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+ BAR XGotd,coast,eueenstand,

Tiana Templemanteststhe old adaple that a restaurantwith a uiewfalls short on thefood

Holiday is dining sometimes a beachpicnic: like Viehasan enviable location it'softenthe but weren't my own equally for impressive duck it onlytakesa few grittybitsto spoilan little things thatelevate gooddining a experience confit, haveserious l'd entree enw. othen,rise enjoyable experience. Things poor to something glasses water like special. Chilled of Tables beginning fillbutthe waiter are to service, lacklustre meals overpriced and drinks arebrought ourtableimmediately, when to and doesn't missa beat,whisking awayour plates areguaranteed bringon a "tropical to thewaiter askshowourdayhasbeenhe seems and bringing backthe winelistso we can depression" evena perfect that genuinely summer's day interested our reply. in choose glass accompany mainmeal. a to our can'tfix.Especially whenyou've forked for out We'reon a tightbudget thistrip,so decide Whenwe askfor a recommendation, brings for he babysitting enjoy to someprecious alone. time on the soecial lunch menu whichoffers settwo a few bottlesfor us to try and provides a helpful Withjusta few hours lunch the Gold for on or threecourses $39 and $45 respectively. for andinformed suggestions. is spoton and Each Coastwithout little a onein tow,my husband It'sa great dealbutthisdoesn't stopme we aredelighted ourrespective with choices, wantsto dinesomewhere that's surebet. a checking the regular out menu: surprisingly although husband somewhat thrilled it's my is less Unfortunately alsohashisheartset on a he wellpriced, withmostmains under whenhisburger anives. on a standard lt's bread $40.We view. According foodcriticJohnLethlean, to have fourdishes choose to fromwiththe special rolland he'sdisappointed, insisting since that there's old ruleaboutrestaurants: better an the but the regular menuoffers twicethat and ls we'redining a five-star at establishment it theview, worse food.Based past the the you on refreshingly of anyshowiness might free should a five-star be burger, something not he experience, inclined agree but perhaps I'm to couldmakeat home.Fortunatelybiteof my a todaywillbe different. zestyprawnlinguine tossed withchilli, lemon T h er e g u l am e n ui s r VieBar+ Restaurant the swishfive-star at green andbright snowpeascheers up him , s u r p r i s i n g l y l lp r i c e dw i t h we hotelPalazzo Versace comehighly has immedlately. m o s tm a i n s n d e r 4 0 u $ recommended muchto my husband's and, Dessert a big ask at this stage- servings is delight, viewis superb. whatabout the But havebeengenerous butthe oppoftunity to the food? expect froma designer goodchocolate hotel. Sure, there's a share seriously a brownie too is Smartlinen-covered prancing tables anda goodto passup. Lunch spatchcock around the mains in with concludes duelling professional provide hintof things welcome a instead a humble section of chook,but at a dessert spoons for visit. and plans a return to comeas we takea seatat a tablefor two venue thisyouwouldalmost disappointed Nexttjmewe'llorderoffthe regular like be menuand let overlooking sparkling the GoldCoast if there wasn't. thisfashion-driven restaurant really workit, baby, jostlefor spaceat the Broadwater. Mega-yacflts Lunchis off to an impressive with my start workit. I private hotel's marina seagulls along and strut porkbelly husband's entree slow-roasted of Note:ln November(afterthis visit),Palazzo thewooden boardwalk theyownthe place, served like witha crunchy apple Not salad. onlyis it Versace took on a new executivechef, displaying sassiness a worlhyof Donatella visually previously JupitersHotel appealing, sweetness the appleis the of GeoffHaviland, of \ /^.^^^^ h^-^^tt VEIDdUE I IUIJUII. pork.lf it the perfect for the richly foil flavoured and Casino, themenumay change. so


Australian Traveller w AM/ alstraliantrave ler.cont I

HOTFI iii:Si,4i,Jir.111,"t EEMEItr

"Vie'sttncomphcatedntenu flts the relaxed indooroutdoor drnrngroom, tl'tottgh the terrace's maTtnavtew of multimilltotl-dollar yachts ls all glamour. Desse,4saren't Vie's strong suit, so finisli with Austrahancheese and a wine match from a list offering good Gourmet by-the-glass vanety" - Australlan Restaurant Guide 2012Australian Traveller

who paid her own way TianaTempleman, says: and visitedanonymously, "Vie restored my faith in restattrantswith a view, serving thoughtfullycooked food with a focus on seasonalpt'oduce artd etlough pizzazzto keeplfu)gs inletestllg. Se,vice doesn'l nrlss a beat, even when the place
with FROM Banamundi tarragon. and Quail CL0CKWISE LEFT: the area The cress salad. viewover parking (!).Scallop, watermelon Jetta and salad.

gets busy. lt's the kind of restaurant that makes it tempting to linger "

l lilr.r;otl l:draliarrlrtl'.c Traveller \\rff,.r'1.an Australian I

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