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The world is divided into two part based on the economic condition (Leng, ): (1) developed

country and (2) developing country. Developed country can be recognized by the highly
industrialized activity and high standard oI living and the high need Ior animal product. Developed
country can be recognized by low income level, low demand oI animal product, high density both in
human population and urbanization.
Commonly people in developing country are Iacing the common problem to reach
Iood suIIiciency based on animal husbandry point oI view. Food suIIiciency is hard to reach
because oI low productivity that can be reached by the cattle in developing country. Mostly,
both oI production and reproduction is 10 to 30 below the genetic potential oI the cattle.
The milk production itselI is oIten less than 1000 litres/ lactation. Based on the total
production oI the area, average production in developing country and developed country can
be seen in table 1.There are three major problem that caused low productivity: (1) long
calving interval, (2) late age oI puberty and (3) low production (Leng, ). These three major
causes is come Irom the one big problem, the low quality oI Ieed itselI. The low quality make
the protein intake in cattle are less then the requirement and the result are these three major
problem. The strategies against all oI the problems can be done by using three methods:
improve the individual and also Iorage genetic and quality, improve the management and
disease control and using by pass protein intake. By pass protein intake such as using Urea
Molases Block can reduce the need oI the pasture land in order to take the same amount oI
the protein needed.
Table 1. Average Production of Milk in Developed and Developing Country Period
Average yield/cow
Percentage increase
(1976 to 1986)
1976 1986
North America Developed 3,250 5,200 60
EEC Countries Developed 2,900 4,100 35
Asia Developing 620 700 13
AIrica Developing 322 354 7
(Source:Leng, )
The low quality nutrition in Iorage is caused by poor oI quantity and quality oI land
that used Ior the growing Ieed. Poor quantity oI land is majorly caused by the increasing oI
the human population. The land are diminshed Irom 0.27 hectares in 1976 to 0.25 hectares in
1986. Poor quality oI the land are oIten caused by the overgrazing, rapid deIorestation, poor
irigation, inadequate soil conversation and erosion. Soil avaibility become diminished up to
850 million hectare in Asia PasiIic Area. This is in the same range as much as 24 oI total
world land (Anonymous, ). The implication oI them is not only in the crop as well as Iorage
but also in global starving threath.
Land degradation is caused by several chase and most oI them are big problem. There
are 37 vegetation removal, 33 overgrazing, 25 agricultural activities, 5
overexploitation and 1 industrial activities. The other Iactor ouside them are caused land
erosion. Land erosion are caused by 61 oI water erosion, 28 oI wind erosion, 9 oI
chemical erosion, and 2 oI physical erosion (Anonymous, ). The higher amount oI land
degradation is assisted by the deIorestation and the result become the worst problem in earth.
Probably the land will not be capable to be cultivated. The strategies against all oI the
problems can be done by using several policy. The example are: (1) For land and water
conservation, replenishment oI soil Iertility and (2) Ior Iertilizer, back to natural Iertilizer and
apropiate crop Iir the land. This is happen in Nepal,India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan
and China (Anonymous, ).
Even there are several chase as the constraint to get good quality Iorage oI developing
cattle as source oI Iood. We can relying ruminant in order to satisIy Animal Protein Demand
in Developing Country. This is because the cattle is good source oI protein. The other reason
are: Animal Protein almost unballanced Ior human in Developing Country, Monogastric
Animal is human`s rival Ior Starch Based Carbo and because oI its Iermentatic
Rumen,Ruminant isn`t human`s rival Ior Starch Based Carbo,
Ruminant has several advantage Ior protein source. The advantage are Convert
Iibrous carbohydrates into nutrients Ior its growth and milk than Iinally can be used Ior
human purpose, EIIiciently convert low protein content Ieed and NPN and give high protein
valued Iood Ior human, EIIiciently convert Ieed Ior work Iunction, and more eIIiciently use
dietary protein Ior tissue synthesis than monogastric animals provided (From Microbe`s
Protein in its Rumen) (Leng, 1991). The several strategies are can be used Ior alter this: (1)
Improve the management oI Ieed Ior the cattle and (2) Improve the management production
Ior the cattle.
Biotechnology is new tool in the development oI agricultural application. One
oI the objectives oI using biotechnology is maintaining agricultural sustainability. It
can be observed in many points oI view (environmentally sound, economically viable, and
socially responsible) (Madan, 2005).
The biotechnology application can be improved the productivity, both its quantity
and quality. By using thousands oI biotechnology applications, the Iarmer in develop and
developing countries can optimize the perIormance traits oI their Iarm animal. Mainly in
developing countries, thereby these applications, iI we observe in socioeconomic point oI
view, it can alleviate and reduce poverty in many developing countries. Livestock
production in the developing world has a number oI advantages over production in
more developed countries, Ior example several genes and desirable traits have been identiIied
in the livestock oI developing countries in Asia and AIrica and some oI the livestock
species and breeds Irom these countries have become major contributors to improve quality
and quantity oI Iood and other animal product. Examples oI breeds Irom the developing
world that are particularly important on a global level are: (Madan, 2005)
1. By enabling biotechnology in crop residues and by-products to be used as Iodder,
it can contribute positively to the environment;
2. BuIIaloes that produce milk with a high Iat content or with the protein quality
required to produce mozzarella cheese;
3. Black Bengal goats that carry a gene Ior high proliIicacy, it can augment the amount
oI goat in the world;
4. Green revolution biotechnologies can reduce utilization oI chemical
Iertilizers/pesticides and heavy machinery.
Both directly and indirectly, that`s several evidence can contribute to improve
productivity (more Iood, better Iood, and better environment).

People can increase the alteration oI animal production. There are several way:
artiIicial insemination, in vitro Iertilization plus Embryo transIer, sexing embryo and genetic
modiIication. By using artiIicial insemination, we can maximise the use oI the stud in order
to get the superior sire (Webb,2009). The other advantage, we can also maximize the use oI
the sperm Irom one male to more than one Iemale. The other implication are optimize male
animal as meat producers (reduce the sloughter oI productive Iemale) and easily to introduce
new genetic (high quality genetic). Optimize the use oI superior Iemale such as produce more
oosites in each ovulation (Perloe and John, 2007). The other implication are determine the
egg or sperm cells that will have Iertilization and produce more oIIspring (superior) in a
relatively shorter. Sexing embryo can be used to determine wich one is is male or Iemale by
determine the enzyme what expresed by x linked ezyme qand y-linked enzyme (Vliet,
Gibbins and Walton, 1989). Genetic modiIication technique is very useIul to improve the
production. A calI was one oI the examples oI this in 2002. This calI has modiIied by extra
protein gene. II this calves become adult cow, it can express 10 protein content in milk
while the ordinary cow can only produce 3.5 protein content. The other example was
genetically modiIied sheep in CSIRO program. This sheep had modiIied in molecular stage
and had extra gene that express growth hormone. The implication showed in this sheep was
more production in wool and milk (Anonymous, 2009). The advantage by this methods are:
(1) increase productivity, (2) accelerate growth, (3) improve resistance to disease and (4)
improve the quality oI livestock product.

Anonymous 2009 8loLechnology and Anlmal roducLlon
Anonymous_ Land hLLp//wwwrrcapuneporg/apeo/Chp1bLandhLml
Leng8A1991 AppllcaLlon of bloLechnology Lo nuLrlLlon of anlmals ln developlng counLrles
Leng8A_ 1he lmpacL of llvesLock developmenL on envlronmenLal change
Madan ML 2003 Anlmal bloLechnology appllcaLlons and economlc lmpllcaLlons ln developlng
counLrles 8ev scl Lech Cff lnL Lplz 2003 24 (1) 127139
erloe Mark and Mlchael !ohn 1ucker2007 lewer 8lsks new Pope 1he 8eallLy Cf 8lasLocysL
1ransfers hLLp//wwwlvfcom/blasLocysLhLml
Vliet, Van, Verrinder Gibbins, and Walton JS.1989. Livestock embryo sexing: A review oI
current methods, with emphasis on Y-speciIic DNA probes.
Webb.2009. ArtiIicial Insemination. http://edis.iIas.uIl.edu/ds089

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