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A 1erm aper
resenLed Lo
rof Clrlla 1 Sumarla
ueparLmenL of Lngllsh
College of Soclal Sclences and PumanlLles
Mlndanao SLaLe unlverslLy
Marawl ClLy

ln arLlal lulflllmenL
Cf Lhe 8equlremenLs for Lhe Course
Lngllsh 2xx2 (College Lngllsh ll)
llrsL SemesLer 2010 2011

Zeny !ane u 8anaga
CcLober 2010

1lLle SLLL Anu ?Cu8 MLMC8?
1hesls SLaLemenL Long Lerm memory processlng requlres sufflclenL sleep and any alLeraLlon
and deflclency can hamper fuLure recall and braln funcLlonlng
lnLroducLlon uue Lo Lhe demand of everyday schedule we have Lhls hablL Lo sLudy a day before
exams 1hls paper alms Lo show awareness LhaL overnlghL sLudylng could hlnder braln recall
and relaLlvely do harm Lhan good
l Memory processlng and Lhe 8raln
A Llmblc SysLem and lLs funcLlon
8 lnformaLlon processlng sysLem
ll CvernlghL sLudylng
A PablL of MldnlghL SLudylng
8 Sleep and lL's relaLlon Lo memory
lll 8lsk lacLors of CvernlghL SLudylng
A SLress
8 8raln laLlgue
C MenLal 8lock
u PealLh 8lsks
Concluslon CvernlghL sLudylng may be helpful durlng examlnaLlon week buL we never reallze
LhaL lL can do more harm Lhan good 1hls sLudy hablL can only be helpful for shorLer Llme recall
and may glve rlsk facLors so lL's beLLer sLudy ahead of Llme and have enough sleep

LxamlnaLlon requlremenLs qulzzes and oLher paper works due Lomorrow naLurally
sLudenLs would have an overnlghL sLudylng and sleepless nlghL [usL Lo accompllsh Lhls Lask
CvernlghL sLudylng ls really popular Lo sLudenL especlally Lhose ln college College sLudenLs who
don'L know how Lo budgeL Lhelr Llme don'L sLralghLen Lhelr prlorlLles and oLhers who are [usL
Loo worrled of Lhelr grades 1he slgnlflcance of Lhls sLudy ls LhaL Lo lnform sLudenLs who have
Lhls hablL LhaL overnlghL sLudylng maybe helpful buL lL can do more harm Lhan good CvernlghL
sLudylng ls useful for a shorL span of Llme because sleep deprlvaLlon hlders braln for fuLure
1he paper alms Lo creaLe awareness noL only for Lhe sLudenLs buL also oLhers eg
parenLs Leachers offlce workers Lo name a few LhaL overnlghL sLudylng can resulL Lo serlous
problems Also Lo glve people background of how braln process lnformaLlon and lL's relaLlon Lo
span of Llme we Lake a sleep AnoLher one ls Lo deflne how sleeplessness Lrlggers memory
fallure 1hls paper would also serve as a gulde Lo answer quesLlons llke how Lhls Lrlggers our
braln Lo buffer and hard Lo plck up ldeas
1he daLa for Lhls sLudy are collecLed from Lhe Mlndanao SLaLe unlverslLy Maln Llbrary
World Wlde Web and personal knowledge MosL of Lhe lnformaLlon came from readlng of
books magazlnes and [ournals speclflcally psychologlcal and physlologlcal books or arLlcles
lnLerneL llke Wlklpedla and healLh webslLes 8y Lhorough readlng of maLerlals from credlble
sources l came up wlLh a flrm concluslon LhaL evldences show sleep as a slgnlflcanL facLor for
effecLlve braln recall Long Lerm memory processlng requlres sufflclenL sleep and any alLeraLlon
and deflclency can hamper fuLure recall and funcLlonlng

Memory plays a vlLal role ln our everyday llfe because wlLhouL lL we can'L survlve lL
helps us Lo remember Lreasurable momenLs remlnlsclng sLorles and lmporLanL deLalls abouL
ourselves and people relaLed Lo us Memory ls deflned as Lhe power or process of rememberlng
and sLorlng of Lhlngs remembered (Merlam WebsLer ulcLlonary) lL ls also deflned as Lhe
process by whlch people and oLher organlsms encode sLore and reLrleve lnformaLlon
(Memory" SepL 18 2010) needless Lo say memory ls one of Lhe funcLlon by our nervous
sysLem speclflcally Lhe llmblc sysLem
Llmblc sysLem or Lhe braln nuclelc sysLem ls an lnLerconnecLed sysLem of braln nuclelc
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe baslc needs and emoLlons such as hunger paln pleasure saLlsfacLlon sex
and lnsLlncLlve emoLlons (Llmblc sysLem" SepL 18 2010) 1he sysLem ls composed of organs
LhaL are slgnlflcanL for memory reLenLlon and lnformaLlon processlng Lhls lnclude plLulLary
gland amygdale hlppocampus mammlllary bodles Lhalamus fornlx and hypoLhalamus
lLulLary gland ls Lhe masLer of organ of Lhe endocrlne sysLem lL secreLes hormones as
chemlcal chemlcal messengers hormones LhaL Lransfer lnformaLlon and lnsLrucLlons from one
seL of cells Lo anoLher Amygdala ls an organ LhaL assoclaLes wlLh feellngs llke fear and
aggresslon and lmporLanL for vlsual learnlng and memory AnoLher one ls Lhe hlppocampus lL
ls LhoughL Lo be one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL braln sLrucLure lnvolved ln memory lL plays a
crlLlcal role ln encodlng eplsodlc memorles especlally ln blndlng elemenLs of memorles
LogeLher Lo locaLe Lhe memorles ln parLlcular Llme or place lf a person ls encodlng new
lnformaLlon lnLo memory and Lhe hlppocampus ls also acLlve durlng encodlng 1he
hypoLhalamus and Lhalamus lle underneaLh Lhe cerebrum and connecL lL Lo Lhe braln sLem
PypoLhalamus regulaLes dlrecLly ln Lhe many body's vlLal drlves and acLlvlLles llke sleep and
emoLlonal behavlour lL lnLeracLs wlLh plLulLary gland ln coordlnaLlng Lhe braln sLem Cn Lhe
oLher hand Lhalamus ls Lhe maln relay sLaLlon for lncomlng sensory slgnals Lo Lhe cerebral
corLex lornlx ls an accessory organ of llmblc sysLem 1hese organs are really lmporLanL ln
processlng lnformaLlon so each one should be funcLlonal (MlcrosofL SLudenL LncarLa SepL 19
lnformaLlon processlng ls a complex process LhaL happens ln our braln lL shows how our
braln sLore lnformaLlon and how lL can be reLrleved A sLlmulus ls any change ln Lhe
envlronmenL LhaL are sense by our organs 1hls sLlmulus resulLs Lo feedback dependlng on how
and where lL ls sLored When Lhere's sLlmulus lL ls sense by our prlmary organs and Lhls
lnformaLlon ls decoded and senL Lo prlmary assoclaLlon areas Lhen lnLo Lhe llmblc sysLem
ln Lhe llmblc sysLem lL ls where Lhe maln paLLern recognlLlon happens 1he sLlmull /
lnformaLlons are prlmarlly sLored ln Lhe sensory memory and Lhls facLs could be send Lo shorL
Lerm memory lf we glve lL aLLenLlon or paLLern recognlLlon for Lhe sLorage only lasL for second
1he encoded lnformaLlons ln Lhe shorL Lerm memory are Lhose selecLed lnformaLlon from Lhe
sensory memory 1hls shorL Lerm memory ls Lhe worklng memory or acLlve memory LhaL's why
all encoded recenL daLa are reglsLered here ueLalls could be Lransferred Lo long Lerm memory
lf we do Lhe rehearsal 8ehearsal ls parLlcularly popular sLraLegy when Lhe lnformaLlon conslsL
of verbal lLems such as dlglLs leLLers or words (Alklnson eLal 2004)
When Lhe lnformaLlon ls sLored ln Lhe long Lerm memory Lhe decay of maLerlals could
lasL as few as days or even llfeLlme 1he reLrleval of lnformaLlon from Lhls memory ls llke flndlng
a book ln a large llbrary and fallure Lo flnd 1he book doesn'L mean lL ls noL Lhere maybe you
are seeklng aL Lhe wrong place or slmply be mlsflled and Lherefore lnaccesslble 1o make lL
clear lL means LhaL Lhere ls no fallure ln sLorlng Lhe daLa buL fallure ln reLrlevlng lL
ShorL Lerm long Lerm and sensory memory sLorage area buL Lhey dlffer ln sLrucLures
and funcLlons Long Lerm memory ls a memory LhaL can lasL for as few as days or as long as
decades lf Lhe long Lerm memory ls sub[ecL Lo fadlng ln Lhe naLural forgeLLlng process buL
memorles could be reLrleve by several recall and may lasL a year dependlng on Lhe depLh of
Cn Lhe oLher hand shorL Lerm memory sLores lLems LhaL could only lasL for 18 seconds
or 30 mlnuLes lL ls a Lemporary poLenLlaLlon of neural connecLlons LhaL can become long Lerm
memory Lhrough process of rehearsal and meanlngful assoclaLlon Memorles LhaL would be
lncluded here are Lhose we have [usL learned and facLs LhaL we recenLly encounLered
Whlle sensory memory ls Lhe Lemporary memory sLorage of sLlmulus where Lhls
lnformaLlons are decoded before passed Lo our shorL Lerm or worklng memory 1hls memory
passed Lhrough decay and someLlmes lasL for a maLLer of second LveryLhlng you are senslng
rlghL now ls sLored here !usL llke how can you feel Lhe sun on your face or smell Lhe aroma of
food (Sensory memory" SepL 18 2010)
l've already dlscussed abouL Lhe memory lnformaLlon processlng and how lL Lakes place
ln our braln ln Lhe llmblc sysLem LeL's move on Lo Lhe connecLlon of sleep deprlved person due
Lo overnlghL sLudylng Lo long Lerm memory
ln Lhls sLudy overnlghL sLudylng ls deflned as Lhe learnlng hablL of an lndlvldual Lo sLay
awoke whole nlghL Lo read noLes do necessary requlremenLs and cerLaln Lask for Lomorrow's
examlnaLlon qulz or deadllne LveryLlme we do a mldnlghL sLudy we deprlved ourselves of
sleep Sleep deprlvaLlon ls characLerlzed by havlng Loo llLLle sleep lL can be elLher chronlc or
acuLe (Sleep ueprlvaLlon SepL 1 2010) 1he auLhors of nurses' ockeL Culde dlsLlngulshed lL
as a prolong perlods of Llme wlLhouL sleep susLalned naLural perlodlc suspenslon of relaLlve
8apld Lye MovemenL or 8LM ls achleved lf we go Lo sleep Accordlng Lo one
Lheory cerLaln memorles are consolldaLed durlng 8LM sleep numerous sLudles have
suggesLed LhaL 8LM sleep ls lmporLanL for procedural memory and declaraLlve memory
AnoLher ls Lhe 1arnow's Lheory long Lerm memorles are sLored ln dream formaL and as we
wake up An execuLlve funcLlon of Lhe braln lnLerpreLs long Lerm memory and checks lf lL
colncldes wlLh Lhe reallLy
LxperlmenLs on sleep also Lell LhaL as we deprlve ourselves of sleep our braln produced
slgnlflcanLly fewer new braln cells ln a parLlcular reglon of hlppocampus 1he lessenlng of braln
cells producLlon ls due lncreased of sLress hormone corLlcosLerone lf Lhe sLress hormone levels
elevaLe resulLlng from sleep deprlvaLlon lL explalns Lhe reducLlon ln cell producLlon ln Lhe
human braln
1he cell producLlon of our braln ls essenLlal ln reLrlevlng lnformaLlon from Lhe body long
Lerm memory Lhrough neuroLransmlLLers nonrapld eye movemenL sleep ls necessary for
Lurnlng off neuroLransmlLLer and allowlng Lhelr recepLors Lo resL" and regaln senslLlvlLy whlch
allows monoamlnes Lo be effecLlve aL naLurally produced levels Monoamlnes can suppress
8LM and Lhey are lnhlblLors LhaL lmprove memory (8apld Lye MovemenL SepL 7 2010) 1hls
leads Lo lmproved regulaLlon of mood and lncreased learnlng ablllLy
Many sLudles demonsLraLe LhaL a healLhy sleep produces a slgnlflcanL learnlng
dependenL performance boosL PealLhy sleep musL lnclude Lhe approprlaLe sequence and
proporLlon of n8LM and 8LM phases whlch play dlfferenL roles ln Lhe memory consolldaLlon
opLlmlzaLlon process As l've menLloned earller procedural and declaraLlve memorles beneflL
from sleep buL Lhey dlffer ln ways rocedural memory afLer sleep resulLs Lo lncrease ln
performance whlle declaraLlve memory resulLs Lo prevenLlon of Lhe decay of memory and
acLlvely flx Lhe sLored lnformaLlon lL has also found LhaL afLer sleep Lhere ls an lncreased
lnslghL whlch ls a sudden galn of expllclL knowledge
CvernlghL sLudylng mlghL be helpful for you buL we should Lake lnLo accounL LhaL Lhls ls
an abuse Lo our braln Abuse LhaL may cause rlsks and worsL effecLs on us menLally and
physlcally 1hls paper would Lackle some of Lhese effecLs whlch lnclude menLal block
mlcrosleeps faLlgue sLress and serlous dlseases such as hearL dlsease and menLal lllnesses
lncludlng psychosls and blpolar dlsorder
Cne of the effects |s the menta| b|ock we ofLen feel lL when we Lake exams LhaL
we've [usL sLudled MenLal block ls elLher a represslon of palnful LhoughLs or an lnablllLy Lo
conLlnue a Lraln of LhoughL llke ln Lhe case of wrlLer's block(MenLal 8lock SepL 72010) A
slmllar phenomenon occurs when one cannoL solve a problem ln maLhemaLlcs whlch one would
normally conslder slmple
M|cros|eeps occur when a person has a slgnlflcanL sleep deprlvaLlon 1he
braln auLomaLlcally shuLs down falllng lnLo a sleep sLaLe for a perlod LhaL can lasL from a second
Lo half a mlnuLe (Sleep deprlvaLlon SepL72010) 1hey are slmllar Lo blackouLs and a person
experlenclng Lhem ls noL consclously aware LhaL Lhey are occurrlng
f ls an overwhelmlng susLalned sense of exhausLlon and decreased
capaclLy for physlcal and menLal work aL usual (nurses' ockeL Culde)
Stress ls a blg problem on our socleLy Some 73 percenL of bodlly dlsease ls
sald Lo be sLress relaLe SLress ls an ofLen facLor ln hearL dlsease and cancer Lwo leadlng causes
of of deaLh (SclenLlflc Amerlcan 297) lL ls an unpleasanL sLaLe of emoLlonal and physlologlcal
arousal LhaL people experlence ln slLuaLlons LhaL Lhey percelve as dangerous or LhreaLenlng Lo
wellbelng lL ls a resulL of people's Loo much braln exhausLlon
kLM s|eep depr|vat|on may allevlaLe cllnlcal depresslon because lL mlmlcs
selecLlve seroLonln reupLake lnhlblLs and Lhls depresslon ls a cause of blpolar dlsorder 8lpolar
dlsorder ls a menLal lllness ln whlch person's mood alLernaLes beLween exLreme manla and
1hese are [usL a few of Lhe effecLs of sleep deprlvaLlon due Lo overnlghL sLudylng
llrsL lL may be a slmple defecL on your braln buL lL could worsen lf we conLlnue dolng lL

opular saylng can reflecL Lhe noLlon LhaL remolded memorles produce new creaLlve
assoclaLlons ln Lhe mornlng and LhaL performance ofLen lmproves a Llme lnLerval LhaL lncludes
sleep 8ecause of noL sleeplng mosL of Lhe deLalls or lnformaLlon we've [usL sLudy are sLored ln
Lhe shorL Lerm memory and lL ls noL Lransferred Lo our long Lerm memory for we dldn'L reach
Lhe 8LM phase ShorL Lerm memory has a llmlLed capaclLy of sLorage and some of Lhe lnlLlally
reglsLered flles were dlsplaced by recenL lnformaLlon lL's Lhe cause why we forgeL whaL we've
[usL read and we buffer when we analyzed an ldea a slgnal LhaL our braln has already
We compare our braln Lo a machlne LhaL [usL llke a machlne used over and over agaln
suffers overheaLlng our braln also suffers an exhausLlon and faLlgue lf lL ls noL glven a Llme Lo
Lake a resL Cur braln Lakes seven Lo nlne hours makeup of sleep for lL Lo geL Lhe amounL of
resL lL needs Lo funcLlon effecLlvely and efflclenLly
Cur llfe especlally Lhose ln college could be really demandlng LhaL lL glves us Lhe reason
why we Lurn nlghLs lnLo days 1hls lncludes lmposslble long requlremenL and sLudy sLuff LhaL
should be done a week ago or graveyard shlfL ln pulllng a sleepless nlghL CvernlghL sLudylng
can do more harm Lhan good so lL's beLLer lf we accompllsh everyLhlng days before deadllne or
sLudy a week before exams and do a power sleep

Jorks |ted
Memory" Merrlam WebsLer ulcLlonary
Alklnson 8lLa L 8lchard C Alklnson Ldward L SmlLh and uaryl ! 8en lnLroducLlon Lo
sychology ParcourL 8race College ubllshes elevenLh edlLlon
SclenLlflc Amerlcan lnLroducLlon Lo sychology"
uoenges Marllynn L Mary lrances Moorhouse and Allce C Murr nurses' ockeL Culde
(ulagnose rlorlLlzed lnLervenLlon and 8aLllonales) hlladelphla ennsylvanla lA
uavls Company 2008
Memory" MlcrosofL SLudenL LncarLaSepLember 182010
Llmblc SysLem" MlcrosofL SLudenL LncarLaSepLember 182010
Sensory Memory" LncarLa klds SepLember 182010
SepLember 1 2010
movemenL_sleep#Memory_relaLed_Lheorles SepLember 72010
MenLal 8lock" hLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/MenLal _8lock SepLember 72010

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