yg korang buat untuk improve. Ckp la sume efforts that u did and do to improve your English. Contohnye, pegi kelas bahasa inggeris ke, banyakkan membaca paper n artikel English. Belajar trough internet. Belajar melalui kawan2 yg good in English. Please show your interests walaupun not so good in English. Tunjukkan yg korang eager nak belajar di Ireland and sedang berusaha kea rah tu.


How to manage your time as a doctor, a mother and wife as well (between carrier and family) http://www.ehow.com/how_4894059_juggle-home-career.html as for us, its all depends on u..how u manage ursef..because evrybody is different..u might heard that sometimes a doc well succeed in his career but never in his life,on the other side of the world,there is a doc who have been married hepily for 40 years long and have 7 children..all grew up as successful people... how this can be possible?ask ursef..coz u have de answer on how much do u want something...n how much n how futher u wanna go to take it n grab it firmly within ur hands...its all about sacrifines,..=) dun afraid of ur future..juz live in it..coz u might only have today to live...n never afraid to fail too..coz de best part of fall is when u hit de bottom n bounce back as high as u can! This type of question basically to see how u can handle between works and personal matters. make sure, u can control and juggle between the thrice carefully and dont mix them together!

I bet u have your own original and much creative answer this is just our opinions.

10. What would be your interested in (specialised). Why.

Hah. I bet this is favourite question :P. you guys must have your own decision and choice. But it will be better if you put any well-known person in your specialised as well. Contohnye, if you think of specialised in paeds, cari one important person in paeds, dan important person tu carilah one in Malaysia and cari lagi satu yang well-known specialised in paeds outside of Malaysia. The interviewer dont expect you to know all the biography of that important person, enough that you know a lil bit about them. Tanye je Mr Google
11. Difference between uCD n RCSi. Pro n cons, and a bit info about PMC.( Can refer to next template) 12. Then what is your choice. Why.

13. Current health issue in your country. maybe can search on top killer disease in developing country n kaitkan dengan Malaysia. [eg. chikugunya, aedes, swine flu yang lepas, heart attack, cancer etc]. But make sure you dont make up the story cause nnt lagi pening if the interviewer ask u further. As Ive told you before, the interviewer dont expect you to know all the things detailly, enough that you know about it and understand the disease on surface. At least you have idea if they point out this question. But dont worry much, they know that you are still a pre-med student, not a medic student yet 14. Health issue in Ireland Sy dpt soalan ni disebabkan sy telah menyatakan kepada interviewer tentang penyakit d msia n sy ckp its quite different from penyakit in Ireland. Thats why sy memilih pmc . untuk pengetahuan adik2, wujud jugak soalan berkaitan twinning ni. Diorg akan tnye nape amek twinning, bukan full. Nape twinning dgn Ireland, bkn india ke. Try cari jwpn yg kuat. As for me, ive said that theoretically in Ireland is good. But practicallh/clinically, buat kat msia mcm better. Sbb kite akan bekeje in msia. So we hv to biasakan diri dgn penyakit msia. Dsbbkn sy telah menyatakan demikian, the

interviewer asked me about helath issue in msia. Ape the greatest killer. And then dia tnye how about Ireland. Mase tu sy just tawu psl cystic fibriosis je. Then he told me, the greatest killer is the same in Ireland n msia. So.. sy dah terkantoi di situ. Haha.. so jgn la bg alasan ni ye. Maybe ckp je sesetengah penyakit. Not all. Mcm denggi, xde kat Ireland, sdgkn ia sgt berleluasa di msia. Maybe itu advantagenya kita wat klinikal kat msia. 15. Your cocuricular activities Hah, this questions. For those yang ade byk take part in any activities, you can show up what you have done. Impress the interviewer. Be it sport, fayc team, being class rep, or even treasurer. Just say out. And of course , put some impressive word to add in flavour..hee Your hospital attachment too is a good point. Just tell them your experiences throughout the hospital attachment, or maybe you have done some voluntarily work. You are not forced to go to hospital attachment too right? If you dont have any stories, you can tell them your friends stories. Heee. But make sure you can blend it to become yours and dont mix up! Nanti kantoi! :P 16. Why must we choose you? What are your advantage? what are your disadvantage?

Sila promote diri. But still, jujur itu penting! Kadang2 telampau melebih2 expose diri pun interviewer xsuke.. be humble and make the conversation be as great as possible. Enjoy perbualan korang dgn interviewer, baru best ;D

Extra tips:
-Smile and eye contact -Wear smartly

-Dont make up too much, show them you have the aura of a doctor inside you. - if you dont understand, ask him to repeat the question in a polite manner. - if he talk about something, show your interest to it( be a good listener) -Practice talking alone in first few days- talk fluently- just be confident- dun worry about the grammar --AND WHATEVER YOU DO, SHOW YOUR RESPECT TO HIM, AND BE CONFIDENT ABOUT YOURSELF. Gambatte neh!

RCSI VS UCD CRITERIA Years of establishment Area of focus RCSI 1784 Medical-related fields:

UCD 1854 Analogous to UM, UKM. All faculties are there.

Medicine Pharmacy Physiotherapy

COMMENTS The older the institution, the more achievements, researches, and experience they have. Such in RCSI, the lecturers, Professors might be well-trained to teach medicine. Anatomy class are taught by retired experience surgeons. To be in an environment full of medical students, it gives more driving force toward success and increase selfcompetencies. (Sorry, Im a bit pro-RCSI) Very huge means a lot of facilities are available. In UCD, there are

Nursing Size of the college Very small. Approximately the Very huge.

size of ALM building.

Class Clinical exposure

4-6 hours per day Clinical examination:

1-3 hours per day First-aid class.

sport complex, futsal courts, soccer fields, rugby fields, hockey field, to name but a few. In short, you name it, you get it. In RCSI, there are small gymnasium, a small multipurpose court, and a squash court. In RCSI, lecture notes are sufficient for you to pass the exam(as my seniors said). In UCD, more towards self-learning, need books! Very useful during our clinical years in PMC.

History taking Palpitation Auscultation 2 years Midsemester, end-ofsemester. Most are openended questions. Usually once in 2 weeks. Depends on which semester you are in. Leisure. RCSI students have been exposed to clinical practice earlier. Yet, its a bit burdensome to finish all the theories in 3 semesters only. RCSI stresses a lot on anatomy.

Pre-clinical Examination Anatomy class Lifestyle

Percussion First 3 sems. The other 2 sems in hospital! Card-signing (anatomy) every 2 weeks, online assessments, and final semester exam. Twice a week. Clinical anatomy. Pressure. Own notes and consistencies are crucial.

Learning and teaching style

Integrated module

Integrated module

Depends on your study style. Those who like to work under pressure, please come to RCSI. For those who are want to study+ active type of lifestyle, UCD is the place. Anyway, a life of a doctor will never be relaxed, and either way you still become a doctor. If let say, you are learning about GIT. At the same time youll learn about its physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and histology.

Laptop Electives Location

Free (in the fees, to be honest) Not compulsory In the city

Bring your own Compulsory Countryside

Laptop is very important. A must-have item. Electives give u chance to study things that far from medicine, and honestly, its help your CGPA( if you take simple electives) For UCD to city, only 20 minutes by bus, 45 minutes on foot. Not too far actually, because you still have to go to city to buy groceries. (just like from intec to SACC)

UCDianssss ;D
Untuk UCD: ( THIS INFO untuk adik2 yg tgh menimbang2 utk ke uni mana), takde kaitan sangat dengan soklan interview..but its just extra tipsuntuk muslim, sangat encourage untuk beristikharah. Kerana 2 tahun setengah spent kat sana..so hopefully itulah jalan terbaik Allah kepada korang semua.) kepada yang dah certain, tak perlu bace pn takpe..its just sharing .. Secara umumnya, dulu..sebelum datang ke UCD,just tau rough idea(mcm comparison RCSI and UCDdi atas).
and sekadar nak menerangkan sedikit sebanyak tentang benda kat atas..dan kenapa akak dan most UCDian memilih UCDhehe Bercakap tentang university, honestly its about personal matter. Memilih UCD kerana dapat memberikan pengalaman `university life . berjalan mengelilingi university setiap hari, berjumpa dengan ramai pelajar yang berlainan jurusan, dengan bangunan setiap fakulti yang berbeza, pemandangan university dalam taman, persatuan-persatuan gergasi yang aktif menganjurkan aktiviti. Berbanding dengan university lain yag lebih kepada kolej, dan insyaALLAH lepas ni

pulak akan ke PMC, yang mana sebuah kolej, jadi untuk merasai pangalaman dalam university sebenar menyebabkan kami memilih UCD. Walaupun jarak ke city agak jauh berbanding RCSInamun pengangkutan kat sini amat efisyen. Bus dari UCD ke Bandar ada setiap 10 minit..cepat kan..dan perjalanan ke city pun plg lame amek mase 40 minit. If xbusy, 20 minit dah boleh sampai. Tentang pembelajaranuntuk first year, memang sangat free..sehari paling lama 3 atau 4 jam. Dan ada je yang sahari sejam je.Yang mana satu subjek 50 minit .( bape subjek ada..and ape jenis subjek,?). Expose untuk clinical, dimana sekali dalam 2 minggu akan pergi ke hospital. Satu cabaran sebenarnya kerana, walaupun waktu belajar yang singkat, itu ialah penanda kena BELAJAR sendiri LEBIH. Nota dan tajuk buku rujukan akan diberi oleh lecture. Inilah peluang adik2 utk jadi berdikari. Sbb kita sume nak jadi doctor kan, banyak bende kene buat sendiri. Jadi, budak2 uCd mmg telah terbiasa belajar menggunakan internet, buka buku ini dan itu untuk mencari sebaik2 source untuk pemahaman(wlpn source utama diberi oleh lecturer). Dah takde istilah makan suap, but it is a great experience for us here. It had widen our mind and kita melihat pembelajaran itu sebagai ilmu dan tidak lagi silibus. Sbb mencari sini sana untuk faham, pembelajaran mmg menjadi sangat menarik. Masa inilah, dilihat sume student uCd mempunyai notes masing2 di mana hanya mereka yg faham notes tu. Haha ;P Library yang besar dan kampus untuk pelajar perubatan pun ada library sendiri..so kira senanglah, sape yg suka study kat library. Dan yang bestnya, kita boleh menyusun waktu kita dengan terbaik. Sebab masa yang ada, boleh buat macammacam aktiviti dan dapat banyak pengalaman, (nak tahu ape aktiviti yang best kat sini,compared to other uni?) Duduk di dalam campus pun sebenarnya satu kelebihan. Kat sini Malaysian student duduk dengan Malaysian. Yang je campur dengan Irish. Akak pun duduk dengan 2 orang Irish. Its a great oppurtinity to mix with them since u can imagine, lunch, dinner, hinggalah kat kelas, memang kita akan duduk dengan Malaysian. Bukanlah perkauman, but sebab memang ramai sangat student malaysia di uni. about advantages duduk dalam campuss berbanding luar?

Tentang elektif, ada yang rasa menyusahkan. But I`m glad to have that opportunity, since lepas ni memang akan mengadap medic 5 tahun.. Bagi akak, amik elektif mmg boleh membantu overall CGPA kita. (the pros and what electives that available?) ttg RCSI..akan di forward later oleh kak Sakinah Ismail.

i think, nilah yang akak dapat membantu korang semua dalam membuat keputusan memilih uni mana satu. Since dalam interview, ada yang ditanya ttg pilihan uni kita. Dan alhamdulillah most dari kitaorang yang ditanya ttg uni, dapat unit tu.

Word in colour tu..means klu nak tau further..please dont hesitate to email us (sbb x nak pjg sangat email). We
try our best to reply to you as soon as possible . And our email is same with our YM address.. add us k?

Alhamdulillah, prepared by us, Masmuna soleh [hao_spider@yahoo.com] Siti Fasihah Muhd Fisal [sisfas@yahoo.com] Nurul Ain Hasan [aqua_89in@yahoo.com.my] With the help from other seniors of ucd and rcsi, too many to outline here

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