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Material de Estudio para uso exclusivo de Estudiantes de la UNET exclusivo 2011

Elaborado en 2006-1 por: Luz Angela Caas Grzon Crdenas John Ramrez Rebeca Duque Jersus Colmenares 3ra Revisin 2007-3 Luz Angela Caas Christopher Rodrguez Yoleyda Gamez 2da Revisin 2007-1 Luz Angela Caas Grzon Crdenas Rebeca Duque Teresa Ortega 4ta Revisin: 2008-1 Luz Angela Caas Christopher Rodrguez Yoleyda Gamez

5ta Revisin: 2009-3 Enlinar Alviarez Parra Eber Bayona Adriana Guerrero

6ta Revisin: 2010-1 Enlinar Alviarez Parra Adriana Guerrero

7ma Revisin: 2011- 1 Enlinar Alviarez Parra





22 UC Aprob. Ing. Ambiental, Industrial, Informtica, Electrnica. 12 UC Aprob. Ing. Agronmica, Arquitectura. 31 UC Aprob. Ing. Mecnica 11 UC Aprob. Ing. Produccin Animal.

Ingls 1

Cs Sociales





2011 1 2011 X ELABORADO POR: Lic. Jersus Colmenares, Lic. Luz Angela Caas, Lic. Blanca Urdaneta COLABORADOR: Lic. Gerzn Crdenas

FUNDAMENTACIN: Ante la presencia de un fenmeno tan ampliamente expandido como es el proceso globalizador, que tiene como uno de sus elementos fundantes el Conocimiento, se hace pertinente y sentidamente necesaria la posibilidad de aprender a manejar en forma eficiente y efectiva ya no slo la lengua materna sino una o en algunos casos hasta dos lenguas extranjeras. La Informacin (que no es sinnimo de Conocimiento), encuentra mltiples, variadas, intensas y extensas formas de difusin y propagacin apoyadas en el impacto universal que ha representado el "imaginario-realidad" de las Nuevas tecnologas de Informacin y Comunicacin. Dentro de este contexto se deben asumir los procesos de enseanzaaprendizaje tanto en el nivel formal; Escuela-Universidad, como en el no formal; Formacin laboral, tcnica y profesional. Por coyunturas histricas y geopolticas, vivimos inmersos en un mundo lingstico preeminentemente Sajn, en el que la lengua inglesa (el Ingls), ocupa un lugar

preponderante en el establecimiento y desarrollo de las relaciones cientficas, tcnicas, diplomticas, acadmicas y militares. En consecuencia, se considera de suma importancia que el estudiante y profesional venezolano posea el dominio suficiente de este idioma en forma integral, lo cual le permitir el acceso inmediato a toda la informacin actualizada a travs de diferentes medios, entendiendo adems, que el conocimiento de este idioma se est incorporando da a da como requisito indispensable en el campo de trabajo nacional e internacional. Es por estas razones que el objetivo primordial de Ingls 1, es ofrecerle al estudiante de las diferentes carreras de la UNET estrategias y tcnicas que le permitan desarrollar sus capacidades para la comunicacin en las cuatro habilidades elementales: Leer, Escribir, Hablar y Entender lo escuchado para logra tal fin.

OBJETIVO GENERAL El estudiante de Ingls 1 estar en capacidad de: Desarrollar competencias lingsticas y comunicativas de carcter significativo en las habilidades para la comprensin y expresin oral, as como de comprensin y expresin escrita del idioma ingls, equivalentes al nivel de principiante que mejore su desempeo estudiantil y profesional.

OBJETIVOS ESPECFICOS El estudiante de Ingls 1 desarrollar competencias para:

1. Expresar de manera oral formas de presentarse y hablar de si mismo, realizar descripciones relativas a su rea de estudio y trabajo, conversaciones telefnicas, direcciones y localizaciones, gustos y preferencias, peticiones, consejos y ordenes, planes, formas de relacionarse socialmente en situaciones de estudio y trabajo. 2. Expresar de manera escrita textos contentivos de caractersticas personales, descripciones de personas y objetos, clasificaciones, mensajes y planes. 3. Comprender e interpretar de manera oral informacin sobre personas y objetos, descripciones, direcciones, mensajes, conversaciones telefnicas, rdenes, consejos y peticiones. 4. Comprender escritos de manera efectiva a travs de estrategias de comprensin lectora, acerca de personas y cosas, mensajes, descripciones, direcciones y planes, as como de reas especficas de cada especialidad.

METODOS Y TECNICAS DE ENSEANZA: La asignatura de INGLS 1 en las diferentes carreras de ingeniera de la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tchira, se desarrollar en siete unidades de instruccin que representan en orden creciente de dificultad el material bsico que se utilizar para las actividades de clase, laboratorio y evaluaciones a efectuarse durante el semestre. Los aprendizajes de caracteres significativos, comunicativos y basados en los contenidos, constituyen el enfoque propuesto en esta asignatura, donde el estudiante es estimulado a percibir los nuevos conocimientos como elementos con significados inherentes a l y a su contexto, los cuales vienen a ser provechosos y utilizables para la comunicacin efectiva. Este enfoque enfatiza el uso del segundo idioma a travs de la utilizacin de elementos comunicativos y con significado para desenvolverse en ambientes profesionales y de negocios, al estar centrados en tpicos especficos y donde incorpora la prctica en las cuatro habilidades de la comunicacin en un idioma. A travs de trabajo de clase, tanto en grupo como individual, as como en trabajo complementario y de refuerzo y el de laboratorio a realizarse dentro y fuera del aula de clase, se pretende que el estudiante aprenda y adquiera estructuras de comunicacin tanto en lenguaje hablado como escrito, teniendo como orientador y facilitador al profesor. De esta manera avanzar progresivamente hacia el reconocimiento, comprensin, anlisis de la estructura, funcin e interrelacin de las proposiciones que escuche o lea, y que le habilite para producir comunicacin al hablar y escribir en los mismos y otros trminos de estructura, funcin e interrelacin de ideas o proposiciones. El profesor, a travs de sus explicaciones, ejercitacin con el material didctico, uso de los recursos y estrategias, asignacin de trabajos y su respectiva revisin y tutoras guiar al alumno en la obtencin de las estrategias de aprendizaje que le permitan analizar, recordar, adquirir y aplicar las mismas a situaciones acadmicas y laborales semireales y reales, de modo que as pueda establecer la relacin del estudio de este idioma con nuestro entorno y deteccin de los valores implcitos en las situaciones presentadas. El estudiante, por su parte, aplicar las estrategias de aprendizaje para dar respuesta a preguntas y ejercicios de comprensin con el objeto de iniciarse en una comunicacin efectiva a nivel socio-tcnico-cientfico en ingls y en la internalizacin de los valores inducidos por los contextos. El material de estudio seleccionado para la asignatura consiste en la Gua de Estudio del curso y el Workbook de revisin y consolidacin de las unidades, en las que los estudiantes, con la ayuda del profesor, podrn afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos durante el desarrollo de los contenidos previos estudiados en la clase.


El proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje en los cursos de ingls est dirigido a desarrollar habilidades comunicativas del estudiante en esta lengua, basando por lo tanto el proceso educativo en el Enfoque Comunicativo, el cual enfatiza la habilidad del aprendiz para usar el idioma en forma apropiada en situaciones especificas. El enfoque comunicativo presta considerable atencin a las funciones del idioma y a ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar competencias comunicativas en el mismo. De esta forma, el enfoque comunicativo tiene como objetivo principal interrelacionar las funciones del idioma con el uso correcto de las estructuras, es decir, combinar la fluidez comunicativa con el uso correcto de las formas. Se pretende de esta forma que el estudiante practique y produzca los conocimientos adquiridos en la clase por medio de actividades o tareas (tasks) comunicativas propuestas que involucren una participacin activa de los estudiantes entre s, como por ejemplo, role-plays, information-gap, problem-solving, social exchanges, decision-making, etc. Las actividades propuestas en el saln de clase pretenden a su vez impulsar el enfoque pedaggico del aprendizaje cooperativo (Kagan, 1992, 1994, 2000) (Cooperative Learning), donde el docente aplica conocimientos, tcnicas y estrategias de enseanza y aprendizaje con el fin de ampliar su campo de accin dentro el saln de clase para elevar la motivacin y la participacin de los alumnos. De este modo, los estudiantes aprenden a ser cooperativos para promover su propio aprendizaje y el de sus compaeros. El enfoque cooperativo est basado en la creacin, anlisis y la aplicacin sistemtica de estructuras o formas de contenido libre para organizar la interaccin social en el saln de clase. Las estructuras usualmente involucran una serie de pasos, los cuales implican un comportamiento preestablecido en cada uno de ellos. Las estructuras de definen como los recursos que permiten al docente adaptar cualquier experiencia curricular cooperativamente en el saln de clase, siendo adaptables a los contenidos de los programas educativos permitiendo el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, afectivas y sociales para el logro de los objetivos propuestos. Las actividades de clase, se construyen por lo tanto, ubicando el contenido programtico en un tipo o tipos de estructura. Las estructuras pueden ser, por ejemplo, las diversas tcnicas que el docente usar para involucrar a los estudiantes en un aprendizaje cooperativo: brainstorming, flashcard game, simultaneous interaction, team discussion, team projects, timed-pair share, etc. Estas estructuras estn enmarcadas en propsitos diferentes como la creacin de la construccin de equipos (teambuilding), la construccin de socializacin entre el grupo de estudiantes (classbuilding), el dominio de los contenidos (mastery), el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento (thinking skills), el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas (communication skills) y el intercambio de informacin (information sharing) entre los estudiantes. El enfoque cooperativo enfatiza la interaccin de los estudiantes en clase en forma simultnea. El aprendizaje cooperativo implementa el principio de simultaneidad lo cual ayuda a aumentar la produccin de lenguaje en el estudiante. La enseanza cooperativa, se basa por lo tanto, en cuatro principios esenciales: interdependencia positiva (positive interdependence), reconocimiento individual (individual accountability), igual participacin (equal participation) e interaccin simultnea (simultaneous interaction). Estos principios

se integraran simultneamente por medio de las estructuras presentadas para que el enfoque cooperativo realmente cumpla su cometido, permitir resultados de aprendizaje exitosos a los aprendices de una segunda lengua. Desarrollo de Habilidades: En el curso de Ingls 1 se pretende que el estudiante desarrolle en forma integral las siguientes habilidades:

Mastery: Speaking: The communicative tasks will provide students experiences to apply and produce the vocabulary, grammar, fixedpatterns and expressions in the context of personally meaningful communication to give way to freer discussions. Listening: Plenty of practice will be given in improving extensive and intensive listening skills: for gist, to get specific and general information, for predicting information. Writing: To provide models of common business situations and to make learners aware of the role of register. Writing tasks will be used as an extension or consolidation of the other skills. Reading: The tasks for reading will practice the main ways of reading: skimming, scanning, intensive/extensive reading through strategies for reading comprehension: guessing word meanings from the context, predicting, recognizing cognates, finding main and supporting ideas, analyzing cohesion and coherence elements.

Vocabulary: To give learners the opportunity to build and master business and technical terminology.

Thinking skills: To develop students abilities to generate, question, combine, categorize, evaluate, apply information, analyze, infer, predict and describe.

Social skills: To develop students skills for praising, coaching, supporting, checking, turn-taking, speaking time, modeling and leadership.

Class-building skills: To develop and provide networking among all students in a class as it creates a positive context within which groups or teams can learn. Class-building develops students abilities to generate simultaneously teambuilding, communication exchanges, information sharing, to solve class problems, to improve class environment, to plan events and to boost mutual support.

MODALIDAD EVALUATIVA Los contenidos de la asignatura de INGLS 1 se dividen en 7 Unidades instruccionales. El Semestre de estudio est dividido en tres Parciales. En el Parcial I se evaluarn las Unidades 1,2. En el Parcial II se evaluarn las Unidades 3, 4, 5 y en el Parcial III se evaluarn las Unidades 6,7. Cada Parcial tiene una duracin de 5 semanas. La siguiente tabla muestra los porcentajes acumulativos, instrumento de evaluacin y aplicacin cada uno de los Parciales.




% ACUM 35



3, 4

9 y 12


Tests escritos individuales/grupales y Tests orales: (Conversaciones grupales cortas, presentaciones individuales o en grupo,)





Las evaluaciones medirn las cuatro habilidades

CONTENIDO PROGRAMTICO (Basado en los materiales Getting Ahead: CUP, 2000)

ACTIVIDADES DE PRCTICA Y REFUERZO Find your visitor. Class survey. Files: Introducing yourself, Introducing a third person. Find someone who The business card. Files: Finding out about people.


ELEMENTOS DE COMUNICACIN Introduce and identify yourself and others. Ask and say where people are from. Ask for and give personal and job-related information. Answer/get through on the phone. Spelling. Say telephone numbers. Ask for and give information on companies. and products Say large numbers. Lay out a business letter. Ask for and give directions. Talk about departments. Give and take telephone messages. Describe work activities. Ask for and give information on working routines. (times and conditions). Express likes and dislikes. Make and respond to requests. Express obligation Give advice.

ENFOQUE GRAMATICAL Verb to be Wh-Questions Short/complete answers The indefinite article: a/an

ENFOQUE CONTEXTUAL Office, company, countries. Job descriptions and types Business sectors

Adjectives of nationality. Simple Present tense. Questions and short answers with do/does.

Types of business. Products and services. Business letters.

What nationality is? Company profiles. Company details.

Ordinal numbers. Prepositions of location.

Company departments.

Wheres the department? Files 20 and 21: Giving directions.

Prepositions of time. Adverbs of frequency Verb patterns. Verbs followed by ing.

The work place: The working day. Working conditions

Working hours. Class survey.


The place.


Ask your partner to

Make plans and arrangements. Make appointments.

Future tense Present progressive for future arrangements. Wh- questions.

Business travel and appointments


Whats she doing at..? Find out about your colleague. The weeks appointments: Asad Latifs trip.

Jones-Macziola and White: Getting Ahead: A Communication Skills Course for Business English. 2000. Cambridge University Press Jones-Macziola, Sara; White, Greg and Swanson, Lynda. 2000. Staying Ahead Video. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Kagan, S. Cooperative Learning. 1992-1994. Kagan Cooperative Learning Publishing. Carter, R. Introducing Applied Linguistics. 1993. Penguin English



STRATEGIES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING Making predictions Transferring information Word associations Guessing meanings from context Matching Skimming and Scanning


Introduce and identify yourself and others. Ask and say where people are from. Ask for and give personal and job-related related information. Answer/get through on the phone. Spelling. Say telephone numbers.

Verb to be Wh-Questions Questions Short/complete answers The indefinite article: a/an



COMMUNICATIVE TASKS Role-playing: Find your playing:

visitor. Class survey. Introducing yourself. Introducing a third person. Find someone who The business card. Finding out about people.

Listening: Introductions. People registering for a conference. Greeting people. Giving information about other people. Conversations on the phone to give business inf. Spelling. Speaking: Talking on the phone about business inf. Writing: The first business meeting. A new co-worker. Personal/business inf. Reading: Engineering History.

Office, countries.


Job descriptions and types Business sectors

Information Informatio gap: Finding out about things done at work. Talking on the phone about business inf.

Class work: Individual Closed pairs Open pairs Team/group work


A. What do you do when you meet someone for the first time? What do people do in different countries?

Verb To Be Im= I am He/Shes= He/She is We/Theyre= We/They are

B. Study these examples:

Finding out someones name: Introducing yourself:

Excuse me, are you / is your name Mr Robinson Robinson? Hello, Im / My names Tessa Saunders

a. How do you do? / Pleased to meet you b. How do you do? / Pleased to meet you, too

Im from Venezuela Hes from Germany

Shes from Portugal Theyre from France

Were from Chile


How are you? Nice to see you. you

Responding to greetings:

Fine, thanks. Not too bad, thank you. Nice to see you, too.

C. Complete these conversations. Then practice them.
A: B: A: C: D: C: Excuse me, is .(1) Marriot? No, it .. . (2) names Crossman. Oh, Im sorry, Ms Crossman. Excuse me, . (3) Mike Watson? Yes, .. (4). Roger Miller. Pleased to meet you.

E: F: E:

.. .(5), are you Mr Nawab? No, .. (6). Im Mohammed Farique. Oh, . (7), Mr Farique.

Now listen to the recording and check your answers. . (Track 1)

A. Fujitsu has a conference each year. Listen to these guests registering for the conference. Match the guests name to the office. (Track2) guest
NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Anopow Brown Hernandez Sing Narayan Yin Pousset OFFICE ____ Brussels ____ Beijing ____ New Delhi ____ Colombia __1_ Moscow ____ New Delhi ____ New York

B. Listen again. What do the people say? say

1. How are you? 2. _________________________ 3. How do you do? 4. Its nice to see you again. 5. _________________________ ____________

______________________________ Pleased to meet you, too ______________________________ ______________________________ Hi.

A. Complete this conversation with the phrases in the box

Cream and sugar, please He works in Milan How are things? Pleased to meet you, Mr Toncini Have a seat, Giovanni Do you know Brian Turner

Alice: Giovanni: Alice:

Hello, Giovanni. Good to see you again. __________________________________________ (1) Just fine, fine. And you? Oh, not too bad. Giovanni, _____________________________________________ (2), our new Personnel manager? Brian, this is Giovanni Toncini. Hes from Italy. ____________________________________________________________ (3). ___________________________________________________________ (4). Please, call me Giovanni. And Im Brian. ___________________________________________________________ (5) Thank you. How about some coffee, Giovanni? Yes, please. _________________________________________________ (6)

Brian: Giovanni: Brian: Alice: Giovanni: Alice: Giovanni:

Now listen and check your answers. (Track 3)

Study these examples:
Introducing other people This is Id like to introduce Mr Alvarez

Do you know Have you met

Ms Green

Giving information about other people:

Where is she from? Shes from Norway Where does he work? He works in Singapore


A. Listen to this conversation. Does the caller want to speak to Robert Brown or R George Braun? (Track 4)

B. How many jobs in this picture can you name?


C. Look at the jobs in the box and put them under the correct headings. Add one more job under each heading. der accountant sales manager secretary lawyer typist receptionist executive engineer supervisor

Professional and technical Lawyer


Clerical and office

C. You will hear someone talking about the workforce in Singapore. Can you guess the percentages from the chart? (Track 5)

D. Now listen again and fill in the correct percentages on the chart.

1. Study these examples: Asking someone to spell a word: Can you spell that, please? How do you spell that? Asking someone to repeat a word: Can you repeat that, please? Can you say that again, please? Useful Expressions What do you do? Who do you work for? Id like to speak to Hold the line, please. Could you put me through to? Im afraid shes Can I take a message? Whos calling, please?

A. Practice this conversation with a partner. Conversation:
Student A: Answer phone. Student B: Introduce yourself. Say who you are and the name of your company. Student A: Ask the caller to repeat the information. Student B: Repeat the information/spell it. Ask to speak to (name) in (department). Student A: Ask the caller to hold the line as you put them through. Student B: Thank the receptionist.



Three two oh /double one two Three two zero /one one two Three eight two three four two double six


A. Listen to these telephone numbers and say them. (Track 6) 1. 545 760 7. 322 752 2. 485255 8. 553 0067 3. 613 1002 9. 757 3658 4. 348 1991 10. 605 7331 5. 684 4521 6. 854 166

Fill in the blanks with a or an. 1. _______accountant 5. _______ supervisor 2. _______ clerk 6. _______.manager 3. _______secretary 7. _______agent 4. _______.engineer 8. _______inspector

A. Listen to the conversation and complete the information on the business card. (Track 7)

_____________ ______________ Sales Manager __________ ___________ Incorporated __________ M Madison Avenue, __________ __________ New York ___________________ TEL: (212) ___________________ Fax: (212) ____________________ E-mail: _______________________ mail:

D. Now listen to the questions and practice giving answers like this (Track 8)

Voice 1: You: Voice 2:

Whats her first name? (Beep) Its Wendy. Its Wendy. (Repeat)

READING Pre- Reading Activity:

1. Do you know what a cognate is? 2. Can you mention any cognate?

Read these articles and then answer the questions about them. Engineering History
It has been pretty well agreed that the words 'ingenuity' and 'engineering' in English and 'ingniosit' and 'ingnierie' in French are linked to the same Latin word-root and that the verb 'to engineer' means 'to be ingenious.' So the kinds of things engineers have done have been generally ingenious. And the word engine means an ingenious useful device. In prehistoric times, men and women had to be ingenious in order to survive hunger, enemies, climate and, later, the tyrrany of distance. So there have always been 'engineers' around, many of whom were involved in activities we would not associate with engineering today but, rather, with hunting, farming, fishing, fighting, implement and tool-making, transportation and many other things. From around 3000 BC, the pace of development quickened. After simple tools came the development of wedges, wheels and levers, the use of animals to carry and draw loads and of fire to work metals, the digging of irrigation canals, and open-pit mining. Geographically, these and many other developments took place in and around the Mediterranean, in the Middle East and in Asia Minor. Pyramids were erected in the Nile Valley. The Greeks - the inventors - made significant contributions in the 1000 years that straddled the BC-AD divide. They produced the screw, the ratchet, the water wheel and the aeolipile, better known as Hero's turbine. The Romans - the improvers and adapters - did likewise, building fortifications, roads, aqueducts, water distribution systems and public buildings across the territories and cities they controlled. At the other end of the world, the Chinese have been credited with the development of the wheelbarrow, the rotary fan, the sternpost rudder that guided their bamboo rafts and, later, their junks. They also began making paper from vegetable fibres and gunpowder. The so-called 'Dark Ages' (roughly, 500 to 1500 AD) that followed still produced some things that were ingenious. For example, there was the development of the mechanical clock and the art of printing. There was the technique of heavy iron casting that could be applied to products for war, religion and industry - for guns, church bells and machinery. These 'Dark Ages' were followed by the Renaissance of the 16th century, which the engineer/inventor/artist Leonardo Da Vinci dominated. But this whole period came under the influence of the architect/engineer, who built cathedrals and other large buildings, and the military engineer who built castles and other fortifications. During the century between 1750 and 1850, the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe dominated the evolution of engineering. It was significantly influenced by Savery, Newcomen, Watt and Trevithick and their steam engines; by Whitworth and the development of screw-cutting and other machine tools, machinery for the mass production of industrial goods; and in the new system of transportation - the railways - by Stephenson, Brunel and others. It also saw the beginnings of formal engineering education - notably in France - and the development of a new profession, that of civil engineering, in which 'civil' essentially means 'non-military.' The following 50-60 years saw the beginnings of travel by air and the experiments that led, much later to nuclear power. The development of engineering in Canada followed similar steps. The aboriginal peoples dealt with the problems of survival and food production in a mostly hostile climate and with an early form of water-borne transportation - the canoe. When the Europeans came in the early 17th century, they adopted much of the indigenous technology, as well as applying - especially in the 18th century - techniques borrowed from military engineering in

Europe. During the latter part of that century, the influence of British military engineers increased significantly, and this continued into the early 19th century. The advent of the civil engineer - and of the mechanical engineering tradesman - was a mid-to-late 19th century phomenon. This was also the period during which the most significant engineering activities in Canada were canal and railway construction. And it gave rise to the beginnings of engineering education in this country, and to the organization - in 1887 - of the first professional engineering society. Canada has been a major participant in the development of many other fields of engineering - for example, aviation, hydro and nuclear power, electronics and long distance communications, mining and forestry, and especially in regard to living in a harsh environment. http://www.new-sng.com/history.cfm

Post- Reading Activity:

A. From the text, write down 5 true cognates: 1. ______________________________________________. 2. ______________________________________________. 3. ______________________________________________. 4. ______________________________________________. 5. ______________________________________________. B. Answer in Spanish these questions about the text: 1. What is the text about? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


Write down four main ideas from the text.

A. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ D. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Jones-Macziola and White: Getting Ahead: A Communication Skills Course for Business English. 2000. CUP.

Business and World Trade

In this unit you will learn to

* Ask for and give information on business, companies, products and services. * Say large numbers.

Strategies for Language Learning.

*Prediction by previous knowledge. *Guessing meaning from the context. *Using language skills.

Language Focus
*Present Tense

*Present Simple

*Questions and short answers: do / does. * Adjectives of nationality. * Prepositions of place.

Skills to develop:
Reading about: A company description. You Tube. Plastic Bags Pollution. Listening about: Types of Companies. Talking about: Types of products and services. Writing about: A business partnership letter. Tips to save the environment. Speaking: Describing a company (A short presentation)

Word- Power.
Headquarters Branches World-wide Chemicals Aerospace Advertising Partnership Markets Business

Communicative Tasks
Interactive Production: Role-Plays Communicative Production: mmunicative Listen to someone calling International Business week. Talk about companies: PDVSA is in oil oil Read about a Companys Advertisement. Writing a business letter.

1. Describing a Company
A. Listen to three people talking about their companies. ree Complete the profiles. (Track 9) 1. Company: Goldstar Electric Nationality: ______________________ Headquarters: ____________________ Number of branches: ______________

2. Company: ________________ _____________________ Nationality: ___________________ Headquarters: __________________ Number of offices: World-wide wide____

3. Company: _____________________ Nationality: ____________________ Headquarters: __________________ Number of plants: _______________ :

2. Can you think of more types of business? Some companies offer services. Match the company to a service like this:
1 Petrobras 2 Crdit Lyonnais 3 Lloyds of London 4 Burger King 5 Telefonica 6 Air France a) banking b) insurance c) oil d) catering e) airline f) telecommunications.

Now talk about the companies like these: oil the oil business


is in

B. Write down each companys nationality and the kind of business they are in. For example: banking, insurance, catering, etc NATIONALITY BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS

__________________ _________________ _____________________

__________________ _________________ _____________________

__________________ _________________ _____________________

__________________ _________________ _____________________

A. Compare with your partner like this: A) Bellsouth is an American Company. B) I think the headquarters are in Miami. A) No, theyre not in Miami. I think theyre in Atlanta.

B) Thats right. They are. B. Find out about your partners company and make notes. Ask questions like these: Who do you work for? Is that a European company? Where are the headquarters? Do you have branches in America?

Now tell some other learners about your partners company like this: David works for Phillips. Its a Dutch company. Its headquarters are in Rotterdam It has branches in Brazil and Spain.

READING Pre- Reading Activity Activity:

1. Do you know what YouTube is? 2. Do you have a YouTube account?

Read the company description and fill in the information required. information
YouTube was founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley (born in 1977 in USA), Steve Chen (born in 1978 in Taiwan) and Jawed Karim (born in 1979 in Germany) who were all early employees of PayPal. YouTube is the leader in online video, sharing original ori videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email. The headquarters are in California. Everyone can watch videos on YouTu YouTube. People can see firsthand accounts of current events, find videos about their hobbies and interests, and discover the quirky and unusual. As more people capture special moments on video, YouTube is empowering them to become the broadcasters of tomorrow In tomorrow. November 2006, within a year of its launch, YouTube was purchased by Google Inc. in one of the most talked talked-about acquisitions to date. YouTube has struck numerous partnership deals with content providers such as CBS, BBC, Universal Music Group, Sony Music Group, Warner Music Group, NBA, The usic Sundance Channel and many more. In June 2007 YouTube launched local versions in Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the U.K. Additionally in June, Apples iPhone launched with a Yo YouTube application, further extending YouTubes penetration in the mobile market.

A. Make some sentences about the companies like this: PepsiCo makes soft drinks. Ford Samsung Nestl Polar Microsoft Food motor vehicles. phones computers beer.

makes manufactures sells

B. Study these examples.

Third person singular and plural

Nissan It Nissan and Ford They

makes manufactures. make manufacture.

motor vehicles.

motor vehicles.

Questions in the third person Does Hyundai make motorcycles? Do Nissan and Ford manufacture trucks? What does Hyundai make? What do Nissan and Ford manufacture?

Short answers Yes, it does. (No, it doesnt) Yes, they do. (No, they dont)

C. Complete these questions with is, are, do or does and answer them with the information in the box.
A- Computers. B- Yes, it does. C- No, it isn't. D- Photographic equipment. E-No, they aren't. F- Yes, they do _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

________________ American express in the insurance business? What ________________ Fuji sell? ________________ FIAT and Ferrari make cars? ________________ Pepsi and Coca-Cola in the banking business? What ________________ IBM and Apple produce? ________________ Toyota produce cars?

A. Put the words in the box in the Manufacturing or Service section of the application form below.

Transport Aerospace Vehicles Insurance Clothing Engineering Banking Chemicals Tourism Advertising

B. Listen to someone calling International Businessweek and complete the application form. (TRACK 10)

A. Prepare a short oral introduction like this:

My name is Juan Gmez. I work for American Express. Our headquarters are in New York City. We work in the financial area. We have 76,447 employees world de and sales of $ 12.9 billion world-wide

READING Pre- Reading Activity: A. Are you saving the Environment? How? Write 5 tips (in English) (

1. ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ PLASTIC BAGS POLLUTION
Every year, around 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide. 500,000,000,000. Five hundred followed by nine zeros. That's a lot of bags. So many that over one million bags are being used every minute and they're damaging our environment Plastic bags are damaging environment.

difficult and costly to recycle and most end up on landfill sites where they take around 300 years to photodegrade. They break down into tiny toxic particles that contaminate the soil and waterways and enter the food chain when animals accidentally ingest them. ain But the problems surrounding waste plastic bags starts long before they photodegrade. Our planet is becoming increasingly contaminated by our unnecessary use of plastic bags. Big black bin liners, plastic carrier bags carrying advertising logos, clear sandwich bags and a variety of other forms are all polluting our environment. They're lightweight, handy and easily discarded. Plastic bags can be seen hanging from the branches of trees, flying in the air on windy days, settled amongst bushes and floating days, on rivers. They clog up gutters and drains causing water and sewage to overflow and become the breeding grounds of germs and bacteria that cause diseases. Animals and sea creatures are hurt and killed every day by discarded plastic bags - a dead turtle with a plastic bag hanging from its mouth isn't scarded a pleasant sight but mistaking plastic bags for food is commonplace amongst marine animals.

Because plastic bags take hundreds of years to break down, every year our seas become 'home' to more and more bags that find their way there through our sewers and waterways. Add to the enormous amounts of energy that's used every year in order to manufacture these bags and it's no surprise that pressure is being put on governments to make changes and consumers to re-think their attitudes.

Post- Reading Activity:

A. Match (using the numbers) the words to their definitions. 1. Environment 2. Landfill
___to decompose or cause to decompose chemically.

___the contamination of air, water, or soil by substances that are harmful ___liquid and solid waste carried off in sewers or drains ___division or subdivision of plant parts, such as a root.
___disposing of rubbish by covering it with earth

3. Break down 4. Soil 5. Pollution 6. Branches 7. Gutters

___the surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives ___the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock ___a channel at the edge of a street or road for carrying off surface water

8. Sewage

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